How do you reconcile a FEDERAL law legalizing abortion with the Tenth Amendment?

Nope it was the Controlled Substance Act of 1970, supported by both parties and most presidents until Obama, with Jimmy Carter as the lone exception.

If you bothered to read the link, it discusses that.

The 10A can be voided by another constitutional amendment doing so. That's how the prohibition amendment was voided. But until then, the 10A stands and must be enforced.
As long as it doesn’t conflict with other amendments. The 10th is a catch-all that can be superseded.
The 10A in its entirety says:
"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor
prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to
the people."

Since abortion is never mentioned or implied anywhere in the constitution, it is a state issue. Any attempt by the feds to legalize it will be struck down by the Supreme Court.

100% agree.
Indeed. Almost everything is supposed to be handled by the states. That's what the 10A says. But the feds simply ignore the 10A just like they ignore the 13A ban on the military draft.
The 13th Amendment says nothing about the draft. Do you think Congress and the states conspired to do away with draft so soon after the Civil War required a draft? If so, you need an education.
100% agree.

How do you reconcile a FEDERAL law legalizing abortion with the Tenth Amendment? 240511 {post•187 to 185}

NotfooledbyW inserted: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to
the people."

NotfooledbyW May’24 Vhdyra: Saint Hikerguy agreed with a complete MAGA IMBECILE that pregnant women are of a class of humanity that becomes a “limited” person without “reserved” protection of natural rights if not “delegated” to the United States or mentioned in the Constitution. Thus a right to privacy is discarded by white Christian oriented states and by a “white Catholic” oriented Trump packed Supreme Court. nfbw 240511 Vhdyra00187. to. hkrgy Shdyra00185
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federal database of pregnant women

The Constitution is silent

America's rights and freedoms are at stake 230627 {post•7}. WinterBorn Jun’23 Varafa: 4th Amendment - Protects citizens against unreasonable search and seizure wntrbrn 230627 Varafa00007

How do you reconcile a FEDERAL law legalizing abortion with the Tenth Amendment? 240509 {post•172 to 171}
para I.a. OKTexas May’24 Shdyra: “The Constitution is silent on virtually every law that exist today,” vktvxvs 240509 Shdyra00172

How do you reconcile a FEDERAL law legalizing abortion with the Tenth Amendment? 240511 {post•188 to 172}

NotfooledbyW May’24 Vhdyra: When a state deprives a woman of reasonable access to to a safe abortion when she has an unwanted pregnancy, the woman is not being protected by the Fourth Amendment from unlawful search and “temporary seizure of her life liberty and autonomous use of her reproductive organs. It is state seizing use of her body against her consent and without due process of law.

Can you explain why Saint Oktexas pregnant women are not being wronged when they are having their Fourth Amendment right taken from them by the state as described above? nfbw 240511 Vhdyra00188

"Handmaid's Tale sh-- right here," wroteAllison Gill, the veteran and political commentator behind "Mueller, She Wrote." "What happened to the party of 'small government'?"

"Katie Britt: Introduced a bill to create a federal database of pregnant women. Also Katie Britt: Opposes federal database of gun owners," wrote Shannon Watts of Moms Demand Action.
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Since abortion is never mentioned or implied anywhere in the constitution, it is a state issue.

Since abortions are never mentioned or implied anywhere in the constitution, it is a state “or peoples“ issue.

Why do you accept it falls to the states and not to the people. Pregnant women are people too you know? And it should be no matter what state a woman having an unwanted pregnancy resides in.
The 13th Amendment says nothing about the draft. Do you think Congress and the states conspired to do away with draft so soon after the Civil War required a draft? If so, you need an education.

Yes that's exactly what they did. Both sides used a military draft in the CW and america didn't want that again. So they wrote the 13A and banned slavery and involuntary servitude except as punishment for a crime. The military draft is unconstitutional. So is jury duty BTW. THINK
Yes that's exactly what they did. Both sides used a military draft in the CW and america didn't want that again. So they wrote the 13A and banned slavery and involuntary servitude except as punishment for a crime. The military draft is unconstitutional. So is jury duty BTW. THINK
Well, the Supreme Court disagreed when someone claimed it was involuntary servitude, which it is not. We had the draft many times after the Civil War, and right up until a few years before I was eligible to be drafted. In fact, they reinstituted registration for Selective Service while I was in college. The irony of that was that I had to register because of my age, but I was already a veteran at the time.

Perhaps you should look up the history of the draft to prove yourself wrong?

I should have known by looking at your username that you would likely be a crackpot conspiracy theorist!
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