How do you feel about death?

Does anybody think we get to meet up with loved ones? It would be kinda a waste to love someone in this life and have that special bond for it to go no further, there must be a reason we have the feeling of love ??;

My aunt was married for about 35 years to my most excellent uncle. They had love, but my uncle died. It was probably nigh ten years later before she found another man to love and marry.
Might be kind of uncomfortable for the three of them to meet up in some sort of afterlife.

I have done a lot of studying of psychic matters, and attended many trance lectures, where a medium purportedly got taken into trance by a spirit who then spoke with their mouth. I have heard talks on the afterlife and as for sex it is neutral in the spirit world.
There is no sex in the afterlife because sex is about reproduction, and spirits cannot have babies. Therefore there is no sexual jealousy in the spirit world, and relationships are not possessive.
The spirit teachers say, there are many different planes after this world, and we go to the one that our state of spiritual evolution is in harmony with. We live in the spirit world until reaching the realization that we need more earthy experience, and that we need to resolve karmic debts which we cannot settle in the spirit world. Then we reincarnate, and we do this many thousands of times until reaching a state of enlightenment, after which we live on in higher worlds as eternal immortal spirits.
We reincarnate on different inhabited planets throughout the universe, according to the needs of our soul, as other planets are at differing stages of evolution. Some are darker than the present earth, but many are higher in evolution. This planet is at a particularly desirable stage of its evolution as much progress is being made here.
The spirit teachers say, there are many different planes after this world, and we go to the one that our state of spiritual evolution is in harmony with. We live in the spirit world until reaching the realization that we need more earthy experience, and that we need to resolve karmic debts which we cannot settle in the spirit world. Then we reincarnate, and we do this many thousands of times until reaching a state of enlightenment, after which we live on in higher worlds as eternal immortal spirits.
We reincarnate on different inhabited planets throughout the universe, according to the needs of our soul, as other planets are at differing stages of evolution. Some are darker than the present earth, but many are higher in evolution. This planet is at a particularly desirable stage of its evolution as much progress is being made here.

your two posts make a lot of sense, its kinda what I believed, but why can't positivethings that happen to us in this life be carried into the next? Why don't we carry any memories forward?
It's a subject people don't like to talk about, but does it scare you, do you thinks there's anything after?

Death shouldn't be scary, particularly since it's inevitable. Life can be the scary part. As for anything after, I have mine all planned out.

I want to live my next life backwards:
You start out dead and get that out of the way.
Then you wake up in a nursing home feeling better every day.
Then you get kicked out for being too healthy. Enjoy your retirement and collect your pension.
Then when you start work, you get a gold watch on your first day.
You work 40 years until you're too young to work.
You get ready for High School: drink alcohol, party, and you're generally promiscuous.
Then you go to primary school, you become a kid, you play, and you have no responsibilities.
Then you become a baby, and then...
You spend your last 9 months floating peacefully in luxury, in spa-like conditions
- central heating, room service on tap, and then...
You finish off as an orgasm.

There can be nothing better than finishing life as an orgasm!
your two posts make a lot of sense, its kinda what I believed, but why can't positivethings that happen to us in this life be carried into the next? Why don't we carry any memories forward?

According to the spirit teachers, karma can be good, as well as bad. So positive actions create a better prospect in future incarnations. But it is said that as the soul grows closer to the end of their cycle of incarnations their lives become harder, as they have to settle karma, and show that they have learned their spiritual lessons.

All memory of past lives is stored in the soul/causual body, which is formless, and eternal.
When we finally complete our cycle of evolution and cease to need further incarnation, our immortal spirit has access to memory of all past lives, and the memory is perfectly clear.

But while we are evolving we are not ready to face memory of past lives, because we may haev done bad things in early stages of our evolution, and we could not bear the burden of those memories. That is one of the reasons why we need to incarnate, so that we start each life with a fresh brain that only remembers things from its birth.
Do you think you meet the same people over and over, say family members etc?
And what about babies that die just after birth, what can that learn them?

Gonna have to apologize for all the questions, let me know if I'm driving you mad :-/
Do you think you meet the same people over and over, say family members etc?
And what about babies that die just after birth, what can that learn them?

Gonna have to apologize for all the questions, let me know if I'm driving you mad :-/

According to the spirit world we have a spiritual family group of many souls to which we belong, and those links are often maintained both between lives and during incarnations. We have some choice in reincarnating and may choose to be born into a family we have links with from past lives. But it is ultimately in the hands of the angels of karma to make the final decisions concerning our incarnation, because they know what is best for our soul and we do not.

Babies that die grow to maturity in the spirit world and eventually they choose another attempt at reincarnation.

