How do you feel about Obama blowing 100 mil on his African vacation?

Yah, that's it...It costs $100MM for Oboingo to sit at Camp David and play World of Warcraft.

Goddamn, are you daffy. :lmao:

You forgot to include the cost of a few Super Soakers. If he sources them through the Pentagon, they are sure to cost at least $2M each!

Super Soakers are probably do know they look a lot like a gun!! :eusa_whistle:
Then we should get Eric Holder to sell 'em to the Mexican drug lords.
Post 37
Grampa Murked U
How do you feel about Obama blowing 100 mil on his African vacation?
Enjoy the neg for your WORTHLESS, CHILDISH contributiin

In the words of our cool President. :up_yours:



Our really cool president won. :beer:

Mitt and his mutt lost. :laugh2:

The only duty for the nut-sucking baggers in congress is to pay the bills. :stupid:

The only duty for republicans is to shut up and pay your taxes. :udaman:

Dam, it's a great time to be alive.

:razz: :eusa_boohoo: :bowdown:

For Republicans, Lying is a way of life.


-------Bluecoller--the grumpy old kraut -----:evil:
You are an embarrassment to the human condition

Hey, Sparky, you're the one calling it a "vacation" - so please explain how and why you think it's a "vacation"...
See, the great majority of the world likes the Obamas, (50% racist) hater dupes lol...especially Africa.

OP- Just sorry it looks like he won't get to see Mandela....jeebus what dismal people hater dupes are....when you talk politics at least...bitch and moan 24/7.
Post 48
Grampa Murked U
How do you feel about Obama blowing 100 mil on his African vacation?

$100 Million: How Much Pres. Obama's Extended Trip To Sub-Saharan Africa Will Co
$100 Million: How Much Pres. Obama's Extended Trip To Sub-Saharan Africa Will Cost - YouTube

Seems even the loons on the left know it's a vacation.

Two of the people on that tape are republicans, Jag-off. :confused:

NOBODY said vacation, or discussed the purpose of the trip, only the cost.

And that makes you a lying republican hillbilly.

Do you republicans get a woody when you lie????

Cost of Obama's Africa trip under fire, overshadows economic, democracy focus - Washington Times

With President Obama set to leave for a week long stay in Africa, the goals of his trip
— boosting economic partnerships and engagement with the U.S. and promoting democratic
development in African nations.


The nut-sucking bagger's will pay for the trip.
The only duty for the nut-sucking bagger's in congress is to pay the bills. :eusa_clap:
:udaman: :mm: :muahaha:

Your only duty is to shut your lying fucking mouth, and pay your fucking taxes. :mad:

For Republicans, Lying is a way of life.


-------Bluecoller--the grumpy old kraut -----:evil:
Post 48
Grampa Murked U
How do you feel about Obama blowing 100 mil on his African vacation?

$100 Million: How Much Pres. Obama's Extended Trip To Sub-Saharan Africa Will Co
$100 Million: How Much Pres. Obama's Extended Trip To Sub-Saharan Africa Will Cost - YouTube

Seems even the loons on the left know it's a vacation.

Two of the people on that tape are republicans, Jag-off. :confused:

NOBODY said vacation, or discussed the purpose of the trip, only the cost.

And that makes you a lying republican hillbilly.

Do you republicans get a woody when you lie????

Cost of Obama's Africa trip under fire, overshadows economic, democracy focus - Washington Times

With President Obama set to leave for a week long stay in Africa, the goals of his trip
— boosting economic partnerships and engagement with the U.S. and promoting democratic
development in African nations.


The nut-sucking bagger's will pay for the trip.
The only duty for the nut-sucking bagger's in congress is to pay the bills. :eusa_clap:
:udaman: :mm: :muahaha:

Your only duty is to shut your lying fucking mouth, and pay your fucking taxes. :mad:

For Republicans, Lying is a way of life.


-------Bluecoller--the grumpy old kraut -----:evil:

Your obsession with the male genitalia is disturbing.
When the Washington Post reported that he canceled the safari portion he claimed they opted for the island visit instead because of the cost. But internal memos show they planned to do it all and decided against it when it was exposed.

