How Do You Measure Racism?

I grew up in the 60's and 70's. My parents are the WWII generation. Pearl Harbor happened when they were youths and it affected them for their whole life. They hate Japs but would never be unkind to them if they met them. They use the term ****** (infrequently but still . . .) only in the house or amongst themselves but would never be unkind to a black person. They can't describe a Jewish lawyer without saying 'Jew lawyer' but would never be unkind to a Jewish person. They definitely stereoptype people. Yeah, to me they are racists . . . and they are also some of the kindest people I've ever known. My dad used to call my mom a St. Bernard dog (no not cause she looks like one lol) because she was always helping people however she could. My aunts (my mother's sisters) are the same way when it comes to race . . .my one aunt (and her late husband) really worse because they weren't as discreet about their racial slurs. I'll give you three guesses how they feel about Obama and being a leftist Dem isn't one of the choices.

When my oldest was about two my parents were over one time and we were all watching Seasame Street. Julie only ever liked the parts where real kids were on, the rest was boring to her. So they had a snip on with kids singing and playing with a dog or something. I'm enthralled to be watching Julie's big blue eyes pop wide open as she watches the kids on the screen. While my parents were also enjoying this their first comment was 'Oh look a politically correct show. You have a black kid, a Jew, an Indian and a white kid'. Damn it, why'd they have to go and ruin it for me? The last thing I ever would have done is notice the 'mix' of kids.

I don't know what makes people racist or think that one race is better or worse than another race. I don't pay much attention to skin color I pay attention to behavior and attitude. If someone treats me with disrespect, gives me attitude, or treats me like an asshole then they will get the same from me, regardless of their race. If they treat me as a human beings should treat each other they will get treated likewise from me.

I hear you Zoom-boing. My folks were not around long -- I lost them when I was 5 -- but my Dad was a WW II vet as well. I don't remember ever seeing anyone who wasn't "just like me" until I was around 8 and the orphanage admitted an Italian girl. Hardly anyone recalls this, but back in the day, Irish vs. Italian was a Very Big Deal. But hey, it was tolerated...because at least everyone was Catholic. Ugh. Even then, this made me ill.

My folks were unusual people. They spent a year in Hawaii back in 1950 or so, teaching Hawaiian kids and living in grass huts. Literally. I have the photos, and I treasure them. Diamond Head beach, without a building in sight. I remember them politicking for Adali Stephenson like it was our second job. I just assumed everyone's folks did this. The famly rumor is they were members of the American Communist Party, but circa 1947-1958, that seems unlikely. Most likely they were sympathizers though.

After they were gone and my surroundings were, to put it mildly, less than desirable race was not important to me at all. Not much was, apart from getting older, getting out, getting away. I used to watch Dr, King on tv and I'd think, he looks like my Dad. (They were both big guys built like heavyweight boxers.) He stands up for what's right. Maybe he'll find out about me and help me. When he died, a part of the light in this world went out for me too.

I can't say race was an issue in raising my kid. We had a rather priviledged life, and most folks with some education and wealth did not say unseemly things in front of kids by the 1980's. She knew my friends of other races, and was close with some of them, but she never had playmates who were not white. There just weren't any such kids in her neighborhood or school. I do sort of regret that, but I am not sure what I could have done about it. She has pretty much the same everyone-is-human-but-some-are-more-likable attitude that you do. I do too. I don't cultivate anyone as a friend for their race, and I don't avoid anyone for that reason either.

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im a racist, albeit not a real bad one. people who know me would disagree, perhaps, but i think that race consciousness in the US is a given, and i fit that basic criterion. i figure that its best that i acknowledge my reflexes and consciously override them as needed, than to take for granted that the american brand of race-neutrality is really race-neutral.

How are you "race conscious" antagon? When I look at a stranger I first see (I think) age and gender. Young males are threatening, or could be. Old men and women of any age, not so much. But yeah, a nano-second later, I try and figure out what racial box to slide them into. It used to be much easier it seems. Sometimes now I am not really sure. I can't remember that happening to me when I was a high school kid.

