How do you feel about politicians getting the vaccine ahead of everyone else?

Seems to me that's it's those who claim they won't take the vaccine complaining.

Personally I'm not sure yet so I'm good with others taking it first. Reading the local news it says that most all seniors in nursing homes have got the shot but I've seen no stories about politicians getting them.

Here's one.

AOC hits back at critics who blasted her for getting the COVID-19 vaccine before others | Daily Mail Online

kudos to fellow squad member Ilhan for calling her out on it.

IMO, politicians are not in an at risk group unless they are (well) over 60.

Already noted. People worry about it being safe so the proper thing for a national politician to do is to take it so that people can see it is.

Are you worried she took yours?
They are worried it may not be safe precisely because of people like her and the shit they spewed just weeks ago.

They are great at creating the problems they claim to solve.

Hence my opinion of them being disgraceful

Well you showed you are good at vast generalizations.
Seems to me that's it's those who claim they won't take the vaccine complaining.

Personally I'm not sure yet so I'm good with others taking it first. Reading the local news it says that most all seniors in nursing homes have got the shot but I've seen no stories about politicians getting them.
These politicians are the ones who sold you on Prog Socialist ways. You are seeing their minimal setting as future tyrants. Promoting riots, using a virus as a political weapon, cheating on and stealing elections. As the economy contracts in real terms there will be many final solutions on the people. And they will actually get individuals like you to blame the deplorables and dregs. We can not compete with China. They build products as we build social justice based on backgrounds of people and not on talent.

When we start addressing Conservative Socialist ways, I'll take your complaint seriously.
Seems to me that's it's those who claim they won't take the vaccine complaining.

Personally I'm not sure yet so I'm good with others taking it first. Reading the local news it says that most all seniors in nursing homes have got the shot but I've seen no stories about politicians getting them.

Here's one.

AOC hits back at critics who blasted her for getting the COVID-19 vaccine before others | Daily Mail Online

kudos to fellow squad member Ilhan for calling her out on it.

IMO, politicians are not in an at risk group unless they are (well) over 60.

Already noted. People worry about it being safe so the proper thing for a national politician to do is to take it so that people can see it is.

Are you worried she took yours?
They are worried it may not be safe precisely because of people like her and the shit they spewed just weeks ago.

They are great at creating the problems they claim to solve.

Hence my opinion of them being disgraceful

Well you showed you are good at vast generalizations.
If the shoe fits....
Before many doctors and nurses.
Before the so called "essential" workers.
Before the elderly.

And the real kick in the balls is how so many on the left just weeks ago claimed that it wasn't safe because orange man bad but couldn't wait to but in line and get the shot.

Disgraceful imo
How many? Got links to the "people on the left" that claimed it wasn't safe?

The ones that should go to the back of the line are Trump sucking sycophants like Ernst and Graham that downplayed the pandemic.
Before many doctors and nurses.
Before the so called "essential" workers.
Before the elderly.

And the real kick in the balls is how so many on the left just weeks ago claimed that it wasn't safe because orange man bad but couldn't wait to but in line and get the shot.

Disgraceful imo

Welcome To The Socialist States of Amerika...

...where hypocritical, self-enriching, self-appointed rulers who believe they are smarter and more important than the people who elected them put themselves and their party above the American people and the country.

Many of these politicians are the same pieces of fecal matter who did their best to undermine our President who made it possible for the vaccines to be developed and available in historic record time and who did their best to undermine confidence in the vaccines.

Gov Cuomo, for example, declared he would not take any vaccine developed under President Trump, urged their constituents not to take it, then vowed to sue the Trump administration if he and NY were not at or near the top of the list for getting the vaccines 1st. Of course Cuomo advocates getting the vaccine before the Americans he acknowledged were / are the most likely to die from COVID-19.

He is, after all, the 'biggest mass murderer in US history, having acknowledged the elderly most likely to die from the virus...right before he packed virus-infected patients into nursing homes in order to keep hospital beds open to handle a feared wave of Hospitalization-required COVID patients that never came. Over 10,000 elderly Americans died NEEDLESSLY... So of course the bastard put himself at the front of the line to get a COVID-19 vaccine shot.

In a socialist / Marxist tyrannical state it is the self appointed rulers who put themselves ahead of the country and citizens in every way...which is what we continue to see.
Before many doctors and nurses.
Before the so called "essential" workers.
Before the elderly.

And the real kick in the balls is how so many on the left just weeks ago claimed that it wasn't safe because orange man bad but couldn't wait to but in line and get the shot.

Disgraceful imo

Welcome To The Socialist States of Amerika...

...where hypocritical, self-enriching, self-appointed rulers who believe they are smarter and more important than the people who elected them put themselves and their party above the American people and the country.

