How do we know the Bible is true?

if you belive in god you don t need a place on earth, destroy mekka and prove that you belive in god, and yes destroy medina jerusalem and the vatican, god lives everywhere in the universe
if you belive in god, then i can t kill you

all that will happen is your soul will meet god
acctually wrong i can kill your soul if i make you do evil things to survive
if you truely belive in god and jesus

you would never fight against

thats satans way, fight against

jesus loves
i wish someone would kill donald trump, hes a danger to all of humanity, but i can t kill
i wish donald trump would go away without the need to kill him, he just would play golf
i have a problem killing moskitos, everytime i kill one im remorsefull

i can t kill a mouse
its really simple the bible got 13 laws made by god

and lats of interpretation by humans

law nr 1. : when adam and eve got thrown out of paradise god told them to work on the field in their sweat to earn their food,
thats law nr. 1 if you follow god, work on the field to earn your food

then moses gave 10 laws from god, he almost died to get them, the 10 commandmends

and about 3000 years later jesus gave 2 laws

be like a child is law nr 12

love yourself and love others is law nr 13

everything else is human

Actually, God gave Moses 14 laws, but Moses dropped one of the tablets coming down the mountain. The laws outlawing war, attorneys, career politicians, and organized religion are still lying in pieces in the bottom of some ravine.
Deuteronomy 22:22 "If a man is found sleeping with another man's wife, both the man who slept with her and the woman must die."
You obviously have not read the Bible.

So Mary was married to someone else when Joseph knocked her up?
In reading the Bible, it occurs to me that god is deeply interested in controlling our sex life. It is actually pretty creepy. But, of course, all of that is divinely inspired, so none of that was dictated by the priests.
God does not care about your sex life. Rules were set before you were to manage your minor flesh being. You can put yourself into subjection whenever and however you like. That is the really cool thing about God we are allowed to make choices and we are also allowed to suffer or rejoice at those choices we make concerning these little flesh gardens we are suppose to maintain.

Well, now, one one hand, you are telling me that god doesn't care about my sex life, and on the same paragraph you are telling me that if I make the wrong choices about sex, he will see that I am punished.

So, which is it?
I said the rules were set long before you were. If you subject your self it is on you. That is the way it goes for those who sleep in the dust of the earth. So you condemn your self and not one single person out there has to be in agreement with what you do to yourself. When you go out of your own box and impose that on another then that other person gets to have a say. It really is pretty simple.
In reading the Bible, it occurs to me that god is deeply interested in controlling our sex life. It is actually pretty creepy. But, of course, all of that is divinely inspired, so none of that was dictated by the priests.
God does not care about your sex life. Rules were set before you were to manage your minor flesh being. You can put yourself into subjection whenever and however you like. That is the really cool thing about God we are allowed to make choices and we are also allowed to suffer or rejoice at those choices we make concerning these little flesh gardens we are suppose to maintain.

Well, now, one one hand, you are telling me that god doesn't care about my sex life, and on the same paragraph you are telling me that if I make the wrong choices about sex, he will see that I am punished.

So, which is it?
I said the rules were set long before you were. If you subject your self it is on you. That is the way it goes for those who sleep in the dust of the earth. So you condemn your self and not one single person out there has to be in agreement with what you do to yourself. When you go out of your own box and impose that on another then that other person gets to have a say. It really is pretty simple.

Nice spin, but I stand by my statement. God has a creepy obsession about my sex life. On the other hand, I have no interest whatsoever in his.
In reading the Bible, it occurs to me that god is deeply interested in controlling our sex life. It is actually pretty creepy. But, of course, all of that is divinely inspired, so none of that was dictated by the priests.
God does not care about your sex life. Rules were set before you were to manage your minor flesh being. You can put yourself into subjection whenever and however you like. That is the really cool thing about God we are allowed to make choices and we are also allowed to suffer or rejoice at those choices we make concerning these little flesh gardens we are suppose to maintain.

Well, now, one one hand, you are telling me that god doesn't care about my sex life, and on the same paragraph you are telling me that if I make the wrong choices about sex, he will see that I am punished.

So, which is it?
I said the rules were set long before you were. If you subject your self it is on you. That is the way it goes for those who sleep in the dust of the earth. So you condemn your self and not one single person out there has to be in agreement with what you do to yourself. When you go out of your own box and impose that on another then that other person gets to have a say. It really is pretty simple.

Nice spin, but I stand by my statement. God has a creepy obsession about my sex life. On the other hand, I have no interest whatsoever in his.
Per your own twisted view. If Jehovah wanted your breath could be taken in a moment but again 'you sleep in the dust of the earth'. You condemn yourself. So you are nothing more than the spiritually dead; basically you are walking 'worm' food (worm- generations) at the moment. You and many others think to the flesh. It happens and I have no intent on telling you what you can't do to yourself because as I said the rules were written before you were.
In reading the Bible, it occurs to me that god is deeply interested in controlling our sex life. It is actually pretty creepy. But, of course, all of that is divinely inspired, so none of that was dictated by the priests.
God does not care about your sex life. Rules were set before you were to manage your minor flesh being. You can put yourself into subjection whenever and however you like. That is the really cool thing about God we are allowed to make choices and we are also allowed to suffer or rejoice at those choices we make concerning these little flesh gardens we are suppose to maintain.

Well, now, one one hand, you are telling me that god doesn't care about my sex life, and on the same paragraph you are telling me that if I make the wrong choices about sex, he will see that I am punished.

So, which is it?
I said the rules were set long before you were. If you subject your self it is on you. That is the way it goes for those who sleep in the dust of the earth. So you condemn your self and not one single person out there has to be in agreement with what you do to yourself. When you go out of your own box and impose that on another then that other person gets to have a say. It really is pretty simple.

Nice spin, but I stand by my statement. God has a creepy obsession about my sex life. On the other hand, I have no interest whatsoever in his.
Per your own twisted view. If Jehovah wanted your breath could be taken in a moment but again 'you sleep in the dust of the earth'. You condemn yourself. So you are nothing more than the spiritually dead; basically you are walking 'worm' food (worm- generations) at the moment. You and many others think to the flesh. It happens and I have no intent on telling you what you can't do to yourself because as I said the rules were written before you were.


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