How do you feel about the DNC


Sep 9, 2012
I'm an independant that leans more to the left. Don't agree with all the things the DEMS do and say. I'm also a Christian.

Been seeing all over Facebook about the DEMS booing God and what not. Now I know the left has it's fair share of athiests and other religions besides Christianity.

The evangelicals and tea partiers have been saying the Democrats are against God now and all that.

As a Christian I'm torn on my reaction to what happened there.

I look at it one way and feel it was wrong to have the vote and to try to take God out of the "platform."

But then I look at it another way in which I know it's not fair to force my beliefs on those who don't believe what I do.

How does everyone else feel?
I did not see the booing.

That being said, I don't think it was right to hold a vote and then force god on the dems. I presonally don't care if the dems have god in their platform enough.

I'm a big fan of seperation of church and state:)
They didn't boo god they booed the railroading of the platform process.

And they clearly voted 3 times to refuse to restore the reference to God.. Regardless of the interpretation of what happened -- the DNC loses cred...

As far as the religious bent of DNC -- they seem intent on purging all religious reference in a vindictive type of way that agrees with their following. The picture is painted that people of faith are ignorant and dogmatic. Whereas THEIR membership is enlightened and open minded.

This springs naturally from secular humanism. The thought that drives most of the Progressive movement. That man alone is the legislator and grantor of rights and privileges. It's tied at the hip with today's LEFTIST leadership of the DNC..

I disagree with this because I appreciate the HUMILITY of the Founders who admitted that they were not GRANTING rights -- but that rights come from an unusurpable Higher Power. I find that ELEGANT, optomistic and refreshing. Because we all know how many times man has demonstrated a severe tendency to tyrannize a populace thru political dictates.

So while I'm NOT particularly observant. And I don't support EITHER party.. I do have a healthy respect for people of faith because they show that humility of being unfit to dictate to others.. This is the fountainhead of all those arguments about bigger versus smaller govt, about interfering in every trivial detail of our lives, etc, etc..

If I had to chose which foxhole to jump into -- I'd have to side with the humbler people of faith for that reason over the arrogant secular humanists who think they know better and think they ARE better.. It's hard times for ALL people of faith in the Dem camp. And the tent seems to me -- to be getting "progressively" smaller.
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They didn't boo god they booed the railroading of the platform process.

And they clearly voted 3 times to refuse to restore the reference to God.. Regardless of the interpretation of what happened -- the DNC loses cred...

As far as the religious bent of DNC -- they seem intent on purging all religious reference in a vindictive type of way that agrees with their following. The picture is painted that people of faith are ignorant and dogmatic. Whereas THEIR membership is enlightened and open minded.

This springs naturally from secular humanism. The thought that drives most of the Progressive movement. That man alone is the legislator and grantor of rights and privileges. It's tied at the hip with today's LEFTIST leadership of the DNC..

I disagree with this because I appreciate the HUMILITY of the Founders who admitted that they were not GRANTING rights -- but that rights come from an unusurpable Higher Power. I find that ELEGANT, optomistic and refreshing. Because we all know how many times man has demonstrated a severe tendency to tyrannize a populace thru political dictates.

So while I'm NOT particularly observant. And I don't support EITHER party.. I do have a healthy respect for people of faith because they show that humility of being unfit to dictate to others.. If I had to chose which foxhole to jump into -- I'd have to side with the humbler people of faith for that reason over the arrogant secular humanists who think they know better and think they ARE better..

Yes, many Democrats like to keep their Church and State separate.
They didn't boo god they booed the railroading of the platform process.

And they clearly voted 3 times to refuse to restore the reference to God.. Regardless of the interpretation of what happened -- the DNC loses cred...

As far as the religious bent of DNC -- they seem intent on purging all religious reference in a vindictive type of way that agrees with their following. The picture is painted that people of faith are ignorant and dogmatic. Whereas THEIR membership is enlightened and open minded.

This springs naturally from secular humanism. The thought that drives most of the Progressive movement. That man alone is the legislator and grantor of rights and privileges. It's tied at the hip with today's LEFTIST leadership of the DNC..

I disagree with this because I appreciate the HUMILITY of the Founders who admitted that they were not GRANTING rights -- but that rights come from an unusurpable Higher Power. I find that ELEGANT, optomistic and refreshing. Because we all know how many times man has demonstrated a severe tendency to tyrannize a populace thru political dictates.