Many of these politicians are the same pieces of fecal matter who did their best to undermine our President who made it possible for the vaccines to be developed and available in historic record time and who did their best to undermine confidence in the vaccines.

Gov Cuomo, for example, declared he would not take any vaccine developed under President Trump, urged their constituents not to take it, then vowed to sue the Trump administration if he and NY were not at or near the top of the list for getting the vaccines 1st. Of course Cuomo advocates getting the vaccine before the Americans he acknowledged were / are the most likely to die from COVID-19.

He is, after all, the 'biggest mass murderer in US history, having acknowledged the elderly most likely to die from the virus...right before he packed virus-infected patients into nursing homes in order to keep hospital beds open to handle a feared wave of Hospitalization-required COVID patients that never came. Over 10,000 elderly Americans died NEEDLESSLY... So of course the bastard put himself at the front of the line to get a COVID-19 vaccine shot.

In a socialist / Marxist tyrannical state it is the self appointed rulers who put themselves ahead of the country and citizens in every way...which is what we continue to see.
thats a flat out LIE as usual!

Cuomo said he would have his State Pandemic doctors and scientist review the vaccine stats before recommending assure that Trump had not pressured the vaccine makers, to release it early, before all trials were in.
Before many doctors and nurses.
Before the so called "essential" workers.
Before the elderly.

And the real kick in the balls is how so many on the left just weeks ago claimed that it wasn't safe because orange man bad but couldn't wait to but in line and get the shot.

Disgraceful imo
I don't care....Why should you?
Oh, your line about the vaccine being bad by "leftist" is a load of shit...Being a democrat doesn't make a person a liberal or a leftist, just like being a Republican doesn't make you a conservative or a rightist..
From what I have seen it is those that are Trump followers that refuse to cooperate with the measures of the pandemic along with the anarchist..

It's lib governors and mayors imposing unnecessary lockdowns. All should refuse their worthless decrees.
Before many doctors and nurses.
Before the so called "essential" workers.
Before the elderly.

And the real kick in the balls is how so many on the left just weeks ago claimed that it wasn't safe because orange man bad but couldn't wait to but in line and get the shot.

Disgraceful imo
I’m glad they are getting it first.
That way if there are any unforeseen complications or side effects, they get them.
Hopefully it makes them turn purple, or the balls fall off.
Before many doctors and nurses.
Before the so called "essential" workers.
Before the elderly.

And the real kick in the balls is how so many on the left just weeks ago claimed that it wasn't safe because orange man bad but couldn't wait to but in line and get the shot.

Disgraceful imo
Not a big deal. They are trying to set an example for those who are nervous to take it. Show that it’s safe and give credit when they speak out and encourage others to take it.

I think it would be a bigger issue if any where to take a stand against taking it
Before many doctors and nurses.
Before the so called "essential" workers.
Before the elderly.

And the real kick in the balls is how so many on the left just weeks ago claimed that it wasn't safe because orange man bad but couldn't wait to but in line and get the shot.

Disgraceful imo
I don't care....Why should you?
Oh, your line about the vaccine being bad by "leftist" is a load of shit...Being a democrat doesn't make a person a liberal or a leftist, just like being a Republican doesn't make you a conservative or a rightist..
From what I have seen it is those that are Trump followers that refuse to cooperate with the measures of the pandemic along with the anarchist..

It's lib governors and mayors imposing unnecessary lockdowns. All should refuse their worthless decrees.
that's not true. Republican governors and mayors have also done the same with various restrictions, when their states or cities were experiencing corona virus hot spread zones/ hot spots.
Before many doctors and nurses.
Before the so called "essential" workers.
Before the elderly.

And the real kick in the balls is how so many on the left just weeks ago claimed that it wasn't safe because orange man bad but couldn't wait to but in line and get the shot.

Disgraceful imo
I don't care....Why should you?
Oh, your line about the vaccine being bad by "leftist" is a load of shit...Being a democrat doesn't make a person a liberal or a leftist, just like being a Republican doesn't make you a conservative or a rightist..
From what I have seen it is those that are Trump followers that refuse to cooperate with the measures of the pandemic along with the anarchist..

It's lib governors and mayors imposing unnecessary lockdowns. All should refuse their worthless decrees.
that's not true. Republican governors and mayors have also done the same with various restrictions, when their states or cities were in corona virus hot spots.

They're equally as despicable as the Dems who are doing this.
Before many doctors and nurses.
Before the so called "essential" workers.
Before the elderly.

And the real kick in the balls is how so many on the left just weeks ago claimed that it wasn't safe because orange man bad but couldn't wait to but in line and get the shot.

