How do we know the Bible is true?

In reading the Bible, it occurs to me that god is deeply interested in controlling our sex life. It is actually pretty creepy. But, of course, all of that is divinely inspired, so none of that was dictated by the priests.
God does not care about your sex life. Rules were set before you were to manage your minor flesh being. You can put yourself into subjection whenever and however you like. That is the really cool thing about God we are allowed to make choices and we are also allowed to suffer or rejoice at those choices we make concerning these little flesh gardens we are suppose to maintain.
There has not been one thing in it that has been proven false.

Even if you don't believe in God, there is more wisdom in Proverbs than all universities combined. Add in the teachings of Jesus, Son of God or just histories most famous deluded man, and you know why it's histories top selling book.

I read the book----but do not recall jesus doing a whole lot of TEACHING. I remember some people---including some who never met jesus SAYING he did lots of teaching and writing on those teachings. Luke not only never met Jesus---but did not even speak Aramaic. He was Greek. It is difficult for me to believe that Paul's dreams constitute the "teachings of Jesus". Lots of cultures got proverbs
Beatitudes is outstanding.

the beatitudes constititute a summary of stuff said over and over in the OT and also by HILLEL who died either just before Jesus was born or just after. Hillel was quoted extensively at that time and still is. Jesus was a hillel man----NO DOUBT ------as likely----was MATTHEW who-----according to Christian scholars was probably a very literate jew
My point is what was said is just as important today as it was 2,000 years ago. It's timeless.

nothing in BEATITUDES was new-----it was all SAID already and elsewhere
In reading the Bible, it occurs to me that god is deeply interested in controlling our sex life. It is actually pretty creepy. But, of course, all of that is divinely inspired, so none of that was dictated by the priests.
God does not care about your sex life. Rules were set before you were to manage your minor flesh being. You can put yourself into subjection whenever and however you like. That is the really cool thing about God we are allowed to make choices and we are also allowed to suffer or rejoice at those choices we make concerning these little flesh gardens we are suppose to maintain.

Well, now, one one hand, you are telling me that god doesn't care about my sex life, and on the same paragraph you are telling me that if I make the wrong choices about sex, he will see that I am punished.

So, which is it?
In reading the Bible, it occurs to me that god is deeply interested in controlling our sex life. It is actually pretty creepy. But, of course, all of that is divinely inspired, so none of that was dictated by the priests.
God does not care about your sex life. Rules were set before you were to manage your minor flesh being. You can put yourself into subjection whenever and however you like. That is the really cool thing about God we are allowed to make choices and we are also allowed to suffer or rejoice at those choices we make concerning these little flesh gardens we are suppose to maintain.

Well, now, one one hand, you are telling me that god doesn't care about my sex life, and on the same paragraph you are telling me that if I make the wrong choices about sex, he will see that I am punished.

So, which is it?
So I guess you're OK with the spread of STD's? That's one good reason why people should wait until marriage to have sex, and remain faithful to their partner. If children were raised with these values, we could get rid of a lot of human suffering. The Bible has guidelines for when and where to have sex, because it's good for us. It's good for humanity. Apparently, you have a problem with that.
In reading the Bible, it occurs to me that god is deeply interested in controlling our sex life. It is actually pretty creepy. But, of course, all of that is divinely inspired, so none of that was dictated by the priests.
God does not care about your sex life. Rules were set before you were to manage your minor flesh being. You can put yourself into subjection whenever and however you like. That is the really cool thing about God we are allowed to make choices and we are also allowed to suffer or rejoice at those choices we make concerning these little flesh gardens we are suppose to maintain.

Well, now, one one hand, you are telling me that god doesn't care about my sex life, and on the same paragraph you are telling me that if I make the wrong choices about sex, he will see that I am punished.

So, which is it?
So I guess you're OK with the spread of STD's? That's one good reason why people should wait until marriage to have sex, and remain faithful to their partner. If children were raised with these values, we could get rid of a lot of human suffering. The Bible has guidelines for when and where to have sex, because it's good for us. It's good for humanity. Apparently, you have a problem with that.