I'm afraid of strangers who seem to be a different race than me. Old men, little kids and most women, not much -- a little anxiety, but not a lot. But young males of a "different race"? O yeah. I'm a walk-to-the-other-side-of-the-street woman, and I admit it. But does that make me a racist? Because I can assure you, what I feel sure seems like real fear.

(I am afraid of some strangers who seem racially the same as me too...depends on the circumstances.)

I am sure some strangers have noticed I seem scared, and some have been hurt by this. But I am not acting out of hate, and I don't feel terribly guilty about this. Older ladies, especially when alone, are known to be a little bit scaredy-cat. I think I have earned the right to be a tad fussy about protecting myself.

yeah. i'd say that makes you a racist by the bar i've set for myself. that i could recite racial stereotypes for just about any group predisposes me to prejudice. i'm not beholden to respond only by them, but the dangers (in particular) these stereotypes warn of are flagged in mind until dispelled by the individual i'm dealing with. americans do this sort of thing more than other cultures, i'd say. that's the race consciousness i'm on about.

my consciousness isnt necessarily based around fears of violence but thats how they come in play from my different perspective. without being a racial psychopath, or anything close, nor reacting to race before many other factors are considered, i feel recognizing race is in our human nature. it is certainly in our american nature. folks who deny that, just close off their appraisal of the subconscious mechanism at play and are more aloof than benevolent by virtue.

it presents an argument for political correctness as a countermeasure, where many have abandoned the principle.
Being a racist does not make you a monster, it makes you someone who holds false ideas that can mess with your fellow mans rights.

It means that person can not make a fair judgement about others.

I never meant to suggest that being a racist was monstrous, Truthmatters. I guess it's a matter of degree and of acting out. And you are right about this too -- it is usually more of a burden to the racist than anyone else. Very few of us have enough power to control our own lives, let alone fuck with the course of anyone's else's.

A few do, though, and that is evil.
Rev Wright is a racist and so is Obama "White Folks greed runs a world in need"

Who is Rev. Wright?

Why do you see Obama as a racist, hating on whites? (Not anyone else? No Asians, Latinos, Native people, etc.?) Are you forgetting his mom was white? He must hate himself then too? That would have to be confusing. Obama doesn't strike me as a man burdened with ridiculous neurosises, but we all see him a little differently I guess.

How is this in any way responsive to my Op? Not that I object to hijacking. Hijack all you want. But if you go back and read, the Op asks questions OF you ABOUT you.

A list of every known human who has a racist thought or deed to their name seems rather pointless to me. Who wouldn't be on such a list?

Who is Rev Wright? Is that a joke?

Is that a trick question? I googled "Rev. Wright" and got 13,200,000 responses. Wanna tell me, or shall we play this game again?


So who is the guy? Chaplian for the KKK? Quarterback for the Browns? Mayor of Cleveland? You seem to think I should know. Tell me or stop bringing him up.

I kinda sorta like this thread. I kinda sorta want to have a serious convo about the Op. If you want to play reindeer games instead, can we at least do it on another thread?

Can you please stop the overly large blue font?

It is fucking annoying.

I cannot seem to figure out how to ignore you, Skull Pilot. But you've evidentially been here for three years. Maybe you can show me how and we can both ignore each other?


Here's an idea

im a racist, albeit not a real bad one. people who know me would disagree, perhaps, but i think that race consciousness in the US is a given, and i fit that basic criterion. i figure that its best that i acknowledge my reflexes and consciously override them as needed, than to take for granted that the american brand of race-neutrality is really race-neutral.

How are you "race conscious" antagon? When I look at a stranger I first see (I think) age and gender. Young males are threatening, or could be. Old men and women of any age, not so much. But yeah, a nano-second later, I try and figure out what racial box to slide them into. It used to be much easier it seems. Sometimes now I am not really sure. I can't remember that happening to me when I was a high school kid.

I'm afraid of strangers who seem to be a different race than me. Old men, little kids and most women, not much -- a little anxiety, but not a lot. But young males of a "different race"? O yeah. I'm a walk-to-the-other-side-of-the-street woman, and I admit it. But does that make me a racist? Because I can assure you, what I feel sure seems like real fear.

(I am afraid of some strangers who seem racially the same as me too...depends on the circumstances.)

