How do you deport a Dreamer who served in the military

How do you deport a Dreamer who served in the military.
The vast majority of Dreamers have proven to be more productive member of the US than most citizens. There needs to be a way to keep them in the US.
But for those who disagree how do you deport a Dreamer who served in the military
First you hang the general or whoever who let a foreign national into the US service in the first place, then you send the squatter home. This will send a signal and they will stop coming
Trump, being a compassionate guy, is trying to strike a balance between doing what's best for Americans, and the 800,000 who are here illegally.

This DACA BS is just another huge mistake obama left behind. Trump made the right decision to let congress fix the mess.
We need to compromise. Let them stay legally but the cost will be that they are forever ineligible to vote or receive any government benefits besides the social security that they will be paying into.

I like my plan.
I like my plan better:

Same as yours, BUT..they have to serve at least 2 years in the military, learn our language, apply for citizenship within 30 days of notice, have no criminal record, PAY BACK TUITION for the schooling they got FREE and back pay for the food they ate and the medical attention they received.

1) I don't want them in my military unless they are especially qualified.

2) I don't think language is an issue with most of them.

3) I don't want to give them citizenship because they did not earn it.

4) No criminal record is perfect.

5) The rest is ridiculous because none of them have that kind of money.
5)....really? Been to LA recently? Or SF? They have a LOT of money. They just sit on it or send it "home".

No, I tend to stay away from Sanctuary Cities if I can avoid it. Their parents may have money, but I doubt they do.
If the kids are DACA, not only do they need to be deported, so do their parents along with them. Period.

Deport their parents. I have no problem with that.
How do you deport a Dreamer who served in the military.
The vast majority of Dreamers have proven to be more productive member of the US than most citizens. There needs to be a way to keep them in the US.
But for those who disagree how do you deport a Dreamer who served in the military

What is your definition or criteria of a productive US Citizen?
How do you deport a Dreamer who served in the military.
The vast majority of Dreamers have proven to be more productive member of the US than most citizens. There needs to be a way to keep them in the US.
But for those who disagree how do you deport a Dreamer who served in the military

What is your definition or criteria of a productive US Citizen?
There are different ways to be productive, but one either is a citizen or is not. There is no definition needed for this
How do you deport a Dreamer who served in the military.
The vast majority of Dreamers have proven to be more productive member of the US than most citizens. There needs to be a way to keep them in the US.
But for those who disagree how do you deport a Dreamer who served in the military
DACA is not about compassion.
That is another Left Wing lie.
It is about more Democrat Voters.
Illegal aliens should not be allowed to enlist because that are breaking our laws.
Their military role isn't all that special. :SHRUG:

Do you always stratify how "special" a veteran's role is in the military?
As a veteran myself, I do. They have no recourse for legality in any way, they are still illegals. Just because very few of them may have served (under 20 out of 800,000) in a very low capacity (interpreter) doesn't grant them any special privilege.
"A very low capacity"? Whoa! Look at you all high and mighty!

His role was probably less multi faceted. Like he held a gun and ran a lot. So special.

But it's easy to dismiss other people's achievements.
How do you deport a Dreamer who served in the military.
The vast majority of Dreamers have proven to be more productive member of the US than most citizens. There needs to be a way to keep them in the US.
But for those who disagree how do you deport a Dreamer who served in the military

What is your definition or criteria of a productive US Citizen?
There are different ways to be productive, but one either is a citizen or is not. There is no definition needed for this

Different ways? You cannot nor will not define one. You are standing in sand.
How do you deport a Dreamer who served in the military.
The vast majority of Dreamers have proven to be more productive member of the US than most citizens. There needs to be a way to keep them in the US.
But for those who disagree how do you deport a Dreamer who served in the military

The answer is simple.

Follow along.

During WWII, Japanese-Americans were interned for the duration +.
Young Japanese-Americans volunteered to serve in the American
Army. They were put in a Segregated Division numbered the 442nd.
All their commands were lead by "Americans." They were not allowed
to serve in the Pacific, with the exception of a few for language duty.

The 442nd fought with distinction in Italy and Southern France and actually
had the most purple hearts awarded to its troops than any other Division in
the American Army, over the course of the war.

Those Japanese-Americans who received disability wounds were sent back the Internment Camp.

Fighting for the country didn't change their moniker (Japanese-Americans),
then and it doesn't make an illegal a legal now.

When the Marines went to the "Shores of Tripoli" in 1805,l only 8 Marines
were involved. We also used 800 Arab mercenaries. I don't recall seeing
any of those Arabs granted Citizenship.

See, these illegals don't have a beef with the American Government or the
American People. Their beef should be directed at their parents who put
them in the mess they are in. We didn't go get them and drag them up here.
Their parents brought them here knowing that they would be illegal.

The Democrats and the Republicans have had ample time to have fixed
this problem. Border security would have been the best place to start.
But, NOPE, neither party wanted to deal with this. Well, they have no
choice now. They've got 6 months or the bulk of those dreamers will
be escorted out.

