How do red-blooded Americans feel about Islam?

Called to the Pinella County, Florida Islamic Center, November of this year:

“Yes, I’m a red-blooded American watching the news in France. I’m over this shit. I’m calling all mosques in Pinellas County. I’m bringing it to you baby, I’m tired of this shit. Guard your children. I don’t care if you are extremists or not. I’m tired of your shit. Get out of my fucking country. I am going to bomb your fucking location. My name is Martin Schnitzler and you can fucking come and find me and report me whenever you want. I am going to fucking take you guys down. I’m sick of you sand n*****s fucking the world up. Fuck you. Fuck Allah. We’ll see how you like it when someone firebombs your fucking place, starts shooting people at will in our country. I’m taking the war to you and I’m going to have a big following. We’re over this shit. You’re not the only mosque in this call. Everyone is getting this call tonight. Fuck you.”

Cue Lee Greenwood!


34 Times American Muslims Suffered Discrimination In The Past Month

and this red blooded American's second call:

“Yes, I was calling in respect to the event on the 23rd and 24th of October, as well as the picnic on the 18th of October. I’ve already missed all that. But I’m basically going through your calendar and I just wanted to let you know with all this coming up with what’s going on in France, we’re tired of your shit and I’m going to fucking personally have a militia that’s going to come down to your Islamic Society in Pinellas County and firebomb you, shoot whoever’s there on sight in the head. I don’t care if they’re fucking 2 years old or 100. I’m over your fucking shit and the whole country. Check out Facebook. Check out postings. This attack in France is the last straw, and, you know, fuck you, fuck Allah, fuck your sand n****r fucking ass pit. Get the fuck out of my country. And my name is Martin Schnitzler. Come find me, please. Please report me because I would love, love it. You’re going to fucking die, Masjid Sunnah, or whatever the fuck your name is, you fucking sand n****r.”

Take note, apparently this guy thinks he has a militia.

I wonder if it's 'well regulated'?

Yes we know you far left drones love and support ISIS without question or hesitation..

The rightwinger you're defending didn't call ISIS.

Run that narrative far left drone, run that religious narrative without question or hesitation..

Another far left drone that supports ISIS without question or hesitation..
Called to the Pinella County, Florida Islamic Center, November of this year:

“Yes, I’m a red-blooded American watching the news in France. I’m over this shit. I’m calling all mosques in Pinellas County. I’m bringing it to you baby, I’m tired of this shit. Guard your children. I don’t care if you are extremists or not. I’m tired of your shit. Get out of my fucking country. I am going to bomb your fucking location. My name is Martin Schnitzler and you can fucking come and find me and report me whenever you want. I am going to fucking take you guys down. I’m sick of you sand n*****s fucking the world up. Fuck you. Fuck Allah. We’ll see how you like it when someone firebombs your fucking place, starts shooting people at will in our country. I’m taking the war to you and I’m going to have a big following. We’re over this shit. You’re not the only mosque in this call. Everyone is getting this call tonight. Fuck you.”

Cue Lee Greenwood!


34 Times American Muslims Suffered Discrimination In The Past Month

and this red blooded American's second call:

“Yes, I was calling in respect to the event on the 23rd and 24th of October, as well as the picnic on the 18th of October. I’ve already missed all that. But I’m basically going through your calendar and I just wanted to let you know with all this coming up with what’s going on in France, we’re tired of your shit and I’m going to fucking personally have a militia that’s going to come down to your Islamic Society in Pinellas County and firebomb you, shoot whoever’s there on sight in the head. I don’t care if they’re fucking 2 years old or 100. I’m over your fucking shit and the whole country. Check out Facebook. Check out postings. This attack in France is the last straw, and, you know, fuck you, fuck Allah, fuck your sand n****r fucking ass pit. Get the fuck out of my country. And my name is Martin Schnitzler. Come find me, please. Please report me because I would love, love it. You’re going to fucking die, Masjid Sunnah, or whatever the fuck your name is, you fucking sand n****r.”

Take note, apparently this guy thinks he has a militia.

I wonder if it's 'well regulated'?

I dropped vulgar language from my vocabulary when I grew up, so I am not very fond of the gratuitous use thereof.

