How do the non-spiritual explain it?

Elephant graveyards! Elephants believe in gods too.

So do whales.

Burying dead remains is not indicative of spirituality. HOWEVER... Elephants have been a remarkable source of study into the attribute of imagination. They are very imaginative and in some cases, perhaps even 'spiritual' or inspired from beyond self. Breeze is constantly posting pictures and thoughts on the flora and fauna and how all living things are spiritually connected. I come closer to believing that than to believe all living things are agnostic, if we're being totally honest.

Where are the Great Whale Civilizations? Why don't the Whales have representatives at the UN? Why don't we at least see some Whale protest groups for Whale rights? Probably the same reason we don't see them building schools and churches, don't you imagine?

We slaughtere the great whale civilization. And our sonar and garbage are ruining their lands.

They tried to make friends but we harpooned their leaders. They were the smartest ones. So innocent and curious they came right up to us and we murdered them.

What do you think an elephant thinks god looks like? I bet an elephant.
He's trying to make the argument that science has never disproven god.

No, I am establishing that as a fact unless you can offer something to refute it.
I've explained or replied to this already too. Several times. So has Hollie and others. I'll be damned if I go in circles with your circular bad arguments. Google whynogod and do your own homework. And you wonder why I just cut and paste to you.
We slaughtere the great whale civilization. And our sonar and garbage are ruining their lands.

They tried to make friends but we harpooned their leaders. They were the smartest ones. So innocent and curious they came right up to us and we murdered them.

What do you think an elephant thinks god looks like? I bet an elephant.


It's such a beautiful thing to watch someone become spiritually enlightened!
He's trying to make the argument that science has never disproven god.

No, I am establishing that as a fact unless you can offer something to refute it.
I've explained or replied to this already too. Several times. So has Hollie and others. I'll be damned if I go in circles with your circular bad arguments. Google whynogod and do your own homework. And you wonder why I just cut and paste to you.

All you and Hollie can present me with are other opinions. I've seen NO SCIENCE!
He's trying to make the argument that science has never disproven god.

No, I am establishing that as a fact unless you can offer something to refute it.
I've explained or replied to this already too. Several times. So has Hollie and others. I'll be damned if I go in circles with your circular bad arguments. Google whynogod and do your own homework. And you wonder why I just cut and paste to you.

All you and Hollie can present me with are other opinions. I've seen NO SCIENCE!
Isnt psychology a science?
We slaughtere the great whale civilization. And our sonar and garbage are ruining their lands.

They tried to make friends but we harpooned their leaders. They were the smartest ones. So innocent and curious they came right up to us and we murdered them.

What do you think an elephant thinks god looks like? I bet an elephant.


It's such a beautiful thing to watch someone become spiritually enlightened!
Do you believe you live forever after you die? Why?

When did god first decide to create the universe we live in? Do you think he thought about it for 20 days or 20 million years before he went for it.

Also, who is intelligently designing Evey snowflake that falls. We know how snowflakes are made but not why. You're not that deep.
No way snowflakes arent intelligently designed. Too perfect. There must be a clock maker who makes snowflakes.

And no two snowflakes are exactly the same. There must be a god!
I'm quite familiar with my own posts.....I see nothing in them that shows self-loathing....I am curious what it looks like.....
You're clueless regarding your own scribbling..... Your scribbling is rife with self-loathing, fear, anxiety, ignorance, etc....... you should correct your failings.......,
again, give me an example of my postings which demonstrate self loathing....personally I think this is just another example of you posting meaningless slogans......
I already explained it. Aren't you a christian? Then you will never measure up.
couple of threadfail atheists.....'bout what we've come to expect......
He's trying to make the argument that science has never disproven god.

No, I am establishing that as a fact unless you can offer something to refute it.
I've explained or replied to this already too. Several times. So has Hollie and others. I'll be damned if I go in circles with your circular bad arguments. Google whynogod and do your own homework. And you wonder why I just cut and paste to you.

All you and Hollie can present me with are other opinions. I've seen NO SCIENCE!
Isnt psychology a science?

Psychology is science, but everything in psychology reinforces the argument for God's existence. Freud said, "If God didn't exist, man would have to create Him." We are intrinsically hard-wired to believe in a God, a superior power, something greater than self. Our psyche and imaginations could never handle existing without this.

You can believe this has somehow "naturally evolved" into man, but you need to be able to prove this with some science to claim it as fact. There is none. We have opinions of people who've made their minds up there can be no possibility of God. And this is where we differ sharply, where people like you are going to try and pervert science to include your opinion as fact, when that isn't the case.

The actual evidence shows no sign of when humans "invented" human spirituality. From every indication, humans have been spiritual since Day 1 as humans. It doesn't even make rational sense that spirituality was invented, unless humans accidentally happened to invent something fundamental to the species out of imagination. If THAT happened, it is even more profound than belief in God.
We slaughtere the great whale civilization. And our sonar and garbage are ruining their lands.

