How Do You Feel About People Who Don't Keep Their Promises?

😂 funny that you should say that

Not being able to take factual criticism about tRump makes you a text book TDS snowflake ❄️
There's little or nothing factual about your criticism of Trump.

You've been taught by a dishonest press whom to hate, and you think you have justification.
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Then I have nothing more to do with them.

In the real world a man can choose to do that.
Mexico was forced to pay for every illegal we caught.
Not the same thing.

That should have been true all along regardless of whether or not a wall existed.

But it does nothing to save the Orange Baboon from the fact that he failed to build the wall and get Mexico to pay for it.
To paraphrase the saying, politicians love promises they can't keep, because they can keep making them.
"I will release my tax returns" is a recent prevarication.
You can’t unite a country when it’s full of people that don’t want to be united.

That's why we need to take Jefferson's advice and deport you vermin.

Every society has a right to fix the fundamental principles of its association, and to say to all individuals, that if they contemplate pursuits beyond the limits of these principles and involving dangers which the society chooses to avoid, they must go somewhere else for their exercise; that we want no citizens, and still less ephemeral and pseudo-citizens, on such terms. We may exclude them from our territory, as we do persons infected with disease.

Thomas Jefferson to William H. Crawford, 1816

And good riddance to you scum; you will do great in North Korea and Red China.
It's so bad that now Dems have to buy votes for $10,000 to $20,000 each in loan forgiveness and promises of reparations. They can't convince people to vote for their shit policies so they are bribing them.

As if these college grads or drop outs would have voted for Trump or some other party, without the loan forgiveness.... :lol:
There's little or nothing factual about your criticism of Trump.

You've been taught by a dishonest press whom to hate, and you think you have justification.
😂 that’s funny

tRump is a goofball that has convinced you guys that he gives a damn about you or the country

tRump only cares about tRump
Go buy a piece of the “never surrender” suit that he was wearing when he surrendered to help him out 😂

Enjoy your TDS
I think that we all know somebody like this. One person in particular that I'm thinking about is Joe Biden. He promised to unite this country and we're currently anything but.
Not keeping promises is what all politicians do, but Biden* has taken it to new levels.
The only time I can recall the country being all the unified was the period between 9/11 and GW Bush announcing his intention to invade Iraq. Any Democrat candidate is rather naive if they promise to unite the country. Heck, one has to look all the way back to Ronald Reagan for the last Republican that was able to unite just the GOP.

I figure only new voters put much stock in promises made by candidates. For people we deal with personally, promises have more meaning.
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Well, thats your fault. It takes two to tango. You guys have done nothing but thrown a temper tantrum.
Speaking of Temper Tantrums:

😂 that’s funny

tRump is a goofball that has convinced you guys that he gives a damn about you or the country

tRump only cares about tRump
Go buy a piece of the “never surrender” suit that he was wearing when he surrendered to help him out 😂

Enjoy your TDS
Again you clearly don't know what TDS is. LOL :iagree:

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