CDZ How do we stop hate incidents and crimes


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2009
Although the link There's Been An 'Outbreak' Of Nearly 900 Hate Incidents Since Trump's Win | The Huffington Post is aimed at far right and alt right hate crimes, this CDZ thread includes all hate crimes, from the BLM and ADL excesses to those of the KKK, etc.

To what extent do rights of the 1st Amendment permit us to be hatefully to one another in public?

Should the media be corralled on these issues?

I find the dividing line to be vague.

When someone commits a crime.....regardless for the arrest them.......You can't always change hearts and minds but you can punish anti social and criminal behavior......

The "Hate" incidents......will more than likely be hoaxes....created by the left......since the organized political violence happened under the orders of the hilary campaign....
Although the link There's Been An 'Outbreak' Of Nearly 900 Hate Incidents Since Trump's Win | The Huffington Post is aimed at far right and alt right hate crimes, this CDZ thread includes all hate crimes, from the BLM and ADL excesses to those of the KKK, etc.

To what extent do rights of the 1st Amendment permit us to be hatefully to one another in public?

Should the media be corralled on these issues?

I find the dividing line to be vague.
The only way to stop hate is one individual at a time; the person needs to come to that realization by meeting actual decent people in the group they hate. I wouldn't mind there being some "censorship" of extreme hate speech/actions, but I realize that's an extremely slippery slope, so I could be wrong. Calling for dead cops is dead wrong, imo, and so is calling for sending all jews or rag heads or cave gibbons or black apes to a foreign country. There is nothing civilized about any of that, and while I understand the concept of free speech, I have no respect for those that call for any of the above.
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Although the link There's Been An 'Outbreak' Of Nearly 900 Hate Incidents Since Trump's Win | The Huffington Post is aimed at far right and alt right hate crimes, this CDZ thread includes all hate crimes, from the BLM and ADL excesses to those of the KKK, etc.

To what extent do rights of the 1st Amendment permit us to be hatefully to one another in public?

Should the media be corralled on these issues?

I find the dividing line to be vague.

When someone commits a crime.....regardless for the arrest them.......You can't always change hearts and minds but you can punish anti social and criminal behavior......

The "Hate" incidents......will more than likely be hoaxes....created by the left......since the organized political violence happened under the orders of the hilary campaign....
In fact, the "hate crimes" are normally on the far right and alt right. "Fake News" tries to equate left and right incidents, but 2aguy simply makes a false statement without any evidence. The Alt Righters hates having its social and cultural taboos pointed out.
Although the link There's Been An 'Outbreak' Of Nearly 900 Hate Incidents Since Trump's Win | The Huffington Post is aimed at far right and alt right hate crimes, this CDZ thread includes all hate crimes, from the BLM and ADL excesses to those of the KKK, etc.

To what extent do rights of the 1st Amendment permit us to be hatefully to one another in public?

Should the media be corralled on these issues?

I find the dividing line to be vague.

When someone commits a crime.....regardless for the arrest them.......You can't always change hearts and minds but you can punish anti social and criminal behavior......

The "Hate" incidents......will more than likely be hoaxes....created by the left......since the organized political violence happened under the orders of the hilary campaign....
In fact, the "hate crimes" are normally on the far right and alt right. "Fake News" tries to equate left and right incidents, but 2aguy simply makes a false statement without any evidence. The Alt Righters hates having its social and cultural taboos pointed out.

actually, no, they aren't.........the college hate crimes...when you investigate...are Alt-left individuals trying to bring attention to racism and hate......but making false allegations of racism and hate....dittos these fake stories about Trump supporters...they have been shown to be fake one after another as more information comes out...we even have bob craemer and scott foval, democrat party activists on video admitting to inciting violence at Trump rallies........getting money and orders from the democrat national committee and the hilary campaign......
Although the link There's Been An 'Outbreak' Of Nearly 900 Hate Incidents Since Trump's Win | The Huffington Post is aimed at far right and alt right hate crimes, this CDZ thread includes all hate crimes, from the BLM and ADL excesses to those of the KKK, etc.

To what extent do rights of the 1st Amendment permit us to be hatefully to one another in public?

Should the media be corralled on these issues?

I find the dividing line to be vague.
Simple. Remove every single person this country wasn't intended for.

Alternately known as the Nationality Act, the Naturalization Act of 1790 restricted citizenship to "any alien, being a free white person" who had been in the U.S. for two years.
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Sir, you keeping making assertions, then conclusions, but offer no proof of hard evidence or of empirical data to support your post. The yelling about craemer and foval (see I can do this, too) I have been discredited.