I am sure some strangers have noticed I seem scared, and some have been hurt by this. But I am not acting out of hate, and I don't feel terribly guilty about this. Older ladies, especially when alone, are known to be a little bit scaredy-cat. I think I have earned the right to be a tad fussy about protecting myself.

yeah. i'd say that makes you a racist by the bar i've set for myself. that i could recite racial stereotypes for just about any group predisposes me to prejudice. i'm not beholden to respond only by them, but the dangers (in particular) these stereotypes warn of are flagged in mind until dispelled by the individual i'm dealing with. americans do this sort of thing more than other cultures, i'd say. that's the race consciousness i'm on about.

my consciousness isnt necessarily based around fears of violence but thats how they come in play from my different perspective. without being a racial psychopath, or anything close, nor reacting to race before many other factors are considered, i feel recognizing race is in our human nature. it is certainly in our american nature. folks who deny that, just close off their appraisal of the subconscious mechanism at play and are more aloof than benevolent by virtue.

it presents an argument for political correctness as a countermeasure, where many have abandoned the principle.

Once I feel safe from violence, all I really want from other people is greater or lesser degrees of that lovely you-are-like-me feeling. But honestly, race plays zero role in this for me. Neither does gender, age, or (indicators of) wealth or standing or power. Education does, but some folks are just plain naturally gifted. I know women who clean offices that are fascinating, and former governors who could bore the socks off a dead body. I am wordy (could you tell?) and I like wordy people...people who have "cultivated the art of conversation". Curiosity is part of the mix too. If you are bored while the rest of us bullshit, I tend to find you boring and not-like-me.

Beyond all that, like everyone else, I gravitate towards or away from a person based on all the things that make us alive and human. Creativity. Physicality. Etc.

I've never been outside the US apart from trips to Niagra Falls etc. Can you tell me more about why you think Americans are more race-conscious?
Heres a way to test yourself and see if you are racist.

If you feel that America will be harmed by the current trend of the browning of America, you are a racist.

If you think every time a brown, black or yellow person talks of racial discrimination they are "playing the race card", you are a racist.

If you think racial profiling for crime is fine, you are a racist.

I don't give a shit what color someone is so if Americans are a little more beige it's no big deal.

I will say that the attitude of these so called brown Americans is what troubles me.

Let me ask you a question.

Have you ever spent any time in a Latin country like Mexico, Ecuador, Argentina, Columbia or Peru?

I have and it drove me fucking nuts. Everyone was late. Stores and banks never opened on time but always closed early. Try getting some errands done at lunch time when everything is shut down for 2 hours.

If that's what the browning of America means, I want none of it.
How are you "race conscious" antagon? When I look at a stranger I first see (I think) age and gender. Young males are threatening, or could be. Old men and women of any age, not so much. But yeah, a nano-second later, I try and figure out what racial box to slide them into. It used to be much easier it seems. Sometimes now I am not really sure. I can't remember that happening to me when I was a high school kid.

I'm afraid of strangers who seem to be a different race than me. Old men, little kids and most women, not much -- a little anxiety, but not a lot. But young males of a "different race"? O yeah. I'm a walk-to-the-other-side-of-the-street woman, and I admit it. But does that make me a racist? Because I can assure you, what I feel sure seems like real fear.

(I am afraid of some strangers who seem racially the same as me too...depends on the circumstances.)

I am sure some strangers have noticed I seem scared, and some have been hurt by this. But I am not acting out of hate, and I don't feel terribly guilty about this. Older ladies, especially when alone, are known to be a little bit scaredy-cat. I think I have earned the right to be a tad fussy about protecting myself.

yeah. i'd say that makes you a racist by the bar i've set for myself. that i could recite racial stereotypes for just about any group predisposes me to prejudice. i'm not beholden to respond only by them, but the dangers (in particular) these stereotypes warn of are flagged in mind until dispelled by the individual i'm dealing with. americans do this sort of thing more than other cultures, i'd say. that's the race consciousness i'm on about.

my consciousness isnt necessarily based around fears of violence but thats how they come in play from my different perspective. without being a racial psychopath, or anything close, nor reacting to race before many other factors are considered, i feel recognizing race is in our human nature. it is certainly in our american nature. folks who deny that, just close off their appraisal of the subconscious mechanism at play and are more aloof than benevolent by virtue.

it presents an argument for political correctness as a countermeasure, where many have abandoned the principle.

