How do the non-spiritual explain it?

Again...... I clearly outlined the reasons for your self-loathing and hate...... .
but no examples....I guess your reasoning fell a bit short......again......
You're in denial of the examples previously supplied.
I fully and freely admit denying that examples have previously been supplied.....
But examples have been supplied. You're in denial. Deal with it.
can you give the post # at least?.....
I sure can.
I'm quite familiar with my own posts.....I see nothing in them that shows self-loathing....I am curious what it looks like.....
You're clueless regarding your own scribbling..... Your scribbling is rife with self-loathing, fear, anxiety, ignorance, etc....... you should correct your failings.......,
again, give me an example of my postings which demonstrate self loathing....personally I think this is just another example of you posting meaningless slogans......
I already explained it. Aren't you a christian? Then you will never measure up.
Bottom line is bosses arguments dont prove anything. And we know it all makes perfect sense to him but consider what makes sense to other theists. Talking snakes Noah Jonah burning Bush's virgin births and that god came through Mary the virgin I can't even continue. Its all just so damn stupid. Us athiests have to be militant. How else does someone wake a sleepwalker who do t wake up from a whisper? Eventually you have to say wake the fuck up! Youre sick and you dont know it. Dumb desease

I don't understand why you think I am trying to prove something with my arguments? I can never prove anything spiritual to someone who doesn't believe in the spiritual. Why would I try? Why does Hollie think I am here to sell something? Is this what you and Hollie are here for? To prove an argument and to sell something? Must be, since that's what you've assumed I am doing.

The only arguments you'll find from me are ones which refute your attempts to claim science in support of your atheism. I'm not going to let you get away with false claims about humans inventing spirituality. I'm not going to let you define spirituality as superstition. Your invalid rationalizations and opinions are not going to fly as valid science.

You are more than happy to throw the baby out with the bath water here. Anyone can read your posts and see that you are unsure about the "no god" claims you've made. You keep having to apply caveats to define specific Gods you don't believe in. You admitted that "it doesn't seem likely" the universe doesn't have some controlling force or reason and purpose. At one time, you said you believed in Karma.

I think you are trying your best to deny a spiritual nature you know is real. What's worse, the reason you're doing this is some personal beef you have with Christianity. Maybe their position on gay marriage and abortion? Or maybe it's more personal? Perhaps they closed down your porn shop and strip club? In any event, the Christians seem to have put a bee in your bonnet and now you're ready to sail all human spirituality up the river... even if you have to pervert science and lie to yourself to do so.
There are no athiests if athiest is the opposite of organized religions or "theists" because theists KNOW god exists. A fact they say because their ancestors said so. He visited them. You dont believe that boss? But you believe parts of the lie? Zues?

Anyways I know many agnostics that are actually agnostic atheists. They are more than sure theists are liars and fools but won't COMPLETELY rule out that there could be a god. Are you too stupid to understand this?
Bottom line is bosses arguments dont prove anything. And we know it all makes perfect sense to him but consider what makes sense to other theists. Talking snakes Noah Jonah burning Bush's virgin births and that god came through Mary the virgin I can't even continue. Its all just so damn stupid. Us athiests have to be militant. How else does someone wake a sleepwalker who do t wake up from a whisper? Eventually you have to say wake the fuck up! Youre sick and you dont know it. Dumb desease

I don't understand why you think I am trying to prove something with my arguments? I can never prove anything spiritual to someone who doesn't believe in the spiritual. Why would I try? Why does Hollie think I am here to sell something? Is this what you and Hollie are here for? To prove an argument and to sell something? Must be, since that's what you've assumed I am doing.

The only arguments you'll find from me are ones which refute your attempts to claim science in support of your atheism. I'm not going to let you get away with false claims about humans inventing spirituality. I'm not going to let you define spirituality as superstition. Your invalid rationalizations and opinions are not going to fly as valid science.

You are more than happy to throw the baby out with the bath water here. Anyone can read your posts and see that you are unsure about the "no god" claims you've made. You keep having to apply caveats to define specific Gods you don't believe in. You admitted that "it doesn't seem likely" the universe doesn't have some controlling force or reason and purpose. At one time, you said you believed in Karma.