God is concerned about STD? Then why is it ok for me to sleep with a woman, but not a woman who is my deceased brother's widow? Is she particularly susceptible to STD?
In reading the Bible, it occurs to me that god is deeply interested in controlling our sex life. It is actually pretty creepy. But, of course, all of that is divinely inspired, so none of that was dictated by the priests.
God does not care about your sex life. Rules were set before you were to manage your minor flesh being. You can put yourself into subjection whenever and however you like. That is the really cool thing about God we are allowed to make choices and we are also allowed to suffer or rejoice at those choices we make concerning these little flesh gardens we are suppose to maintain.

Well, now, one one hand, you are telling me that god doesn't care about my sex life, and on the same paragraph you are telling me that if I make the wrong choices about sex, he will see that I am punished.

So, which is it?
So I guess you're OK with the spread of STD's? That's one good reason why people should wait until marriage to have sex, and remain faithful to their partner. If children were raised with these values, we could get rid of a lot of human suffering. The Bible has guidelines for when and where to have sex, because it's good for us. It's good for humanity. Apparently, you have a problem with that.

God is concerned about STD? Then why is it ok for me to sleep with a woman, but not a woman who is my deceased brother's widow? Is she particularly susceptible to STD?
If you wish to discuss Scripture, it would really help if you provided the relevant verses.
In reading the Bible, it occurs to me that god is deeply interested in controlling our sex life. It is actually pretty creepy. But, of course, all of that is divinely inspired, so none of that was dictated by the priests.
God does not care about your sex life. Rules were set before you were to manage your minor flesh being. You can put yourself into subjection whenever and however you like. That is the really cool thing about God we are allowed to make choices and we are also allowed to suffer or rejoice at those choices we make concerning these little flesh gardens we are suppose to maintain.

Well, now, one one hand, you are telling me that god doesn't care about my sex life, and on the same paragraph you are telling me that if I make the wrong choices about sex, he will see that I am punished.

So, which is it?
So I guess you're OK with the spread of STD's? That's one good reason why people should wait until marriage to have sex, and remain faithful to their partner. If children were raised with these values, we could get rid of a lot of human suffering. The Bible has guidelines for when and where to have sex, because it's good for us. It's good for humanity. Apparently, you have a problem with that.

God is concerned about STD? Then why is it ok for me to sleep with a woman, but not a woman who is my deceased brother's widow? Is she particularly susceptible to STD?
If you wish to discuss Scripture, it would really help if you provided the relevant verses.

I would love to, but I am later for volleyball. It is in Leviticus.
There have been hundreds of books written on the subject of the evidences of the divine inspiration of the Bible, and these evidences are many and varied. Most people today, unfortunately, have not read any of these books. In fact, few have even read the Bible itself! Thus, many people tend to go along with the popular delusion that the Bible is full of mistakes and is no longer relevant to our modern world.

Nevertheless the Bible writers claimed repeatedly that they were transmitting the very Word of God, infallible and authoritative in the highest degree. This is an amazing thing for any writer to say, and if the forty or so men who wrote the Scriptures were wrong in these claims, then they must have been lying, or insane, or both.

But, on the other hand, if the greatest and most influential book of the ages, containing the most beautiful literature and the most perfect moral code ever devised, was written by deceiving fanatics, then what hope is there for ever finding meaning and purpose in this world?

If one will seriously investigate these Biblical evidences, he will find that their claims of divine inspiration (stated over 3,000 times, in various ways) were amply justified.

Fulfilled Prophecies

The remarkable evidence of fulfilled prophecy is just one case in point. Hundreds of Bible prophecies have been fulfilled, specifically and meticulously, often long after the prophetic writer had passed away.

For example, Daniel the prophet predicted in about 538 BC (Daniel 9:24-27) that Christ would come as Israel's promised Savior and Prince483 years after the Persian emperor would give the Jews authority to rebuild Jerusalem, which was then in ruins. This was clearly and definitely fulfilled, hundreds of years later.

There are extensive prophecies dealing with individual nations and cities and with the course of history in general, all of which have been literally fulfilled. More than 300 prophecies were fulfilled by Christ Himself at His first coming. Other prophecies deal with the spread of Christianity, as well as various false religions, and many other subjects.

There is no other book, ancient or modern, like this. The vague, and usually erroneous, prophecies of people like Jeanne Dixon,Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, and others like them are not in the same category at all, and neither are other religious books such as the Koran, the Confucian Analects, and similar religious writings. Only the Bible manifests this remarkable prophetic evidence, and it does so on such a tremendous scale as to render completely absurd any explanation other than divine revelation.

