How do you explain a ordered universe without a Creator?

Let's see, now. On one hand, we have a collection of writings that are 2,000 to 3,000 years old written by people who who would be considered barely literate and certainly ignorant, by our standards, which is the sole source of our information about god that we have. On the other hand, we have the sum accumulated knowledge of man, gathered over thousands of years, and growing every day which has explained mysteries of the universe that we did not have a clue about, even as recently as 25 years ago.

You should read the Book of Romans. It's author was a very educated man. Hardly an ignorant savage, as you suggest. People were just as smart two thousand years ago as they are today. Nice try though.
Let's see, now. On one hand, we have a collection of writings that are 2,000 to 3,000 years old written by people who who would be considered barely literate and certainly ignorant, by our standards, which is the sole source of our information about god that we have. On the other hand, we have the sum accumulated knowledge of man, gathered over thousands of years, and growing every day which has explained mysteries of the universe that we did not have a clue about, even as recently as 25 years ago.

You should read the Book of Romans. It's author was a very educated man. Hardly an ignorant savage, as you suggest. People were just as smart two thousand years ago as they are today. Nice try though.

Perhaps, but I suspect that he would not have been able to pass a 9th grade biology final exam.
Let's see, now. On one hand, we have a collection of writings that are 2,000 to 3,000 years old written by people who who would be considered barely literate and certainly ignorant, by our standards, which is the sole source of our information about god that we have. On the other hand, we have the sum accumulated knowledge of man, gathered over thousands of years, and growing every day which has explained mysteries of the universe that we did not have a clue about, even as recently as 25 years ago.

You should read the Book of Romans. It's author was a very educated man. Hardly an ignorant savage, as you suggest. People were just as smart two thousand years ago as they are today. Nice try though.

Perhaps, but I suspect that he would not have been able to pass a 9th grade biology final exam.
And yet he could argue circles around you on theology.
@Th'Mods - why is there no "dumb" button in this forum?
Insults? Would you care to attempt some form of logical argument next time? It would tend to help convince others that you are not a complete imbecile.

I'm not the one insisting that the Universe was created buy a magic fairy therefore it's orderly.
No. You believe that the universe created itself. Durp!
Simple question, really. Why do so many people have a problem with it? Think about it. Order cannot come from chaos. At least not in this universe. Every bit of scientific knowledge we possess says it just can't happen. The universe is extremely ordered. It also contains vast amounts of information. Information has one source. Intelligence. Earthly intelligence is also the result of information. Can you say catch 22? This proves that information has a source that is outside this universe. What is this source? I believe that it is God. Can you come up with any other explanation?
Would a perfect creator create a dope like you?

You need to watch The Cosmos. Those series explain why/ how you are wrong or why you aren't necessarily right
What would a 'Creator' so capable want with such a universe?
Wrong question. What you should be asking yourself is what would the universe be doing here without a Creator?
Who created the creator?
When his answer brings up more questions like this then his answer isn't really a good one.

Who? Who is God? How do you know he exists?

And saying God is misleading. Which God? I think he means a creator because if he's a Bible thumper he doesn't need proof because God sent his son
Simple question, really. Why do so many people have a problem with it? Think about it. Order cannot come from chaos. At least not in this universe. Every bit of scientific knowledge we possess says it just can't happen. The universe is extremely ordered. It also contains vast amounts of information. Information has one source. Intelligence. Earthly intelligence is also the result of information. Can you say catch 22? This proves that information has a source that is outside this universe. What is this source? I believe that it is God. Can you come up with any other explanation?

Who says we have order?

The universe is still expanding
Stars blow up
The earth is constantly shifting, volcanoes erupt, the seas expand and contract
Animals evolve and become extinct

If there is a creator, why wouldn't his work be perfect and our universe would remain as he formed it
God created polio and smallpox for a reason. It was all part of god's plan. However, we perceived both of these diseases as an error on his part, and corrected them. This pissed off god, so he created AIDS and ebola. We have started making progress on that, so he created a new mosquito spreading disease that causes birth defects. Now, there are those who would say that god never makes mistakes that we have to correct, so i am assuming that he did these things intentionally. Therefore, I can only wish that he would mellow out a little.
Simple question, really. Why do so many people have a problem with it? Think about it. Order cannot come from chaos. At least not in this universe. Every bit of scientific knowledge we possess says it just can't happen. The universe is extremely ordered. It also contains vast amounts of information. Information has one source. Intelligence. Earthly intelligence is also the result of information. Can you say catch 22? This proves that information has a source that is outside this universe. What is this source? I believe that it is God. Can you come up with any other explanation?

