How do you think the Election Process Will End?

How does this Presidential election end?

  • Biden wins all recounts and become official President elect

    Votes: 25 56.8%
  • Trump wins enough recounts to get an EC majority

    Votes: 9 20.5%
  • It goes to the House and the GOP state delegations give it to Trump on a 28 to 22 vote

    Votes: 3 6.8%
  • GIANT METEOR 2020!

    Votes: 7 15.9%

  • Total voters
I think we need 2 presidents. States that vote tRump get him.States that voted Biden will crash and burn. Plenty of walls to be built. Bidenites will pay for them !
It's over. Do Trumpers get that yet?

Its just don’t seem to get that.
The grieving process takes time, and people handle it differently.

Grieving? The grieving will start when they realize that America is no longer America....

Not over yet....I'm no longer saying that Trump will be successful in all of the states he needs to overturn it, but, Biden certainly doesn't have a mandate either....I'm thinking he's closer to 276
That is wishful thinking:
Biden: 306 Electoral Votes

16 Georgia
11 Arizona
20 PA
6 Nevada

Trump must overturn 3 of the above states

So, you admit it’s not over.
It ain't over till the fat lady sings but the fat lady is singing loud and clear, Biden is the winner of the election. All the votes have been counted with exception of questionable ballots i.e., signature mismatches, ballots unreadable by machines, write ballots, etc. Even if all of these ballots were Trump votes, Biden will still be the winner.
It's over. Do Trumpers get that yet?

Its just don’t seem to get that.
The grieving process takes time, and people handle it differently.

Grieving? The grieving will start when they realize that America is no longer America....

Not over yet....I'm no longer saying that Trump will be successful in all of the states he needs to overturn it, but, Biden certainly doesn't have a mandate either....I'm thinking he's closer to 276
That is wishful thinking:
Biden: 306 Electoral Votes

16 Georgia
11 Arizona
20 PA
6 Nevada

Trump must overturn 3 of the above states

So, you admit it’s not over.
It all but is. Trump’s legal challenges are spinning down with nearly zero progress.

This is now just theatre for the faithful.
Make no mistake, this theater is important to Trump for two reasons.

First, Trump simply does not take responsibility for defeat in his personal, business, or pollical life. China was responsible for releasing the virus on the US. The WHO was responsible for withholding information. Obama was responsibly for not keeping up the emergency stockpile of PPEs. The bankers were responsible for the failure of his casino. His investors failed him in his business expansion. He said his coach was responsible for the failure of his USFL football team, etc.... So when he failed to win a 2nd term, it certainly can not be his fault. It has to be our rigged, fraudulent elections. Donald Trump is simple too much of a coward to admit defeat.

Second, it's important for his supporters to believe that he was treated unfairly, a victim of fake news, and rigged elections, whether in pursue of the 2024 nomination, or a career as a TV political pundit, or even just the mad tweeter traveling around the country rallying his supporters.
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It's over. Do Trumpers get that yet?

Its just don’t seem to get that.
The grieving process takes time, and people handle it differently.

Grieving? The grieving will start when they realize that America is no longer America....

Not over yet....I'm no longer saying that Trump will be successful in all of the states he needs to overturn it, but, Biden certainly doesn't have a mandate either....I'm thinking he's closer to 276
That is wishful thinking:
Biden: 306 Electoral Votes

16 Georgia
11 Arizona
20 PA
6 Nevada

Trump must overturn 3 of the above states

So, you admit it’s not over.
It ain't over till the fat lady sings but the fat lady is singing loud and clear, Biden is the winner of the election. All the votes have been counted with exception of questionable ballots i.e., signature mismatches, ballots unreadable by machines, write ballots, etc. Even if all of these ballots were Trump votes, Biden will still be the winner.

It ain’t over til the election is certified, and electors vote...

Now, might that happen, yes...But not until then so you can shove your bravado up your stretched out sphincter.
The f*****g nerve it takes to not only benefit from an already imbalanced system but to then gut the Voting Rights Act, engage in unprecedented gerrymandering, remove voting machines to cause hours-long lines, pass voter ID laws, cripple the USPS & then claim YOU'VE been cheated
The democrat voter fraud will not stand! President Trump won the election in a landslide and will be proven in the next couple of weeks.

The question is how widespread and for how many years have democrats been committing voter fraud.
The democrat voter fraud will not stand! President Trump won the election in a landslide and will be proven in the next couple of weeks.

The question is how widespread and for how many years have democrats been committing voter fraud.

If election fraud is so widespread, then you would think, at least 1 of Trump's 36 lawsuits in 4 states would reverse at least one vote out of 5 million but that has not happened. In fact, the only lawsuit that has any chance of winning has dropped any allegation voter fraud.
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