How do the non-spiritual explain it?

When science discovers there are 40-some-odd constants, weights, ratios and forces which had to be precise to within .00000000000000000001 or the entire physical universe we know could not exist...
There you go again parroting that already discredited BS. If one of those 40 changes, you have no proof the other 39 won't change to adapt.

Does not matter what else changes. If the force of gravity is off by .00000000000000000001, no other parameter even matters because suns and planets could not form. If the ratio in size between electrons and neutrons were off by .00000000000000000001, matter could not exist. Other constants.... off by .00000000000000000001 and chemistry does not exist. There is no "adaptation" in physics. 1+1 doesn't "adapt" to become 3.

All of this is well-documented science, it is far from "discredited BS."
When science discovers there are 40-some-odd constants, weights, ratios and forces which had to be precise to within .00000000000000000001 or the entire physical universe we know could not exist...
There you go again parroting that already discredited BS. If one of those 40 changes, you have no proof the other 39 won't change to adapt.

Does not matter what else changes. If the force of gravity is off by .00000000000000000001, no other parameter even matters because suns and planets could not form. If the ratio in size between electrons and neutrons were off by .00000000000000000001, matter could not exist. Other constants.... off by .00000000000000000001 and chemistry does not exist. There is no "adaptation" in physics. 1+1 doesn't "adapt" to become 3.

All of this is well-documented science, it is far from "discredited BS."
Nonsense. Do yourself a favor Bossy and stop getting your "science" from Harun Yahya.
Psychology is science
Everything tries to pass itself off as a science, they even call "boxing" "The Sweet Science."

Psychology is not a pure science and you are not a scientist any more than a boxer is a scientist.

Well take it up with Academia, they recognize Psychology as the Science of human behavior. This dovetails nicely with my earlier point about how long would it take an atheist to abandon science if science suggests they are wrong about God. As we see, Eddy is ready to dismiss Psychology as "invalid" science. Ultimately, this applies to all science which threatens Ed's atheist beliefs.

Curiously, this standard of evaluation doesn't apply to atheist opinions and unfounded theories. Those are considered "scientific facts" even though they can't be supported with science.
How do the non-spiritual explain it?

I'm going where I'm going, like everyone else. And I was dead a long time before I lived, and it doesn't seem to bother me that I've been dead already. Probably several times.
How do the non-spiritual explain it?

I'm going where I'm going, like everyone else. And I was dead a long time before I lived, and it doesn't seem to bother me that I've been dead already. Probably several times.

It's fine to believe that but you do realize this contradicts science, right?

Biogenesis states that all living things come from other living things. Whatever you may believe you were before, it had to be organic or you can't be a living thing. In other words, if you are living now, you've always been alive in some form. Even after your physical body expires you are still alive, still organic. You may be consumed by worms and other living organisms to produce energy and continue to sustain life. Your decaying organism could provide fertilization for a tree and thus your organic cells live on far past your death.

The whole life and death thing is a source of much confusion to atheists, I believe. The concept of eternal life is dismissed, even though science indicates life is an eternal process.
Psychology is science
Everything tries to pass itself off as a science, they even call "boxing" "The Sweet Science."

Psychology is not a pure science and you are not a scientist any more than a boxer is a scientist.

Well take it up with Academia, they recognize Psychology as the Science of human behavior. This dovetails nicely with my earlier point about how long would it take an atheist to abandon science if science suggests they are wrong about God. As we see, Eddy is ready to dismiss Psychology as "invalid" science. Ultimately, this applies to all science which threatens Ed's atheist beliefs.

Curiously, this standard of evaluation doesn't apply to atheist opinions and unfounded theories. Those are considered "scientific facts" even though they can't be supported with science.
Fundamental science - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Basic science includes fundamental physics and many special sciences—natural sciences like astrophysics, biology, chemistry, geology, and perhaps cognitive sciences, too, but generally excluding behavioral sciences like psychology and social sciences like economics—and excludes engineering, medical sciences, and epidemiology, for instance, which are applied sciences, set apart from the basic/pure/fundamental science.[10][11][13][14][15][16]
Careful Bossy

Science is science because there are questions we can't answer about the Universe

Theology is Theology because all questions are answered with the same reply: Its God.

A theist scientist tend to resolve this issue by understanding that science is about how things work, and theology is about why did God even bother.

An atheist scientist treat science the same way, however stating "Its God" is meaningless to them. Are you telling them the phenomenon at hand is God, or is God the direct reason for that phenomenon. Or are you saying that God is indirectly responsible? And how do you know for sure?

The conflict that exists between the natural science and theology is that the scientist is too curious to stop at answer "Its God". If scientist ever did, they no longer would be scientist but theologians.
How do the non-spiritual explain it?

