How Do You Feel About People Who Don't Keep Their Promises?

As a white Christian traditionally married male I cannot vote in November. My morals prevent me from doing so.
Name me one time that he did break a promise.
Universal healthcare

Raise taxes on the rich to help pay for it

Get out of wars

You know … all the hits

That was early on when you guys were calling him an idiot and supporting Cruz and Rubio

Then his handlers changed his mind

You mean like that ?
Universal healthcare

Raise taxes on the rich to help pay for it

Get out of wars

You know … all the hits

That was early on when you guys were calling him an idiot and supporting Cruz and Rubio

Then his handlers changed his mind

You mean like that ?
Wait a minute. Who are you talking about?

You just named a few promises Biden didn't keep. :iagree:
I am unaware of Biden ever promising to unite the country

Is the OP lying again?

"ASMA KHALID, BYLINE: When Joe Biden launched his presidential campaign in May of 2019, he said he was running to restore the soul of the nation and unite the country. He's returned to this mission time and again.


PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: I pledged to be a president who seeks not to divide but unify.

I know speaking of unity can sound to some like a foolish fantasy these days.

We will be a nation of unity, of hope, of optimism, not a nation of anger, violence, hatred and division."

I think that we all know somebody like this. One person in particular that I'm thinking about is Joe Biden. He promised to unite this country and we're currently anything but.
I am still waiting for all those celebrities that promised to move out of the United States, to fulfill that promise. Nothing but crappy liars all of them...

tRump wanted universal healthcare

biden said that he would veto it if it was put on his desk
"ASMA KHALID, BYLINE: When Joe Biden launched his presidential campaign in May of 2019, he said he was running to restore the soul of the nation and unite the country. He's returned to this mission time and again.


PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: I pledged to be a president who seeks not to divide but unify.

I know speaking of unity can sound to some like a foolish fantasy these days.

We will be a nation of unity, of hope, of optimism, not a nation of anger, violence, hatred and division."

How does “seek” constitute a promise?
I think that we all know somebody like this. One person in particular that I'm thinking about is Joe Biden. He promised to unite this country and we're currently anything but.
What did you expect?

Joe is a leftard.

(And not a particularly smart one at that).

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