How do you think the Election Process Will End?

How does this Presidential election end?

  • Biden wins all recounts and become official President elect

    Votes: 25 56.8%
  • Trump wins enough recounts to get an EC majority

    Votes: 9 20.5%
  • It goes to the House and the GOP state delegations give it to Trump on a 28 to 22 vote

    Votes: 3 6.8%
  • GIANT METEOR 2020!

    Votes: 7 15.9%

  • Total voters
Hate to burst your bubble, but recounts never change the vote totals by more than a few hundred, at best.

Biden leads by 12,000 in AZ, 50,000 in PA, 150,000 in MI, 15,000 in GA and 40,000 in NV.

Biden could lose a state, but Trump has to pick up all of them to get to 270.
The only way Trump gets to 270 is if he loses 50 pounds.
Hate to burst your bubble, but recounts never change the vote totals by more than a few hundred, at best.

Biden leads by 12,000 in AZ, 50,000 in PA, 150,000 in MI, 15,000 in GA and 40,000 in NV.

Biden could lose a state, but Trump has to pick up all of them to get to 270.

wouldn't it just be the icing on the cake, that after the GA recount - turns out there are even MORE votes for biden than the original count?
How is your stock portfolio doing kiddy

Probably about the same it's done for the last few years...

I'm not someone who thinks it's okay to have fascism because my stocks are doing well. You?

kinda like the so called 'christians' who voted for the most vile, immoral cretin ever to run for office - just so they can get their tax cut.
As usual, it will end with a whimper.

We Trump supporters will continue to do the best that we can under the circumstances.

Mr. Trump will be kept busy with legal "challenges."

The media will try to stave off bankruptcy by continuing to vilify Mr. Trump at every opportunity.

President Biden's supporters will be thrilled at first.

Then his BLM supporters will demand more, and his moderate supporters will tell him to slow down.

There will be another young gentleman vs. cop incident, and Vice President Harris will be sent to calm things down.
How is your stock portfolio going to do when the cap gains tax goes from 28% under Trump to 44% under Biden.

All my stocks are in a 401K. They don't get cashed in until I retire...

Not sure why you are so worried about rich people paying taxes. "No Dressage Horse Left behind".
Lol I have 5 brokers in and outside of retirement

There is about 50/50 chance that either one will win the recounts.
But, even if Trump loses he has still exposed how totally corrupt and dishonest the Democrats are.
Trump has exposed the Democrat organized mass voter fraud machine.
Democrat credibility is now unrepairable.
He has exposed the Press's total dishonesty.
If Biden wins he will be shoved in the corner by the radicals.
Harris will be running the WH.
Biden will appoint crazy far left extremist to his cabinet.
They will continue their march towards a Venezuelan style one party marxist dictatorship police state.
Freedoms will be lost and Americans will suffer.
Hate to burst your bubble, but recounts never change the vote totals by more than a few hundred, at best.

Biden leads by 12,000 in AZ, 50,000 in PA, 150,000 in MI, 15,000 in GA and 40,000 in NV.

Biden could lose a state, but Trump has to pick up all of them to get to 270.
The only way Trump gets to 270 is if he loses 50 pounds.
Dont give up your day job shirley
Hate to burst your bubble, but recounts never change the vote totals by more than a few hundred, at best.

Biden leads by 12,000 in AZ, 50,000 in PA, 150,000 in MI, 15,000 in GA and 40,000 in NV.

Biden could lose a state, but Trump has to pick up all of them to get to 270.
The only way Trump gets to 270 is if he loses 50 pounds.
Dont give up your day job shirley
That's all you've got? :lol:
Hate to burst your bubble, but recounts never change the vote totals by more than a few hundred, at best.

Biden leads by 12,000 in AZ, 50,000 in PA, 150,000 in MI, 15,000 in GA and 40,000 in NV.

Biden could lose a state, but Trump has to pick up all of them to get to 270.
The only way Trump gets to 270 is if he loses 50 pounds.
Dont give up your day job shirley
That's all you've got? :lol:
Quiet down or I will drop some pond scum eating guppies in your pond and bye bye you go
E - none of the above.

The several states will certify their results in the next few weeks and name their electors, those electors will vote on December 14, and that will be that. Same as any other election.

Rump of course will fire off petulant twits about how the Electoral College is "a disaster for a democracy" and how they're all "losers" and proceed to melt into a corner sucking his thumb, rocking and making moaning noises for the next month. With any luck it will be live-streamed. Serge Kovaleski will be invited in to mock his rocking movements. Stormy Daniels will stop by to spank him with his fake magazine cover. Then the entire stadium-full of Washington Nats fans will walk in chanting "LOCK HIM UP! LOCK HIM UP!". Then the ghost of his father Fred will teleport from a very wonderful place in Germany and send him to military school because he's being an asshole.

It should be a hoot.
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E - none of the above.

The several states will certify their results in the next few weeks and name their electors, those electors will vote on December 14, and that will be that. Same as any other election.

Rump of course will fire off petulant twits about how the Electoral College is "a disaster for a democracy" and they're all "losers" and proceed to melt into a corner sucking his thumb, rocking and making moaning noises for the next month. With any luck it will be live-streamed.

