How Do You Feel About People Who Don't Keep Their Promises?

That's your programming, not us.
Nobody likes you people.


and you can’t explain why you love a goofy, ignorant, uncaring carnival barker like tRump
Pure projection.

I can explain in great detail why I like Trump.

It's because he's about the only person in politics that doesn't seem to be in on a criminal conspiracy to keep our borders open.

I can list several other reasons,
Pure projection.

I can explain in great detail why I like Trump.

It's because he's about the only person in politics that doesn't seem to be in on a criminal conspiracy to keep our borders open.

I can list several other reasons,
😂 like I said
And there's the RWNJ veiwpoint.

Thank you for accepting responsibility.

Whatever you do don’t look at yourself as a problem. We surely wouldn’t want any self reflection. Your like an advertisement on why we should hate you.
What did he promise?

I could look up and list a whole bunch of promises but the most important ones are for me that he promised to keep this country safe and secure and to put America first.

OP, are you interested in uniting w/Biden and/or the Democrats?

No, but only because they're not interested in uniting with us.

Universal healthcare

Raise taxes on the rich to help pay for it

Get out of wars

You know … all the hits

That was early on when you guys were calling him an idiot and supporting Cruz and Rubio

Then his handlers changed his mind

You mean like that ?

I think that you are confusing Trump with Biden.

biden said that he would veto it if it was put on his desk

Apparently you don't know what veto means. :rolleyes:

Anyone that is deranged about tRump

Then you don't know what deranged means.

Unite? Doesn't matter. Dems have destroyed America.

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I know but I was talking about if they hadn't.
I could look up and list a whole bunch of promises but the most important ones are for me that he promised to keep this country safe and secure and to put America first.

No, but only because they're not interested in uniting with us.

I think that you are confusing Trump with Biden.

Apparently you don't know what veto means. :rolleyes:

Then you don't know what deranged means.

I know but I was talking about if they hadn't.


tRump is as big of a liar as biden is

I think that we all know somebody like this. One person in particular that I'm thinking about is Joe Biden. He promised to unite this country and we're currently anything but.
When someone tells you that they are going to do something that it all probably is not within their power to achieve, and you see and understand this about not that specific person but about people in general. Does that impact the way you feel when they don't keep their promises when you suspected all along they wouldn't because they couldn't?

Just curious.

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