They tried to make friends but we harpooned their leaders. They were the smartest ones. So innocent and curious they came right up to us and we murdered them.

What do you think an elephant thinks god looks like? I bet an elephant.


It's such a beautiful thing to watch someone become spiritually enlightened!
Do you believe you live forever after you die? Why?

When did god first decide to create the universe we live in? Do you think he thought about it for 20 days or 20 million years before he went for it.

Also, who is intelligently designing Evey snowflake that falls. We know how snowflakes are made but not why. You're not that deep.

I do not believe that I will "live" in the physical sense of life as we understand it. My physical person, the body which houses my spirit and soul, will decay and return to the Earth from where it came, as does all living things. My soul/spirit will venture on to another adventure. I have no idea what that perception will be like or what I could imagine to compare it with. I hate to be vague, but I cannot imagine that which is beyond my ability to conceive. Possibly a higher state of 'being' in another dimension of time/space? Whatever.... I am not worried about it or concerned with it too much in my everyday life.

TIME... a very interesting topic to launch into here. I believe TIME is single biggest evidence we have for God. It exists, therefore God exists. But setting my opinion aside, let's examine time and what it means to us humans. We live on a planet that rotates every 24 hrs. This is a day in time. Our planet revolves around a Sun every 365 days, or 24 hr. rotations, and that marks a year of time. If you would like to time travel, you can go anywhere we have a time zone boundary and hop from the past to the future by an hour! You can even go back to yesterday and into tomorrow! Time travel baby! There are some airline flights you can take where you actually land before you took off! Amazing stuff, isn't it?

From a physics perspective, time is distance, but time is also relevant. This means the perception of time is relevant to the observer and can be slowed by velocity of speed. One of the theories on why a black hole is black is that the matter inside is traveling the speed of light, therefore no time space is available for light to exist. Time has stopped. This has been confirmed by observation of objects along the event horizon before they disappear. Some spooky weird stuff is happening to time there.

At the subatomic level, through our work at CERN and other large hadron colliders, we have observed quantum entanglement. Subatomic particles communicating to each other across billions of light years instantly. Defying... no, utterly destroying our concept of time and space. And yet, it is happening with every material object you can see in the universe.
When science discovers there are 40-some-odd constants, weights, ratios and forces which had to be precise to within .00000000000000000001 or the entire physical universe we know could not exist...
There you go again parroting that already discredited BS. If one of those 40 changes, you have no proof the other 39 won't change to adapt.
The actual evidence shows no sign of when humans "invented" human spirituality. From every indication, humans have been spiritual since Day 1 as humans.
There isn't even agreement when the "day 1" of humanoids became human!
Your human spirituality superstition religion was not invented until you fabricated it from thin air.
Psychology is science
Everything tries to pass itself off as a science, they even call "boxing" "The Sweet Science."

Psychology is not a pure science and you are not a scientist any more than a boxer is a scientist.
We slaughtere the great whale civilization. And our sonar and garbage are ruining their lands.

They tried to make friends but we harpooned their leaders. They were the smartest ones. So innocent and curious they came right up to us and we murdered them.

What do you think an elephant thinks god looks like? I bet an elephant.


It's such a beautiful thing to watch someone become spiritually enlightened!
Do you believe you live forever after you die? Why?

When did god first decide to create the universe we live in? Do you think he thought about it for 20 days or 20 million years before he went for it.

Also, who is intelligently designing Evey snowflake that falls. We know how snowflakes are made but not why. You're not that deep.

I do not believe that I will "live" in the physical sense of life as we understand it. My physical person, the body which houses my spirit and soul, will decay and return to the Earth from where it came, as does all living things. My soul/spirit will venture on to another adventure. I have no idea what that perception will be like or what I could imagine to compare it with. I hate to be vague, but I cannot imagine that which is beyond my ability to conceive. Possibly a higher state of 'being' in another dimension of time/space? Whatever.... I am not worried about it or concerned with it too much in my everyday life.

TIME... a very interesting topic to launch into here. I believe TIME is single biggest evidence we have for God. It exists, therefore God exists. But setting my opinion aside, let's examine time and what it means to us humans. We live on a planet that rotates every 24 hrs. This is a day in time. Our planet revolves around a Sun every 365 days, or 24 hr. rotations, and that marks a year of time. If you would like to time travel, you can go anywhere we have a time zone boundary and hop from the past to the future by an hour! You can even go back to yesterday and into tomorrow! Time travel baby! There are some airline flights you can take where you actually land before you took off! Amazing stuff, isn't it?

