How do people survive on minimum wage?

Again... People are not supposed to survive on minimum wage, they are supposed to work hard and move up the ladder to more successful jobs... Not be content to make a career out of a dead end job, then bitch that they aren't getting enough money to live on. Sorry... Nobody's problem but their own, and consumers should not have to be forced to offset the higher costs of raising minimum wage (through higher prices of goods and services) because someone wants to make a career out of a menial job.
You don't think minimum wage should be raised? It has to go up, in order to keep up with rising costs of living!

It should be eliminated. It's a job killer.
And I am not buying your assertion that fast food workers in Australia are paid $18 and hour.
I have questions for you..
What is the primary function of a business?
For what reason are businesses created?

Would you like me to take a photo of a pay sheet and prove to you that a casual worker at McDonalds, over the age of 21, DOES, in fact, earn over $18 an hour, before tax?
Australia has IT'S methods because those methods work for THEM. Those methods CANNOT work here. Boosting pay for no/low skill workers not only would create massive inflation, it would bankrupt most small busineses.
The questions I asked of you please.....Answer them. Thanks.
There's plenty of wealth to go around if it is divided in a fairly reasonably way.

There's enough wealth for the wealthy to continue to be very wealthy, and still enough for the workers to have a decent quality of life.

There is enough wealth, folks.

There just isn't the political will to spread it around.

That would have to be accomplished by political fiat.
That fiat would result in the illegal and arbitrary confiscation of the rightful property of some and the 'gifting' of that theft to those who did not earn it.
Question, how long do you think it would take for those with the means to either renounce their US citizenship or simply move to other countries to avoid this government 'taking'?
Who told yo that "with birth comes a guaranteed entitlement to a "comfortable life"?
Define "comfortable life".
How many of the wealthy Hollywood elite liberals such as George Clooney and Alec Baldwin would pull their support for the democrats if this ridiculous idea of yours ever came to fruition?
I don't see how living on minimum wage is possible if you have rent, food, transportation but I see it as usually a supplement to other income at least in southern california where everything is so expensive. Like for instance the husband has a better paying job and the wife works at walmart part time for extras. The waitress jobs to have tips so hopefully customers tip well.

Or you dont live in California or New York or Michigan or any other liberal ran state

Your medications are not working so well. See the doctor about a reevaluation.

Again, "folks can not survive on the minimum wage with a family of 4" is a BS argument.
If you are on the minimum wage YOU HAVE NO BUSINESS HAVING CHILDREN.
Again, "folks can not survive on the minimum wage with a family of 4" is a BS argument.
If you are on the minimum wage YOU HAVE NO BUSINESS HAVING CHILDREN.

People can't survive on their own on mw wage anymore.....What? are they suppose to not exist?

BTW, at the rapid rates jobs are leaving this country and guest workers are brought in, a lot of people who had good jobs are now back on mw wage, what are they suppose to do with the kids they had when they could support them?
Again, "folks can not survive on the minimum wage with a family of 4" is a BS argument.
If you are on the minimum wage YOU HAVE NO BUSINESS HAVING CHILDREN.

People can't survive on their own on mw wage anymore.....What? are they suppose to not exist?

BTW, at the rapid rates jobs are leaving this country and guest workers are brought in, a lot of people who had good jobs are now back on mw wage, what are they suppose to do with the kids they had when they could support them?

They are supposed TO TRAIN THEMSELVES for what the market demands.
Plenty of job openings in HVAC, plumbing, auto repair, IT, nursing and many other jobs.
"rapid rates jobs are leaving this country" is a liberal MYTH.
Jobs do not leave countries. Jobs are created through supply, demand and COMPETITITON.
If citizens decide a product is better made and cheaper to buy from an overseas company the job did not leave, THE CONSUMER chose.
Capitalism at it's finest.
If people become non competitive because of their LACK OF SKILLS it usually is because they are too lazy to go out and learn something else.
America used not to be this way.
Nearly 2/3's of the 2.2% of American workers that are paid minimum wage work in the food service industry and they receive tips that more than supplement that income. In reality less than 1% of American workers truly are paid minimum wage.

