How do you think about such a tax on wall street?

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How do you think about such a tax? 3 cents per hundred dollars on trading on wall-street????

Hong Kong

to name a few nations that have it.

It's not a tax on Wall Street. It's a tax on you and me. The last thing this country needs is another tax, especially not one on buying and selling things. It makes as much sense to put a tax on breathing.
I wish people could debate the issue and not slam the massager.

Oh man...

I think that might have been the title of a porn I just watched.

It's 10 minutes later and I'm literally on the floor because my stomach is killing me... :lmao:

"Oh man...." - :lmao:

I don't know what you're seeing in your head...

But I'm picturing a Democrat and a Republican senator in the middle of an unexpectedly heated debate, who had previously agreed to discuss the issue in a relaxing setting. They decide to meet at a local spa. And when they get there... oops, everybody called in sick except for a young and deviant ukranian masseuse...
As usual, I would like to echo Bripat's sentiments. The Dumbocrats have literally taxed this nation back to the stone ages. They've taxed us into a major recession and Obama is about to push us over the cliff and tax us into our second Great Depression.

We need to get rid of hundreds of taxes and then cut which ever one's remain.
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How do you think about such a tax? 3 cents per hundred dollars on trading on wall-street????

Apparently it has not yet occurred to you that such a tax won't be paid by Wall Street it'll be paid by investors, so essentially all your investments start off life ANOTHER (in addition to existing fees) 3% underwater in addition to cutting ANOTHER 3% off the back end (whether the return on investment was positive or not), should make anybody that actually saves for their own retirement or a rainy day really happy.

Another brilliant statist idea to punish savers and reward gub'mint bureaucrats. :rolleyes:

I think it's actually possible that the people who came up with and/or support this fabulous idea really don't understand its ramifications. As if, somehow, "Wall Street" has nothing to do with the rest of the country, as if they're from some other freaking planet. "Wall Street" is just some big, hairy beast that sits in the corner and hurts us regular folk when it gets cranky.

Good grief. The fact that simplistic thinking like this even sees the light of day is disturbing.

It's called a Tobin Tax.

I think it's a terrible idea.

It's easily avoidable and does nothing to stop the behavior it claims they want to prevent.

The tax will be passed on to the end users, i.e. me and you. It is a tax on capital.
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Hey.. lets trade when you trade.. lets tax when you purchase something that is just remotely unhealthy.. lets tax when you deposit away money for yourself for the future.. lets tax when you buy non basic underwear.. lets tax when you don't pedal to work or to get your babymama welfare payment... lets tax when you use a washing machine and not beating clothes against a rock.. lets tax you when it rains (oops, MD already does that).. lets tax you when you use flame to cook something... :rolleyes:

It is a never ending wish to tax for more government funding for more government power.. and it has to stop
Hey.. lets trade when you trade.. lets tax when you purchase something that is just remotely unhealthy.. lets tax when you deposit away money for yourself for the future.. lets tax when you buy non basic underwear.. lets tax when you don't pedal to work or to get your babymama welfare payment... lets tax when you use a washing machine and not beating clothes against a rock.. lets tax you when it rains (oops, MD already does that).. lets tax you when you use flame to cook something... :rolleyes:

It is a never ending wish to tax for more government funding for more government power.. and it has to stop

Or we could just save 'em the trouble, hand over all your income to the Federal Government right off the bat and let 'em provide for your basic needs as they see fit, it's what these geniuses that come up with the idiotic new tax ideas seem to want. :dunno:

"Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it." -- Ronald Reagan
Eduardo Savarin renounced his American Citizenship and is a citizen of Singapore because of the tax advantages. Singapore, like Hong Kong can have a tax like that because they have such low taxes otherwise.

Record numbers of Americans are renouncing their citizenship over taxes. Tack on another tax and more will do so. Here is what happens when taxes get too onerous. When people leave, they not only don't pay the new tax. They don't pay any of the taxes that they were already paying without complaint. By trying to squeeze another few pennies of tax out of an overburdened people, the government loses all the taxes.
Hey.. lets trade when you trade.. lets tax when you purchase something that is just remotely unhealthy.. lets tax when you deposit away money for yourself for the future.. lets tax when you buy non basic underwear.. lets tax when you don't pedal to work or to get your babymama welfare payment... lets tax when you use a washing machine and not beating clothes against a rock.. lets tax you when it rains (oops, MD already does that).. lets tax you when you use flame to cook something... :rolleyes:

It is a never ending wish to tax for more government funding for more government power.. and it has to stop

Or we could just save 'em the trouble, hand over all your income to the Federal Government right off the bat and let 'em provide for your basic needs as they see fit, it what these geniuses that come up with the idiotic new tax ideas seem to want. :dunno:

"Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it." -- Ronald Reagan

Taking the totality of a person's income and providing for their basic needs as the government sees fit was promoted by Barack Obama Sr. He gave speeches and wrote about it. An idea that was one of the dreams obama got from his father.

[ame=]BARACK OBAMA SR: TAX RICH AT 100% OF INCOME - YouTube[/ame]
No, no more taxes on anyone, They will waste every cent we send them, they need to learn how to restrain themselves with our money.

There is lots of revenue, spending is the problem.

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