So while I'm NOT particularly observant. And I don't support EITHER party.. I do have a healthy respect for people of faith because they show that humility of being unfit to dictate to others.. If I had to chose which foxhole to jump into -- I'd have to side with the humbler people of faith for that reason over the arrogant secular humanists who think they know better and think they ARE better..

I'd have to partly agree with you. I find it interesting that my family/friends associate me now as being against God because of all this. I try to remind them that they had to ask 3 times there. And each time it appeared about half and half. So it's clear that not all Dems feel that God should be taken out of it. Yeah there's athiests in our party, but that's their belief, not mine.

Like you said, it's sad that the leftist "leadership" paints all us left leaning folks as athiests and wanting to purge religion out of the country.

And yeah, I meant the convention.
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The hilarity ensues after Villaraigosa announces that "in the opinion of the chair 2/3 have voted in the affirmative" .....

[ame=]Amidst Boos And Multiple Votes, DNC Reverses Position And Reinstates Jerusalem - YouTube[/ame]
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and the teleprompter was already programmed. That's the "Chicago" way baby!!!

They didn't boo god they booed the railroading of the platform process.

And they clearly voted 3 times to refuse to restore the reference to God.. Regardless of the interpretation of what happened -- the DNC loses cred...

As far as the religious bent of DNC -- they seem intent on purging all religious reference in a vindictive type of way that agrees with their following. The picture is painted that people of faith are ignorant and dogmatic. Whereas THEIR membership is enlightened and open minded.

This springs naturally from secular humanism. The thought that drives most of the Progressive movement. That man alone is the legislator and grantor of rights and privileges. It's tied at the hip with today's LEFTIST leadership of the DNC..

I disagree with this because I appreciate the HUMILITY of the Founders who admitted that they were not GRANTING rights -- but that rights come from an unusurpable Higher Power. I find that ELEGANT, optomistic and refreshing. Because we all know how many times man has demonstrated a severe tendency to tyrannize a populace thru political dictates.

So while I'm NOT particularly observant. And I don't support EITHER party.. I do have a healthy respect for people of faith because they show that humility of being unfit to dictate to others.. If I had to chose which foxhole to jump into -- I'd have to side with the humbler people of faith for that reason over the arrogant secular humanists who think they know better and think they ARE better..

Yes, many Democrats like to keep their Church and State separate.

If there wasn't constant BASHING of people of faith at DemUnderground and all those partisian bastions -- you might have a weak excuse there. This "separation" doesn't exist in the Constitution --- but what APPEARS in the Constitution is the clause that states "there will be no Religious test to attain Office".. Which affirms that a person who believe the Earth is 6000 yrs old should not be excluded from consideration. Try telling that to the DNC base.

Again it's the arrogance of secular humanists and progressives that's the large repellent factor for me. Much more annoying than someone suggesting that our rights really stem from God.
and the teleprompter was already programmed. That's the "Chicago" way baby!!!


nice! Nothing like "leaving it up to the people." LOL.

But on a seperate note. Isn't the "platform" discussed, argued, and voted on at a different time than the convention anyway? I didn't catch any of the dems, but I remember watching on C-span as the Virginia gov, Bob McDonnel was the moderator to the GOP as they were outlinging their platform prior to the convention. Don't the dems do the same?
They didn't boo god they booed the railroading of the platform process.

And they clearly voted 3 times to refuse to restore the reference to God.. Regardless of the interpretation of what happened -- the DNC loses cred...

As far as the religious bent of DNC -- they seem intent on purging all religious reference in a vindictive type of way that agrees with their following. The picture is painted that people of faith are ignorant and dogmatic. Whereas THEIR membership is enlightened and open minded.

This springs naturally from secular humanism. The thought that drives most of the Progressive movement. That man alone is the legislator and grantor of rights and privileges. It's tied at the hip with today's LEFTIST leadership of the DNC..

I disagree with this because I appreciate the HUMILITY of the Founders who admitted that they were not GRANTING rights -- but that rights come from an unusurpable Higher Power. I find that ELEGANT, optomistic and refreshing. Because we all know how many times man has demonstrated a severe tendency to tyrannize a populace thru political dictates.

