How do people who don’t live in America claim America is racist country?

Hey look, the Black mayor of Ferguson, James Knowles III. Woo hoo. Must be the 'one drop' thing, eh?

Miss what mother fucker? It was a mostly white country?
Miss that the White Supremacist Ideology of Germany was known before the camps were liberated, fuckwit?
And? It was an ideology. No one knew how truly evil it was until it was too late. You mother fucker. Nazis killed 95% of my family. I am a Jew and my mom and dad are from the old Soviet Union. I know a lot more than you on the subject. America is not systematically racist. That’s a narrative that the leftists spew in order to continue garnering 90% of the black vote. Cause if it drops to say 75% they are done.
More fake news narrative.
Yeah, right.

The review found that 95% of people detained at the city jail for more than two days between April and September 2014 were black. During the same period, black defendants were 68% less likely than others to have their cases dismissed.

Dismissing the notion that the discrepancies could be explained simply by a “difference in the rate at which people of different races violate the law”, the Justice Department investigators pointed to “substantial evidence of racial bias” among court and police officials.
And? It was an ideology. No one knew how truly evil it was until it was too late.
I believe it was you who said it wasn't known. I bet you don't even know the history of the Ship of Fools while you witter on in your exceptional ignorance.
Hey look, the Black mayor of Ferguson, James Knowles III. Woo hoo. Must be the 'one drop' thing, eh?

More fake news narrative.
Yeah, right.

The review found that 95% of people detained at the city jail for more than two days between April and September 2014 were black. During the same period, black defendants were 68% less likely than others to have their cases dismissed.

Dismissing the notion that the discrepancies could be explained simply by a “difference in the rate at which people of different races violate the law”, the Justice Department investigators pointed to “substantial evidence of racial bias” among court and police officials.
The Guardian….LOL

Yep more unbiased news sources…maybe you should quote Pravda on how great and fair Stalin was.
Here's some more fake news...

1. The demographics of the Ferguson police do not represent the community

The small city of Ferguson has changed from predominantly white to having a majority black population in the last few decades. In 1970, Ferguson was 99% white; now, the city has a 29% white population and 67% black. The police department, however, does not reflect the demographics of the town's residents — only three of the 53-officer department are black. The police chief, Thomas Jackson, is white.
Gods. It's amazing the narratives Tim Scott's friends on this thread have swallowed whole then regurgitated. These narratives bear no relation to reality, which is derided as fake news.

One can see why they are so grateful to Tim, where else would they get any sort of validation whatsoever?
Ferguson? Where everyone in power was black from the mayor to police chief. LOL
One wouldn't believe it if it wasn't in black and white. This latest demonstration makes the extent of the delusions about race in America more clear.
What rights do I, a Jewish male have that a black or Hispanic American does not? Take your time.
Driving while Hebrew.

Prove it. You don’t even live here. How do you know blacks get pulled over simply for being black? You idiot!

Ferguson’s population is 67% African American, according to the 2010 census. Yet between 2012 and 2014, 93% of all arrests were of black people and almost nine in 10 uses of force were against African Americans. In all 14 bites by police dogs when racial information of the person bitten was available, that person was African American.
The review found 85% of drivers stopped by police were black, and that African American drivers were twice as likely as white drivers to be searched. Yet black drivers were more than 25% less likely to be found in possession of illegal substances or goods. African American drivers were much more likely than whites to be cited for driving offences when these were observed by police officers in person rather than detected by radar or similar technology.
So that's how people who don't live in the country can know America is racist.

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