This is yet another manufactured issue that the left constantly insists the government must take action.

and the other 1/3 are probably

1, teenagers
2. retirees
3. wives bringing home a little extra

PS I have worked minimum and just over minimum. I eventually found a better paying job.
But minimum was better than nothing for that period of time.
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Protecting our borders is not politically correct and therefore unacceptable.


But the price of that poltiical correctness is dilution of the labor pool so that a lot of labor is worth less.
Yes. On the lower ends of the pay scale and skill levels, this is true.
I find it ironic that those on the left are in support of diluting immigration laws or even amnesty.
More confusing is that union leadership also favors open borders.
If anything, unions should be opposed to any condition which has the potential of lowering wages.
The theory is that those on the left believe that Latinos will vote in lockstep for democrats.
The other is union bosses believe these immigrants are potential union members.
Once again, the left exposes itself as a fraud. They claim to have compassion but the reality is they care only for how these people can be used for political advantage.

We are in a border state and are a quasi-sanctuary state to boot so we have a LOT of illegals here. We would have a lot more if it wasn't for New Mexico's piss poor economy with private enterprise suppressed for decades by a mostly anti-business legislature and top heavy dependence on federal government installations and subcontractors. Even the illegals often move on for better pickings elsewhere.

But we still have more than our fair share here with bloated prison populations, crowded to overflowing emergency rooms, overstressed social services, an unacceptably high crime rate, and floundering schools to prove it. (The crime rate reached a peak due to influx of illegals during the best economy of the Bush years--has been declining as the economy has weakened and there isn't so high an influx of illegals but is still far too high.)

But in my business I saw the P & L's and bottom line of lots and lots of small contracting businesses. Those who had customers who demanded the proper licenses, insurance, bonding, etc. were doing okay. But those who had to compete against those hiring illegals were not doing okay because they simply could not compete. How do you compete against a business that isn't insured, doesn't pay work comp, doesn't report income, pays their employees on a piece basis (under the table) rather than a legal wage? And what illegal is going to protest and thus call attention to his immigration status?
People should not apply for low paying jobs. Leave them unfilled. Anything that pays $7.25 an hour should never be considered a job in the first place.
People should not apply for low paying jobs. Leave them unfilled. Anything that pays $7.25 an hour should never be considered a job in the first place.

I disagree. When you need work, responsible people take the best job available to them and if that happens to be minimum wage, then so be it. I've certainly done that more than once. I then make it my personal goal to be worth so much to my employer that he won't keep me at minimum wage, or will send me on with his blessings when I find something better. A person employed even at minimum wage, if he is a good employee and an asset to his employer, is more attractive to another employer than is somebody who has been drawing unemployment for two years.
" person employed even at minimum wage, if he is a good employee and an asset to his employer, is more attractive to another employer than is somebody who has been drawing unemployment for two years. "

I'm not talking about collecting unemployment. I'm talking about hustling and finding a higher paying job. Minimum wage means showing up and doing the bare minimum. Thats it. No more. As soon as a higher paying job comes along out you go, no notice, no letter, nothing. I did it 3 times in my life and each time felt this rush of elation. Of course I knew I was going into a higher paying better job each time. But I never have given a notice of quitting in my life. I dont owe that to anyone.
No need to re evaluate. There's jobs out there if you put enough time in looking. No doubt much harder to find I know but they do exist.
The nice thing about minimum wage jobs is your employer cares not if you walk off the job. They arent concerned about keeping their employees, even their best ones. Anyone can fill those jobs.
The question should be is WHY anyone would tolerate Government picking winnders and losers.

WHY is thier a minimumwage? Because it Gives UNIONS room to jack UP thier prices for thier money laundering with politicians.