I'm going where I'm going, like everyone else. And I was dead a long time before I lived, and it doesn't seem to bother me that I've been dead already. Probably several times.

It's fine to believe that but you do realize this contradicts science, right?

Biogenesis states that all living things come from other living things. Whatever you may believe you were before, it had to be organic or you can't be a living thing. In other words, if you are living now, you've always been alive in some form. Even after your physical body expires you are still alive, still organic. You may be consumed by worms and other living organisms to produce energy and continue to sustain life. Your decaying organism could provide fertilization for a tree and thus your organic cells live on far past your death.

The whole life and death thing is a source of much confusion to atheists, I believe. The concept of eternal life is dismissed, even though science indicates life is an eternal process.
Biogenesis is a crackpot notion furthered by the Watchtower Society, a fundamentalist Christian organization.

CB000 Law of Biogenesis

Claim CB000:
Pasteur and other scientists disproved the concept of spontaneous generation and established the "law of biogenesis" -- that life comes only from previous life.
Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, 1985. Life--How Did It Get Here? Brooklyn, NY, p. 38.
  1. The spontaneous generation that Pasteur and others disproved was the idea that life forms such as mice, maggots, and bacteria can appear fully formed. They disproved a form of creationism. There is no law of biogenesis saying that very primitive life cannot form from increasingly complex molecules.
When science discovers there are 40-some-odd constants, weights, ratios and forces which had to be precise to within .00000000000000000001 or the entire physical universe we know could not exist...
There you go again parroting that already discredited BS. If one of those 40 changes, you have no proof the other 39 won't change to adapt.

Does not matter what else changes. If the force of gravity is off by .00000000000000000001, no other parameter even matters because suns and planets could not form. If the ratio in size between electrons and neutrons were off by .00000000000000000001, matter could not exist. Other constants.... off by .00000000000000000001 and chemistry does not exist. There is no "adaptation" in physics. 1+1 doesn't "adapt" to become 3.

All of this is well-documented science, it is far from "discredited BS."
Yea but it doesnt prove what you think it proves.

If the planet heated up 5 degrees we might not survive it but Tardigrades would. Then this would be their planet. Would god make them a heaven or who are you to think you are better than the Tardigrade? They can survive naked in outer space can you? God didnt design you very well.
Psychology is science
Everything tries to pass itself off as a science, they even call "boxing" "The Sweet Science."

Psychology is not a pure science and you are not a scientist any more than a boxer is a scientist.

Well take it up with Academia, they recognize Psychology as the Science of human behavior. This dovetails nicely with my earlier point about how long would it take an atheist to abandon science if science suggests they are wrong about God. As we see, Eddy is ready to dismiss Psychology as "invalid" science. Ultimately, this applies to all science which threatens Ed's atheist beliefs.

Curiously, this standard of evaluation doesn't apply to atheist opinions and unfounded theories. Those are considered "scientific facts" even though they can't be supported with science.
Fundamental science - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Basic science includes fundamental physics and many special sciences—natural sciences like astrophysics, biology, chemistry, geology, and perhaps cognitive sciences, too, but generally excluding behavioral sciences like psychology and social sciences like economics—and excludes engineering, medical sciences, and epidemiology, for instance, which are applied sciences, set apart from the basic/pure/fundamental science.[10][11][13][14][15][16]

Why didn't god make us so we can fly? Ask every person what special power they'd like to have most would say fly.

But we have imagined winged humans. Boss would say they must be real because people couldn't have possibly looked at a bird and imagined that.

And no one who sees death could have possibly imagined that there is an afterlife. There must be something to it. Boss is so dumb but stubborn. He's half way to agnostic atheism and almost an agnostic. No worries you can't teach an old dog new tricks.
How do the non-spiritual explain it?

I'm going where I'm going, like everyone else. And I was dead a long time before I lived, and it doesn't seem to bother me that I've been dead already. Probably several times.

It's fine to believe that but you do realize this contradicts science, right?

Biogenesis states that all living things come from other living things. Whatever you may believe you were before, it had to be organic or you can't be a living thing. In other words, if you are living now, you've always been alive in some form. Even after your physical body expires you are still alive, still organic. You may be consumed by worms and other living organisms to produce energy and continue to sustain life. Your decaying organism could provide fertilization for a tree and thus your organic cells live on far past your death.

The whole life and death thing is a source of much confusion to atheists, I believe. The concept of eternal life is dismissed, even though science indicates life is an eternal process.
You've been trolling your fundamentalist Christian ministries again, Bossy. Science does not indicate biological life is an eternal process. I understand you suffer from lack of a science vocabulary and thus invent your own twisted versions of science and christianity as you go, but biological life in terms of individual organisms clearly does have a finite lifespan.
Why didn't god make us so we can fly? Ask every person what special power they'd like to have most would say fly.