I think you are trying your best to deny a spiritual nature you know is real. What's worse, the reason you're doing this is some personal beef you have with Christianity. Maybe their position on gay marriage and abortion? Or maybe it's more personal? Perhaps they closed down your porn shop and strip club? In any event, the Christians seem to have put a bee in your bonnet and now you're ready to sail all human spirituality up the river... even if you have to pervert science and lie to yourself to do so.
Science does debunk god. Youtube it and they will explain how its all in your head. And atheists win every debate where you been? Notice none of the theists argue with you? I guess any god is better than no god. You guys are dumb. I lump you in with christians. Lol
Bottom line is bosses arguments dont prove anything. And we know it all makes perfect sense to him but consider what makes sense to other theists. Talking snakes Noah Jonah burning Bush's virgin births and that god came through Mary the virgin I can't even continue. Its all just so damn stupid. Us athiests have to be militant. How else does someone wake a sleepwalker who do t wake up from a whisper? Eventually you have to say wake the fuck up! Youre sick and you dont know it. Dumb desease

I don't understand why you think I am trying to prove something with my arguments? I can never prove anything spiritual to someone who doesn't believe in the spiritual. Why would I try? Why does Hollie think I am here to sell something? Is this what you and Hollie are here for? To prove an argument and to sell something? Must be, since that's what you've assumed I am doing.

The only arguments you'll find from me are ones which refute your attempts to claim science in support of your atheism. I'm not going to let you get away with false claims about humans inventing spirituality. I'm not going to let you define spirituality as superstition. Your invalid rationalizations and opinions are not going to fly as valid science.

You are more than happy to throw the baby out with the bath water here. Anyone can read your posts and see that you are unsure about the "no god" claims you've made. You keep having to apply caveats to define specific Gods you don't believe in. You admitted that "it doesn't seem likely" the universe doesn't have some controlling force or reason and purpose. At one time, you said you believed in Karma.

I think you are trying your best to deny a spiritual nature you know is real. What's worse, the reason you're doing this is some personal beef you have with Christianity. Maybe their position on gay marriage and abortion? Or maybe it's more personal? Perhaps they closed down your porn shop and strip club? In any event, the Christians seem to have put a bee in your bonnet and now you're ready to sail all human spirituality up the river... even if you have to pervert science and lie to yourself to do so.

Carl Sagan and Hawkins and Tyson explain why you are wrong. They haven't perverted science you just cherry pick from them.

Oh and I dont have a beef with christians I have a beef with all organized religions. Your religion is harmless. Like holly said you dont have a hook.

Dont forget I love arguing or debating this stuff. No anger. I just think its stupid and we'd be better off without.

And it is going away. One day there will be buddhists and atheists. The organized religions will go extinct. We are still very young species. No need for a god anymore. It was useful once when we were dumber.
Bottom line is bosses arguments dont prove anything. And we know it all makes perfect sense to him but consider what makes sense to other theists. Talking snakes Noah Jonah burning Bush's virgin births and that god came through Mary the virgin I can't even continue. Its all just so damn stupid. Us athiests have to be militant. How else does someone wake a sleepwalker who do t wake up from a whisper? Eventually you have to say wake the fuck up! Youre sick and you dont know it. Dumb desease

I don't understand why you think I am trying to prove something with my arguments? I can never prove anything spiritual to someone who doesn't believe in the spiritual. Why would I try? Why does Hollie think I am here to sell something? Is this what you and Hollie are here for? To prove an argument and to sell something? Must be, since that's what you've assumed I am doing.

The only arguments you'll find from me are ones which refute your attempts to claim science in support of your atheism. I'm not going to let you get away with false claims about humans inventing spirituality. I'm not going to let you define spirituality as superstition. Your invalid rationalizations and opinions are not going to fly as valid science.

You are more than happy to throw the baby out with the bath water here. Anyone can read your posts and see that you are unsure about the "no god" claims you've made. You keep having to apply caveats to define specific Gods you don't believe in. You admitted that "it doesn't seem likely" the universe doesn't have some controlling force or reason and purpose. At one time, you said you believed in Karma.

I think you are trying your best to deny a spiritual nature you know is real. What's worse, the reason you're doing this is some personal beef you have with Christianity. Maybe their position on gay marriage and abortion? Or maybe it's more personal? Perhaps they closed down your porn shop and strip club? In any event, the Christians seem to have put a bee in your bonnet and now you're ready to sail all human spirituality up the river... even if you have to pervert science and lie to yourself to do so.
What is our purpose?
There are no athiests if athiest is the opposite of organized religions or "theists" because theists KNOW god exists. A fact they say because their ancestors said so. He visited them. You dont believe that boss? But you believe parts of the lie? Zues?

Anyways I know many agnostics that are actually agnostic atheists. They are more than sure theists are liars and fools but won't COMPLETELY rule out that there could be a god. Are you too stupid to understand this?

