How do you think the Election Process Will End?

How does this Presidential election end?

  • Biden wins all recounts and become official President elect

    Votes: 25 56.8%
  • Trump wins enough recounts to get an EC majority

    Votes: 9 20.5%
  • It goes to the House and the GOP state delegations give it to Trump on a 28 to 22 vote

    Votes: 3 6.8%
  • GIANT METEOR 2020!

    Votes: 7 15.9%

  • Total voters
How is your stock portfolio doing kiddy

Probably about the same it's done for the last few years...

I'm not someone who thinks it's okay to have fascism because my stocks are doing well. You?
How is your stock portfolio going to do when the cap gains tax goes from 28% under Trump to 44% under Biden.

Play on kid the only money you get is from welfare

LOL why so silent

LOL that hourly wage-earning "gimme free stuff" POS doesn't have a "stock portfolio."
LOL, people like you are perpetually in denial.

But that's OK, you can always loot and burn a walmart
Hate to burst your bubble, but recounts never change the vote totals by more than a few hundred, at best.

Biden leads by 12,000 in AZ, 50,000 in PA, 150,000 in MI, 15,000 in GA and 40,000 in NV.

Biden could lose a state, but Trump has to pick up all of them to get to 270.
The only way Trump gets to 270 is if he loses 50 pounds.
Dont give up your day job shirley
That's all you've got? :lol:
Quiet down or I will drop some pond scum eating guppies in your pond and bye bye you go
If you do that, I'll give your invisible friend such a fucking beating he won't remember his name.
Hate to burst your bubble, but recounts never change the vote totals by more than a few hundred, at best.

Biden leads by 12,000 in AZ, 50,000 in PA, 150,000 in MI, 15,000 in GA and 40,000 in NV.

Biden could lose a state, but Trump has to pick up all of them to get to 270.
The only way Trump gets to 270 is if he loses 50 pounds.
Dont give up your day job shirley
That's all you've got? :lol:
Quiet down or I will drop some pond scum eating guppies in your pond and bye bye you go
If you do that, I'll give your invisible friend such a fucking beating he won't remember his name.
Such happiness
Hate to burst your bubble, but recounts never change the vote totals by more than a few hundred, at best.

Biden leads by 12,000 in AZ, 50,000 in PA, 150,000 in MI, 15,000 in GA and 40,000 in NV.

Biden could lose a state, but Trump has to pick up all of them to get to 270.
The only way Trump gets to 270 is if he loses 50 pounds.
Dont give up your day job shirley
That's all you've got? :lol:
Quiet down or I will drop some pond scum eating guppies in your pond and bye bye you go
If you do that, I'll give your invisible friend such a fucking beating he won't remember his name.
Such happiness
You threatened me first.
How is your stock portfolio doing kiddy

Probably about the same it's done for the last few years...

I'm not someone who thinks it's okay to have fascism because my stocks are doing well. You?
How is your stock portfolio going to do when the cap gains tax goes from 28% under Trump to 44% under Biden.

Play on kid the only money you get is from welfare

LOL why so silent

LOL that hourly wage-earning "gimme free stuff" POS doesn't have a "stock portfolio."
LOL, people like you are perpetually in denial.

But that's OK, you can always loot and burn a walmart

I was referring to JoeB. Perhaps read my post again
How is your stock portfolio doing kiddy

Probably about the same it's done for the last few years...

I'm not someone who thinks it's okay to have fascism because my stocks are doing well. You?
How is your stock portfolio going to do when the cap gains tax goes from 28% under Trump to 44% under Biden.

Play on kid the only money you get is from welfare

LOL why so silent

LOL that hourly wage-earning "gimme free stuff" POS doesn't have a "stock portfolio."
LOL, people like you are perpetually in denial.

But that's OK, you can always loot and burn a walmart

I was referring to JoeB. Perhaps read my post again
Biden is senile and so would i be if i read everything about him
E - none of the above.

The several states will certify their results in the next few weeks and name their electors, those electors will vote on December 14, and that will be that. Same as any other election.

Rump of course will fire off petulant twits about how the Electoral College is "a disaster for a democracy" and they're all "losers" and proceed to melt into a corner sucking his thumb, rocking and making moaning noises for the next month. With any luck it will be live-streamed.

What makes you think republican [sic] state legislatures wont choose different electors?

The two party system has no real power under law

They can't. So says existing state laws.

It ain't a question of "the two party system". It's how the states handle the election, by their state's OWN LAW.
You're actually suggesting they're going to convene next week and try to change those laws?? :laughing0301:

Oh yeah that'll go over bigly.
The supreme court can overturn any law deemed not lawful or that interfered with constitutional rights.