Myself I think it's pretty shitty when school kids still can't tour the WH and tens of millions of Americans are still on UE and welfare.

To me it shows an utter disregard for everyday Americans. He should be able to vacation yes, but not like that. He was elected as a servant to the people not some celebrity tour.

Jesus Fucking Christ, this shit AGAIN!?! Would all you idiots on the same mass email list at least make an attempt to coordinate so we don't have umpteen topics about the same stupidity inflicted on us?

First, it is NOT a vacation, fool.



Bush on his African safari:


Aren't you morons aware one of the President's primary duties is foreign policy?

The President is visiting with heads of state, forming and maintaining important alliances on a continent which provides many vital natural resources to our economy. A continent China is making overtures toward, trying to split us away from our allies there.

And you dumbnuts... are back at the hotel lobby screaming over his hotel bill!!!

Jesus, you are diving into the single digit IQ range, man!
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Just so you know, Grampa. There have already been topics about Obama in Ireland, too. Mm-kay? So save yourself the trouble.

He went there for the G8 summit, but the retards, once again, screamed about his hotel bill. It's fucking incredible. Especially since Bush rented out an entire castle when he went there for the G8 summit, and had 7000 security personnel, and ran up a $72 million bill.
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When the Washington Post reported that he canceled the safari portion he claimed they opted for the island visit instead because of the cost. But internal memos show they planned to do it all and decided against it when it was exposed.

Myself I think it's pretty shitty when school kids still can't tour the WH and tens of millions of Americans are still on UE and welfare.

To me it shows an utter disregard for everyday Americans. He should be able to vacation yes, but not like that. He was elected as a servant to the people not some celebrity tour.

How do you feel about doing a little research and discovering that previous presidents have made the same trip, or "vacation", and Bush went twice.

Due to a lack of sufficient infrastructure and security within the countries he is visiting, Obama has to take everything and everybody with him just to make the same trip Bush and Clinton made.

Why don't you try digging past the headlines, Gramps? It would do a world of good for your flimsy assumptions?
I'd rather see this money going to infrastructure. Big shots like Obama doesn't care about our own nation very much.

Umm....let me see if I can explain it to you as simply as possible. World leaders go to foreign countries to create good will and alliances for advancement of trade and security.

Ooops, that may have gone over your head. Sorry.
When the Washington Post reported that he canceled the safari portion he claimed they opted for the island visit instead because of the cost. But internal memos show they planned to do it all and decided against it when it was exposed.

Myself I think it's pretty shitty when school kids still can't tour the WH and tens of millions of Americans are still on UE and welfare.

To me it shows an utter disregard for everyday Americans. He should be able to vacation yes, but not like that. He was elected as a servant to the people not some celebrity tour.

Jesus Fucking Christ, this shit AGAIN!?! Would all you idiots on the same mass email list at least make an attempt to coordinate so we don't have umpteen topics about the same stupidity inflicted on us?

First, it is NOT a vacation, fool.



Bush on his African safari:


Aren't you morons aware one of the President's primary duties is foreign policy?

The President is visiting with heads of state, forming and maintaining important alliances on a continent which provides many vital natural resources to our economy. A continent China is making overtures toward, trying to split us away from our allies there.

And you dumbnuts... are back at the hotel lobby screaming over his hotel bill!!!

Jesus, you are diving into the single digit IQ range, man!
It's an excuse for him and his ugly ass wife to go spend $100 million of taxpayer money on themselves.
When the Washington Post reported that he canceled the safari portion he claimed they opted for the island visit instead because of the cost. But internal memos show they planned to do it all and decided against it when it was exposed.

Myself I think it's pretty shitty when school kids still can't tour the WH and tens of millions of Americans are still on UE and welfare.

To me it shows an utter disregard for everyday Americans. He should be able to vacation yes, but not like that. He was elected as a servant to the people not some celebrity tour.

The arrogance and sense of entitlement on the part of the Obama's is appalling.

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