I had a brother that died as a baby in the war, and I was never told this until a medium gave me a message from him. He said he had grown up in the spirit world and he was studying to develop his mind. He asked to be remembered to my mother.
My mother was shocked when I asked her about it as she had never told anyone about the baby, and she was not a spiritualist.

This is just one of many evidential messages I received from mediums over the years.
Do you think you meet the same people over and over, say family members etc?
And what about babies that die just after birth, what can that learn them?

Gonna have to apologize for all the questions, let me know if I'm driving you mad :-/

According to the spirit world we have a spiritual family group of many souls to which we belong, and those links are often maintained both between lives and during incarnations. We have some choice in reincarnating and may choose to be born into a family we have links with from past lives. But it is ultimately in the hands of the angels of karma to make the final decisions concerning our incarnation, because they know what is best for our soul and we do not.

Babies that die grow to maturity in the spirit world and eventually they choose another attempt at reincarnation.

I had a brother that died as a baby in the war, and I was never told this until a medium gave me a message from him. He said he had grown up in the spirit world and he was studying to develop his mind. He asked to be remembered to my mother.
My mother was shocked when I asked her about it as she had never told anyone about the baby, and she was not a spiritualist.

This is just one of many evidential messages I received from mediums over the years.

I would love to have such a strong belief ad you, it must be very comforting, just one more question, our loved ones pasted over, do they watch over us ?
How do you feel about death?

Well, I avoid it as much as possible but in the end, we all know death wins. In the end we're all equal -- No. Way. Out.

When I die I want someone to go to my funeral dressed up as the Grim Reaper and just stand in the corner.

On my tombstone I want inscribed: "She's not only merely dead she's really most sincerely dead".

I believe in life after death but have never had a paranormal experience. Bummer.
I would love to have such a strong belief ad you, it must be very comforting, just one more question, our loved ones pasted over, do they watch over us ?

When my grandmother was alive, and I was an obnoxious youth, she expressed a belief in the spirit world and I mocked her about it. I asked her what she would do in the spirit world and she said " I would watch over you darling" She died a few years later, and after that I became interested in the spirit world after reading a book called , The teachings of silver Birch. I began going to the local spiritualist church, and it was not many weeks before I started getting messages from my grandmother.

I attended many spiritualist churches, up and down the country, and I had many messages, mostly from my grandmother, by many different mediums that I had never seen before. They used to say things like, "I have your grandmother here, she says she has been through to you many times before"

So she was as good as her word, and she did watch over me.
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Have loved reading what you've wrote Dajjal, I must have a hundred more questions, I've seen a couple of psychics, honestly I think they gave me a load of bollocks, lol
Lots of people passed over including mom and dad, no messages from anyone, one psychic gd me I was like a living angel and lots of other complimentary things, she said she had never met anyone on such a hugger level and it was an honour, then took my 20 pound :-/
Guessing if you flatter someone for half an hour you don't have to say anything specific and they ain't gonna argue that ya wrong , so I dunno still ....
It's a subject people don't like to talk about, but does it scare you, do you thinks there's anything after?

It is inevitable and it is a mystery that I do not fear anymore than I fear the potential for unknown tomorrow. And yes I do believe there is eternal life after death and that death and religion are inherently linked for many.
Have loved reading what you've wrote Dajjal, I must have a hundred more questions, I've seen a couple of psychics, honestly I think they gave me a load of bollocks, lol
Lots of people passed over including mom and dad, no messages from anyone, one psychic gd me I was like a living angel and lots of other complimentary things, she said she had never met anyone on such a hugger level and it was an honour, then took my 20 pound :-/
Guessing if you flatter someone for half an hour you don't have to say anything specific and they ain't gonna argue that ya wrong , so I dunno still ....

The best way to get genuine messages is to regularly attend a spiritualist church. During normal church services you may receive a message from a medium that is not there to make money. In England anyway, mediums only get their petrol money from the church, if that. So they work for the love of doing it, and some mediums will give very good evidential messages.

I have encountered fakes, that do cold readings for money and I have no time for such people. But mediums that do church services tend to be better and more genuine.
For one thing the church is usually run by psychic people who soon know if a person is a fake medium so they don't invite them back again.
It's a subject people don't like to talk about, but does it scare you, do you thinks there's anything after?

Work with people dying for a living. I have seen many die. It is apart of life, and is a very private matter.
I hope there is an after life but I don't have faith there is.
I also feel that if one is dying from something like cancer and want to end their life, they should every right to.
It's a subject people don't like to talk about, but does it scare you, do you thinks there's anything after?

Work with people dying for a living. I have seen many die. It is apart of life, and is a very private matter.
I hope there is an after life but I don't have faith there is.
I also feel that if one is dying from something like cancer and want to end their life, they should every right to.

Thats a whole different thread, having the choice to die.

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