So while I'm NOT particularly observant. And I don't support EITHER party.. I do have a healthy respect for people of faith because they show that humility of being unfit to dictate to others.. If I had to chose which foxhole to jump into -- I'd have to side with the humbler people of faith for that reason over the arrogant secular humanists who think they know better and think they ARE better..

I'd have to partly agree with you. I find it interesting that my family/friends associate me now as being against God because of all this. I try to remind them that they had to ask 3 times there. And each time it appeared about half and half. So it's clear that not all Dems feel that God should be taken out of it. Yeah there's athiests in our party, but that's their belief, not mine.

Like you said, it's sad that the leftist "leadership" paints all us left leaning folks as athiests and wanting to purge religion out of the country.

And yeah, I meant the convention.

Sorry man.. The "noes" had it 3 times.. But as Zander observes "the fix was in" and the vote was a farce. The Prog section of the DNC wants to leap that cliff, but the leadership pulled it back in.

It's not that the DNC is the party of atheists. It's hard to be dictating every minute aspect of people's lives with God in the way.. Like I said -- it takes much ARROGANCE to force New Yorkers to buy smaller sodas or force people to pay for birth control whether they want it or not. HUMILITY has no place in a progressive agenda.

It's got nothing to do with separation of church and state. It's a belief that religion is ancient baggage that slows down the current revolution. And while the DNC slices and dices all of us into warring camps (young/old, men/women, black/white/brown/yellow, rich/poor, gay/straight) they want exclusive dominion over the morality of all that. And God sometimes conflicts with their mission...
The DNC was more effective with Howard Dean in charge. Dean worked up the 50-state strategy that brought about the big victory in 2008. Then he was politely shown the door, the 50-state strategy was abandoned, and look what happened in 2010. The Democrats should be begging Howard Dean to come back to the DNC job.
and the teleprompter was already programmed. That's the "Chicago" way baby!!!


nice! Nothing like "leaving it up to the people." LOL.

But on a seperate note. Isn't the "platform" discussed, argued, and voted on at a different time than the convention anyway? I didn't catch any of the dems, but I remember watching on C-span as the Virginia gov, Bob McDonnel was the moderator to the GOP as they were outlinging their platform prior to the convention. Don't the dems do the same?

They DID all that.. The platform committee has already voted out a platform cleansed of God and throwing Jerusalem under the bus. Would have been a straight voice vote on the floor up or down to ratify it in that form..

But the "leadership" got cold feet on the revolution going this far out of their way to snub people of faith. So they threw AMENDMENTS out there to complicate the process.

And ----- programmed the teleprompter to reflect the fact that Dems don't need no stinkin' floor vote anyway... That's not arrogant -- is it?
Separation of Church and State is a Christian Teaching. "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's." It does not mean that we are to abandon Conscience in any part of our lives. It does mean that we don't want Judges or People in Power trying to Dictate Matters of Salvation, Nor Priests or Ministers using Dogma to render Punitive Punishment on Civil Matters. The Enumerated Powers of the State are Rooted in the Consent of the Governed. The Powers of the Clergy are Limited to Association and Participation of the Specific Church. Considering that, We Each, as Human Beings have the Power and Duty to Bear Witness and Testify. In Matters of Conscience, it is for Each of Us to Choose and take Responsibility for Our Selves. Matters of Conscience Cannot be Dictated or Force Fed.
and the teleprompter was already programmed. That's the "Chicago" way baby!!!


nice! Nothing like "leaving it up to the people." LOL.

But on a seperate note. Isn't the "platform" discussed, argued, and voted on at a different time than the convention anyway? I didn't catch any of the dems, but I remember watching on C-span as the Virginia gov, Bob McDonnel was the moderator to the GOP as they were outlinging their platform prior to the convention. Don't the dems do the same?

They DID all that.. The platform committee has already voted out a platform cleansed of God and throwing Jerusalem under the bus. Would have been a straight voice vote on the floor up or down to ratify it in that form..

But the "leadership" got cold feet on the revolution going this far out of their way to snub people of faith. So they threw AMENDMENTS out there to complicate the process.

And ----- programmed the teleprompter to reflect the fact that Dems don't need no stinkin' floor vote anyway... That's not arrogant -- is it?

While I agree there is an arrogance about the dems, I disagree that they were attempting to snub people of faith.
And they clearly voted 3 times to refuse to restore the reference to God.. Regardless of the interpretation of what happened -- the DNC loses cred...

