How do the lies about shootings start?

Psy-Op events happen and they are planned in advance where people actually die...reference Operation Gladio....some are just drills that are passed off as a real time event. I will explain more later........this is a huge rabbit hole to go down.
And this palooka wants me to take him seriously and debate him...a MFer that peddles in the most ridiculous conspiracy theories.



Don't take me seriously, Marc, it's not going to change the way I try to get out information. It's not going to change my mission to get people to think critically and start asking questions even if some of those questions might make some feel uncomfortable. This politically correct/cultural marxism culture we find ourselves in makes it easy for these types of events to occur.

These mass shooting and terrorist events of at least the last thirty years absolutely reek of psy-ops perpetuated by rogue elements of this corporate entity we call "government" and there are big enough holes in the official stories to drive tanks through. This 19 year old kid was not the only shooter at the school just like Paddock wasn't the only shooter in Las Vegas if he fired any shots at all. The eye-witness accounts and the official story do not match at all for these last two events.
Don't take me seriously, Marc, it's not going to change the way I try to get out information. It's not going to change my mission to get people to think critically and start asking questions even if some of those questions might make some feel uncomfortable. This politically correct/cultural marxism culture we find ourselves in makes it easy for these types of events to occur.

These mass shooting and terrorist events of at least the last thirty years absolutely reek of psy-ops perpetuated by rogue elements of this corporate entity we call "government" and there are big enough holes in the official stories to drive tanks through. This 19 year old kid was not the only shooter at the school just like Paddock wasn't the only shooter in Las Vegas if he fired any shots at all. The eye-witness accounts and the official story do not match at all for these last two events.
So did Bush cause 911?
Don't take me seriously, Marc, it's not going to change the way I try to get out information. It's not going to change my mission to get people to think critically and start asking questions even if some of those questions might make some feel uncomfortable. This politically correct/cultural marxism culture we find ourselves in makes it easy for these types of events to occur.

These mass shooting and terrorist events of at least the last thirty years absolutely reek of psy-ops perpetuated by rogue elements of this corporate entity we call "government" and there are big enough holes in the official stories to drive tanks through. This 19 year old kid was not the only shooter at the school just like Paddock wasn't the only shooter in Las Vegas if he fired any shots at all. The eye-witness accounts and the official story do not match at all for these last two events.
So did Bush cause 911?

Bush II was a puppet but I am sure that he knew it was going to happen. Dick Cheney was the one calling the shots that day along with all the neocons that wrote the PNAC document. This was an event that had been at least a decade in the making.
Dale Smith these guys have know idea what the PNAC document is.....Nor do they under stand who runs the mainstream media who spoon feeds them
Conservatives who contrive and propagate lies about mass shootings, and attack the victims and survivors, believe they’re realizing some political ‘advantage.’

Conservatives believe – incorrectly – that victims of mass shooting relating their experiences will somehow result in a ‘ban’ of AR 15s, when of course nothing could be further from the truth.

By attacking the victims conservatives seek to undermine their credibility.
Don't take me seriously, Marc, it's not going to change the way I try to get out information. It's not going to change my mission to get people to think critically and start asking questions even if some of those questions might make some feel uncomfortable. This politically correct/cultural marxism culture we find ourselves in makes it easy for these types of events to occur.

These mass shooting and terrorist events of at least the last thirty years absolutely reek of psy-ops perpetuated by rogue elements of this corporate entity we call "government" and there are big enough holes in the official stories to drive tanks through. This 19 year old kid was not the only shooter at the school just like Paddock wasn't the only shooter in Las Vegas if he fired any shots at all. The eye-witness accounts and the official story do not match at all for these last two events.
So did Bush cause 911?

Bush II was a puppet but I am sure that he knew it was going to happen. Dick Cheney was the one calling the shots that day along with all the neocons that wrote the PNAC document. This was an event that had been at least a decade in the making.
This is not how a false flag event is ran. This event has raised the awareness of both sides of the fence. Constitutionalists like my self veiw this incedent as a reason to own and posses a fire arm. Second amendment supporters have been just as energized. Let them march it will not change any thing. One can argue that if polititions do not start enacting laws against they will lose votes. They will lose more votes by going against the second ammendment. Democrat does not mean anti gun by the way. I am a registered Democrat and am pro gun! I suppose it could have been a very poorly conceived false flag event. I am not worried about my gun rights at this point this is not going to change much. The younins get a lesson in politics and activism and I will get to keep my guns.
Given that there are ~3 billion people on this planet, I'm sure that there are a least 6 billion real conspiracies going on at any one time. At my work there are these people that are constantly conspiring to get your money...they're called business people.

However one trick of conspirators is that in order to discredit anyone that raises suspicion, they float ridiculous false flag conspiracy theories.

Like saying that a crashed aircraft of unknown origin MUST be from another planet OR it must be a weather balloon. One great false flag conspiracy theory! (Ever occur to you that the government was experimenting with nuclear propulsion on aircraft back on the 1950s?)

Anyway, those that float false flag conspiracy theories must get a hell of a kick out of how many people they fool! What a hoot!

Pretty soon floating false flag theories can become a game and a goal in and of itself.

That's why the moment there's a school shooting these nut cases come out of the woodwork...just to see if they can dup another group of morons.
Given that there are ~3 billion people on this planet, I'm sure that there are a least 6 billion real conspiracies going on at any one time. At my work there are these people that are constantly conspiring to get your money...they're called business people.

However one trick of conspirators is that in order to discredit anyone that raises suspicion, they float ridiculous false flag conspiracy theories.

Like saying that a crashed aircraft of unknown origin MUST be from another planet OR it must be a weather balloon. One great false flag conspiracy theory! (Ever occur to you that the government was experimenting with nuclear propulsion on aircraft back on the 1950s?)

Anyway, those that float false flag conspiracy theories must get a hell of a kick out of how many people they fool! What a hoot!

Pretty soon floating false flag theories can become a game and a goal in and of itself.

That's why the moment there's a school shooting these nut cases come out of the woodwork...just to see if they can dup another group of morons.
I am con spiring to eat lun ch with others right now!

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