How do you think the Election Process Will End?

How does this Presidential election end?

  • Biden wins all recounts and become official President elect

    Votes: 25 56.8%
  • Trump wins enough recounts to get an EC majority

    Votes: 9 20.5%
  • It goes to the House and the GOP state delegations give it to Trump on a 28 to 22 vote

    Votes: 3 6.8%
  • GIANT METEOR 2020!

    Votes: 7 15.9%

  • Total voters
E - none of the above.

The several states will certify their results in the next few weeks and name their electors, those electors will vote on December 14, and that will be that. Same as any other election.

Rump of course will fire off petulant twits about how the Electoral College is "a disaster for a democracy" and they're all "losers" and proceed to melt into a corner sucking his thumb, rocking and making moaning noises for the next month. With any luck it will be live-streamed.

What makes you think republican [sic] state legislatures wont choose different electors?

The two party system has no real power under law

They can't. So says existing state laws.

It ain't a question of "the two party system". It's how the states handle the election, by their state's OWN LAW.
You're actually suggesting they're going to convene next week and try to change those laws?? :laughing0301:

Oh yeah that'll go over bigly.
The supreme court can overturn any law deemed not lawful or that interfered with constitutional rights.

The Constitution (of the US) doesn't even *REQUIRE* an election, Dumbass.
It will end with every Trump court challenge being dismissed and a Biden Presidency.

But.....Trumps lasting legacy of conspiracy, claiming every news outlet, right, left, centre is against him, calling all scrutiny of him "fake news", his mocking of science and those who have dedicated their lives to that noble pursuit, his continual web of personal, paranoid lies will live on long after he has left the White House.

Like parrots lost in an ever paranoid, dark forest his cult will chant his simplistic slogans for a very long time, many for the rest of their lives.
Are you hoping biden lets trannies like you back in the little girls room

Exhibit A.
Yea trannies like to let their exhibit hang out to the little girls with Obamas approval
E - none of the above.

The several states will certify their results in the next few weeks and name their electors, those electors will vote on December 14, and that will be that. Same as any other election.

Rump of course will fire off petulant twits about how the Electoral College is "a disaster for a democracy" and they're all "losers" and proceed to melt into a corner sucking his thumb, rocking and making moaning noises for the next month. With any luck it will be live-streamed.

What makes you think republican [sic] state legislatures wont choose different electors?

The two party system has no real power under law

They can't. So says existing state laws.

It ain't a question of "the two party system". It's how the states handle the election, by their state's OWN LAW.
You're actually suggesting they're going to convene next week and try to change those laws?? :laughing0301:

Oh yeah that'll go over bigly.
The supreme court can overturn any law deemed not lawful or that interfered with constitutional rights.

The Constitution (of the US) doesn't even *REQUIRE* an election, Dumbass.

The issue of voting rights in the United States, specifically the enfranchisement and disenfranchisement of different groups, has been contested throughout United States history.

Eligibility to vote in the United States is established both through the United States Constitution and by state law. Several constitutional amendments (the Fifteenth, Nineteenth, and Twenty-sixth specifically) require that voting rights of U.S. citizens cannot be abridged on account of race, color, previous condition of servitude, sex, or age for those above 18; the constitution as originally written did not establish any such rights during 1787–1870, except that if a state permitted a person to vote for the "most numerous branch" of its state legislature, it was required to permit that person to vote in elections for members of the United States House of Representatives.[1] In the absence of a specific federal law or constitutional provision, each state is given considerable discretion to establish qualifications for suffrage and candidacy within its own respective jurisdiction; in addition, states and lower level jurisdictions establish election systems, such as at-large or single member district elections for county councils or school boards. Beyond qualifications for suffrage, rules and regulations concerning voting (such as the poll tax) have been contested since the advent of Jim Crow laws and related provisions that indirectly disenfranchised racial minorities.

A historic turning point arrived when the Supreme Court under Chief Justice Earl Warren ruled in 1964 that both houses of all state legislatures had to be based on election districts that were relatively equal in population size, under the "one man, one vote" principle.[2][3][4] The Warren Court's decisions on two previous landmark cases—Baker v. Carr (1962) and Wesberry v. Sanders (1964)—also played a fundamental role in establishing the nationwide "one man, one vote" electoral system.[5][6] Since the Voting Rights Act of 1965, the Twenty-fourth Amendment, and related laws, voting rights have been legally considered an issue related to election systems. In 1972, the Burger Court ruled that state legislatures had to redistrict every ten years based on census results; at that point, many had not redistricted for decades, often leading to a rural bias.