What makes you think republican state legislatures wont choose different electors?

The two party system has no real power under law
E - none of the above.

The several states will certify their results in the next few weeks and name their electors, those electors will vote on December 14, and that will be that. Same as any other election.

Rump of course will fire off petulant twits about how the Electoral College is "a disaster for a democracy" and they're all "losers" and proceed to melt into a corner sucking his thumb, rocking and making moaning noises for the next month. With any luck it will be live-streamed.
And idiots like you can not wait to pay more taxes under Biden. Jerkoff Joe's first move will be to end the Trump tax cuts making all pay more taxes
E - none of the above.

The several states will certify their results in the next few weeks and name their electors, those electors will vote on December 14, and that will be that. Same as any other election.

Rump of course will fire off petulant twits about how the Electoral College is "a disaster for a democracy" and they're all "losers" and proceed to melt into a corner sucking his thumb, rocking and making moaning noises for the next month. With any luck it will be live-streamed.

What makes you think republican [sic] state legislatures wont choose different electors?

The two party system has no real power under law

They can't. So says existing state laws.

It ain't a question of "the two party system". It's how the states handle the election, by their state's OWN LAW.
You're actually suggesting they're going to convene next week and try to change those laws?? AFTER the election's already done?? :laughing0301:

Oh yeah that'll go over bigly.
E - none of the above.

The several states will certify their results in the next few weeks and name their electors, those electors will vote on December 14, and that will be that. Same as any other election.

Rump of course will fire off petulant twits about how the Electoral College is "a disaster for a democracy" and they're all "losers" and proceed to melt into a corner sucking his thumb, rocking and making moaning noises for the next month. With any luck it will be live-streamed.
And idiots like you can not wait to pay more taxes under Biden. Jerkoff Joe's first move will be to end the Trump tax cuts making all pay more taxes

Actually if he does that I'll pay less.

It won't be $750 though.
E - none of the above.

The several states will certify their results in the next few weeks and name their electors, those electors will vote on December 14, and that will be that. Same as any other election.

Rump of course will fire off petulant twits about how the Electoral College is "a disaster for a democracy" and they're all "losers" and proceed to melt into a corner sucking his thumb, rocking and making moaning noises for the next month. With any luck it will be live-streamed.

What makes you think republican [sic] state legislatures wont choose different electors?

The two party system has no real power under law

They can't. So says existing state laws.

It ain't a question of "the two party system". It's how the states handle the election, by their state's OWN LAW.
You're actually suggesting they're going to convene next week and try to change those laws?? :laughing0301:

Oh yeah that'll go over bigly.
The supreme court can overturn any law deemed not lawful or that interfered with constitutional rights.
E - none of the above.

The several states will certify their results in the next few weeks and name their electors, those electors will vote on December 14, and that will be that. Same as any other election.

Rump of course will fire off petulant twits about how the Electoral College is "a disaster for a democracy" and they're all "losers" and proceed to melt into a corner sucking his thumb, rocking and making moaning noises for the next month. With any luck it will be live-streamed.
And idiots like you can not wait to pay more taxes under Biden. Jerkoff Joe's first move will be to end the Trump tax cuts making all pay more taxes

Actually if he does that I'll pay less.

It won't be $750 though.
Trump paid millions in taxes, not 750. When you pay at the end of the year that is in addition to all the taxes you paid during the year. Though welfare slobs like you do not typically pay very much
It will end with every Trump court challenge being dismissed and a Biden Presidency.

But.....Trumps lasting legacy of conspiracy, claiming every news outlet, right, left, centre is against him, calling all scrutiny of him "fake news", his mocking of science and those who have dedicated their lives to that noble pursuit, his continual web of personal, paranoid lies will live on long after he has left the White House.

Like parrots lost in an ever paranoid, dark forest his cult will chant his simplistic slogans for a very long time, many for the rest of their lives.
It will end with every Trump court challenge being dismissed and a Biden Presidency.

But.....Trumps lasting legacy of conspiracy, claiming every news outlet, right, left, centre is against him, calling all scrutiny of him "fake news", his mocking of science and those who have dedicated their lives to that noble pursuit, his continual web of personal, paranoid lies will live on long after he has left the White House.

Like parrots lost in an ever paranoid, dark forest his cult will chant his simplistic slogans for a very long time, many for the rest of their lives.
Are you hoping biden lets trannies like you back in the little girls room
It may come down to battling the steal in Pennsylvania the most. Those swamp democrat run districts must be held accountable. While having the SOTUS step in to deduct numerous illegal mail in votes throughout the country. There's no way that many people are registered voters who supposedly mailed in their ballot.
It will end with every Trump court challenge being dismissed and a Biden Presidency.

But.....Trumps lasting legacy of conspiracy, claiming every news outlet, right, left, centre is against him, calling all scrutiny of him "fake news", his mocking of science and those who have dedicated their lives to that noble pursuit, his continual web of personal, paranoid lies will live on long after he has left the White House.

Like parrots lost in an ever paranoid, dark forest his cult will chant his simplistic slogans for a very long time, many for the rest of their lives.
Are you hoping biden lets trannies like you back in the little girls room

Exhibit A.

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