How do you find it in your souls to kill a baby 28 days AFTER it is born?

Abortion is child sacrifice. It's goes back a long way. It's called abortion now, but the evil that's behind it is still the same evil.
Abortion has been an issue for over two thousand years what makes it any eviler than killing the firstborn to release slaves?
The issue isn't the fact that we are already killing babies. The law hasn't been passed or even voted on.

THE ISSUE is that there are people in positions of authority authorized to introduce this kind of legislation who actually think that this is a good idea.

The people who think this is a good idea and worthy of being a law need to be confined for their own protection and locked away on heavy doses of whatever drug is available that will keep them in a vegetative state. These people are already broken beyond repair.
The bill passed with unanimous consent. Everyone was horrified by the stories of infants being allows to die by neglect. Well everyone but the propagandist that is.
Please, please pull your head out of your ass. There are gawd dam laws stating this can take place and more are coming, Just pull that big head out of your ass you might see reality . Do it for demonic humanity please lol.
Frame this one too on it relating to freedom in America. It's most likely one of the principle reasons for why America is now rated at 58th. in the world on 'freedom'.

Argue it pro or argue it con, it's still the lack of Americans on both sided refusal to adopt a 'socially' responsible position on abortion.

For the very few who might actually give a fk?

Being socially proactive in preventing a woman's need or perceived need for an abortion is the goal of countries that are socially responsible.
Not true.
Before the founding of the United States, the common law of England permitted abortions before the fetus "quickened," which was the term used to describe the mother's first feeling of the fetus moving in her uterus. Typically, quickening occurs between the sixteenth and twentieth weeks of pregnancy.
Abortion is child sacrifice. It's goes back a long way. It's called abortion now, but the evil that's behind it is still the same evil.

Pretty funny. I'll go with ending a potential life as a personal choice of the owner of the baby factory, but I'm drawing the line at it being a sacrifice to the evil supernatural thingies. Any body caught doing that? That's nutz.
Pretty funny. I'll go with ending a potential life as a personal choice of the owner of the baby factory, but I'm drawing the line at it being a sacrifice to the evil supernatural thingies. Any body caught doing that? That's nutz.
The person who started planned parenthood was Margret Sanger. She was an early 20th century progressive and eugenicist. Evil is behind abortion if you accept it or not.
Hilary Clinton was given the Margret Sanger award and said she admired her vision. Wake up man.
Boo, if you want the truth, compassionate nurses were digging live infants out of the trash and hiding in broom closets trying to comfort them while they struggled to live. They testified to that at a Congressional hearing.
It gets more macabre. Because of that hearing, hospitals started setting up death rooms where parents can have pics taken of the dying child, while the parent rocks it to sleep, death. Little death certificates. So very humane.
This country no longer has a moral compass. We kill babies and sell their parts. 100 years from now we will be looked upon with the same distain we had for tribes who sacrificed babies to volcanoes.
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He is absolutely the most powerful entity that created everything. He created a Garden for us. Humans created the shit show...

What was his reason for killing off most of his/her creations on Earth

You actually denied it while using the truth in your post! That's incredible. What came out of that man's mouth again?
Birth it, then decide. What do you think they were deciding??????????
Keep it or kill it was what they were mulling over.

Wasn't the Governor talking about a infant that has a fatal abnormality? At that point the conversation would be how the child would likely die., depending on it's malady. Not how they could kill the child. What kind of ghoul would think that of another human being.
Before the founding of the United States, the common law of England permitted abortions before the fetus "quickened," which was the term used to describe the mother's first feeling of the fetus moving in her uterus. Typically, quickening occurs between the sixteenth and twentieth weeks of pregnancy.

Before the founding of the United States. That is England's law, not our.
We are discussing birthing live infants and killing them and selling their parts. Nice fresh parts was how one buyer described the parts his business received like he had just received a batch of carrots...
The person who started planned parenthood was Margret Sanger. She was an early 20th century progressive and eugenicist. Evil is behind abortion if you accept it or not.
Hilary Clinton was given the Margret Sanger award and said she admired her vision. Wake up man.