In other cases,[which?] particularly for county or municipal elections, at-large voting has been repeatedly challenged when found to dilute the voting power of significant minorities in violation of the Voting Rights Act. In the early 20th century, numerous cities established small commission forms of government in the belief that "better government" could result from the suppression of ward politics. Commissioners were elected by the majority of voters, excluding candidates who could not afford large campaigns or who appealed to a minority. Generally the solution to such violations has been to adopt single-member districts (SMDs), but alternative election systems, such as limited voting or cumulative voting, have also been used since the late 20th century to correct for dilution of voting power and enable minorities to elect candidates of their choice.

The District of Columbia and five major territories of the United States have one non-voting member each (in the U.S. House of Representatives) and no representation in the U.S. Senate. People in the U.S. territories cannot vote for president of the United States.[7] People in the District of Columbia can vote for the president because of the Twenty-third Amendment.
It will end with every Trump court challenge being dismissed and a Biden Presidency.

But.....Trumps lasting legacy of conspiracy, claiming every news outlet, right, left, centre is against him, calling all scrutiny of him "fake news", his mocking of science and those who have dedicated their lives to that noble pursuit, his continual web of personal, paranoid lies will live on long after he has left the White House.

Like parrots lost in an ever paranoid, dark forest his cult will chant his simplistic slogans for a very long time, many for the rest of their lives.
Are you hoping biden lets trannies like you back in the little girls room

Exhibit A.
Yea trannies like to let their exhibit hang out to the little girls with Obamas approval

Your obsession with transsexuals may lead any therapist to rational conclusion you have some deeply repressed sexual issues?
E - none of the above.

The several states will certify their results in the next few weeks and name their electors, those electors will vote on December 14, and that will be that. Same as any other election.

Rump of course will fire off petulant twits about how the Electoral College is "a disaster for a democracy" and they're all "losers" and proceed to melt into a corner sucking his thumb, rocking and making moaning noises for the next month. With any luck it will be live-streamed.

What makes you think republican [sic] state legislatures wont choose different electors?

The two party system has no real power under law

They can't. So says existing state laws.

It ain't a question of "the two party system". It's how the states handle the election, by their state's OWN LAW.
You're actually suggesting they're going to convene next week and try to change those laws?? :laughing0301:

Oh yeah that'll go over bigly.
The supreme court can overturn any law deemed not lawful or that interfered with constitutional rights.

The Constitution (of the US) doesn't even *REQUIRE* an election, Dumbass.
the 12th amendment requires election for president.

also citizens are guaranteed right to vote by 15th amendment, 19th amendment,. 24th and 26th.
It will end with every Trump court challenge being dismissed and a Biden Presidency.

But.....Trumps lasting legacy of conspiracy, claiming every news outlet, right, left, centre is against him, calling all scrutiny of him "fake news", his mocking of science and those who have dedicated their lives to that noble pursuit, his continual web of personal, paranoid lies will live on long after he has left the White House.

Like parrots lost in an ever paranoid, dark forest his cult will chant his simplistic slogans for a very long time, many for the rest of their lives.
Are you hoping biden lets trannies like you back in the little girls room

Exhibit A.
Yea trannies like to let their exhibit hang out to the little girls with Obamas approval

Your obsession with transsexuals may lead any therapist to think you have some deeply repressed sexual issues?
And a wife and two kids.

How about you trannie
It is a simple question, and I see several plausible outcomes:

1) Biden wins by winning the recounts

2) Trump wins enough recounts to win the EC

3) It goes to the House for the final vote and the House gives it to Trump
Biden gets COVID and dies.
It will end with every Trump court challenge being dismissed and a Biden Presidency.

But.....Trumps lasting legacy of conspiracy, claiming every news outlet, right, left, centre is against him, calling all scrutiny of him "fake news", his mocking of science and those who have dedicated their lives to that noble pursuit, his continual web of personal, paranoid lies will live on long after he has left the White House.

Like parrots lost in an ever paranoid, dark forest his cult will chant his simplistic slogans for a very long time, many for the rest of their lives.
Are you hoping biden lets trannies like you back in the little girls room

Exhibit A.
Yea trannies like to let their exhibit hang out to the little girls with Obamas approval

Your obsession with transsexuals may lead any therapist to think you have some deeply repressed sexual issues?
And a wife and two kids.

How about you trannie

Do your wife and kids hide in the basement when you don your wig and makeup and dance naked through the house saying "would you fuck me? I would fuck me?"

It will end with every Trump court challenge being dismissed and a Biden Presidency.

But.....Trumps lasting legacy of conspiracy, claiming every news outlet, right, left, centre is against him, calling all scrutiny of him "fake news", his mocking of science and those who have dedicated their lives to that noble pursuit, his continual web of personal, paranoid lies will live on long after he has left the White House.