No problem with the rest of the post.
Called to the Pinella County, Florida Islamic Center, November of this year:

“Yes, I’m a red-blooded American watching the news in France. I’m over this shit. I’m calling all mosques in Pinellas County. I’m bringing it to you baby, I’m tired of this shit. Guard your children. I don’t care if you are extremists or not. I’m tired of your shit. Get out of my fucking country. I am going to bomb your fucking location. My name is Martin Schnitzler and you can fucking come and find me and report me whenever you want. I am going to fucking take you guys down. I’m sick of you sand n*****s fucking the world up. Fuck you. Fuck Allah. We’ll see how you like it when someone firebombs your fucking place, starts shooting people at will in our country. I’m taking the war to you and I’m going to have a big following. We’re over this shit. You’re not the only mosque in this call. Everyone is getting this call tonight. Fuck you.”

Cue Lee Greenwood!


34 Times American Muslims Suffered Discrimination In The Past Month

and this red blooded American's second call:

“Yes, I was calling in respect to the event on the 23rd and 24th of October, as well as the picnic on the 18th of October. I’ve already missed all that. But I’m basically going through your calendar and I just wanted to let you know with all this coming up with what’s going on in France, we’re tired of your shit and I’m going to fucking personally have a militia that’s going to come down to your Islamic Society in Pinellas County and firebomb you, shoot whoever’s there on sight in the head. I don’t care if they’re fucking 2 years old or 100. I’m over your fucking shit and the whole country. Check out Facebook. Check out postings. This attack in France is the last straw, and, you know, fuck you, fuck Allah, fuck your sand n****r fucking ass pit. Get the fuck out of my country. And my name is Martin Schnitzler. Come find me, please. Please report me because I would love, love it. You’re going to fucking die, Masjid Sunnah, or whatever the fuck your name is, you fucking sand n****r.”

Take note, apparently this guy thinks he has a militia.

I wonder if it's 'well regulated'?

I dropped vulgar language from my vocabulary when I grew up, so I am not very fond of the gratuitous use thereof.

No problem with the rest of the post.

So you endorse polite terroristic threats. lol, why am I not surprised.
Called to the Pinella County, Florida Islamic Center, November of this year:

“Yes, I’m a red-blooded American watching the news in France. I’m over this shit. I’m calling all mosques in Pinellas County. I’m bringing it to you baby, I’m tired of this shit. Guard your children. I don’t care if you are extremists or not. I’m tired of your shit. Get out of my fucking country. I am going to bomb your fucking location. My name is Martin Schnitzler and you can fucking come and find me and report me whenever you want. I am going to fucking take you guys down. I’m sick of you sand n*****s fucking the world up. Fuck you. Fuck Allah. We’ll see how you like it when someone firebombs your fucking place, starts shooting people at will in our country. I’m taking the war to you and I’m going to have a big following. We’re over this shit. You’re not the only mosque in this call. Everyone is getting this call tonight. Fuck you.”

Cue Lee Greenwood!


34 Times American Muslims Suffered Discrimination In The Past Month

and this red blooded American's second call:

“Yes, I was calling in respect to the event on the 23rd and 24th of October, as well as the picnic on the 18th of October. I’ve already missed all that. But I’m basically going through your calendar and I just wanted to let you know with all this coming up with what’s going on in France, we’re tired of your shit and I’m going to fucking personally have a militia that’s going to come down to your Islamic Society in Pinellas County and firebomb you, shoot whoever’s there on sight in the head. I don’t care if they’re fucking 2 years old or 100. I’m over your fucking shit and the whole country. Check out Facebook. Check out postings. This attack in France is the last straw, and, you know, fuck you, fuck Allah, fuck your sand n****r fucking ass pit. Get the fuck out of my country. And my name is Martin Schnitzler. Come find me, please. Please report me because I would love, love it. You’re going to fucking die, Masjid Sunnah, or whatever the fuck your name is, you fucking sand n****r.”

Take note, apparently this guy thinks he has a militia.

I wonder if it's 'well regulated'?
Let's see Muslims killed 150 something people in a couple weeks and there were 34 acts of discrimiation that didn't kill anyone

Aww some people got their feelings hurt

That's so much worse than being dead I guess

Nice defense. I'll try that the next time I get a speeding ticket. "Hey! Who's dead!?"