Hey thanks for the answer to a future trivia question. JFK's dad was a fan of fascism.


Good and evil are not supernatural forces in a perpetual war with each other.
Please, please pull your head out of your ass. There are gawd dam laws stating this can take place and more are coming, Just pull that big head out of your ass you might see reality . Do it for demonic humanity please lol.

What state has a law that allows mom to kill Jack or Jill at any time after birth?
ANNAPOLIS, Maryland (LifeSiteNews) — Although a bill proposed in the Maryland Senate which would’ve allowed babies to be left to die for as long as the first 28 days after birth was withdrawn earlier this month after attracting national attention, two equally heinous abortion bills remain alive in the Annapolis state house.

The bill did no such thing. The exemption was:


A perinatal death following birth is a neonatal death. And there are known causes for this...

The most common causes of neonatal death are premature birth, low birthweight and birth defects.

Letting a healthy baby die is still murder.
What was his reason for killing off most of his/her creations on Earth

Wasn't the Governor talking about a infant that has a fatal abnormality? At that point the conversation would be how the child would likely die., depending on it's malady. Not how they could kill the child. What kind of ghoul would think that of another human being.

No, that was God insuring the human race survived by destroying Nephilim.

The Gov. used that example. That is not the only example, just the most palatable, and yes indeed the doctor and parent were discussing euthanasia. Down syndrome babies aren't fatally abnormal but they are usually aborted.
Usually by a slit to the back of the neck to paralyze the infant. They struggle to fill it's lungs with air for sometimes hours before they give up. That way leaves the parts intact. Sometimes the put the baby's head in a vice like instrument and crush it's skull before they deliver it. Nothing for pain by the way. Just....POP.

Of all the things that have been posted here, do you know you cannot post a picture of a carved up infant? Or even a whole aborted infant, because it bother's people's sensibilities. You can discuss it, but you can't look at the reality of it...
The bill did no such thing. The exemption was:


A perinatal death following birth is a neonatal death. And there are known causes for this...

The most common causes of neonatal death are premature birth, low birthweight and birth defects.

Letting a healthy baby die is still murder.


Prenatal ~ before birth
Perinatal ~ immediately prior to birth or after birth.
Abortion has been an issue for over two thousand years what makes it any eviler than killing the firstborn to release slaves?
God gave the Egyptians a chance to comply first. Nobody is giving these babies a chance.
yes indeed the doctor and parent were discussing euthanasia

Not in the Governors hypothetical. He said there would be a conversation.

Down syndrome babies aren't fatally abnormal but they are usually aborted.

Legal and ethics are not always the same nor are they always followed.

Discussion of the following cases is concerned only with whether or not the decisions are legal or illegal and not with their moral implications.

Determine whether the cases involve ordinary care or extraordinary care, and whether the decisions given would be legal or illegal:

An infant is born with Down’s syndrome, indicating probable mental retardation. He needs very low-risk surgery for an easily correctable intestinal defect. If untreated the baby will not be able to retain food and will die. The parents refuse surgery, stating that the mental retardation will mean a less than meaningful life for the baby. Answer: This case involves ordinary care; illegal decision: Parents may not refuse ordinary care; the refusal of surgery would result in the proximate cause of death for the child they have a legal duty to protect. Courts, however, usually have ruled in favor of parents’ refusal.
ANNAPOLIS, Maryland (LifeSiteNews) — Although a bill proposed in the Maryland Senate which would’ve allowed babies to be left to die for as long as the first 28 days after birth was withdrawn earlier this month after attracting national attention, two equally heinous abortion bills remain alive in the Annapolis state house.

After being born?
sounds like GQP policy to me.
What state has a law that allows mom to kill Jack or Jill at any time after birth?
Maryland has a such a law under consideration. It assures the mother thst if she kills her living infant, she will not be investigated or prosecuted for murder. That’s the same thing as allowing it.

The key word in the proposed law is PERINATAL, which can mean uo to 28 days after birth. Why did they not write PRENATAL, as in before birth? Answer: they wanted some leeway as to when the murder will be allowed.

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