But we have imagined winged humans. Boss would say they must be real because people couldn't have possibly looked at a bird and imagined that.

And no one who sees death could have possibly imagined that there is an afterlife. There must be something to it. Boss is so dumb but stubborn. He's half way to agnostic atheism and almost an agnostic. No worries you can't teach an old dog new tricks.

I have a better question. If man wanted to fly, why didn't he simply imagine his arms were wings, put faith in his imaginary playmate and take to the skies? I mean, that's how you claim man invented spirituality, right? Seems it would be no problem for our advanced brains to conjure up an ability to fly just like we conjured up worshiping Gods.
Psychology is science
Everything tries to pass itself off as a science, they even call "boxing" "The Sweet Science."

Psychology is not a pure science and you are not a scientist any more than a boxer is a scientist.

Well take it up with Academia, they recognize Psychology as the Science of human behavior. This dovetails nicely with my earlier point about how long would it take an atheist to abandon science if science suggests they are wrong about God. As we see, Eddy is ready to dismiss Psychology as "invalid" science. Ultimately, this applies to all science which threatens Ed's atheist beliefs.

Curiously, this standard of evaluation doesn't apply to atheist opinions and unfounded theories. Those are considered "scientific facts" even though they can't be supported with science.
Fundamental science - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Basic science includes fundamental physics and many special sciences—natural sciences like astrophysics, biology, chemistry, geology, and perhaps cognitive sciences, too, but generally excluding behavioral sciences like psychology and social sciences like economics—and excludes engineering, medical sciences, and epidemiology, for instance, which are applied sciences, set apart from the basic/pure/fundamental science.[10][11][13][14][15][16]

Thanks for confirming Psychology is science.
Why didn't god make us so we can fly? Ask every person what special power they'd like to have most would say fly.

But we have imagined winged humans. Boss would say they must be real because people couldn't have possibly looked at a bird and imagined that.

And no one who sees death could have possibly imagined that there is an afterlife. There must be something to it. Boss is so dumb but stubborn. He's half way to agnostic atheism and almost an agnostic. No worries you can't teach an old dog new tricks.

I have a better question. If man wanted to fly, why didn't he simply imagine his arms were wings, put faith in his imaginary playmate and take to the skies? I mean, that's how you claim man invented spirituality, right? Seems it would be no problem for our advanced brains to conjure up an ability to fly just like we conjured up worshiping Gods.
You can't wish to fly and you can't wish a god real. I dont know everything about everything but I do know bullshit when I hear it.
When science discovers there are 40-some-odd constants, weights, ratios and forces which had to be precise to within .00000000000000000001 or the entire physical universe we know could not exist...
There you go again parroting that already discredited BS. If one of those 40 changes, you have no proof the other 39 won't change to adapt.

Does not matter what else changes. If the force of gravity is off by .00000000000000000001, no other parameter even matters because suns and planets could not form. If the ratio in size between electrons and neutrons were off by .00000000000000000001, matter could not exist. Other constants.... off by .00000000000000000001 and chemistry does not exist. There is no "adaptation" in physics. 1+1 doesn't "adapt" to become 3.

All of this is well-documented science, it is far from "discredited BS."
Yea but it doesnt prove what you think it proves.

If the planet heated up 5 degrees we might not survive it but Tardigrades would. Then this would be their planet. Would god make them a heaven or who are you to think you are better than the Tardigrade? They can survive naked in outer space can you? God didnt design you very well.

The planet's temperature range is much greater than 5 degrees. Low and behold,we still survive! If we've discovered Tardigrades in space, why hasn't this been publicized? God didn't design your brain very well... must've been on a bender that day!

The cosmological constant and gravitational constant are more significant than simple temperature range on a given planet. These are variables which have to be precise to within a barely detectable fraction or things don't exist. It's hard for anything to survive if nothing can exist, even Tardigrades.

We know that gravitational force is weak. In relation to other forces, it is among the weakest. The force of gravity is determined by a gravitational constant. If the force of gravity were a tad stronger or weaker, electrons could not exist. No electrons, no chemistry-- No chemistry, no life.
You can't wish to fly and you can't wish a god real. I dont know everything about everything but I do know bullshit when I hear it.

Do Atheists NOT argue that man invented God? Isn't that the argument made to explain God? That man was so afraid of mortality and death he invented God to console his fears? Now you are arguing this is not possible... that's odd.