Unique Historical Accuracy


Learn more aboutArchaeology and the Bible
The historical accuracy of the Scriptures is likewise in a class by itself, far superior to the written records of Egypt, Assyria, and other early nations. Archeological confirmations of the Biblical record have been almost innumerable in the last century. Dr. Nelson Glueck, probably the greatest modern authority on Israeli archeology, has said:

"No archeological discovery has ever controverted a Biblical reference. Scores of archeological findings have been made which confirm in clear outline or in exact detail historical statements in the Bible. And, by the same token, proper evaluation of Biblical descriptions has often led to amazing discoveries."

Scientific Accuracy

Another striking evidence of divine inspiration is found in the fact that many of the principles of modern science were recorded as facts of nature in the Bible long before scientist confirmed them experimentally. A sampling of these would include:

These are not stated in the technical jargon of modern science, of course, but in terms of the basic world of man's everyday experience; nevertheless, they are completely in accord with the most modern scientific facts.

It is significant also that no real mistake has ever been demonstrated in the Bible—in science, in history, or in any other subject. Many have been claimed, of course, but conservative Bible scholars have always been able to work out reasonable solutions to all such problems.

Unique Structure

The remarkable structure of the Bible should also be stressed. Although it is a collection of 66 books, written by 40 or more different men over a period of 2,000 years, it is clearly one Book, with perfect unity and consistency throughout.

The individual writers, at the time of writing, had no idea that their message was eventually to be incorporated into such a Book, but each nevertheless fits perfectly into place and serves its own unique purpose as a component of the whole. Anyone who diligently studies the Bible will continually find remarkable structural and mathematical patterns woven throughout its fabric, with an intricacy and symmetry incapable of explanation by chance or collusion.

The one consistent theme of the Bible, developing in grandeur from Genesis to Revelation, is God's great work in the creation andredemption of all things, through His only Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Bible’s Unique Effect

The Bible is unique also in terms of its effect on individual men and on the history of nations. It is the all-time best seller, appealing both to hearts and minds, beloved by at least some in every race or nation or tribe to which it has gone, rich or poor, scholar or simple, king or commoner, men of literally every background and walk of life. No other book has ever held such universal appeal nor produced such lasting effects.

One final evidence that the Bible is true is found in the testimony of those who have believed it. Multitudes of people, past and present, have found from personal experience that its promises are true, its counsel is sound, its commands and restrictions are wise, and its wonderful message of salvation meets every need for both time and eternity.
its really simple the bible got 13 laws made by god

and lats of interpretation by humans

law nr 1. : when adam and eve got thrown out of paradise god told them to work on the field in their sweat to earn their food,
thats law nr. 1 if you follow god, work on the field to earn your food

then moses gave 10 laws from god, he almost died to get them, the 10 commandmends

and about 3000 years later jesus gave 2 laws

be like a child is law nr 12

love yourself and love others is law nr 13

everything else is human
interpretation of law nr 13 is simple be so you can love yourself

and do onto others what you love for yourself
interpretation of law nr 13 is simple be so you can love yourself

and do onto others what you love for yourself

and please remember only do onto others what THEY want
these 13 times where the only times god actually told us what to do, everything the prophets told is their interpretation, humans interpretat not god telling

so 13 words of god
all of the moses laws all jews do is human, not gods will, all catholics do all the pope says is human law not gods will, all you priest or pastor says is human, not gods law, all a muslim priest says is human law, not gods law
i do not accept islam because it was made by a trader from mecca to sell religion. the traders name ? : mohamed, he sold religion
mohamed sold religion so he could make more money in mekka by forcing people to come to his home town, thats called hadj
if you would use a trident submarine to bomb mekka with 240 100 kt nukes so all thats left of mekka is a 2600 metter deep hole in the ground with 5 kilometer radius, the khabba is atomized the valley is atomized the mountain is atomize and the 3 pillars are so much atomized, the aerea is so radioactive that for the next 10 000 years anyone aproaching dies, when the hadj is impossible because simple men destroyed mekka, can there be ISLAM ?
i suggest : evacuate mecca

destroy mecca, turn it into a radioactive hellhole

and then lets see if islam can survive without its main pillar
i don t want to kill anyone, i just want to destroy tzhat place, because it belongs to iblis

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