The Teleological argument, or Argument from Design, is a non sequitur. Complexity does not imply design and does not prove the existence of a god. The appearance of complexity and order in the universe is the result of spontaneous self-organization and pattern formation, caused by chaotic feedback between simple physical laws and rules. All the complexity of the universe arises from simple, mindless rules repeated over and over again for billions of years. Current scientific theories are able to clearly explain how complexity and order arise in physical systems. Any lack of understanding does not imply a creator must have done it.

Number 15

Why there is no god
God created polio and smallpox for a reason. It was all part of god's plan. However, we perceived both of these diseases as an error on his part, and corrected them. This pissed off god, so he created AIDS and ebola. We have started making progress on that, so he created a new mosquito spreading disease that causes birth defects. Now, there are those who would say that god never makes mistakes that we have to correct, so i am assuming that he did these things intentionally. Therefore, I can only wish that he would mellow out a little.
God must be really really angry with Texas.
Simple question, really. Why do so many people have a problem with it? Think about it. Order cannot come from chaos. At least not in this universe. Every bit of scientific knowledge we possess says it just can't happen. The universe is extremely ordered. It also contains vast amounts of information. Information has one source. Intelligence. Earthly intelligence is also the result of information. Can you say catch 22? This proves that information has a source that is outside this universe. What is this source? I believe that it is God. Can you come up with any other explanation?

what is "ordered" about it?
What would a 'Creator' so capable want with such a universe?
Wrong question. What you should be asking yourself is what would the universe be doing here without a Creator?
Who created the creator?
No one created Him. Our universe, and everything in it, had a beginning. God is Spirit. I don't know exactly what that is, but it is something greater than and apart from our physical universe. So He has no beginning. I realize that it's difficult to wrap your mind around such a concept, but the alternative is to believe that the universe created itself. That's what you believe, isn't it? That it just exists for no reason at all? How is that any more logical than believing in a Creator?
Simple question, really. Why do so many people have a problem with it? Think about it. Order cannot come from chaos. At least not in this universe. Every bit of scientific knowledge we possess says it just can't happen. The universe is extremely ordered. It also contains vast amounts of information. Information has one source. Intelligence. Earthly intelligence is also the result of information. Can you say catch 22? This proves that information has a source that is outside this universe. What is this source? I believe that it is God. Can you come up with any other explanation?
Would a perfect creator create a dope like you?

You need to watch The Cosmos. Those series explain why/ how you are wrong or why you aren't necessarily right
I don't watch fairy tales. I have never seen a scientific explanation for why we're here. Neither have you.
God created polio and smallpox for a reason. It was all part of god's plan. However, we perceived both of these diseases as an error on his part, and corrected them. This pissed off god, so he created AIDS and ebola. We have started making progress on that, so he created a new mosquito spreading disease that causes birth defects. Now, there are those who would say that god never makes mistakes that we have to correct, so i am assuming that he did these things intentionally. Therefore, I can only wish that he would mellow out a little.
God must be really really angry with Texas.
Why do you say that?
What would a 'Creator' so capable want with such a universe?
Wrong question. What you should be asking yourself is what would the universe be doing here without a Creator?
Who created the creator?
No one created Him. Our universe, and everything in it, had a beginning. God is Spirit. I don't know exactly what that is, but it is something greater than and apart from our physical universe. So He has no beginning. I realize that it's difficult to wrap your mind around such a concept, but the alternative is to believe that the universe created itself. That's what you believe, isn't it? That it just exists for no reason at all? How is that any more logical than believing in a Creator?

You quote science in your OP yet ignore that matter cannot be created or destroyed..a basic scientific principle

Conservation of mass - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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