How do you feel about Obama blowing 100 mil on his African vacation?

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When the Washington Post reported that he canceled the safari portion he claimed they opted for the island visit instead because of the cost. But internal memos show they planned to do it all and decided against it when it was exposed.

Myself I think it's pretty shitty when school kids still can't tour the WH and tens of millions of Americans are still on UE and welfare.

To me it shows an utter disregard for everyday Americans. He should be able to vacation yes, but not like that. He was elected as a servant to the people not some celebrity tour.
Just another example of government excess.
He may be arrested the minute he sets foot in another country for his war crimes.

WTF does it take for the liberal left to see the hypocrite that is Obama? If Bush spent half this much with similar economic news the left would be swallowing their tongues in rage. Now they are pathetic lemmings defending the war crimes criminal.

Yeah, how 'bout that.

Of all things we Libs got on the last POTUS about, one thing we didn't seem to do a lot of is make a stink about how much an OFFICIAL VISIT cost. Even when GW visited Africa TWICE.

As for the "war criminal" thing, only nutbags like you believe it at this point. Too bad, so sad.
Does anybody have any proof that this official trip -- not vacation -- will cost 100 million? Not some wingnut's butthurt opinion piece, but some actual proof?

The leaked files from the secret service, who based the 100 million on Bushs last visit to Africa.

So yes, 100 million is correct.
Does anybody have any proof that this official trip -- not vacation -- will cost 100 million? Not some wingnut's butthurt opinion piece, but some actual proof?

The leaked files from the secret service, who based the 100 million on Bushs last visit to Africa.

So yes, 100 million is correct.


I guess if any of us on the left here point this little fact out the wingnuts are gonna go "BOOOOOOSH!" Amirite?
Big Moo is taking 30 friends and now grandma and a niece have been added. It will likely run more than that.
I guess if this was out of the ordinary somehow, maybe a point could be had. But the level of security needed for a trip like this isn't cheap and it's a requirement. Also, it isn't a vacation. He is there as President of the United States. Finally, his trip is nothing out of the ordinary and very similar to trips Clinton and GW Bush made.

Case closed.
Former presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush also made trips to multiple African nations involving similarly laborious preparations. Bush went in 2003 and 2008, bringing his wife on both occasions. Bush's two daughters went along on the first trip, which included a safari at a game preserve on the Botswana-South Africa border.
Former presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush also made trips to multiple African nations involving similarly laborious preparations. Bush went in 2003 and 2008, bringing his wife on both occasions. Bush's two daughters went along on the first trip, which included a safari at a game preserve on the Botswana-South Africa border.
It's OK then since that havn't been on one in - how many weeks? How many times?
Former presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush also made trips to multiple African nations involving similarly laborious preparations. Bush went in 2003 and 2008, bringing his wife on both occasions. Bush's two daughters went along on the first trip, which included a safari at a game preserve on the Botswana-South Africa border.

At less than half the cost and without taking extended family all while the country is broke and under sequestration.

Yep exactly the same..... *facepalm*
He may be arrested the minute he sets foot in another country for his war crimes.

WTF does it take for the liberal left to see the hypocrite that is Obama? If Bush spent half this much with similar economic news the left would be swallowing their tongues in rage. Now they are pathetic lemmings defending the war crimes criminal.

Yeah, how 'bout that.

Of all things we Libs got on the last POTUS about, one thing we didn't seem to do a lot of is make a stink about how much an OFFICIAL VISIT cost. Even when GW visited Africa TWICE.

As for the "war criminal" thing, only nutbags like you believe it at this point. Too bad, so sad.

Actually the killing of a person in an ally country who is not a direct threat is a war crime. Obama did that. Killing of Americans without due process or even guilt is a war crime if not murder, Obama did that. Only people who can't face the truth and are very low information voters, like yourself, can deny his guilt. Just because the MSM hasn't told you what to think yet it does not mean he isn't guilty.

As for those who think he may be guilty, no it is not just me.

Is the Obama administration's drone war legal? Why should we be concerned? | American Civil Liberties Union

Gosh get you head out of the DNC note pad.
I have not read the thread, but I was thinking. Is it the President's fault that this country requires such a large entourage and all the equipment that they send with him everywhere he goes? Is he supposed to stay at home in the WH all the time and not make any calls on other national leaders?

I think the cost of our tax dollars is horrendous, but I don't blame him for that.

Wish I could go too!

Former presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush also made trips to multiple African nations involving similarly laborious preparations. Bush went in 2003 and 2008, bringing his wife on both occasions. Bush's two daughters went along on the first trip, which included a safari at a game preserve on the Botswana-South Africa border.

The HUGE difference is that the economy was in much better shape when they did go. The economy was doing well until the democrat take over in 2006.
It is certainly worth something to see obama piss off the Africans over gay rights. Not 100 million dollars but certainly something.

Serious question. What the hell is Obama going to do to stop Chinese firms from buying anything?
And so what if they do? Who cares.
Let another nation deal with the corrupt governments and the quagmire of temperamental tin horn dictators.
The issue here is Obama made threats against the American people in reaction to the Sequester. He made all sorts of dire predictions, none of which came to fruition.
He's showing is utter disdain for the American people by blowing $100 million in taxpayer resources.
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Serious question. What the hell is Obama going to do to stop Chinese firms from buying anything?
And so what if they do? Who cares.
Let another nation deal with the corrupt governments and the quagmire of temperamental tin horn dictators.
The issue here is Obama made threats against the American people in reaction to the Sequester. He made all sorts of dire predictions, none of which came to fruition.
He's showing is utter disdain for the American people by blowing $100 million in taxpayer resources.

I suggest you do some "credible" research. It's not about "stopping" China from buying African resources - it's about competing before China ends up owning Africa.

Serious question. What the hell is Obama going to do to stop Chinese firms from buying anything?
And so what if they do? Who cares.
Let another nation deal with the corrupt governments and the quagmire of temperamental tin horn dictators.
The issue here is Obama made threats against the American people in reaction to the Sequester. He made all sorts of dire predictions, none of which came to fruition.
He's showing is utter disdain for the American people by blowing $100 million in taxpayer resources.

I suggest you do some "credible" research. It's not about "stopping" China from buying African resources - it's about competing before China ends up owning Africa.

You must be good at tossing a salad.
Because in that statement all you did was mix up your own words in an attempt to change your original meaning.
You wrote this...." Would wingnuts rather just let China buy up all of Africa's resources?"
The antithesis of "let"(allow) is to disallow or 'prevent'(Stop)
Do try getting up a bit earlier.

Compete, stop...Difference absent of distinction.
I have not read the thread, but I was thinking. Is it the President's fault that this country requires such a large entourage and all the equipment that they send with him everywhere he goes? Is he supposed to stay at home in the WH all the time and not make any calls on other national leaders?

I think the cost of our tax dollars is horrendous, but I don't blame him for that.

Wish I could go too!


Our country requires Big Moo's 30 friends, grandma and a niece? Who knew?

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