We stop hate crimes by cracking down on them, from left to right.
Although the link There's Been An 'Outbreak' Of Nearly 900 Hate Incidents Since Trump's Win | The Huffington Post is aimed at far right and alt right hate crimes, this CDZ thread includes all hate crimes, from the BLM and ADL excesses to those of the KKK, etc.

To what extent do rights of the 1st Amendment permit us to be hatefully to one another in public?

Should the media be corralled on these issues?

I find the dividing line to be vague.
To what extent do rights of the 1st Amendment permit us to be hatefully to one another in public?
To the extent that one is not causing, or potentially causing, direct physical and/or financial harm to anyone. (ie. libel law) One has the right to say nearly anything one wants, but one would cross a line into criminality when those "statements" (whether words, actions, or a combination of both) cause direct harm to another, or incite others to do harm.

Should the media be corralled on these issues?
No more than any other private citizen. Maybe even less, depending on the circumstances, and context. The media as a whole must be allowed to put forth ideas and concepts at will. It is the way that it is done that can be... well criminal is too strong of a word, but I cannot think of a better one at the moment.
A media outlet can say that they believe group XYZ should be banned from the country. That is protected speech.
They cannot, however, encourage others to do harm to group XYZ if they do not leave. That is not protected speech.
As to the question posed in the title. Pretty simple, in theory, yet a very long and difficult road in practice.
I can sum it up on one word. That word is:

Drum roll please....


Pretty simple, right? Not so simple of a task. It will take generations, no doubt, if it is even possible to eliminate "hate incidents"(what ever that is) and "hate crimes" (again, not sure what that means exactly).
Thank you, Old Soul, for your thoughts above, particularly on education.

Yes, libel law is one way to take on "fake news" articles.
Sir, you keeping making assertions, then conclusions, but offer no proof of hard evidence or of empirical data to support your post. The yelling about craemer and foval (see I can do this, too) I have been discredited.

We stop hate crimes by cracking down on them, from left to right.

Nope......hate doesn't matter...actions matter.....arrest people when they cause harm to other people......regardless of the reason........ said bob craemer and scott foval on video was saying it because you are a left winger doesn't mean anything...

They were caught in an undercover sting......over a year in the set up......they admitted to inciting violence and engaging in voter can lie about that video, but you can't refute what they admitted to on that video....
Sir, you keeping making assertions, then conclusions, but offer no proof of hard evidence or of empirical data to support your post. The yelling about craemer and foval (see I can do this, too) I have been discredited.

We stop hate crimes by cracking down on them, from left to right.

Nope......hate doesn't matter...actions matter.....arrest people when they cause harm to other people......regardless of the reason........ said bob craemer and scott foval on video was saying it because you are a left winger doesn't mean anything...

They were caught in an undercover sting......over a year in the set up......they admitted to inciting violence and engaging in voter can lie about that video, but you can't refute what they admitted to on that video....
No, the only "admission" here is your assertion without evidence. That does not cut it. That is libel because you must know you are deliberately posting falsehoods.
Sir, you keeping making assertions, then conclusions, but offer no proof of hard evidence or of empirical data to support your post. The yelling about craemer and foval (see I can do this, too) I have been discredited.

We stop hate crimes by cracking down on them, from left to right.

Nope......hate doesn't matter...actions matter.....arrest people when they cause harm to other people......regardless of the reason........ said bob craemer and scott foval on video was saying it because you are a left winger doesn't mean anything...

They were caught in an undercover sting......over a year in the set up......they admitted to inciting violence and engaging in voter can lie about that video, but you can't refute what they admitted to on that video....
No, the only "admission" here is your assertion without evidence. That does not cut it. That is libel because you must know you are deliberately posting falsehoods.

It is on the can lie about the video, but you can't change that they admitted to inciting violence and conducting massive voter fraud.......bob craemer and scott foval admitted to doing both.....
First post best post.

Crime is crime. To designate "hate" crime as somehow "worse", only highlights the OP's own hatreds.
According to the OP, some crimes are more equal than others.
More so to the OP,

If you want to stop crime that affects your special designated "supreme people" then maybe those people should not live among those other people whom you designate as "not supreme". Seriously, you think crying about "hate" obfuscates your own hatred towards those you wish to dehumanize?

So let's jump ahead in the boring argument...
Simple answer in our so-called globalist world... If you are not welcome by the natives don't be a dumbass, LEAVE!. According to your narrative It's a globalist world isn't it? So leave let the minions of globalist colonization take their inevitable(according to you) progress. Why are you bitchin'?
Like a poor little child you whine? Isn't your utopia of global control inevitable? why do you whine if that is the case?

More succinct...

Obviously you think that there are some designations of "people" that deserve special, or privileged treatment above others So please explain, why are some more equal than others?
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