How do you think the Election Process Will End?

How does this Presidential election end?

  • Biden wins all recounts and become official President elect

    Votes: 25 56.8%
  • Trump wins enough recounts to get an EC majority

    Votes: 9 20.5%
  • It goes to the House and the GOP state delegations give it to Trump on a 28 to 22 vote

    Votes: 3 6.8%
  • GIANT METEOR 2020!

    Votes: 7 15.9%

  • Total voters
Hate to burst your bubble, but recounts never change the vote totals by more than a few hundred, at best.

Biden leads by 12,000 in AZ, 50,000 in PA, 150,000 in MI, 15,000 in GA and 40,000 in NV.

Biden could lose a state, but Trump has to pick up all of them to get to 270.
SCOTUS made gerrymandering legal again and way before Trump.
Hate to burst your bubble, but recounts never change the vote totals by more than a few hundred, at best.

Biden leads by 12,000 in AZ, 50,000 in PA, 150,000 in MI, 15,000 in GA and 40,000 in NV.

Biden could lose a state, but Trump has to pick up all of them to get to 270.
SCOTUS made gerrymandering legal again and way before Trump.
My state will have a committee next year. We voted on it.
Hate to burst your bubble, but recounts never change the vote totals by more than a few hundred, at best.

Biden leads by 12,000 in AZ, 50,000 in PA, 150,000 in MI, 15,000 in GA and 40,000 in NV.

Biden could lose a state, but Trump has to pick up all of them to get to 270.
SCOTUS made gerrymandering legal again and way before Trump.

And we put it on the ballot. Won.

SCOTUS made gerrymandering legal again and way before Trump.

I wasn't talking about gerrymandering... never mind.
Hate to burst your bubble, but recounts never change the vote totals by more than a few hundred, at best.

Biden leads by 12,000 in AZ, 50,000 in PA, 150,000 in MI, 15,000 in GA and 40,000 in NV.

Biden could lose a state, but Trump has to pick up all of them to get to 270.
SCOTUS made gerrymandering legal again and way before Trump.
States have to change that. We did on the ballot!
Hate to burst your bubble, but recounts never change the vote totals by more than a few hundred, at best.

Biden leads by 12,000 in AZ, 50,000 in PA, 150,000 in MI, 15,000 in GA and 40,000 in NV.

Biden could lose a state, but Trump has to pick up all of them to get to 270.
SCOTUS made gerrymandering legal again and way before Trump.

And we put it on the ballot. Won.

Mi voted on it as well.
It is a simple question, and I see several plausible outcomes:

1) Biden wins by winning the recounts

2) Trump wins enough recounts to win the EC

3) It goes to the House for the final vote and the House gives it to Trump

Biden continues to be the President-Elect and is sworn in. Trump doesn't show up for the ceremony and is probably not even in Washington at the time.
Biden continues to be the President-Elect and is sworn in. Trump doesn't show up for the ceremony and is probably not even in Washington at the time.

I think what they should do is make a POP cardboard display of Trump with a grumpy look on his face to put in the background.


The man came in with no class, he'll go out with no class.
Biden continues to be the President-Elect and is sworn in. Trump doesn't show up for the ceremony and is probably not even in Washington at the time.

I think what they should do is make a POP cardboard display of Trump with a grumpy look on his face to put in the background.

View attachment 415067

The man came in with no class, he'll go out with no class.
You think that up all on your own?

he he he

How is your stock portfolio doing kiddy
Here's how I see it.

There is no question the DNC committed massive fraud on an industrial scale, but even many of the pieces of shit who fund the DNC do not want the hard left to have political power. The DNC is supposed to keep the marxist hordes contained in the ghettos and trailer parks, distracted with cheetos, MTV and sports. They're not supposed to have real political power.

The globalist donor class pieces of shit who DO want a collectivist system (that they won't be taxed for) are the sociopaths that fund Queen Antifa's Minions, like Soros for example, do not gave a fruit fly's fuck who or what will be destroyed in the endeavor to create a collectivist global government that they of course will rule. After this bullshit rioting and everything else, if Trump is properly re-elected there will be a need to enact martial law. A lot of destruction will take place, there will be a lot of dead bed wetters at the hands of government, and everyone in DC knows it.

I think moves are being made behind the scenes to get things in place to either suppress the leftist riots, or subjugate the majority of people who oppose them. I'm not sure which, but I hope the people who pull the strings most of us don't know about are inclined to do the right thing and keep Trump in office.

If not then humanity will become an ant colony in just 100 years, making sugar for the elitist's grandchildren.

How is your stock portfolio doing kiddy

Probably about the same it's done for the last few years...

I'm not someone who thinks it's okay to have fascism because my stocks are doing well. You?
How is your stock portfolio going to do when the cap gains tax goes from 28% under Trump to 44% under Biden.

Play on kid the only money you get is from welfare

LOL why so silent

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