How Do You Judge A Good U.S. President?


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2017
Not engaging in a stupid, useless war with N.K.? Boosting the U.S. economy? Creating jobs? Go Trump! :113:
Not engaging in a stupid, useless war with N.K.? Boosting the U.S. economy? Creating jobs? Go Trump! :113:

As long as it’s not a Democrat we are good. Republicans and President Trump try to make our country great again unlike the Democrats who just try to make there bank accounts bigger.

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I usually make my decision based on the swimsuit competition
Not engaging in a stupid, useless war with N.K.? Boosting the U.S. economy? Creating jobs? Go Trump! :113:

Obama did the same things without the sleaze, felony convictions, paying off porn stars, alienating our allies, coddling our friends, getting ass raped by the NK dictator and being treated like a step child by Vladamir.
Caracter, moral and class....which trump doesnt have. Usually I dont Care for presidents in general as the country goes where it goes without much influence from POTUS but a collective effort
Trump to me is the worst thing that happened to the US.
Caracter, moral and class....which trump doesnt have. Usually I dont Care for presidents in general as the country goes where it goes without much influence from POTUS but a collective effort
Trump to me is the worst thing that happened to the US.

That would be Obama as the worst thing that has happened to the US. Also it is Character which Obama didn’t have but Trump has plenty of including the balls to do something about it unlike that sellout Obama.

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“How Do You Judge A Good U.S. President?”

One waits at least 30 years before attempting to do so – preferably 50 years, to realize an accurate, objective, factual analysis of his policies.

Any effort prior to that is meaningless, subjective partisan opinion.

Truman, for example, was despised and unpopular during his time in office; today he’s ranked among our finest presidents.

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