How do you increase pay low skill service? Decrease Supply STUPID!!!


Apr 22, 2007
People complain that you can't make a living off of minimum wage, yet the jobs get filled with workers. People complain that wages remain low, but cost of living is increasing. Yet instead of looking at the reason the wages are remaining low, liberals want to make the problem WORSE!!! It the free-flow of cheap labor from South of the border! God forbide employers of cheap labor would actually have to provide INCENTIVES to compete with a smaller labor supply.

You always hear the libtard left say that illegals do that work that Americans won't do! First that is insulting to latinos and to Americans alike. Second its a HUGE LIE. 25% of illegals work in construction (High paying work that Americans will do), Only 4% work in Agriculture (so that who will pick the fruits is a load of shit), then they work production, sales, food prep, BUSINESS OWNERS etc. All jobs that are mostly done by Americans!

The reason these jobs remain low. The reason employers like Walmart can get away with shit health benefits. The reason the employers have the upper hand is simple! Illegal come in work for pennies, don't care about benefits or work conditions and drive wages thru the floor. This bogus supply of cheap labor HURTS the worker the most. That is precisely why Casear Chavez was so ANTI-ILLEGAL immigration!!!

Perfect case in point! NORTH DAKOTA. ND has a shortage of nearly every job. They're not a border city and not a destination for illegals. Right now they are having a boom in the oil industry. People are making 6 figures out of college with no experience (lack of worker force supply puts the ball in the workers court). They are also seeing a huge work force shortage in the restaurant industry. Workers at McDonalds make $15 an hour!!!

At fast-food chains, the going rate is about $15 an hour. Hair salons, pharmacies, banks, hospitals, gas stations, bars and clothing stores are also desperately looking for employees and paying a pretty penny to keep them from defecting for the oil fields. Even the local strip club is booming, with dancers making up to $3,000 a night.

"If someone doesn't have a job here, they don't want to work," said Wenko.

I have a friend who works on a oil rig in ND and he came to Chicago to meet me for a Cubs game. I asked him if McDonalds or local restaurants were more expensive because of the higher labor cost. We walked into Portillos (local Chicago hot dog stand) and he said I quote, "Wow it's cheaper in ND."

Cut off the supply and make employers glup, actually compete for workers and the whole country wins. We will see a better employer to worker salary ratio. However, that ratio will move in the right direction naturally!

Pro-illegal Alien, pro-amnesty, anti-everify and anti-border security is antiAMERICAN and antiAMERICAN WORKER!
That's true.

When there are more jobs than workers, the workers have more power and that forces companies to raise pay and benifits in order to retain employees.
That's true.

When there are more jobs than workers, the workers have more power and that forces companies to raise pay and benifits in order to retain employees.

And when there are more workers than jobs? Yikes the opposite happens, like we are seeing today.

Illegal immigration caused more problems than liberals want to admit:
(1) Gave employer the upper hand in wage and benefits negotiations.
(2) Increased property taxes to pay for the mass amount of illegal children and anchor babies entering the school system. These children are particular expensive since they must enter the uber expensive English as a second language programs.
(3) Bankrupt the hospitals and skyrocketing medical expenses. Emergency rooms have to take everyone thanks to Reagan. Illegals use emergencies rooms like a general practionier! Then have fun collecting! These bills get pushed onto someone. If the takes out number the givers, then the hospital goes under!
(4) Slamming the welfare state. Many many illegals are on food stamps. Many of them work, but under the table or at poverty levels, therefore the qualify for food stamps. Many get on and never leave welfare. They pop out babies and collect checks.
(5) Some even find ways onto medicaid

They are destorying the job market, schools, welfare system and healthcare system. Yet liberals protect them because they lead to Democratic votes and Republicans seek non-compromise compromises because they fear losing the Hispanics like the do with the blacks!
Republicans are also trying to ease restrictions on Hispanic immigration. They like to talk about the imaginary "social conservatism" of Hispanics. Actually, they agree with the OP: more immigrants means lower wages and higher profits.
Republicans are also trying to ease restrictions on Hispanic immigration. They like to talk about the imaginary "social conservatism" of Hispanics. Actually, they agree with the OP: more immigrants means lower wages and higher profits.

So why not drasitically decrease illegal immigration or at the very least make it nearly impossible for them to get a job and increase employers having to compete for those workers? What a concept!

Lower immigration, but promote immigration for higher skilled workers and have some of the brightest workers in this country? What a concept!

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