From a physics perspective, time is distance, but time is also relevant. This means the perception of time is relevant to the observer and can be slowed by velocity of speed. One of the theories on why a black hole is black is that the matter inside is traveling the speed of light, therefore no time space is available for light to exist. Time has stopped. This has been confirmed by observation of objects along the event horizon before they disappear. Some spooky weird stuff is happening to time there.

At the subatomic level, through our work at CERN and other large hadron colliders, we have observed quantum entanglement. Subatomic particles communicating to each other across billions of light years instantly. Defying... no, utterly destroying our concept of time and space. And yet, it is happening with every material object you can see in the universe.
"I believe TIME is single biggest evidence we have for God. It exists, therefore God exists."

In the Bossy world, everything is so simple with the "because I say so" admonition.

Really Bossy, your "I believe......" ramblings put you in the company of some genius talent.

We slaughtere the great whale civilization. And our sonar and garbage are ruining their lands.

They tried to make friends but we harpooned their leaders. They were the smartest ones. So innocent and curious they came right up to us and we murdered them.

What do you think an elephant thinks god looks like? I bet an elephant.


It's such a beautiful thing to watch someone become spiritually enlightened!
Do you believe you live forever after you die? Why?

When did god first decide to create the universe we live in? Do you think he thought about it for 20 days or 20 million years before he went for it.

Also, who is intelligently designing Evey snowflake that falls. We know how snowflakes are made but not why. You're not that deep.

I do not believe that I will "live" in the physical sense of life as we understand it. My physical person, the body which houses my spirit and soul, will decay and return to the Earth from where it came, as does all living things. My soul/spirit will venture on to another adventure. I have no idea what that perception will be like or what I could imagine to compare it with. I hate to be vague, but I cannot imagine that which is beyond my ability to conceive. Possibly a higher state of 'being' in another dimension of time/space? Whatever.... I am not worried about it or concerned with it too much in my everyday life.

TIME... a very interesting topic to launch into here. I believe TIME is single biggest evidence we have for God. It exists, therefore God exists. But setting my opinion aside, let's examine time and what it means to us humans. We live on a planet that rotates every 24 hrs. This is a day in time. Our planet revolves around a Sun every 365 days, or 24 hr. rotations, and that marks a year of time. If you would like to time travel, you can go anywhere we have a time zone boundary and hop from the past to the future by an hour! You can even go back to yesterday and into tomorrow! Time travel baby! There are some airline flights you can take where you actually land before you took off! Amazing stuff, isn't it?

From a physics perspective, time is distance, but time is also relevant. This means the perception of time is relevant to the observer and can be slowed by velocity of speed. One of the theories on why a black hole is black is that the matter inside is traveling the speed of light, therefore no time space is available for light to exist. Time has stopped. This has been confirmed by observation of objects along the event horizon before they disappear. Some spooky weird stuff is happening to time there.

At the subatomic level, through our work at CERN and other large hadron colliders, we have observed quantum entanglement. Subatomic particles communicating to each other across billions of light years instantly. Defying... no, utterly destroying our concept of time and space. And yet, it is happening with every material object you can see in the universe.
This just in!

Subatomic particles are communicating to one another.

Thanks for that news flash, Bossy. I understand they're ordering subatomic pizza.
He's trying to make the argument that science has never disproven god.

No, I am establishing that as a fact unless you can offer something to refute it.
I've explained or replied to this already too. Several times. So has Hollie and others. I'll be damned if I go in circles with your circular bad arguments. Google whynogod and do your own homework. And you wonder why I just cut and paste to you.

All you and Hollie can present me with are other opinions. I've seen NO SCIENCE!
Isnt psychology a science?

Psychology is science, but everything in psychology reinforces the argument for God's existence. Freud said, "If God didn't exist, man would have to create Him." We are intrinsically hard-wired to believe in a God, a superior power, something greater than self. Our psyche and imaginations could never handle existing without this. And psychology doesnt reinforce your beliefs. It explains why the human mind invented it. Just because humans have always thought the earth was flat doesnt mean they were right.

You can believe this has somehow "naturally evolved" into man, but you need to be able to prove this with some science to claim it as fact. There is none. We have opinions of people who've made their minds up there can be no possibility of God. And this is where we differ sharply, where people like you are going to try and pervert science to include your opinion as fact, when that isn't the case.

The actual evidence shows no sign of when humans "invented" human spirituality. From every indication, humans have been spiritual since Day 1 as humans. It doesn't even make rational sense that spirituality was invented, unless humans accidentally happened to invent something fundamental to the species out of imagination. If THAT happened, it is even more profound than belief in God.
So Freud said we made him up basically.
We slaughtere the great whale civilization. And our sonar and garbage are ruining their lands.

They tried to make friends but we harpooned their leaders. They were the smartest ones. So innocent and curious they came right up to us and we murdered them.

