How do you deal with family members on opposite side

They all view the US as a racist nation
They all dislike Christianity lol
They hate the founding fathers

I won’t associate them and I quit going to chi for life
My Sister equates T and his supporters to Nazis
My dad is such a dolt .he parrots what the fake “little Pol Pots” on CNN say
Know them well, those kind of people. And you try to inform them of anything outside their little scripted box it's
giphy (5).gif
My sister has become very sanctimonious and condescending
My dad has an IQ of Biden
When you reach my age ( 45), you realize it’s best to sever relationships and you don’t need the added stress and aggravation
My dad had a heart attack 2 weeks ago and I hardly cared ( I feel bad but I can’t change my feelings)
I called him and he is taking about T and the conversation did not last long
My sister has turned into a leftist psycho
I both told her off and blocked her from my phone

My dad is even more leftist and we only talk every 6 months

How do you deal with having family members / friends who are leftist whack jobs
Wish I knew--my brother is that way and he is getting more and more embolden and bullyish trying to cram his political views on me. He hates Trump but I ask him why he can't say anything that isn't specifically propaganda. It's nuts. He says he doesn't like biden either---but his hate is focused on Trump--its obsessive. My guess is that the dems basic brain washing techniques has triggered the TDS into a cult much like Manson dis his cult.
Ask him to name a single thing T has done that was evil as president
He has done nothing
Obama used the irs and fbi to attack enemies
How about telling people to inject disinfectant to cure Covid?
My sister has turned into a leftist psycho
I both told her off and blocked her from my phone

My dad is even more leftist and we only talk every 6 months

How do you deal with having family members / friends who are leftist whack jobs
Usually death deals with them.
My sister has turned into a leftist psycho
I both told her off and blocked her from my phone

My dad is even more leftist and we only talk every 6 months

How do you deal with having family members / friends who are leftist whack jobs
I have no relatives on the wrong side. We have all worked to have the American Dream. Only wanting government to leave us alone.
My dad and sister are Marxist
You sure they're not just misguided revolutionaries ?
A lot of people on both sides call themselves doesn't mean they're both right or wrong....maybe one side is the victim of lies and propaganda. Read stories from early 20th century Germany ... look at how Hitler mastered the art of deception.
Not me. I call my self a patriot and smart enough to know the other side is bat shit crazy.
My sister has turned into a leftist psycho
I both told her off and blocked her from my phone

My dad is even more leftist and we only talk every 6 months

How do you deal with having family members / friends who are leftist whack jobs

I have family that are left-wingers. I have friends that are left-wingers.

I care about both, more than I care about politics.

The place to argue with people about politics (in my opinion) is on public forums like this.

It's not at the family cook out. It's not at a reunion.

IF someone asks my opinion, I will tell them my opinion, in a calm clear manor... and then no matter what they say.... I say "Ok well that's my opinion, and your opinion is yours".

I don't have to get the last word. I don't have to have the last say. I don't have to force people I care about, to think how I think. They are not going to. And I am not going to think like them.

I'm a Christian, before anything. And going around beating up people who are close to me, over something as stupid as Trump or Biden, is ridiculous. In 4 years, both will be forgotten, but the damage to the relationships in your life, can last forever.

And for what? If someone molests your daughter, destroying that relationship, is a protection of your family.

What will damaging your relations over Trump gain you? Nothing. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. And it will only harm yourself, and make you look petty to those around you.... again FOR WHAT?

We have this phrase... "is this really the hill you want to die on?"... is this prize... the prize of telling someone off for Trump, or against Biden.... is that prize worth the sacrifice?

No, you gain nothing, by making everyone around you hate you.

So that's how I handle it. I don't die on a hill, that has zero to gain from it. I don't need to push my politics in people's faces. Doesn't mean I hide it, but when they say "I can't believe you"... I say "It's just my opinion", and be nice.

Just be nice. Be the better person.

Great answer!!!

