How do Republicans justify Trump's most recent "simple contradiction" or "outright lie"?

Why do radical lefties waste their time on "simple contradictions"? Does Media Matters need the work? Didn't Barry Hussein say "you will be able to keep your primary care physician"? That was an outright lie.
Or we could investigate the one documented act of deliberate "meddling, collusion, cheating" of the 2016 election, except all of you oppose doing so...

Donna Brazile admits she passed debate questions to Hillary, blames Russians
Well, perhaps that should be investigated....along with the 3-5 million alleged illegal voters. The current so-called administration should get right on that.
they just set that up for the illegal voters. Now we will really see the facts eh? now back to brazil,. lock her ass up.
All of Trump's minions said that Trump fired Comey after a recommendation from his replacement. For an entire day, they made this claim again and again.

The, during Trump's interview with Lester Holt, Trump made liars out of all of his minions.

Why Did Trump Fire Comey? -

But what we know right now is that the White House’s initial claim that the president acted based on Rosenstein’s recommendation has been contradicted by the president himself. And its portrayal of Comey as having lost the confidence of the FBI rank and file is at best a matter of dispute.


Are they simple contradictions or outright lies?

How are other countries supposed to take him seriously ever their stories change every other day?

Why does Trump keep talking about Obama? Is he in love with Obama?

How many of Trump's supposed success actually started out as Obama policies?

My gosh, you should go out sometime.
now back to brazil,. lock her ass up

Indeed, no need to investigate - they both already CONFESSED.

The only reason to investigate is to see just how many elections CNN has done that, since 1992 at least.
You have to admit, there is some hilarity.

Trump accused Obama of wiretapping.

Now Trump has suggested he has been secretly recording people without their knowledge. And when Sean Spicer was asked about it at today's press conference, he refused to answer.

Hmmm, seems to me that secretly recording someone's conversation is very close to wiretapping.

So, if it comes out that there was an FBI fraud case against the "warmers" that O and Holder covered up, that just doesn't matter, and you'd still support the Dems, since all you really care about is...

My government check is my military retirement. How about yours?
Trump fired Comey. No one gives a shit whether he made the decision at 10 am. or 10:01. or 10:04 or last week. Trump listened to his people and acted on what he thought was a good idea in the first place. Demo and Repub's view of Comey solidified Trump's opinion of the FBI director.
It is what we call draining the swamp. We approve.

Move on to some other contrived event you think will cause dissension. We weren't listening then and we are not listening to you now... Keep yourselves busy whining and ringing your hands.
That's the point. Trump DIDN'T listen to his people. He said he made the decision BEFORE he received that letter or spoke to anyone in his administration about firing Comey. That was what Trump said in the Lester Holt interview.

Do keep up.

Do keep quiet.
Trump fired Comey after many, (repub and demo) ALSO expressed concerns about Comey's competence. But the most important part is, no one cares about your excruciating minutia of whining nitpicking.

We see the President, that we chose, doing exactly what he said he would, and what we hired him to do.
There ya go... play golf.
Obama is not longer president

so it no longer matters WHY O stayed SILENT for TWO YEARS on that which he later called "the greatest threat facing mankind?"


Hopefully, assuming Jeff Sessions is not actively betraying Trump, we WILL find out WHY O was silent, and it won't be pretty....
Obama is no longer president.

Oh, wait. Let me try it another way:

it doesn't resolve him of his crimes. he can still be impeached.
All of Trump's minions said that Trump fired Comey after a recommendation from his replacement. For an entire day, they made this claim again and again.

The, during Trump's interview with Lester Holt, Trump made liars out of all of his minions.

Why Did Trump Fire Comey? -

But what we know right now is that the White House’s initial claim that the president acted based on Rosenstein’s recommendation has been contradicted by the president himself. And its portrayal of Comey as having lost the confidence of the FBI rank and file is at best a matter of dispute.


Are they simple contradictions or outright lies?

How are other countries supposed to take him seriously ever their stories change every other day?

Why does Trump keep talking about Obama? Is he in love with Obama?

How many of Trump's supposed success actually started out as Obama policies?
Because most people are smart enough to know both can be true at the same time. Trump wanted Comey gone. The report made it easy to pull the trigger.
Trump fired Comey. No one gives a shit whether he made the decision at 10 am. or 10:01. or 10:04 or last week. Trump listened to his people and acted on what he thought was a good idea in the first place. Demo and Repub's view of Comey solidified Trump's opinion of the FBI director.
It is what we call draining the swamp. We approve.

