How do the non-spiritual explain it?

I clearly outlined the reasons for your self-loathing and hate

You clearly outlined reasons for something you can't present evidence for?
You clearly don't understand. And no, I can present no evidence for your invented spirit realms, manufactured gawds and supernatural events, and neither can you.
Bottom line is bosses arguments dont prove anything. And we know it all makes perfect sense to him but consider what makes sense to other theists. Talking snakes Noah Jonah burning Bush's virgin births and that god came through Mary the virgin I can't even continue. Its all just so damn stupid. Us athiests have to be militant. How else does someone wake a sleepwalker who do t wake up from a whisper? Eventually you have to say wake the fuck up! Youre sick and you dont know it. Dumb desease

I don't understand why you think I am trying to prove something with my arguments? I can never prove anything spiritual to someone who doesn't believe in the spiritual. Why would I try? Why does Hollie think I am here to sell something? Is this what you and Hollie are here for? To prove an argument and to sell something? Must be, since that's what you've assumed I am doing.

The only arguments you'll find from me are ones which refute your attempts to claim science in support of your atheism. I'm not going to let you get away with false claims about humans inventing spirituality. I'm not going to let you define spirituality as superstition. Your invalid rationalizations and opinions are not going to fly as valid science.

You are more than happy to throw the baby out with the bath water here. Anyone can read your posts and see that you are unsure about the "no god" claims you've made. You keep having to apply caveats to define specific Gods you don't believe in. You admitted that "it doesn't seem likely" the universe doesn't have some controlling force or reason and purpose. At one time, you said you believed in Karma.

I think you are trying your best to deny a spiritual nature you know is real. What's worse, the reason you're doing this is some personal beef you have with Christianity. Maybe their position on gay marriage and abortion? Or maybe it's more personal? Perhaps they closed down your porn shop and strip club? In any event, the Christians seem to have put a bee in your bonnet and now you're ready to sail all human spirituality up the river... even if you have to pervert science and lie to yourself to do so.
You clearly don't understand.

I clearly understand you accused PmP of being "self-loathing" and he asked you for an example, which you never provided. Then you proceeded to 'splain the reasons he was self-loathing. This provides us with a good snapshot of how the Mind of Hollie operates. (It's like a three-speed blender, but the knob is broke.)
I said 95% believe in something greater than self. This is based on the number of self-described Nihilists which is roughly 5%. I realize much of the 95% may not be very spiritually connected but 1.) that wasn't the claim, and 2.) the 95% seems to agitate Atheists immensely.

I reject that spiritual is supernatural. The word 'supernatural' means outside of nature, and human spirituality is part of nature.
As usual, that is not exactly what you said, which was quite a bit more expansive than that!
We've already established that human spirituality dates back to the origin of human civilization. This attribute is not an argument, it's an undeniable trait found in 95% of the species for all it's existence.

What-the-fuck-ever, dude! Did you run out of corn to pick from your poo?
Don't know how I am coming across as "infuriated" to you, but I am not in the least bit.
The perpetual dumb act as cover for lying.
Folk Facial

I want to focus on the sentimentalism behind politics, since such talk is characteristic of modern-age drama (i.e., public access government TV).

For example, is the American vigilantism-critique populism art avatar Green Arrow (DC Comics) a street-chic version of England's Robin Hood?

That is, should we feel guilty about romanticism?


Street Justice - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You clearly don't understand.

I clearly understand you accused PmP of being "self-loathing" and he asked you for an example, which you never provided. Then you proceeded to 'splain the reasons he was self-loathing. This provides us with a good snapshot of how the Mind of Hollie operates. (It's like a three-speed blender, but the knob is broke.)
You poor dear. Are you again lashing out because your arguments are pointless and nothing more than appeals to your invented gawds?
I clearly outlined the reasons for your self-loathing and hate

You clearly outlined reasons for something you can't present evidence for?
I clearly outlined reasons for what I presented evidence for.

Pay attention.

Where is the evidence for your claimed spirit realms which you invented as part of your new fangled religion?
Folk Facial

I want to focus on the sentimentalism behind politics, since such talk is characteristic of modern-age drama (i.e., public access government TV).

For example, is the American vigilantism-critique populism art avatar Green Arrow (DC Comics) a street-chic version of England's Robin Hood?

