How do we Know Human are Causing Climate Change?

So your wish that things not be as they are is fulfilled by your speculations about what will come. How perfectly circular and distracting of you as usual. Bubbye again.
Nope. That's what you are doing. I see things as they are. Climate fluctuations are as hallmark of our bipolar glaciated world. It's only a matter of time.

Bold move coming in heavy like that.

By my estimate that's an expected increase of 2.5C over 78 years.

That works out roughly to a 0.3C increases every decade for EIGHT straight decades.

You guys are linear thinkers in a cyclical physical world.
View attachment 602431

Bold move coming in heavy like that.

By my estimate that's an expected increase of 2.5C over 78 years.

That works out roughly to a 0.3C increases every decade for EIGHT straight decades.

You guys are linear thinkers in a cyclical physical world.

HE nailed it, you tried to ambiguate it with a nonsense objection.

You gratuitously Troll every post, never coherently reply.

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For a quick reference the last 40 years produced about a 0.5C increase. If that trend holds the 2.5C projection would miss it's mark by 1.5C. But I believe that even a 1.5C increase in 80 years is unlikely.

And before arguing that the current warming is not unprecedented in its rapidity, I suggest you read the article and its discussion of the import of actual climate sensitivity.
I created a thread especially for that discussion ;)
There was a spike in the 30's (air temp too) but that just an anomaly on a long Warming chart before that GHG blanket got too heavy.


And after scientists determined/measured it's NOT increased Solar Radiation (wobble, etc) one has to find another reason.
Wasn't that difficult.
Not counting climate fluctuations brought on by orbital forcing, the geologic record is littered with climate fluctuations (up and down) and not one of them was due to CO2. So how is it that you ignore all of that data to arrive at it must be CO2?
I thought you argued that the Earth had been getting colder for many thousands of years. Not easy to get the land and the sea going in opposite directions.
That's just like abu afuk to argue against a PBS documentary on the science of earth's climate. He probably calls PBS climate deniers.
That's just like abu afuk to argue against a PBS documentary on the science of earth's climate. He probably calls PBS climate deniers.
Ran out of words huh?
Thanks tho!
That youtube does NOT preclude AGW.
In fact, there are four Lines immediately under it for Context:

United Nations
Climate change refers to Long-term shifts in Temperatures and weather patterns, Mainly CAUSED by HUMAN Activities, especially the Burning of Fossil fuels."

Nice find goofy!!!
You can't debate me/anyone, you can only Troll them with Multi-posts and nonsense 'replies.'
(and backfires like this one)
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Ran out of words huh?
Thanks tho!
That youtube does NOT preclude AGW.
In fact, there are four Lines immediately under it for Context:

United Nations​
Climate change refers to Long-term shifts in Temperatures and weather patterns, Mainly CAUSED by HUMAN Activities, especially the Burning of Fossil fuels.

Nice find goofy!!!
You can't debate me/anyone, you can only Troll them with Multi-posts and nonsense 'replies.'
(and backfires like this one)
If pictures are worth a thousand words, videos must be worth a billion. You do realize you are in an ice age, right?
so many clowns, new and old here, say it's all natural
"it goes up, it goes down"
but scientists have actually looked into WHY this cycle is different than the others.

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How We Know Today's Climate Change Is Not Natural 4, 2017 - Last week, the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology, chaired by climate contrarian Lamar Smith, R-Texas, held a hearing on ...

How do we know global warming is not a natural cycle? | Climate ... 7, 2009 - Answer. If the Earth's temperature had been steady for millions of years and only started rising in the past half century or so, the answer would ...

How do we know? - Evidence | Facts – Climate Change: Vital Signs of ... Signs of the Planet: Global Climate Change and Global Warming. ...Not only was 2016 the warmest year on record, but eight of the 12 months that make up .... the Earth's natural greenhouse effect and suggested that slight changes in the ...

Human fingerprints on climate change rule out natural cycles, internal forces do not cause climate change. ... and oceanic emissions of CO2 and know that they are small compared to anthropogenic emissions, but ...
How Do We Know Humans Are Causing Climate Change? | Climate ... 1, 2019 - Yes, we know humans are responsible for the climate changewe see ... as if we're wrapping another, not-so-natural blanket around the Earth.

Global warming isn't just a natural cycle » Yale Climate Connections 18, 2018 - Here's how we know that. ... Global warming isn't just anatural cycle. By Sara Peach on Sep ... The earth's temperature changesnaturally over time. Variations ... Earth's warming: How scientists know it'snot the sun. From Yale ...

How Do We Know that Humans Are the Major Cause of Global ... to Natural and human factors that influence the climate (known as ...- Natural climate drivers include the energy ... in snow and ice cover thatchange how much ... if it were not for these human-made and natural tiny particles.

It doesn't matter how much proof you show some of these people; they're not going to admit it's the truth until all the coastal cities of the world are flooded and we have millions of immigrants over-running our borders. Then they might believe the truth.
It doesn't matter how much proof you show some of these people; they're not going to admit it's the truth until all the coastal cities of the world are flooded and we have millions of immigrants over-running our borders. Then they might believe the truth.
When do you believe all the coastal cities of the world will be flooded and millions of immigrants over-running our borders will happen?
It doesn't matter how much proof you show some of these people; they're not going to admit it's the truth until all the coastal cities of the world are flooded and we have millions of immigrants over-running our borders. Then they might believe the truth.
Like the post/ding just below yours
It's not an answer, it's a last-wording wise crack/Troll.
A detail no one could possibly know.
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When do you believe all the coastal cities of the world will be flooded and millions of immigrants over-running our borders will happen?
You need to worry about millions of dyed-in-the-wool US citizens flooded out and looking for someplace to live.
You need to worry about millions of dyed-in-the-wool US citizens flooded out and looking for someplace to live.
Fake news. 3 mm/yr.

Given your belief that temperatures will rise by 3C in 78 years how high do you believe the sea level will rise in 78 years?

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