Especially "I care about both, more than I care about politics".
My sister has turned into a leftist psycho
I both told her off and blocked her from my phone

My dad is even more leftist and we only talk every 6 months

How do you deal with having family members / friends who are leftist whack jobs
I have no relatives on the wrong side. We have all worked to have the American Dream. Only wanting government to leave us alone.
My dad and sister are Marxist
You sure they're not just misguided revolutionaries ?
A lot of people on both sides call themselves doesn't mean they're both right or wrong....maybe one side is the victim of lies and propaganda. Read stories from early 20th century Germany ... look at how Hitler mastered the art of deception.
Not me. I call my self a patriot and smart enough to know the other side is bat shit crazy.
It is a well-documented part of their mental disorder that the insane always accuse everybody else of being crazy.
My sister has turned into a leftist psycho
I both told her off and blocked her from my phone

My dad is even more leftist and we only talk every 6 months

How do you deal with having family members / friends who are leftist whack jobs
Wish I knew--my brother is that way and he is getting more and more embolden and bullyish trying to cram his political views on me. He hates Trump but I ask him why he can't say anything that isn't specifically propaganda. It's nuts. He says he doesn't like biden either---but his hate is focused on Trump--its obsessive. My guess is that the dems basic brain washing techniques has triggered the TDS into a cult much like Manson dis his cult.
Ask him to name a single thing T has done that was evil as president
He has done nothing
Obama used the irs and fbi to attack enemies
I do ask him btw periodically to explain why he hates Trump and what has trump done to earn such vitriol---he starts spouting off nonsense about helping Putin, or that he really isn't a billionaire. Last week it was about him owing money---------

Nothing seems to cool his hate-------so now I just tell him that I LOVE Trump, that Trump is a Great president, and that I am getting my voter ID card for all the different states that I have live in and voting in every one of them (joking of course.)
Trump has put the worst sanctions ever on Putin and his inner circle
BS. Only when he could not prevent it, and Putin knows it.
In 10 years, when the political arguments of today have faded, you will have lost a decade with loved ones. Or worse, you will have lost them forever.

I have very strong political beliefs. But I recognize that not everyone shares my beliefs. I have friends and relatives that I do not discuss politics with, for that reason.

Politics are important. But loved ones are more important.
To answer the OPs question, I don’t discuss politics with family members regardless of their leanings.

There are far more important things in life than politics. Family being one of them.

Don’t be a schmuck! Call your sister and your father and reconcile before it’s too late.
In 10 years, when the political arguments of today have faded, you will have lost a decade with loved ones. Or worse, you will have lost them forever.

I have very strong political beliefs. But I recognize that not everyone shares my beliefs. I have friends and relatives that I do not discuss politics with, for that reason.

Politics are important. But loved ones are more important.
There is a line that one side or the other can cross
which clearly over-reaches the normal accepted political boundaries-- ie.., an administration using it's intelligence apparatus to spy on the opponents campaign and the on duly-elected president, all with the direct assistance of the dishonest mainstream press....

Just sayin.
Did you never hear of the three don'ts for a party?
1. Don't talk about sex.
2. Don't talk about religion.
3. Don't talk about politics.
In 10 years, when the political arguments of today have faded, you will have lost a decade with loved ones. Or worse, you will have lost them forever.

I have very strong political beliefs. But I recognize that not everyone shares my beliefs. I have friends and relatives that I do not discuss politics with, for that reason.

Politics are important. But loved ones are more important.
In Jewish families it’s the opposite
Everyone hates each other and nobody ever admits guilt Or forgives
In 10 years, when the political arguments of today have faded, you will have lost a decade with loved ones. Or worse, you will have lost them forever.

I have very strong political beliefs. But I recognize that not everyone shares my beliefs. I have friends and relatives that I do not discuss politics with, for that reason.

Politics are important. But loved ones are more important.
In Jewish families it’s the opposite
Everyone hates each other and nobody ever admits guilt Or forgives

You are Jewish?

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