What do you think an elephant thinks god looks like? I bet an elephant.


It's such a beautiful thing to watch someone become spiritually enlightened!
Do you believe you live forever after you die? Why?

When did god first decide to create the universe we live in? Do you think he thought about it for 20 days or 20 million years before he went for it.

Also, who is intelligently designing Evey snowflake that falls. We know how snowflakes are made but not why. You're not that deep.

I do not believe that I will "live" in the physical sense of life as we understand it. My physical person, the body which houses my spirit and soul, will decay and return to the Earth from where it came, as does all living things. My soul/spirit will venture on to another adventure. I have no idea what that perception will be like or what I could imagine to compare it with. I hate to be vague, but I cannot imagine that which is beyond my ability to conceive. Possibly a higher state of 'being' in another dimension of time/space? Whatever.... I am not worried about it or concerned with it too much in my everyday life.

TIME... a very interesting topic to launch into here. I believe TIME is single biggest evidence we have for God. It exists, therefore God exists. But setting my opinion aside, let's examine time and what it means to us humans. We live on a planet that rotates every 24 hrs. This is a day in time. Our planet revolves around a Sun every 365 days, or 24 hr. rotations, and that marks a year of time. If you would like to time travel, you can go anywhere we have a time zone boundary and hop from the past to the future by an hour! You can even go back to yesterday and into tomorrow! Time travel baby! There are some airline flights you can take where you actually land before you took off! Amazing stuff, isn't it?

From a physics perspective, time is distance, but time is also relevant. This means the perception of time is relevant to the observer and can be slowed by velocity of speed. One of the theories on why a black hole is black is that the matter inside is traveling the speed of light, therefore no time space is available for light to exist. Time has stopped. This has been confirmed by observation of objects along the event horizon before they disappear. Some spooky weird stuff is happening to time there.

At the subatomic level, through our work at CERN and other large hadron colliders, we have observed quantum entanglement. Subatomic particles communicating to each other across billions of light years instantly. Defying... no, utterly destroying our concept of time and space. And yet, it is happening with every material object you can see in the universe.
This just in!

Subatomic particles are communicating to one another.

Thanks for that news flash, Bossy. I understand they're ordering subatomic pizza.
You know the intelligent design watchmaker argument? How many angels work their asses off to make all those snowflakes we see in a snowstorm? They must have been made by someone or something intelligent right?
We slaughtere the great whale civilization. And our sonar and garbage are ruining their lands.

They tried to make friends but we harpooned their leaders. They were the smartest ones. So innocent and curious they came right up to us and we murdered them.

What do you think an elephant thinks god looks like? I bet an elephant.


It's such a beautiful thing to watch someone become spiritually enlightened!
Do you believe you live forever after you die? Why?

When did god first decide to create the universe we live in? Do you think he thought about it for 20 days or 20 million years before he went for it.

Also, who is intelligently designing Evey snowflake that falls. We know how snowflakes are made but not why. You're not that deep.

I do not believe that I will "live" in the physical sense of life as we understand it. My physical person, the body which houses my spirit and soul, will decay and return to the Earth from where it came, as does all living things. My soul/spirit will venture on to another adventure. I have no idea what that perception will be like or what I could imagine to compare it with. I hate to be vague, but I cannot imagine that which is beyond my ability to conceive. Possibly a higher state of 'being' in another dimension of time/space? Whatever.... I am not worried about it or concerned with it too much in my everyday life.

TIME... a very interesting topic to launch into here. I believe TIME is single biggest evidence we have for God. It exists, therefore God exists. But setting my opinion aside, let's examine time and what it means to us humans. We live on a planet that rotates every 24 hrs. This is a day in time. Our planet revolves around a Sun every 365 days, or 24 hr. rotations, and that marks a year of time. If you would like to time travel, you can go anywhere we have a time zone boundary and hop from the past to the future by an hour! You can even go back to yesterday and into tomorrow! Time travel baby! There are some airline flights you can take where you actually land before you took off! Amazing stuff, isn't it?

From a physics perspective, time is distance, but time is also relevant. This means the perception of time is relevant to the observer and can be slowed by velocity of speed. One of the theories on why a black hole is black is that the matter inside is traveling the speed of light, therefore no time space is available for light to exist. Time has stopped. This has been confirmed by observation of objects along the event horizon before they disappear. Some spooky weird stuff is happening to time there.

At the subatomic level, through our work at CERN and other large hadron colliders, we have observed quantum entanglement. Subatomic particles communicating to each other across billions of light years instantly. Defying... no, utterly destroying our concept of time and space. And yet, it is happening with every material object you can see in the universe.
What will it be like when you die? Same way it was before you were born.

Right now in switzerland you dont exist never did and never will. Life goes on. You can't imagine life without you? We can. Only you believe you live forever.

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