I won't even pretend to understand anything in your first paragraph. I have no idea what kind of convoluted point that was supposed to imply. The science is clear... We have a species of life which exhibits a unique and defining behavioral characteristic and has had this trait for all it's known existence. I believe this makes it fundamental and essential to the species or it wouldn't exist. You've presented nothing in science to contradict that. In fact, your claims that we "invented" this "imaginary" thing that is totally in our heads, is contradictory to Darwinian theory itself. You can show us no other example in nature of a species tricking nature by conjuring up something from imagination, then successfully thriving because of it. It just doesn't naturally happen.

Agnostics are not Atheists. We know this because we've developed two distinct words to define them separately... seems a bit childish I should have to point this out to you. An agnostic is someone who leaves the question of God open to possibility, an Atheist rejects the possibility of God. When one position contradicts the other, you cannot hold both positions.... unless you are retarded and don't understand the difference.

Science does not draw any conclusion... about God or anything else. Science can't draw conclusions because conclusions render Science impotent. Science can only explore and discover possibilities, it can't do anything with conclusion. Once the conclusion is drawn, whether you used science to get there or not, the science is finished and you began practicing FAITH in your conclusion. MEN draw conclusions, not Science.
There are no athiests if athiest is the opposite of organized religions or "theists" because theists KNOW god exists. A fact they say because their ancestors said so. He visited them. You dont believe that boss? But you believe parts of the lie? Zues?

Anyways I know many agnostics that are actually agnostic atheists. They are more than sure theists are liars and fools but won't COMPLETELY rule out that there could be a god. Are you too stupid to understand this?

I won't even pretend to understand anything in your first paragraph. I have no idea what kind of convoluted point that was supposed to imply. The science is clear... We have a species of life which exhibits a unique and defining behavioral characteristic and has had this trait for all it's known existence. I believe this makes it fundamental and essential to the species or it wouldn't exist. You've presented nothing in science to contradict that. In fact, your claims that we "invented" this "imaginary" thing that is totally in our heads, is contradictory to Darwinian theory itself. You can show us no other example in nature of a species tricking nature by conjuring up something from imagination, then successfully thriving because of it. It just doesn't naturally happen.

Agnostics are not Atheists. We know this because we've developed two distinct words to define them separately... seems a bit childish I should have to point this out to you. An agnostic is someone who leaves the question of God open to possibility, an Atheist rejects the possibility of God. When one position contradicts the other, you cannot hold both positions.... unless you are retarded and don't understand the difference.

Science does not draw any conclusion... about God or anything else. Science can't draw conclusions because conclusions render Science impotent. Science can only explore and discover possibilities, it can't do anything with conclusion. Once the conclusion is drawn, whether you used science to get there or not, the science is finished and you began practicing FAITH in your conclusion. MEN draw conclusions, not Science.
Sorry Bossy. Your Religion of Magical Spirit Realms needs a hook if you're hoping to sucker-in some members.

Your religion as you've configured it won't even get you guys laid in the afterlife. No carnal rewards?

There are no athiests if athiest is the opposite of organized religions or "theists" because theists KNOW god exists. A fact they say because their ancestors said so. He visited them. You dont believe that boss? But you believe parts of the lie? Zues?

Anyways I know many agnostics that are actually agnostic atheists. They are more than sure theists are liars and fools but won't COMPLETELY rule out that there could be a god. Are you too stupid to understand this?

I won't even pretend to understand anything in your first paragraph. I have no idea what kind of convoluted point that was supposed to imply. The science is clear... We have a species of life which exhibits a unique and defining behavioral characteristic and has had this trait for all it's known existence. I believe this makes it fundamental and essential to the species or it wouldn't exist. You've presented nothing in science to contradict that. In fact, your claims that we "invented" this "imaginary" thing that is totally in our heads, is contradictory to Darwinian theory itself. You can show us no other example in nature of a species tricking nature by conjuring up something from imagination, then successfully thriving because of it. It just doesn't naturally happen.

Agnostics are not Atheists. We know this because we've developed two distinct words to define them separately... seems a bit childish I should have to point this out to you. An agnostic is someone who leaves the question of God open to possibility, an Atheist rejects the possibility of God. When one position contradicts the other, you cannot hold both positions.... unless you are retarded and don't understand the difference.

Science does not draw any conclusion... about God or anything else. Science can't draw conclusions because conclusions render Science impotent. Science can only explore and discover possibilities, it can't do anything with conclusion. Once the conclusion is drawn, whether you used science to get there or not, the science is finished and you began practicing FAITH in your conclusion. MEN draw conclusions, not Science.