Just as long as no one hurt your wittle feewings
look and see whats happening worldwide and most of the killing , murder and disruptions are muslim caused . Everything from mass murder , slavery and invasion of Europe are all muslim caused Carineer !!

Very selective memory there... Who invaded the ME and caused ISIL?
yeah USA went in but that's not the discussion is it . Thought it was about muslims that are murdering Yazidis and muslims if they aren't the proper sort of muslim . muslims murder Christians and anyone they like . You know that what I just said is true , next you'll be blaming muslim atrocities on the Crusades that ended 800 year ago Ted .
So... it'd be equally alright if someone called up talking about shooting cops because a few of them did some bad shit? Or someone wanted to kill some Christian's for the same reason? I mean I guess we should locking up all the white people for what some white supremacist say and do?
just keep muslims in their hellhole is all that good Americans are asking for . Even democrat 'Loretta sanchez' is saying that muslims deserve all kinds of watching and lots of caution 'Serious' .
How do red-blooded Americans feel about Islam?

As an atheist , I genuinely believe that all religions suck. Worse when governments intertwine ecclesiastical and civic law.

But looking at Muslims as human beings then Historical evidence shows that those unfortunate people were wronged:

1- In 1949 , in order to grandstand for the powerful zionut lobby, Truman dispossessed or made homeless 1,500,000 Palestinians - who with a stroke of a pen became foreigners in their own land

2- The US has given Israhell over $130 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBillion dollars which have been used to perpetrate the Palestinian Holocaust

3- In order to continue to grandstand for the zionut lobby in 1990 the US invaded Iraq where it slaughtered millions of women and children - and remained in that Country for 18 years

4- In 2015 Obama invaded Syria where it has completely destroyed that country forcing 9,000,000 Syrians to become international refugees.


It goes on the list of all ORGANIZED religions.
It's all fucking bullshit. The only couple out there that are even remotely tolerable are the Amish-Quaker-Dunkers types of Christianity and Buddhism. Those are the only true of religions of peace.
Islam and Catholicism run a close tie for largest orgs of brainwashed fuckups.. Flip a coin.

One kills your ass and gets a child molester to forgive him by authority given him Gawd ( and a committee in Rome). Rinse-repeat.It's a weekly event. Don't forget the plate "my son".

The other flavor kills your ass for brownie points given by another child molester ( MoMo) to record and give to Wallahahaha.These points are accrued over time.
Islam is REALLY fucked up in the sense of someone actually wanting 72 virgins.
Fuck that ! I want two bi-lesbo, disease free porn stars with no silicon that know how to cook !
How do red-blooded Americans feel about Islam?

As an atheist , I genuinely believe that all religions suck. Worse when governments intertwine ecclesiastical and civic law.

But looking at Muslims as human beings then Historical evidence shows that those unfortunate people were wronged:

1- In 1949 , in order to grandstand for the powerful zionut lobby, Truman dispossessed or made homeless 1,500,000 Palestinians - who with a stroke of a pen became foreigners in their own land

2- The US has given Israhell over $130 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBillion dollars which have been used to perpetrate the Palestinian Holocaust

3- In order to continue to grandstand for the zionut lobby in 1990 the US invaded Iraq where it slaughtered millions of women and children - and remained in that Country for 18 years

4- In 2015 Obama invaded Syria where it has completely destroyed that country forcing 9,000,000 Syrians to become international refugees.


And don't forget the Crusades !
just keep muslims in their hellhole is all that good Americans are asking for . Even democrat 'Loretta sanchez' is saying that muslims deserve all kinds of watching and lots of caution 'Serious' .

Loretta Sanchez is now your mentor? Dirty. lololol
It's strange how the left sides with Muslims, very strange

Strange how the right sides with the Islamiphobs
Phobia is an irrational fear. Nothing irrational about fearing the practitioners of islam.

It is when you fear the 99% of Muslims who will never commit a terrorist act or give material support to such acts.

It is when you fear the 99% of Muslims who will never commit a terrorist act or give material support to such acts.

is that anything like fearing the 99% of gun owners that will never commit a violent crime?

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