Certain Statists ARE correct on these boards...'Free Market' Doesn't exist...because we have Politicians making sure it doesn't.

YOU get paid for what you're worth.

countries with strong labour movements are generally strong countries.

what you see in countries without labour movements is abject poverty, child labour, little or no safety standards etc etc etc. what you see in countries without strong and healthy labour movements are third world countries.

the free market is the problem. it out sources good american jobs for profit.

the free market allowed the british to starve the irish.
The question should be is WHY anyone would tolerate Government picking winnders and losers.

WHY is thier a minimumwage? Because it Gives UNIONS room to jack UP thier prices for thier money laundering with politicians.

Certain Statists ARE correct on these boards...'Free Market' Doesn't exist...because we have Politicians making sure it doesn't.

YOU get paid for what you're worth.

countries with strong labour movements are generally strong countries.

what you see in countries without labour movements is abject poverty, child labour, little or no safety standards etc etc etc. what you see in countries without strong and healthy labour movements are third world countries.

the free market is the problem. it out sources good american jobs for profit.

the free market allowed the british to starve the irish.

Labour Unions are MONEY LAUNDERING MACHINES for politicians. Make NO mistake. :eusa_hand:
The question should be is WHY anyone would tolerate Government picking winnders and losers.

WHY is thier a minimumwage? Because it Gives UNIONS room to jack UP thier prices for thier money laundering with politicians.

Certain Statists ARE correct on these boards...'Free Market' Doesn't exist...because we have Politicians making sure it doesn't.

YOU get paid for what you're worth.

countries with strong labour movements are generally strong countries.

what you see in countries without labour movements is abject poverty, child labour, little or no safety standards etc etc etc. what you see in countries without strong and healthy labour movements are third world countries.

the free market is the problem. it out sources good american jobs for profit.

the free market allowed the british to starve the irish.

How economically and historically illiterate.

If anything, the Great Famine represents the effects of misguided government interference in an economy and religious bigotry. Catholics were prohibited from owning land and getting an education, among other things. All reform did was turn Catholics into virtually sharecroppers.

That's hardly representative of Free Market Capitalism.
"Labour Unions are MONEY LAUNDERING MACHINES for politicians. Make NO mistake. "

Considering how little of the population actually belongs to a union I dont see unions as any kind of threat and the money they raise is zero in compared to the power of the elite rich and their contributions. I'll say it again and again....any company that tries to cut labor costs year in and year out is a company that is practicing poor business practices.
The question should be is WHY anyone would tolerate Government picking winnders and losers.

WHY is thier a minimumwage? Because it Gives UNIONS room to jack UP thier prices for thier money laundering with politicians.

Certain Statists ARE correct on these boards...'Free Market' Doesn't exist...because we have Politicians making sure it doesn't.

YOU get paid for what you're worth.

countries with strong labour movements are generally strong countries.

what you see in countries without labour movements is abject poverty, child labour, little or no safety standards etc etc etc. what you see in countries without strong and healthy labour movements are third world countries.

the free market is the problem. it out sources good american jobs for profit.

the free market allowed the british to starve the irish.

Labour Unions are MONEY LAUNDERING MACHINES for politicians. Make NO mistake. :eusa_hand:

horseshite. they donate to political campaigns just like everyone else. hey, maybe we shoulfd pass a law that says only business enterprises and CEOs can give to pokiyicak campaigns,

the thing is too, if unions weren't around, everyone would be at minimum wage. if a union negotiates a $20/hr ccomtract for their workers, private enterprise is going to have come close to keep their employees.

if you think keepin' people down is the answer, then go walk into some poor neighbourhood with your fat wallet late at night and you will see very quickly the effects of low wages.

eliminate the unions and you have no middle class.
Eh... Didn't read the whole thread. Figure I'll say this and likely leave it alone.

If you get paid a minimum wage then you are one of two things. A dependent of someone else, or the equivalent of a modern day serf.

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