Congress enacts laws. So...Congress...Go enact a law.
Their military role isn't all that special. :SHRUG:

Do you always stratify how "special" a veteran's role is in the military?
As a veteran myself, I do. They have no recourse for legality in any way, they are still illegals. Just because very few of them may have served (under 20 out of 800,000) in a very low capacity (interpreter) doesn't grant them any special privilege.

My question was more regarding how you determine how "special" a veteran's role is, and whether you respect "more special" veterans over "less special" veterans.
Their military role isn't all that special. :SHRUG:

Do you always stratify how "special" a veteran's role is in the military?
As a veteran myself, I do. They have no recourse for legality in any way, they are still illegals. Just because very few of them may have served (under 20 out of 800,000) in a very low capacity (interpreter) doesn't grant them any special privilege.
Which is higher than your Potsto Peeler rank
How do you deport a Dreamer who served in the military.
The vast majority of Dreamers have proven to be more productive member of the US than most citizens. There needs to be a way to keep them in the US.
But for those who disagree how do you deport a Dreamer who served in the military
Illegal is illegal
Their military role isn't all that special. :SHRUG:

Do you always stratify how "special" a veteran's role is in the military?
As a veteran myself, I do. They have no recourse for legality in any way, they are still illegals. Just because very few of them may have served (under 20 out of 800,000) in a very low capacity (interpreter) doesn't grant them any special privilege.

BTW, how special were you? And when you get together with other veterans, do you compare how special each of you are?

I suppose my grandfather, who flew fueling tankers over the Himalayas in WWII, wasn't very special in your eyes.
Who said anyone was being deported?
Exactly! All this does is undo an illegal Executive Order by Obama extending worker rights and deferring immigration action. Now we will do what we always do. Deport those we deem worthy of deportation. If you are productive, and not a criminal you won't be high on the priority list.
Tough way to live. Their parents brought them here. It was not their choice. This is their home. They need to have an opportunity for legal status.

You mean somebody brought a problem to us and now we have to let them stay because of it?

I think anybody who served our armed forces should be given a pass. At least they did something for our country. It's the people who take advantage of our anchor baby system, our welfare, our jobs, and contribute little or nothing that I want to see kicked out of this country.
How do you deport a Dreamer who served in the military.
The vast majority of Dreamers have proven to be more productive member of the US than most citizens. There needs to be a way to keep them in the US.
But for those who disagree how do you deport a Dreamer who served in the military
DACA members in military service are restricted to interpreter or healthcare for which they need a degree, they can not perform combat duty, etc. It's called the MAVNI program.

MAVNI Program - CitizenPath

Their military role isn't all that special. :SHRUG:

I think any military role is special.
Their military role isn't all that special. :SHRUG:

Do you always stratify how "special" a veteran's role is in the military?
As a veteran myself, I do. They have no recourse for legality in any way, they are still illegals. Just because very few of them may have served (under 20 out of 800,000) in a very low capacity (interpreter) doesn't grant them any special privilege.

My question was more regarding how you determine how "special" a veteran's role is, and whether you respect "more special" veterans over "less special" veterans.
This is a thread regarding DREAMERS in the military, of which there aren't but a very few (less than 20, some even say less than a handful), which are in MAVNI. Their role is extremely limited, of which they must also have a degree in, which is also why there are so very few in the program. They can only stay in the US, they are limited in their intelligence and classification privileges, etc.

I prefer combat vets (earned their accolades) over desk jockeys (pushing papers) every time.
How do you deport a Dreamer who served in the military.
The vast majority of Dreamers have proven to be more productive member of the US than most citizens. There needs to be a way to keep them in the US.
But for those who disagree how do you deport a Dreamer who served in the military
DACA members in military service are restricted to interpreter or healthcare for which they need a degree, they can not perform combat duty, etc. It's called the MAVNI program.

MAVNI Program - CitizenPath

Their military role isn't all that special. :SHRUG:

I think any military role is special.
Good for you. :SHRUG:
Their military role isn't all that special. :SHRUG:

Do you always stratify how "special" a veteran's role is in the military?
As a veteran myself, I do. They have no recourse for legality in any way, they are still illegals. Just because very few of them may have served (under 20 out of 800,000) in a very low capacity (interpreter) doesn't grant them any special privilege.
Which is higher than your Potsto Peeler rank
Their military role isn't all that special. :SHRUG:

Do you always stratify how "special" a veteran's role is in the military?
As a veteran myself, I do. They have no recourse for legality in any way, they are still illegals. Just because very few of them may have served (under 20 out of 800,000) in a very low capacity (interpreter) doesn't grant them any special privilege.

BTW, how special were you? And when you get together with other veterans, do you compare how special each of you are?

I suppose my grandfather, who flew fueling tankers over the Himalayas in WWII, wasn't very special in your eyes.
So you can't refute arguments you just jump right into personal insults. watafuknmoron

Good for your grandfather, he has my respect. Now do you want to keep comparing a desk jockey (MAVNI recipient) to an actual combat vet like your grandfather? If you can't grasp the difference then I don;t know what to tell you. :SHRUG:

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