I can't find another species because we are the only ones on this one planet that have evolved to have brains that can imagine such things. None of your arguments are good.

History and science explained why we made up gods and what the benefits were. I'm not going to explain it over and over and over.

Just because our ape ancestors first came up with god and this idea benefitted them does not prove anything.

Please dont make these same lame arguments on me again. You need more material.
Carl Sagan and Hawkins and Tyson explain why you are wrong. They haven't perverted science you just cherry pick from them.

No sir. They've given their OPINIONS.

Science has no evidence that God is not possible or doesn't exist. NONE!

In fact, it amazes me how often Science pulls back a curtain to find some astounding new information which seems to point to some divine intervention. Over and over, you look under a rock and find God, then proceed to explain away how you can dismiss God.

I absolutely LOVE science, but the Atheist Scientist is a constant source of entertainment for me. See... I already know "God did it!" So when science reveals that subatomic particles can instantly communicate across billions of light years with their entangled counterpart (see quantum entanglement), they are miffed by this but I am not surprised. When science discovers that every physics book is wrong and the universe is NOT mostly comprised of atoms as we once believed, but 96% of it is this dark energy/matter that we don't understand... the atheist scientists scratch their heads, but I am not surprised. When science discovers there are 40-some-odd constants, weights, ratios and forces which had to be precise to within .00000000000000000001 or the entire physical universe we know could not exist... they are perplexed, I am not surprised.

It's like watching your favorite sit-com to see what the atheist scientists are going to have to refute next, to keep their disbelief alive. I wondered the other day... what would happen IF science somehow had this earth-shattering breakthrough and discovered the key to spiritual nature, confirmed it exists and is quantifiable but difficult to physically detect in our dimensional reality.... How long would it take for you brainiac atheists to completely abandon Science as a bunch of superstitious nonsense?

I bet it wouldn't take long at all.
I can't find another species because we are the only ones on this one planet that have evolved to have brains that can imagine such things.

Hmm... the ONLY ones? That seems a bit odd, doesn't it?

How do you suppose we lucked out and became the only species to ever discover how to imagine things into existence to effectively assist our evolution?

That's a real puzzlement. :dunno:
Carl Sagan and Hawkins and Tyson explain why you are wrong. They haven't perverted science you just cherry pick from them.

No sir. They've given their OPINIONS.

Science has no evidence that God is not possible or doesn't exist. NONE!

In fact, it amazes me how often Science pulls back a curtain to find some astounding new information which seems to point to some divine intervention. Over and over, you look under a rock and find God, then proceed to explain away how you can dismiss God.

I absolutely LOVE science, but the Atheist Scientist is a constant source of entertainment for me. See... I already know "God did it!" So when science reveals that subatomic particles can instantly communicate across billions of light years with their entangled counterpart (see quantum entanglement), they are miffed by this but I am not surprised. When science discovers that every physics book is wrong and the universe is NOT mostly comprised of atoms as we once believed, but 96% of it is this dark energy/matter that we don't understand... the atheist scientists scratch their heads, but I am not surprised. When science discovers there are 40-some-odd constants, weights, ratios and forces which had to be precise to within .00000000000000000001 or the entire physical universe we know could not exist... they are perplexed, I am not surprised.

It's like watching your favorite sit-com to see what the atheist scientists are going to have to refute next, to keep their disbelief alive. I wondered the other day... what would happen IF science somehow had this earth-shattering breakthrough and discovered the key to spiritual nature, confirmed it exists and is quantifiable but difficult to physically detect in our dimensional reality.... How long would it take for you brainiac atheists to completely abandon Science as a bunch of superstitious nonsense?

I bet it wouldn't take long at all.

The multiverse hypothesis wasn't even an option when your monkey ancestors invented god.
I can't find another species because we are the only ones on this one planet that have evolved to have brains that can imagine such things.

Hmm... the ONLY ones? That seems a bit odd, doesn't it?

How do you suppose we lucked out and became the only species to ever discover how to imagine things into existence to effectively assist our evolution?

That's a real puzzlement. :dunno:
There are a great many physiological reasons why humans are the only species with a sentient brain.

You may have been out to lunch when the gawds handed out those sentient brains.
Carl Sagan and Hawkins and Tyson explain why you are wrong. They haven't perverted science you just cherry pick from them.

No sir. They've given their OPINIONS.

Science has no evidence that God is not possible or doesn't exist. NONE!

