How do you feel about politicians getting the vaccine ahead of everyone else?

Before many doctors and nurses.
Before the so called "essential" workers.
Before the elderly.

And the real kick in the balls is how so many on the left just weeks ago claimed that it wasn't safe because orange man bad but couldn't wait to but in line and get the shot.

Disgraceful imo
Not a big deal. They are trying to set an example for those who are nervous to take it. Show that it’s safe and give credit when they speak out and encourage others to take it.

I think it would be a bigger issue if any where to take a stand against taking it
Could it be that the LEFTIST MONTH LONG DAILY DRUMBEAT of Trump is rushing it took its toll?
But of course like everything else the left do that has a negative impact on things those ridiculous statements are forgotten and people pretend they were never made.
The issue with Trump was his blatant dishonesty around everything involved with COViD. Remember we were all going to Easter mass together? Remember when hydroxychloroquine was the cure? Remember every other week when he said we are almost done. It’s his bullshit rhetoric that got old.
Ahhh, selective memory disorder. Now that you mention it i do remember all the bad things Trump said about the vaccine that likely scared the public.....

Affirmative. Remember when he said vaccines caused Autism in children? The guy is a piece of work. Can’t make this shit up
The cause of Autism is unknown so go blow smoke elsewhere
Thank you, unknown, as is not known to be caused by vaccinations, making Trump a blowhard
Unknown as in unknown. They have NO CLUE what does or doesn't cause it.
Which is why it’s a lie to say that vaccines cause it

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