How Do We Go From WWII 2016 Shit

The bigger the government gets, the less great America becomes.

We need to cut spending like Newt Gingrich did in the 1990s. Since Newt left, the US has gone straight downhill.
Guys like ge's Jack welch broke the social contract with employees and Reagan broke the unions then Gw sent jobs overseas.

And the rich have never been richer. Rich Republicans are happy and don't know what you're crying about.

By the way unemployment is down and wages are up thanks obama

Idiot Jack grew GE into a $130 billion dollar a year giant 10x larger than it was when he took over. His executive leadership program at GE grew and developed many of the executives who would go on to be the CEO's of other fortune 500 companies. You should get down on your knees and kiss his feet.

He grew the company by giving American jobs to Third World countries. The 1% made money, Jack and his executives made money, but money made offshore, stays offshore so the American people who lost their jobs made no money and received unemployment.

Furthermore, the taxes on profits made offshore stay their too, while GE became too big to fail, there was little benefit to the US economy or to US taxpayers. Dividends paid to the wealthy are taxed at a lower rate than wages or salaries so again, GE's success has no benefit to you unless you own stock.

You are a liar, lets rate your post...lie, lie, true, lie, lie, lie, ignorant, true, lie. Goddamn how many Pinocchio's is that in one post?

Lets get some facts on the table shall we. GE had a manufacturing campus in NY for nearly 100 years. It employed over 70,000 workers at its peak. Today less than 2,000 so what happened? Yes the greedy bastard Democrats killed the golden goose. They taxed GE like vampires using it as a slush fund to spend like there's no tomorrow to the point that GE finally said enough and began moving the jobs to other states.

GE then sued the Democrats for the abusive taxation and won in court, forcing the city to give millions back to GE which it didn't have. So the city cranked up the taxes on homeowners who then fled in horror, killing not only the GE campus and jobs but the city itself.

Today the city is a shit hole where the poor live, high crime, and high taxes. The Democrats raised the taxes so high that they hit a NY State constitutional limit on how high you can raise taxes holy shit, the first city to ever raise taxes to that level in NY State.

So don't go blaming the GE CEO.
The Rust Belt is a creation of Neo Democrats like Clinton, Kerry, Biden, Dodd, Hart, and a slew of others.

Examples of Democrats killing the goose that laid the golden egg exist all across the country. Does it make sense to tax a business into bankruptcy or so high the business packs up and moves to another state leaving you with zero revenue? Of course not, but these Democrats can't seem to control their greed. They tax the fuck out of business then when the business folds or leaves they blame the business wtf.
That's the point. If they just moved to Arkansas or Mississippi we would understand but they didn't go down south they went to Mexico. Why didn't they go to a red state? Because even you ask for too much.

There's a reason taxes are high in Michigan NY and California. Location location location
Idiot Jack grew GE into a $130 billion dollar a year giant 10x larger than it was when he took over. His executive leadership program at GE grew and developed many of the executives who would go on to be the CEO's of other fortune 500 companies. You should get down on your knees and kiss his feet.

He grew the company by giving American jobs to Third World countries. The 1% made money, Jack and his executives made money, but money made offshore, stays offshore so the American people who lost their jobs made no money and received unemployment.

Furthermore, the taxes on profits made offshore stay their too, while GE became too big to fail, there was little benefit to the US economy or to US taxpayers. Dividends paid to the wealthy are taxed at a lower rate than wages or salaries so again, GE's success has no benefit to you unless you own stock.

You are a liar, lets rate your post...lie, lie, true, lie, lie, lie, ignorant, true, lie. Goddamn how many Pinocchio's is that in one post?

Lets get some facts on the table shall we. GE had a manufacturing campus in NY for nearly 100 years. It employed over 70,000 workers at its peak. Today less than 2,000 so what happened? Yes the greedy bastard Democrats killed the golden goose. They taxed GE like vampires using it as a slush fund to spend like there's no tomorrow to the point that GE finally said enough and began moving the jobs to other states.

GE then sued the Democrats for the abusive taxation and won in court, forcing the city to give millions back to GE which it didn't have. So the city cranked up the taxes on homeowners who then fled in horror, killing not only the GE campus and jobs but the city itself.

Today the city is a shit hole where the poor live, high crime, and high taxes. The Democrats raised the taxes so high that they hit a NY State constitutional limit on how high you can raise taxes holy shit, the first city to ever raise taxes to that level in NY State.

