How Do You Feel About People Who Don't Keep Their Promises?

How does “seek” constitute a promise?
Biden never intended to unit America.


I think that we all know somebody like this. One person in particular that I'm thinking about is Joe Biden. He promised to unite this country and we're currently anything but.
The first promise these left wingers could keep is paying off their own college loans.
Many years ago, Democrat "activist" and lawyer in Pennsylvania named Harris Wofford won a Senate election against a very popular Republican, DIck Thornburg, by promising to implement socialized medicine. He was undeterred by the facts that it would be unconstitutional, was totally outside his control, and the promise only appealed to idiots.

It seems to me that there are several kinds of "promises" that a politician might make. Promises to "bring America together," or "make America great again," are not serious promises, and merely point to a generalized hope of the politician. In Biden's case, even that was false.

But some politicians make promises that they can keep. And in the case of Donald Trump, he is conspicuous for doing everything he said he would do, and the things he lacked the power to do, he did his best to get them done (e.g., build a wall on our southern border).
I think that we all know somebody like this. One person in particular that I'm thinking about is Joe Biden. He promised to unite this country and we're currently anything but.
Hey, remember when tRump promised us covid "disappear, like magic"?

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