In fact, it amazes me how often Science pulls back a curtain to find some astounding new information which seems to point to some divine intervention. Over and over, you look under a rock and find God, then proceed to explain away how you can dismiss God.

I absolutely LOVE science, but the Atheist Scientist is a constant source of entertainment for me. See... I already know "God did it!" So when science reveals that subatomic particles can instantly communicate across billions of light years with their entangled counterpart (see quantum entanglement), they are miffed by this but I am not surprised. When science discovers that every physics book is wrong and the universe is NOT mostly comprised of atoms as we once believed, but 96% of it is this dark energy/matter that we don't understand... the atheist scientists scratch their heads, but I am not surprised. When science discovers there are 40-some-odd constants, weights, ratios and forces which had to be precise to within .00000000000000000001 or the entire physical universe we know could not exist... they are perplexed, I am not surprised.

It's like watching your favorite sit-com to see what the atheist scientists are going to have to refute next, to keep their disbelief alive. I wondered the other day... what would happen IF science somehow had this earth-shattering breakthrough and discovered the key to spiritual nature, confirmed it exists and is quantifiable but difficult to physically detect in our dimensional reality.... How long would it take for you brainiac atheists to completely abandon Science as a bunch of superstitious nonsense?

I bet it wouldn't take long at all.
You're not perplexed, you're befuddled.
I can't find another species because we are the only ones on this one planet that have evolved to have brains that can imagine such things.

Hmm... the ONLY ones? That seems a bit odd, doesn't it?

How do you suppose we lucked out and became the only species to ever discover how to imagine things into existence to effectively assist our evolution?

That's a real puzzlement. :dunno:
How do you suppose? Never mind. I already know. And so do you apparently. Me however dont claim to know.

And I dont buy your answer. I fail you. The right answer is you dont know.

But you know. You KNOW. See what we mean when we say we aren't atheists because we can't KNOW? But you are sure. Its why we laugh at you.
Carl Sagan and Hawkins and Tyson explain why you are wrong. They haven't perverted science you just cherry pick from them.

No sir. They've given their OPINIONS.

Science has no evidence that God is not possible or doesn't exist. NONE!

In fact, it amazes me how often Science pulls back a curtain to find some astounding new information which seems to point to some divine intervention. Over and over, you look under a rock and find God, then proceed to explain away how you can dismiss God.

I absolutely LOVE science, but the Atheist Scientist is a constant source of entertainment for me. See... I already know "God did it!" So when science reveals that subatomic particles can instantly communicate across billions of light years with their entangled counterpart (see quantum entanglement), they are miffed by this but I am not surprised. When science discovers that every physics book is wrong and the universe is NOT mostly comprised of atoms as we once believed, but 96% of it is this dark energy/matter that we don't understand... the atheist scientists scratch their heads, but I am not surprised. When science discovers there are 40-some-odd constants, weights, ratios and forces which had to be precise to within .00000000000000000001 or the entire physical universe we know could not exist... they are perplexed, I am not surprised.

It's like watching your favorite sit-com to see what the atheist scientists are going to have to refute next, to keep their disbelief alive. I wondered the other day... what would happen IF science somehow had this earth-shattering breakthrough and discovered the key to spiritual nature, confirmed it exists and is quantifiable but difficult to physically detect in our dimensional reality.... How long would it take for you brainiac atheists to completely abandon Science as a bunch of superstitious nonsense?

I bet it wouldn't take long at all.
You're not perplexed, you're befuddled.

Did you see he said nothing science discovers surprises him? Yet he mocks science and cherry picks what findings he likes and doesnt like? Then if science tries to explain why he's wrong he claims atheists have bastardized the science.

He's trying to make the argument that science has never disproven god.

Boss, god love ya youre a fucking idiot.
No matter what science discovers god gets the credit. Remember when lightening was because Zeus was mad?
Elephant graveyards! Elephants believe in gods too.

So do whales.

Burying dead remains is not indicative of spirituality. HOWEVER... Elephants have been a remarkable source of study into the attribute of imagination. They are very imaginative and in some cases, perhaps even 'spiritual' or inspired from beyond self. Breeze is constantly posting pictures and thoughts on the flora and fauna and how all living things are spiritually connected. I come closer to believing that than to believe all living things are agnostic, if we're being totally honest.

Where are the Great Whale Civilizations? Why don't the Whales have representatives at the UN? Why don't we at least see some Whale protest groups for Whale rights? Probably the same reason we don't see them building schools and churches, don't you imagine?

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