So don't go blaming the GE CEO.
The Rust Belt is a creation of Neo Democrats like Clinton, Kerry, Biden, Dodd, Hart, and a slew of others.

Examples of Democrats killing the goose that laid the golden egg exist all across the country. Does it make sense to tax a business into bankruptcy or so high the business packs up and moves to another state leaving you with zero revenue? Of course not, but these Democrats can't seem to control their greed. They tax the fuck out of business then when the business folds or leaves they blame the business wtf.
That's the point. If they just moved to Arkansas or Mississippi we would understand but they didn't go down south they went to Mexico. Why didn't they go to a red state? Because even you ask for too much.

There's a reason taxes are high in Michigan NY and California. Location location location

Let's not blame the greed of corporations to make the maximum profit possible for the fewest number of people. Let's not blame the American corporations for going abroad where they can pollute at will, and employ people at slave wages in horrific conditions, all so the 1% and the 5% can enjoy higher profits.

Bush made it easy for these guys to leave the country, by extended tax benefits for off-shoring. They're not coming back regardless of what Trump does. They would have to spend money for plants and equipment, that confirm to first world health and safety standards.

You're dreaming in technicolor if you think Trump is doing anything to change that, because he can't.
Let's not blame the greed of corporations

Correct - we should blame the GREED of GOVERNMENT and those LEECHING OFF THE GOVERNMENT like you...

Corporate America responds to customers. If the good or service isn't a value, the firm goes bankrupt. If BIG GOVERNMENT makes the cost of manufacturing too high here, the corporation acts RATIONALLY and moves. The solution, which was present in the 1990s, is to CUT GOVERNMENT back to the 1990s levels.
He grew the company by giving American jobs to Third World countries. The 1% made money, Jack and his executives made money, but money made offshore, stays offshore so the American people who lost their jobs made no money and received unemployment.

Furthermore, the taxes on profits made offshore stay their too, while GE became too big to fail, there was little benefit to the US economy or to US taxpayers. Dividends paid to the wealthy are taxed at a lower rate than wages or salaries so again, GE's success has no benefit to you unless you own stock.

You are a liar, lets rate your post...lie, lie, true, lie, lie, lie, ignorant, true, lie. Goddamn how many Pinocchio's is that in one post?

Lets get some facts on the table shall we. GE had a manufacturing campus in NY for nearly 100 years. It employed over 70,000 workers at its peak. Today less than 2,000 so what happened? Yes the greedy bastard Democrats killed the golden goose. They taxed GE like vampires using it as a slush fund to spend like there's no tomorrow to the point that GE finally said enough and began moving the jobs to other states.

GE then sued the Democrats for the abusive taxation and won in court, forcing the city to give millions back to GE which it didn't have. So the city cranked up the taxes on homeowners who then fled in horror, killing not only the GE campus and jobs but the city itself.

Today the city is a shit hole where the poor live, high crime, and high taxes. The Democrats raised the taxes so high that they hit a NY State constitutional limit on how high you can raise taxes holy shit, the first city to ever raise taxes to that level in NY State.

So don't go blaming the GE CEO.
The Rust Belt is a creation of Neo Democrats like Clinton, Kerry, Biden, Dodd, Hart, and a slew of others.

Examples of Democrats killing the goose that laid the golden egg exist all across the country. Does it make sense to tax a business into bankruptcy or so high the business packs up and moves to another state leaving you with zero revenue? Of course not, but these Democrats can't seem to control their greed. They tax the fuck out of business then when the business folds or leaves they blame the business wtf.
That's the point. If they just moved to Arkansas or Mississippi we would understand but they didn't go down south they went to Mexico. Why didn't they go to a red state? Because even you ask for too much.

There's a reason taxes are high in Michigan NY and California. Location location location

Let's not blame the greed of corporations to make the maximum profit possible for the fewest number of people. Let's not blame the American corporations for going abroad where they can pollute at will, and employ people at slave wages in horrific conditions, all so the 1% and the 5% can enjoy higher profits.

Bush made it easy for these guys to leave the country, by extended tax benefits for off-shoring. They're not coming back regardless of what Trump does. They would have to spend money for plants and equipment, that confirm to first world health and safety standards.

You're dreaming in technicolor if you think Trump is doing anything to change that, because he can't.
He can stop imports from these markets.
He's shit, alright.

The left main stream media, the left wing professors with tenure and 60 years of anti-American educational system, and an anti-American entertainment who glorify socialist ideals as they all benefit from the free market they spit on.
He can stop imports from these markets.

