How do you feel about Obama blowing 100 mil on his African vacation?

The next highest vacation was 50 mil. You do the math. Even democratic senators are upset

Fine. Then you can show me how they calculated that one as well. Itemized.

It doesn't matter how it was calculated numb skull. Fleecing the taxpayer is fleecing the tax payers no matter how you fudge the numbers.

So it doesn't matter if the number is right or wrong. Why is that? Because you'd never want to let the facts ruin a good rightwing rant?


We spent about 100 million dollars about every 8 hours in Iraq for 8 years. Why don't you start a thread ranting about each of those expenditures?
We elevate those in power with power and then we expect them to act like regular Joes.

I also note that some of us are acting like this is the first POTUS whose downtime cost the taxpayer money.



Hey, Sparky, you're the one calling it a "vacation" - so please explain how and why you think it's a "vacation"...

So then why is the WHOLE FAMILY going?
I'd rather see this money going to infrastructure. Big shots like Obama doesn't care about our own nation very much.

Umm....let me see if I can explain it to you as simply as possible. World leaders go to foreign countries to create good will and alliances for advancement of trade and security.

Ooops, that may have gone over your head. Sorry.

But they don't NEED to take their whole family to do this. Sure would make it a whole lot cheaper on the US taxpayers to only send Obama, he's the only one that needs to go. There rest are going just for the fun of it....I sure wish I could afford to take my grandkids this summer to a fun part. Think Obama will give me the money to do this??
When the Washington Post reported that he canceled the safari portion he claimed they opted for the island visit instead because of the cost. But internal memos show they planned to do it all and decided against it when it was exposed.

Myself I think it's pretty shitty when school kids still can't tour the WH and tens of millions of Americans are still on UE and welfare.

To me it shows an utter disregard for everyday Americans. He should be able to vacation yes, but not like that. He was elected as a servant to the people not some celebrity tour.

Jesus Fucking Christ, this shit AGAIN!?! Would all you idiots on the same mass email list at least make an attempt to coordinate so we don't have umpteen topics about the same stupidity inflicted on us?

First, it is NOT a vacation, fool.



Bush on his African safari:


Aren't you morons aware one of the President's primary duties is foreign policy?

The President is visiting with heads of state, forming and maintaining important alliances on a continent which provides many vital natural resources to our economy. A continent China is making overtures toward, trying to split us away from our allies there.

And you dumbnuts... are back at the hotel lobby screaming over his hotel bill!!!

Jesus, you are diving into the single digit IQ range, man!

Then he should leave the wife and kids at the taxpayers a couple bucks. It's not important that they be there. then why is the whole family going? If not a vacation, they can stay home. Not like they live in a slum or anything....and there's many "vacation" spots here in the US they could go to, which would help the economy HERE. But no, they would rather spend "our" money in Africa. Nice!
Hey, Sparky, you're the one calling it a "vacation" - so please explain how and why you think it's a "vacation"...

So then why is the WHOLE FAMILY going?

It's a vacation. obama will make a speech or two just for some cover on it being a state visit.

Ya...seems we all know this except Lakhota! Lol! People like her really don't care how much of our money they spend, as long as she gets her freebies.
When the Washington Post reported that he canceled the safari portion he claimed they opted for the island visit instead because of the cost. But internal memos show they planned to do it all and decided against it when it was exposed.

Myself I think it's pretty shitty when school kids still can't tour the WH and tens of millions of Americans are still on UE and welfare.

To me it shows an utter disregard for everyday Americans. He should be able to vacation yes, but not like that. He was elected as a servant to the people not some celebrity tour.

Jesus Fucking Christ, this shit AGAIN!?! Would all you idiots on the same mass email list at least make an attempt to coordinate so we don't have umpteen topics about the same stupidity inflicted on us?

First, it is NOT a vacation, fool.



Bush on his African safari:


Aren't you morons aware one of the President's primary duties is foreign policy?