That is, should we feel guilty about romanticism?


Street Justice - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

View attachment 37401


"... is the American vigilantism-critique populism art avatar Green Arrow (DC Comics) a street-chic version of England's Robin Hood" ?

not in the sense of ... American vigilantism-critique populism art - - as encompassing the subject matter.

" I want to focus on the sentimentalism behind politics, since such talk is characteristic of modern-age drama (i.e., public access government TV)".

I believe the moralistic code from the televised English, Robin Hood was quite different - however whether Spiritualism is influenced by modern media I would say that is possible.

Again...... I clearly outlined the reasons for your self-loathing and hate...... .
but no examples....I guess your reasoning fell a bit short......again......
You're in denial of the examples previously supplied.
I fully and freely admit denying that examples have previously been supplied.....
But examples have been supplied. You're in denial. Deal with it.
This is such an interesting topic. But, here at least, it always creates the most tedious threads.
This is such an interesting topic. But, here at least, it always creates the most tedious threads.
It's not very interesting. This is the second thread opened by Bossy wherein he does nothing but engage in heavy handed proselytizing for his religion of spirit realms and one or more gawds he claims to have daily communications with.
Again...... I clearly outlined the reasons for your self-loathing and hate...... .
but no examples....I guess your reasoning fell a bit short......again......
You're in denial of the examples previously supplied.
I fully and freely admit denying that examples have previously been supplied.....
But examples have been supplied. You're in denial. Deal with it.
can you give the post # at least?.....
This is such an interesting topic. But, here at least, it always creates the most tedious threads.
It's not very interesting. This is the second thread opened by Bossy wherein he does nothing but engage in heavy handed proselytizing for his religion of spirit realms and one or more gawds he claims to have daily communications with.

Apparently it's interesting enough to garner nearly 1,000 replies. Let's contrast this with your last several efforts...

Mo' Toons 2015 and Moslem Rage™ - 3 replies
"Palestinian" Arabs vs. End of Egyptian Patience - 3 replies
The Disease of Palestinian Arab Mentality -34 replies.... Ooooo!
Islamic Death Cultists - The Next Generation - 6 replies
Sunni moslems are using strap-ons. - 32 replies... Ahhh!
Islamic Terrorists are terrorizing Each Other - 5 replies
Al Qaeda Opens Syrian Jihad School - 4 replies
Money for Nothing - 6 replies

This represents over two years worth of your started threads. I will not mention that your topics are curiously all centered on the same theme and are full of your heavy handed proselytizing (aka: bigotry) for your religion of choice. It's glaringly obvious you don't know how to create a popular thread. Is it any wonder why you're so jealous of me?

How does Boss do it? How can he get ten times more replies to one thread in a week than Hollie has had in several threads over the past two years? Give ya a hint.. it ain't MAGIC!

This is such an interesting topic. But, here at least, it always creates the most tedious threads.
It's not very interesting. This is the second thread opened by Bossy wherein he does nothing but engage in heavy handed proselytizing for his religion of spirit realms and one or more gawds he claims to have daily communications with.

Apparently it's interesting enough to garner nearly 1,000 replies. Let's contrast this with your last several efforts...

Mo' Toons 2015 and Moslem Rage™ - 3 replies
"Palestinian" Arabs vs. End of Egyptian Patience - 3 replies
The Disease of Palestinian Arab Mentality -34 replies.... Ooooo!
Islamic Death Cultists - The Next Generation - 6 replies
Sunni moslems are using strap-ons. - 32 replies... Ahhh!
Islamic Terrorists are terrorizing Each Other - 5 replies
Al Qaeda Opens Syrian Jihad School - 4 replies
Money for Nothing - 6 replies

This represents over two years worth of your started threads. I will not mention that your topics are curiously all centered on the same theme and are full of your heavy handed proselytizing (aka: bigotry) for your religion of choice. It's glaringly obvious you don't know how to create a popular thread. Is it any wonder why you're so jealous of me?

How does Boss do it? How can he get ten times more replies to one thread in a week than Hollie has had in several threads over the past two years? Give ya a hint.. it ain't MAGIC!

Yet, not a single convert to Bossy's Religion of Magical Spirit Realms.

Give ya' a hint.

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