Really - where are Americans going to get their clothing? Manufacturing facilities no longer exist in the USA. The cloth is manufactured offshore as well. The textile mills are shuttered.

Neither the skilled trades nor the facilities exist in North America in sufficient numbers to supply the market. How do you deal with that?
He can stop imports from these markets.

Really - where are Americans going to get their clothing? Manufacturing facilities no longer exist in the USA. The cloth is manufactured offshore as well. The textile mills are shuttered.

Neither the skilled trades nor the facilities exist in North America in sufficient numbers to supply the market. How do you deal with that?
If you stop the cheap imports...they will come.
He can stop imports from these markets.

Really - where are Americans going to get their clothing? Manufacturing facilities no longer exist in the USA. The cloth is manufactured offshore as well. The textile mills are shuttered.

Neither the skilled trades nor the facilities exist in North America in sufficient numbers to supply the market. How do you deal with that?
If you stop the cheap imports...they will come.
Primarily we need to stop the import of cheap labor. Nothing lowers the American standard of living as fast or as surely as that.
Primarily we need to stop the import of cheap labor.

Nobody was whining about CHEAP LABOR when government's cost was 25% of GDP in the 1990s. When government grew GREW GREW during the Period of American WO, that pushed employers out of the US market, and that shrunk the job market, and put downward pressure on wages. The solution is to make America competitive again by cutting spending, taxes, and regulation.
Primarily we need to stop the import of cheap labor.

Nobody was whining about CHEAP LABOR when government's cost was 25% of GDP in the 1990s. When government grew GREW GREW during the Period of American WO, that pushed employers out of the US market, and that shrunk the job market, and put downward pressure on wages. The solution is to make America competitive again by cutting spending, taxes, and regulation.
It's all pointless unless you shut off the importation of cheap foreign labor. Anybody who doesn't know that is either a idiot or an establishment tool.
He can stop imports from these markets.

Really - where are Americans going to get their clothing? Manufacturing facilities no longer exist in the USA. The cloth is manufactured offshore as well. The textile mills are shuttered.

Neither the skilled trades nor the facilities exist in North America in sufficient numbers to supply the market. How do you deal with that?
If you stop the cheap imports...they will come.

They will come, but what do you do in the meantime? In this so-called plan Trump has, when you stop the cheap imports, what are you going to do until American production gets back up and running?

To make American clothing, where are you going to get the cutters, the pattern makers. The US manufacturers about 5% of the world's textiles. That's not enough to clothe the masses. China now manufacturers over 50% of the worlds' textiles, and makes half of the clothing in the world. The US doesn't even make the top 20 in garment production.

There is more to "bringing back jobs" than some simple minded slogan. It's not just the jobs that were lost but the skills, and the infrastructure which made them possible. Starting a new production industry where one currently doesn't exist is a very expensive undertaking. Who's going to pay for all of this?
Primarily we need to stop the import of cheap labor.

Nobody was whining about CHEAP LABOR when government's cost was 25% of GDP in the 1990s. When government grew GREW GREW during the Period of American WO, that pushed employers out of the US market, and that shrunk the job market, and put downward pressure on wages. The solution is to make America competitive again by cutting spending, taxes, and regulation.


The problem isn't taxes, isn't not regulation, and it's not a lack of competitive wages, it's lack of spending by the working population which corporate America has now reduced to wage slaves, unable to afford food without government assistance to the working poor.

Poor people don't have enough income to live on without government assistance, although the corporations which employ them are awash in cash. Still, middle class people continue to be taxed to the eye teeth to pay for this ridiculous corporate welfare. Make these corporations pay their own damn workers, and watch demand take off.
Primarily we need to stop the import of cheap labor.

Nobody was whining about CHEAP LABOR when government's cost was 25% of GDP in the 1990s. When government grew GREW GREW during the Period of American WO, that pushed employers out of the US market, and that shrunk the job market, and put downward pressure on wages. The solution is to make America competitive again by cutting spending, taxes, and regulation.


The problem isn't taxes, isn't not regulation, and it's not a lack of competitive wages, it's lack of spending by the working population which corporate America has now reduced to wage slaves, unable to afford food without government assistance to the working poor.

Poor people don't have enough income to live on without government assistance, although the corporations which employ them are awash in cash. Still, middle class people continue to be taxed to the eye teeth to pay for this ridiculous corporate welfare. Make these corporations pay their own damn workers, and watch demand take off.
Stop foreign imports of heavy industrial manufactured goods. I'm not talking tees Dragon.

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