As far as the religious bent of DNC -- they seem intent on purging all religious reference in a vindictive type of way that agrees with their following. The picture is painted that people of faith are ignorant and dogmatic. Whereas THEIR membership is enlightened and open minded.

This springs naturally from secular humanism. The thought that drives most of the Progressive movement. That man alone is the legislator and grantor of rights and privileges. It's tied at the hip with today's LEFTIST leadership of the DNC..

I disagree with this because I appreciate the HUMILITY of the Founders who admitted that they were not GRANTING rights -- but that rights come from an unusurpable Higher Power. I find that ELEGANT, optomistic and refreshing. Because we all know how many times man has demonstrated a severe tendency to tyrannize a populace thru political dictates.

So while I'm NOT particularly observant. And I don't support EITHER party.. I do have a healthy respect for people of faith because they show that humility of being unfit to dictate to others.. If I had to chose which foxhole to jump into -- I'd have to side with the humbler people of faith for that reason over the arrogant secular humanists who think they know better and think they ARE better..

I'd have to partly agree with you. I find it interesting that my family/friends associate me now as being against God because of all this. I try to remind them that they had to ask 3 times there. And each time it appeared about half and half. So it's clear that not all Dems feel that God should be taken out of it. Yeah there's athiests in our party, but that's their belief, not mine.

Like you said, it's sad that the leftist "leadership" paints all us left leaning folks as athiests and wanting to purge religion out of the country.

And yeah, I meant the convention.

Sorry man.. The "noes" had it 3 times.. But as Zander observes "the fix was in" and the vote was a farce. The Prog section of the DNC wants to leap that cliff, but the leadership pulled it back in.

It's not that the DNC is the party of atheists. It's hard to be dictating every minute aspect of people's lives with God in the way.. Like I said -- it takes much ARROGANCE to force New Yorkers to buy smaller sodas or force people to pay for birth control whether they want it or not. HUMILITY has no place in a progressive agenda.

It's got nothing to do with separation of church and state. It's a belief that religion is ancient baggage that slows down the current revolution. And while the DNC slices and dices all of us into warring camps (young/old, men/women, black/white/brown/yellow, rich/poor, gay/straight) they want exclusive dominion over the morality of all that. And God sometimes conflicts with their mission...

Doc has a point, though, The Convention Represented the Delegates, Acolytes if you will, not the Body of the DNC. There is a distinction. I would agree that there is a trend here, and some are unknowingly or unwillingly herded, but, The Power to do that relies on a very subtle and delicate balance, which does not hold well in the light of day or reason. It's a dangerous game for the Atheists.
nice! Nothing like "leaving it up to the people." LOL.

But on a seperate note. Isn't the "platform" discussed, argued, and voted on at a different time than the convention anyway? I didn't catch any of the dems, but I remember watching on C-span as the Virginia gov, Bob McDonnel was the moderator to the GOP as they were outlinging their platform prior to the convention. Don't the dems do the same?

They DID all that.. The platform committee has already voted out a platform cleansed of God and throwing Jerusalem under the bus. Would have been a straight voice vote on the floor up or down to ratify it in that form..

But the "leadership" got cold feet on the revolution going this far out of their way to snub people of faith. So they threw AMENDMENTS out there to complicate the process.

And ----- programmed the teleprompter to reflect the fact that Dems don't need no stinkin' floor vote anyway... That's not arrogant -- is it?

While I agree there is an arrogance about the dems, I disagree that they were attempting to snub people of faith.

For some it is just that. The animosity is strong. You will see it on this Site regularly.
They DID all that.. The platform committee has already voted out a platform cleansed of God and throwing Jerusalem under the bus. Would have been a straight voice vote on the floor up or down to ratify it in that form..

But the "leadership" got cold feet on the revolution going this far out of their way to snub people of faith. So they threw AMENDMENTS out there to complicate the process.

And ----- programmed the teleprompter to reflect the fact that Dems don't need no stinkin' floor vote anyway... That's not arrogant -- is it?

While I agree there is an arrogance about the dems, I disagree that they were attempting to snub people of faith.

For some it is just that. The animosity is strong. You will see it on this Site regularly.
I'm not suggesting there aren't extremists, on both sides, however IMO the idea of leaving god out wasn't about sticking it to the Christians. If it was I'd say the dems are trying to top pubs in disenfranchising their base since again, most dems are Christian.

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