Disgraceful imo
Not a big deal. They are trying to set an example for those who are nervous to take it. Show that it’s safe and give credit when they speak out and encourage others to take it.

I think it would be a bigger issue if any where to take a stand against taking it
Could it be that the LEFTIST MONTH LONG DAILY DRUMBEAT of Trump is rushing it took its toll?
But of course like everything else the left do that has a negative impact on things those ridiculous statements are forgotten and people pretend they were never made.
Before many doctors and nurses.
Before the so called "essential" workers.
Before the elderly.

And the real kick in the balls is how so many on the left just weeks ago claimed that it wasn't safe because orange man bad but couldn't wait to but in line and get the shot.

Disgraceful imo
Is the Trump vaccine a good thing or a bad thing. Those who REFUSE to take it should be happy they're not the guinea pigs. Still not sure if I want to take it. Let them
The ones that should go to the back of the line are Trump sucking sycophants like Ernst and Graham that downplayed the pandemic.
They should have behaved like the chicken little Democrats and warned we're all gonna die if you don't shut down your business, lay off your employees for the rest of time and just die
"How do you feel about politicians getting the vaccine ahead of everyone else?"

I'm in favor of it. One last test can't hurt.
thats a flat out LIE as usual!

The only one who is lying and spreading mis-information is YOU, as usual:

"Governor Andrew Cuomo is threatening to withhold a COVID-19 vaccine from New York until his team of doctors deem it safe because he doesn't trust the FDA or CDC, raising serious questions about how and when it will eventually become available and who will be the arbiter of it.

Cuomo said during an interview with Good Morning America that the American people will be 'skeptical' about a vaccine because of how the federal administration has handled the pandemic and that he won't rush to recommend it."

Cuomo (and other Democrats, to include Biden and Harris) did his best to undermine Americans' confidence in the vaccines that are now out, declaring he wouldn't take a vaccine developed under this President and administration. His exact wording changed as oftenas he talked abot the vaccines in daily briefs.

Above, Cuomo threatened to withhold - hold hostage - the life-saving vaccine from New Yorkers - deny them the ability to get the vaccine until HIS team of doctors deemed the vaccines if the doctors and scientists who were involved in the research, development, & creation of the vaccine were / are somehow not to be believed?

So 'Listen To The Scientists' only applies to specific Democrats' preferred scientists?

The last f*ing opinion / judgment anyone should listen to is that of Cuomo and his scientists / doctors. They are the ones who acknowledged the elderly were the most likely in the US to die from COVID-19....just before they sentenced over 10,000 elderly Americans to die by packing nursing homes with V-19-infected patients! Because of Cuomo's incompetence and piss-poor judgment over 10,000 elderly Americans NEEDLESSLY died because Cuomo wanted to keep hospital beds open for a non-existent C-19 wave of patients that could need the beds, a wave that NEVER SHOWED UP. Over 10,000 elderly Americans died because Cuomo was trying to fight a battle that had not started yet and ignored the war he already had on his hands!

Cuomo tried to play 'God' with Americans' lives, just like he was when he declared he might WITHHOLD the existing vaccine - he attempted earlier to undermine due to partisan politics - until HE thinks its safe? Again, he already proved what HE thinks is safe caused the needless deaths of over 10,000 Americans.

Cuomo is the same M*er F*er who recently started off his press conference by declaring he was going to have a great Christmas, that Santa was going to be very good to him because he worked hard this year:

"He reiterated his plea for New Yorkers to have a "healthy holiday," noting that he was "going to have a great one." "Santa’s going to be very good to me. I can tell. I worked hard this year," Cuomo said."

If there was anyone who ever deserved coal in their stocking it is Gov Andrew Cuomo, after sentencing over 100 elderly Americans to needlessly die by packing C-19-infected patients into nursing homes after publicly acknowledging he elderly were the most likely to die from C-19...and for imposing Constitutional and Civil Rights-violating edicts that helped destroy minority small business ownership, Americans' dreams, and American lives.

Seems to me that's it's those who claim they won't take the vaccine complaining. Personally I'm not sure yet so I'm good with others taking it first. Reading the local news it says that most all seniors in nursing homes have got the shot but I've seen no stories about politicians getting them.
These politicians are the ones who sold you on Prog Socialist ways. You are seeing their minimal setting as future tyrants. Promoting riots, using a virus as a political weapon, cheating on and stealing elections. As the economy contracts in real terms there will be many final solutions on the people. And they will actually get individuals like you to blame the deplorables and dregs. We can not compete with China. They build products as we build social justice based on backgrounds of people and not on talent.
This belongs in the 'Rant' uh..., 'Conspiracy' forum.

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