Move on to some other contrived event you think will cause dissension. We weren't listening then and we are not listening to you now... Keep yourselves busy whining and ringing your hands.

Trump did not listen to his people. He used them to get a excuse. The lack of integrity is appalling. Sessions has never had any integrity and his use of a segregation case to support Trump's Muslim ban shows that. Robenstein has sacrificed his integrity to please Trump.

Comey has integrity. He clearly was supported by agents at the FBI despite the lies put out by Sarah Huckabee Sanders. When Trump demanded his loyalty Comey said he would be honest but that is all he could offer. He refused to discuss his testimony before Congress with Trump and he dared to suggest his actions might have cost Clinton the election. Trump's ego, pettiness and vindictiveness could not take that and that is why Comey was fired.

We know the Trump cultists don't listen to facts. You live in a fantasy world all your own where the facts and reality never intrude.
why did harry reid want him to resign then if he is so fking full of integrity? eh?
All of Trump's minions said that Trump fired Comey after a recommendation from his replacement. For an entire day, they made this claim again and again.

The, during Trump's interview with Lester Holt, Trump made liars out of all of his minions.

Why Did Trump Fire Comey? -

But what we know right now is that the White House’s initial claim that the president acted based on Rosenstein’s recommendation has been contradicted by the president himself. And its portrayal of Comey as having lost the confidence of the FBI rank and file is at best a matter of dispute.


Are they simple contradictions or outright lies?

How are other countries supposed to take him seriously ever their stories change every other day?

Why does Trump keep talking about Obama? Is he in love with Obama?

How many of Trump's supposed success actually started out as Obama policies?
Because most people are smart enough to know both can be true at the same time. Trump wanted Comey gone. The report made it easy to pull the trigger.
the letter is all he needed.
My government check is my military retirement. How about yours

That is the new DNC talking point for online DNC talking point parrots. Notice it is cut and pasted identical to another Dem liar here.
So, what are you trying to say? That military vets don't deserve our retirement checks?
he mentioned new talking points. Did you miss that?
Are you talking for him now?
Trump fired Comey. No one gives a shit whether he made the decision at 10 am. or 10:01. or 10:04 or last week. Trump listened to his people and acted on what he thought was a good idea in the first place. Demo and Repub's view of Comey solidified Trump's opinion of the FBI director.
It is what we call draining the swamp. We approve.

Move on to some other contrived event you think will cause dissension. We weren't listening then and we are not listening to you now... Keep yourselves busy whining and ringing your hands.

Trump did not listen to his people. He used them to get a excuse. The lack of integrity is appalling. Sessions has never had any integrity and his use of a segregation case to support Trump's Muslim ban shows that. Robenstein has sacrificed his integrity to please Trump.

Comey has integrity. He clearly was supported by agents at the FBI despite the lies put out by Sarah Huckabee Sanders. When Trump demanded his loyalty Comey said he would be honest but that is all he could offer. He refused to discuss his testimony before Congress with Trump and he dared to suggest his actions might have cost Clinton the election. Trump's ego, pettiness and vindictiveness could not take that and that is why Comey was fired.

We know the Trump cultists don't listen to facts. You live in a fantasy world all your own where the facts and reality never intrude.
why did harry reid want him to resign then if he is so fking full of integrity? eh?
He didn't resign.
My government check is my military retirement. How about yours

That is the new DNC talking point for online DNC talking point parrots. Notice it is cut and pasted identical to another Dem liar here.
So, what are you trying to say? That military vets don't deserve our retirement checks?
he mentioned new talking points. Did you miss that?
Are you talking for him now?
I'm ensuring you know how to read. I hate wasteful posts that mean nothing. you all trash the threads so often with them cause you can't read. I'm helping you out.
Trump fired Comey. No one gives a shit whether he made the decision at 10 am. or 10:01. or 10:04 or last week. Trump listened to his people and acted on what he thought was a good idea in the first place. Demo and Repub's view of Comey solidified Trump's opinion of the FBI director.
It is what we call draining the swamp. We approve.

Move on to some other contrived event you think will cause dissension. We weren't listening then and we are not listening to you now... Keep yourselves busy whining and ringing your hands.

Now you're trump lied?

The RWNJs can't even keep their own stories straight!

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