If you believe man invented fake God to achieve consolation for his fears of mortality, why not invent fake wings to achieve flight? Doesn't seem to be that much of a stretch in your logic. Don't worry, if you are afraid to jump off that cliff and flap your fake wings, just invent an imaginary being who will protect you from death... you have a special kind of brain!
When science discovers there are 40-some-odd constants, weights, ratios and forces which had to be precise to within .00000000000000000001 or the entire physical universe we know could not exist...
There you go again parroting that already discredited BS. If one of those 40 changes, you have no proof the other 39 won't change to adapt.

Does not matter what else changes. If the force of gravity is off by .00000000000000000001, no other parameter even matters because suns and planets could not form. If the ratio in size between electrons and neutrons were off by .00000000000000000001, matter could not exist. Other constants.... off by .00000000000000000001 and chemistry does not exist. There is no "adaptation" in physics. 1+1 doesn't "adapt" to become 3.

All of this is well-documented science, it is far from "discredited BS."
Yea but it doesnt prove what you think it proves.

If the planet heated up 5 degrees we might not survive it but Tardigrades would. Then this would be their planet. Would god make them a heaven or who are you to think you are better than the Tardigrade? They can survive naked in outer space can you? God didnt design you very well.

The planet's temperature range is much greater than 5 degrees. Low and behold,we still survive! If we've discovered Tardigrades in space, why hasn't this been publicized? God didn't design your brain very well... must've been on a bender that day!

The cosmological constant and gravitational constant are more significant than simple temperature range on a given planet. These are variables which have to be precise to within a barely detectable fraction or things don't exist. It's hard for anything to survive if nothing can exist, even Tardigrades.

We know that gravitational force is weak. In relation to other forces, it is among the weakest. The force of gravity is determined by a gravitational constant. If the force of gravity were a tad stronger or weaker, electrons could not exist. No electrons, no chemistry-- No chemistry, no life.

Carl Sagan says something can seem impossible and still be true or not.

And he says non of what you say proves anything. If it does show us how many youtube hits you have so far. None? Then shut up! Lol
When science discovers there are 40-some-odd constants, weights, ratios and forces which had to be precise to within .00000000000000000001 or the entire physical universe we know could not exist...
There you go again parroting that already discredited BS. If one of those 40 changes, you have no proof the other 39 won't change to adapt.

Does not matter what else changes. If the force of gravity is off by .00000000000000000001, no other parameter even matters because suns and planets could not form. If the ratio in size between electrons and neutrons were off by .00000000000000000001, matter could not exist. Other constants.... off by .00000000000000000001 and chemistry does not exist. There is no "adaptation" in physics. 1+1 doesn't "adapt" to become 3.

All of this is well-documented science, it is far from "discredited BS."
Yea but it doesnt prove what you think it proves.

If the planet heated up 5 degrees we might not survive it but Tardigrades would. Then this would be their planet. Would god make them a heaven or who are you to think you are better than the Tardigrade? They can survive naked in outer space can you? God didnt design you very well.

The planet's temperature range is much greater than 5 degrees. Low and behold,we still survive! If we've discovered Tardigrades in space, why hasn't this been publicized? God didn't design your brain very well... must've been on a bender that day!

The cosmological constant and gravitational constant are more significant than simple temperature range on a given planet. These are variables which have to be precise to within a barely detectable fraction or things don't exist. It's hard for anything to survive if nothing can exist, even Tardigrades.

We know that gravitational force is weak. In relation to other forces, it is among the weakest. The force of gravity is determined by a gravitational constant. If the force of gravity were a tad stronger or weaker, electrons could not exist. No electrons, no chemistry-- No chemistry, no life.
No science training on your part, just pontification.
You can't wish to fly and you can't wish a god real. I dont know everything about everything but I do know bullshit when I hear it.

Do Atheists NOT argue that man invented God? Isn't that the argument made to explain God? That man was so afraid of mortality and death he invented God to console his fears? Now you are arguing this is not possible... that's odd.

If you believe man invented fake God to achieve consolation for his fears of mortality, why not invent fake wings to achieve flight? Doesn't seem to be that much of a stretch in your logic. Don't worry, if you are afraid to jump off that cliff and flap your fake wings, just invent an imaginary being who will protect you from death... you have a special kind of brain!
Dumbest post ever. Hit the bong again.
Carl Sagan says something can seem impossible and still be true or not.

I have often said the same thing just phrased differently. We can never KNOW truth, we can only BELIEVE that we know truth. I have also said that the precise instant you draw conclusion, you abandon science and adopt a faith.

It has been part of my argument all along that our human perception is very limited. In all of our five senses, we are not even masters of our own domain. Other living things can see better, smell better, hear better, have a better sense of touch and taste... and these inadequate senses comprise what we are able to perceive. It is totally ignorant and arrogant hubris to assume our perception is all there can possibly be.

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