Once I feel safe from violence, all I really want from other people is greater or lesser degrees of that lovely you-are-like-me feeling. But honestly, race plays zero role in this for me. Neither does gender, age, or (indicators of) wealth or standing or power. Education does, but some folks are just plain naturally gifted. I know women who clean offices that are fascinating, and former governors who could bore the socks off a dead body. I am wordy (could you tell?) and I like wordy people...people who have "cultivated the art of conversation". Curiosity is part of the mix too. If you are bored while the rest of us bullshit, I tend to find you boring and not-like-me.

Beyond all that, like everyone else, I gravitate towards or away from a person based on all the things that make us alive and human. Creativity. Physicality. Etc.

I've never been outside the US apart from trips to Niagra Falls etc. Can you tell me more about why you think Americans are more race-conscious?

the justification is likely our history starting with slavery and our endurance of waves of mass immigration. that's the driving force for why there are jokes for every immigrant group (slurs and prejudice on the dark side).

other countries dont have the diversity. there seems to be an international obsession with light skin, but in places like england, i've found that class consciousness plays a prominent roll in their culture. their feudal history is likely the impetus there. you can dress up a working-class brit like the queen, but despite her coming from the same borough as a middle or upperclass brit, the moment she opens her mouth, walks or makes a gesture, other english folks would appraise her by age-old stereotypes of commoners/peasants.

having remained fairly homogeneous until 50years ago, england doesnt have our rich treasure chest of racial ammo to commonly apply in social interactions. america does.

while it doesnt mean that other countries' cultures are not racist (remember, i feel it is human), they dont have the traditions we have with segregation, civil rights, and a lack thereof. they dont have the diversity to put it in practice.
Who is Rev. Wright?

Why do you see Obama as a racist, hating on whites? (Not anyone else? No Asians, Latinos, Native people, etc.?) Are you forgetting his mom was white? He must hate himself then too? That would have to be confusing. Obama doesn't strike me as a man burdened with ridiculous neurosises, but we all see him a little differently I guess.

How is this in any way responsive to my Op? Not that I object to hijacking. Hijack all you want. But if you go back and read, the Op asks questions OF you ABOUT you.

A list of every known human who has a racist thought or deed to their name seems rather pointless to me. Who wouldn't be on such a list?

Who is Rev Wright? Is that a joke?

Is that a trick question? I googled "Rev. Wright" and got 13,200,000 responses. Wanna tell me, or shall we play this game again?


So who is the guy? Chaplian for the KKK? Quarterback for the Browns? Mayor of Cleveland? You seem to think I should know. Tell me or stop bringing him up.

I kinda sorta like this thread. I kinda sorta want to have a serious convo about the Op. If you want to play reindeer games instead, can we at least do it on another thread?

[ame=]YouTube - BARACK OBAMA Pastor ANTI-AMERICAN Rev Jeremiah Wright Racism[/ame]
can you please stop the overly large blue font?

It is fucking annoying.

i cannot seem to figure out how to ignore you, skull pilot. But you've evidentially been here for three years. Maybe you can show me how and we can both ignore each other?


here's an idea

let's all post in really really big blue letters then we can all feel like we're special

you need to make it a serif font so it is as unreadable as possible.
Let's all post in Yellow instead!
I also remember as a kid (grade school age) that ethnic jokes were what were told. And yes, they were (and still are to me) funny. Does that makes me racist? I don't think so. If those jokes were only about one race then yes. But the thing is everyone was a target for ethnic jokes, no one was left out. You can't cry racism if all races/ethnicities get made fun of.

I never really paid attention to race. Like you, Madeline, I grew up and went to school with mostly white kids and didn't have much interaction with anyone of a different race. Perhaps that plays a part in my lack of attention to it? I don't know. My parents are . . . the way there are. Maybe that's why I'm the way I am. I never fully understood why they put down someone just because that person was a different skin color. And it never occurs to me that just because some people of xx race act or are a certain way that that means all people of that race are the same way.
By the stuff online.


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