The President is visiting with heads of state, forming and maintaining important alliances on a continent which provides many vital natural resources to our economy. A continent China is making overtures toward, trying to split us away from our allies there.

And you dumbnuts... are back at the hotel lobby screaming over his hotel bill!!!

Jesus, you are diving into the single digit IQ range, man!

Then he should leave the wife and kids at the taxpayers a couple bucks. It's not important that they be there.

Write your share off as part of the 2 year payroll tax cut Obama gave you.
If the presidebt is going to waste money make it a blow out

Obama Brings Mother-in-Law, Niece to Africa | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

n a move that can only fuel charges that his week-long trip to Africa is a de facto vacation, President Obama is taking his mother-in-law Marian Robinson and niece Leslie Robinson with him on Air Force One, which departed the United States this morning. Leslie is the daughter of First Lady Michelle Obama’s brother Craig.
If the presidebt is going to waste money make it a blow out

Obama Brings Mother-in-Law, Niece to Africa | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

n a move that can only fuel charges that his week-long trip to Africa is a de facto vacation, President Obama is taking his mother-in-law Marian Robinson and niece Leslie Robinson with him on Air Force One, which departed the United States this morning. Leslie is the daughter of First Lady Michelle Obama’s brother Craig.
This is getting pretty old.

Between George and Lara they visited Africa 7 times in his 8 years as POTUS. Taking the whole family and going on safaris too.

The Obamas(the whole family) are going to Africa because its part of the presidents job. He has been criticized for NOT going in his 1st term. The president will meet with foreign leaders, the 1st lady is set to do several speeches and the kids will pose for photo ops.

This is how this works.
How do you feel about Obama blowing 100 mil on his African vacation?

If he didn't spend the money, the IRS would find a way to blow the taxpayer's dollars. Hopefully he's house hunting for when he gets his ass out of office and moves back to his African homeland.
Amy, I don't think they care that W went to Africa, or that Obama inherited the deficits. Not that I like the guy, but .... the gop isn't a governing party.

And dog, he's an American.
This is getting pretty old.

Between George and Lara they visited Africa 7 times in his 8 years as POTUS. Taking the whole family and going on safaris too.

The Obamas(the whole family) are going to Africa because its part of the presidents job. He has been criticized for NOT going in his 1st term. The president will meet with foreign leaders, the 1st lady is set to do several speeches and the kids will pose for photo ops.

This is how this works.

Yeah Big Moo is going to make an appearance with Laura Bush at the Women's Clinic Laura Bush worked to construct!

Yes, it's true. It's all about the photo ops.
I think it would be Ok, if the U.S. gets more than 100 mil back in trade from Africa.
But I have my doubts.
This is getting pretty old.

Between George and Lara they visited Africa 7 times in his 8 years as POTUS. Taking the whole family and going on safaris too.

The Obamas(the whole family) are going to Africa because its part of the presidents job. He has been criticized for NOT going in his 1st term. The president will meet with foreign leaders, the 1st lady is set to do several speeches and the kids will pose for photo ops.

This is how this works.

When the Bush's went a few things were different.

A. They did things FOR the country they were visiting.

B. Our country wasn't 17 trillion in the red.

C. We didn't have tens of millions of unemployed Americans.

D. Half of Americans weren't on welfare.

E. Bush wasn't asking us to pay more while he toured the world.

Does anybody have any proof that this official trip -- not vacation -- will cost 100 million? Not some wingnut's butthurt opinion piece, but some actual proof?
He may be arrested the minute he sets foot in another country for his war crimes.

WTF does it take for the liberal left to see the hypocrite that is Obama? If Bush spent half this much with similar economic news the left would be swallowing their tongues in rage. Now they are pathetic lemmings defending the war crimes criminal.
He is trying to collaspe our economy - what is another 100M. Bernanke can print that in a week. We have to close parks, lay off air traffic controllers etc. etc. etc. They should go to the fucking zoo, or the DC open safari instead.

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