How do you deport a Dreamer who served in the military

Three or four good guys and 10 million slouchers
Emotional oversell no longer works Libbies
I have always been in favor of granting citizenship to those who successfully serve in the military. What better way to prove loyalty and worth than to protect America.

There are enough anti-Americans in the US military basically the offspring of Muslims who somehow were allowed entry into my country. But how the fuck can an illegal alien get hired to any government position is the question.
How do you deport a Dreamer who served in the military.
The vast majority of Dreamers have proven to be more productive member of the US than most citizens. There needs to be a way to keep them in the US.
But for those who disagree how do you deport a Dreamer who served in the military

One at a time.

If you don't like it tell you congrisscritters to get off their collective asses and fix it like they should have done decades ago.

They will. They want to get reelected. Unlike Trump.

Who got 29% of the Latino vote.

Which he won't be getting in 2020.

Or the 8 million Obama crossover voters.

Or the voters that have already admitted the mistake of voting for him the first time.

Which makes you wonder which Republican will be running against the Democrat in 2020.

DACA on its face was illegal, there was no way the DOJ could defend it in court. There were 10 States poised to challenge it and painted Trump into a box. Congress should have addressed this long ago, both parties preferred to keep it as an issue to run on instead.

Immediately impose a draft for the children of age of Trump supporters to take their places. Surely these people would LOVE to send their children on to Iraq and Afghanistan. Or South Korea.
Who said anyone was being deported?
Exactly! All this does is undo an illegal Executive Order by Obama extending worker rights and deferring immigration action. Now we will do what we always do. Deport those we deem worthy of deportation. If you are productive, and not a criminal you won't be high on the priority list.
Tough way to live. Their parents brought them here. It was not their choice. This is their home. They need to have an opportunity for legal status.
Who said anyone was being deported?
Exactly! All this does is undo an illegal Executive Order by Obama extending worker rights and deferring immigration action. Now we will do what we always do. Deport those we deem worthy of deportation. If you are productive, and not a criminal you won't be high on the priority list.
Tough way to live. Their parents brought them here. It was not their choice. This is their home. They need to have an opportunity for legal status.
We'll have to wait and see what happens. It's now up to congress to decide their fate.
We need to compromise. Let them stay legally but the cost will be that they are forever ineligible to vote or receive any government benefits besides the social security that they will be paying into.

I like my plan.
Personally... I'd like to see things work out for the ones who have potential.
The ones who have committed crimes should be kicked out.
Immediately impose a draft for the children of age of Trump supporters to take their places. Surely these people would LOVE to send their children on to Iraq and Afghanistan. Or South Korea.
Think any of those redneck supporters of trump who are all related to each other would leave the country that pays their way?
How do you deport a Dreamer who served in the military.
The vast majority of Dreamers have proven to be more productive member of the US than most citizens. There needs to be a way to keep them in the US.
But for those who disagree how do you deport a Dreamer who served in the military
DACA members in military service are restricted to interpreter or healthcare for which they need a degree, they can not perform combat duty, etc. It's called the MAVNI program.

MAVNI Program - CitizenPath

Their military role isn't all that special. :SHRUG:
Their military service is more impressive than Donald Trump's who used multiple deferments.
Oh? And how long did Obama serve? Clinton? Which branch of the military were either in? Do tell!
Who got 29% of the Latino vote.

Which he won't be getting in 2020.
Tell that to the latinos that did it the hard way and are not too happy about the short cuts given to new illegals.
Immediately impose a draft for the children of age of Trump supporters to take their places. Surely these people would LOVE to send their children on to Iraq and Afghanistan. Or South Korea.
Think any of those redneck supporters of trump who are all related to each other would leave the country that pays their way?

No. But they'll cackle like witches, or flying monkeys.
How do you deport a Dreamer who served in the military.
The vast majority of Dreamers have proven to be more productive member of the US than most citizens. There needs to be a way to keep them in the US.
But for those who disagree how do you deport a Dreamer who served in the military
Denigrating Americans in his zeal to see criminals rewarded.
We need to compromise. Let them stay legally but the cost will be that they are forever ineligible to vote or receive any government benefits besides the social security that they will be paying into.

I like my plan.
I like my plan better:

Same as yours, BUT..they have to serve at least 2 years in the military, learn our language, apply for citizenship within 30 days of notice, have no criminal record, PAY BACK TUITION for the schooling they got FREE and back pay for the food they ate and the medical attention they received.
We need to compromise. Let them stay legally but the cost will be that they are forever ineligible to vote or receive any government benefits besides the social security that they will be paying into.

I like my plan.
I like my plan better:

Same as yours, BUT..they have to serve at least 2 years in the military, learn our language, apply for citizenship within 30 days of notice, have no criminal record, PAY BACK TUITION for the schooling they got FREE and back pay for the food they ate and the medical attention they received.

1) I don't want them in my military unless they are especially qualified.

2) I don't think language is an issue with most of them.

3) I don't want to give them citizenship because they did not earn it.

4) No criminal record is perfect.

5) The rest is ridiculous because none of them have that kind of money.
We need to compromise. Let them stay legally but the cost will be that they are forever ineligible to vote or receive any government benefits besides the social security that they will be paying into.

I like my plan.
I like my plan better:

Same as yours, BUT..they have to serve at least 2 years in the military, learn our language, apply for citizenship within 30 days of notice, have no criminal record, PAY BACK TUITION for the schooling they got FREE and back pay for the food they ate and the medical attention they received.

1) I don't want them in my military unless they are especially qualified.

2) I don't think language is an issue with most of them.

3) I don't want to give them citizenship because they did not earn it.

4) No criminal record is perfect.

5) The rest is ridiculous because none of them have that kind of money.
5)....really? Been to LA recently? Or SF? They have a LOT of money. They just sit on it or send it "home".
We need to compromise. Let them stay legally but the cost will be that they are forever ineligible to vote or receive any government benefits besides the social security that they will be paying into.

I like my plan.
I like my plan better:

Same as yours, BUT..they have to serve at least 2 years in the military, learn our language, apply for citizenship within 30 days of notice, have no criminal record, PAY BACK TUITION for the schooling they got FREE and back pay for the food they ate and the medical attention they received.

1) I don't want them in my military unless they are especially qualified.

2) I don't think language is an issue with most of them.

3) I don't want to give them citizenship because they did not earn it.

4) No criminal record is perfect.

5) The rest is ridiculous because none of them have that kind of money.
5)....really? Been to LA recently? Or SF? They have a LOT of money. They just sit on it or send it "home".

No, I tend to stay away from Sanctuary Cities if I can avoid it. Their parents may have money, but I doubt they do.
We need to compromise. Let them stay legally but the cost will be that they are forever ineligible to vote or receive any government benefits besides the social security that they will be paying into.

I like my plan.
I like my plan better:

Same as yours, BUT..they have to serve at least 2 years in the military, learn our language, apply for citizenship within 30 days of notice, have no criminal record, PAY BACK TUITION for the schooling they got FREE and back pay for the food they ate and the medical attention they received.

1) I don't want them in my military unless they are especially qualified.

2) I don't think language is an issue with most of them.

3) I don't want to give them citizenship because they did not earn it.

4) No criminal record is perfect.

5) The rest is ridiculous because none of them have that kind of money.
5)....really? Been to LA recently? Or SF? They have a LOT of money. They just sit on it or send it "home".

No, I tend to stay away from Sanctuary Cities if I can avoid it. Their parents may have money, but I doubt they do.
If the kids are DACA, not only do they need to be deported, so do their parents along with them. Period.

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