Like parrots lost in an ever paranoid, dark forest his cult will chant his simplistic slogans for a very long time, many for the rest of their lives.
Are you hoping biden lets trannies like you back in the little girls room

Exhibit A.
Yea trannies like to let their exhibit hang out to the little girls with Obamas approval

Your obsession with transsexuals may lead any therapist to think you have some deeply repressed sexual issues?
And a wife and two kids.

How about you trannie

Do your wife and kids hide in the basement when you don your wig and makeup and dance naked through the house saying "would you fuck me? I would fuck me?"

View attachment 415355
I like your selfie
E - none of the above.

The several states will certify their results in the next few weeks and name their electors, those electors will vote on December 14, and that will be that. Same as any other election.

Rump of course will fire off petulant twits about how the Electoral College is "a disaster for a democracy" and they're all "losers" and proceed to melt into a corner sucking his thumb, rocking and making moaning noises for the next month. With any luck it will be live-streamed.

What makes you think republican [sic] state legislatures wont choose different electors?

The two party system has no real power under law

They can't. So says existing state laws.

It ain't a question of "the two party system". It's how the states handle the election, by their state's OWN LAW.
You're actually suggesting they're going to convene next week and try to change those laws?? :laughing0301:

Oh yeah that'll go over bigly.
The supreme court can overturn any law deemed not lawful or that interfered with constitutional rights.

The Constitution (of the US) doesn't even *REQUIRE* an election, Dumbass.
the 12th amendment requires election for president.

also citizens are guaranteed right to vote by 15th amendment, 19th amendment,. 24th and 26th.


Article 2, QUOTE:

>> Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress; but no Senator or Representative, or person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States shall be appointed an Elector. <<​

"Such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct" is currently holding an election day and then translating that to the EC. But it could be throwing darts at pictures of candidates, drawing names from a hat, rolling dice, whatever. It could be, and has been, state legs appointing electors but that hasn't been done since before the Civil War.
It will end with every Trump court challenge being dismissed and a Biden Presidency.

But.....Trumps lasting legacy of conspiracy, claiming every news outlet, right, left, centre is against him, calling all scrutiny of him "fake news", his mocking of science and those who have dedicated their lives to that noble pursuit, his continual web of personal, paranoid lies will live on long after he has left the White House.

Like parrots lost in an ever paranoid, dark forest his cult will chant his simplistic slogans for a very long time, many for the rest of their lives.
Are you hoping biden lets trannies like you back in the little girls room

Exhibit A.
Yea trannies like to let their exhibit hang out to the little girls with Obamas approval

Your obsession with transsexuals may lead any therapist to think you have some deeply repressed sexual issues?
And a wife and two kids.

How about you trannie

Do your wife and kids hide in the basement when you don your wig and makeup and dance naked through the house saying "would you fuck me? I would fuck me?"

View attachment 415355
I like your selfie

Interesting subliminal slip, you see it as a selfie.

Any psychiatrist would love spending time in therapy with you. You would put their kids through college and pay for retirement.
E - none of the above.

The several states will certify their results in the next few weeks and name their electors, those electors will vote on December 14, and that will be that. Same as any other election.

Rump of course will fire off petulant twits about how the Electoral College is "a disaster for a democracy" and they're all "losers" and proceed to melt into a corner sucking his thumb, rocking and making moaning noises for the next month. With any luck it will be live-streamed.

What makes you think republican [sic] state legislatures wont choose different electors?

The two party system has no real power under law

They can't. So says existing state laws.

It ain't a question of "the two party system". It's how the states handle the election, by their state's OWN LAW.
You're actually suggesting they're going to convene next week and try to change those laws?? :laughing0301:

Oh yeah that'll go over bigly.
The supreme court can overturn any law deemed not lawful or that interfered with constitutional rights.

The Constitution (of the US) doesn't even *REQUIRE* an election, Dumbass.
the 12th amendment requires election for president.

also citizens are guaranteed right to vote by 15th amendment, 19th amendment,. 24th and 26th.


Article 2, QUOTE:

>> Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress; but no Senator or Representative, or person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States shall be appointed an Elector. <<​

"Such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct" is currently holding an election day and then translating that to the EC. But it could be throwing darts at pictures of candidates, drawing names from a hat, rolling dice, whatever. It could be, and has been, state legs appointing electors but that hasn't been done since before the Civil War.
Eligibility to vote in the United States is established both through the United States Constitution and by state law. Several constitutional amendments (the Fifteenth, Nineteenth, and Twenty-sixth specifically) require that voting rights of U.S. citizens cannot be abridged on account of race, color, previous condition of servitude, sex, or age for those above 18; the constitution as originally written did not establish any such rights during 1787–1870, except that if a state permitted a person to vote for the "most numerous branch" of its state legislature, it was required to permit that person to vote in elections for members of the United States House of Representatives.[1] In the absence of a specific federal law or constitutional provision, each state is given considerable discretion to establish qualifications for suffrage and candidacy within its own respective jurisdiction; in addition, states and lower level jurisdictions establish election systems, such as at-large or single member district elections for county councils or school boards. Beyond qualifications for suffrage, rules and regulations concerning voting (such as the poll tax) have been contested since the advent of Jim Crow laws and related provisions that indirectly disenfranchised racial minorities.
It is a simple question, and I see several plausible outcomes:

1) Biden wins by winning the recounts

2) Trump wins enough recounts to win the EC

3) It goes to the House for the final vote and the House gives it to Trump
Trump can not flip the vote with a recount. Going back to 2000, no recount has changed the results more than about 2800 vote. The average is about 275. The counts would have to change the results by over 10,000 votes in multiple states. The reason recounts don't result in major changes is they are recounts. They in effect do the same thing all over again and thus yield similar results.

In the event that neither candidate wins an absolute majority of votes in the Electoral College then the House of Representatives will decide which means the democrat controlled House would decide. Voter fraud, insurrection, or dozens of other unlikely events are not covered by the constitution, just the lack of a majority of votes by either candidate in the electoral college.

Although it may be pretty far fetched, a state legislature can select a slate of electors that would vote for Trump in the electoral college contrary to voter wishes. No state legislature has ever voted to authorize a slate of electors to compete with those chosen in a popular vote of the state but it could happen. In this election it would take at least two state legislatures to do this.

If this every happened, it would mark the end of the electoral college. The only reason we still have an electoral college is legislators have always followed the will of voters. However, this could change.
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In the event that neither candidate wins an absolute majority of votes in the Electoral College then the House of Representatives will decide which means the democrat controlled House would decide. Voter fraud, insurrection, or dozens of other unlikely events are not covered by the constitution, just the lack of a majority of votes by either candidate in the electoral college.

I agree with everything you said except this part. The House doesn't decide. Each state delegation gets one vote. The Republicans do dominate the majority of delegations right now. So if by some horrible accident, it gets to the House, they could re-elect Trump. God help us all.
My poll answer is none of the above. The parties will battle it out in court until the clock runs out on December 8th
In the event that neither candidate wins an absolute majority of votes in the Electoral College then the House of Representatives will decide which means the democrat controlled House would decide. Voter fraud, insurrection, or dozens of other unlikely events are not covered by the constitution, just the lack of a majority of votes by either candidate in the electoral college.

I agree with everything you said except this part. The House doesn't decide. Each state delegation gets one vote. The Republicans do dominate the majority of delegations right now. So if by some horrible accident, it gets to the House, they could re-elect Trump. God help us all.

As I understand it, this scenario won't end up in the House, because someone will get a clear majority of all electoral votes cast. The worst case scenario then would be that Arizona's legislature flips the state to trump and some other GOP state legilatures appoint electors that the Dem goverors won't certify, such that no Electoral Votes are cast by those states. The final map could look like this Untitled drawing - 2020-11-08T143114.106.png
In the event that neither candidate wins an absolute majority of votes in the Electoral College then the House of Representatives will decide which means the democrat controlled House would decide. Voter fraud, insurrection, or dozens of other unlikely events are not covered by the constitution, just the lack of a majority of votes by either candidate in the electoral college.

I agree with everything you said except this part. The House doesn't decide. Each state delegation gets one vote. The Republicans do dominate the majority of delegations right now. So if by some horrible accident, it gets to the House, they could re-elect Trump. God help us all.
You're right, but that would only happen if neither candidate received 270 electoral votes. However, I don't see how that might occur unless several states refused to send electors to the Electoral College.

What could happen is for multiple states to break faith with voters and select a slate of electors that would not follow the decision of the voters. As I understand it, that would not be in violation of constitution, however it might violate some state laws.
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How is your stock portfolio doing kiddy

Probably about the same it's done for the last few years...

I'm not someone who thinks it's okay to have fascism because my stocks are doing well. You?
How is your stock portfolio going to do when the cap gains tax goes from 28% under Trump to 44% under Biden.

Play on kid the only money you get is from welfare

LOL why so silent

LOL that hourly wage-earning "gimme free stuff" POS doesn't have a "stock portfolio."

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