The Constitution (of the US) doesn't even *REQUIRE* an election, Dumbass.
the 12th amendment requires election for president.

also citizens are guaranteed right to vote by 15th amendment, 19th amendment,. 24th and 26th.


Article 2, QUOTE:

>> Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress; but no Senator or Representative, or person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States shall be appointed an Elector. <<​

"Such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct" is currently holding an election day and then translating that to the EC. But it could be throwing darts at pictures of candidates, drawing names from a hat, rolling dice, whatever. It could be, and has been, state legs appointing electors but that hasn't been done since before the Civil War.
It has often been claimed that a state legislature can chose electors in any manner it choses. That is true but it's
only true if the manner of selecting electors is set by the state law prior to the election. The state legislature can not change the manner of selection after the vote. Congress’s enactment of a Uniform National Election Day Act that prohibits the choice of electors from being made based on elections held or laws passed after Election Day. In other words, a state legislature that isn't happy with the election results can't appoint it's own slate of electors to override the vote of the people. If a state legislature wants to do this, it must be specified in state law before the election.
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E - none of the above.

The several states will certify their results in the next few weeks and name their electors, those electors will vote on December 14, and that will be that. Same as any other election.

Rump of course will fire off petulant twits about how the Electoral College is "a disaster for a democracy" and they're all "losers" and proceed to melt into a corner sucking his thumb, rocking and making moaning noises for the next month. With any luck it will be live-streamed.

What makes you think republican [sic] state legislatures wont choose different electors?

The two party system has no real power under law

They can't. So says existing state laws.

It ain't a question of "the two party system". It's how the states handle the election, by their state's OWN LAW.
You're actually suggesting they're going to convene next week and try to change those laws?? :laughing0301:

Oh yeah that'll go over bigly.
The supreme court can overturn any law deemed not lawful or that interfered with constitutional rights.

The Constitution (of the US) doesn't even *REQUIRE* an election, Dumbass.
the 12th amendment requires election for president.

also citizens are guaranteed right to vote by 15th amendment, 19th amendment,. 24th and 26th.


Article 2, QUOTE:

>> Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress; but no Senator or Representative, or person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States shall be appointed an Elector. <<​

"Such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct" is currently holding an election day and then translating that to the EC. But it could be throwing darts at pictures of candidates, drawing names from a hat, rolling dice, whatever. It could be, and has been, state legs appointing electors but that hasn't been done since before the Civil War.
It has often been claimed that a state legislature can chose electors in any manner it choses. That is true but it's
only true if the manner of selecting electors is set by the state law prior to the election. The state legislature can not change the manner of selection after the vote. Congress’s enactment of a Uniform National Election Day Act that prohibits the choice of electors from being made based on elections held or laws passed after Election Day. In other words, a state legislature that isn't happy with the election results can't appoint it's own slate of electors to override the vote of the people. If a state legislature wants to do this, it must be specified in state law before the election.

Basically, state law is already written. If state legs wanted to do their thing a different way they would have had to do so BEFORE the election. That ship sailed.

>> We've done this once before, but it looks like it's time to take another careful look at the alleged chink in the United States' electoral armor, namely that state legislatures have the power to decide how electors are awarded. Once the vote counting and lawsuits have stopped—and especially if Joe Biden clearly wins Nevada, Arizona, Georgia, and the three "Midwest" states—Donald Trump's only remaining move would be to get a court to order the secretaries of state in those states to refrain from certifying the votes and the governors to refrain from issuing certificates of ascertainment. Then, the idea would be to get the state legislatures to directly appoint slates of Trump electors. According to Axios, this route is apparently under consideration by the Trump campaign. As one lawyer who spoke to Axios observed, "It's basically hijacking the democracy."​
And now, let us talk about eight sizable problems this scheme would run into:​
  1. Timing, Part I: It is true that state legislatures are empowered to decide how electoral votes are awarded. It is also true that each of the state legislatures has already made a decision, enshrining into state law a decree that their state's EVs will be awarded by popular vote. Two months ago, assuming cooperation from a friendly governor, any given state legislature could have changed the rules and been on solid legal ground (if shaky political ground). But starting from the moment that ballots were first cast, and certainly once the last ballots were in, that privilege disappeared. That is to say, the EVs of all 50 states (and D.C.) have already been awarded. The only question, one answered by counting the ballots, is to whom. The legislatures cannot change course now, a position supported by federal law and existing precedent (including Bush v. Gore).
E - none of the above.

The several states will certify their results in the next few weeks and name their electors, those electors will vote on December 14, and that will be that. Same as any other election.

Rump of course will fire off petulant twits about how the Electoral College is "a disaster for a democracy" and they're all "losers" and proceed to melt into a corner sucking his thumb, rocking and making moaning noises for the next month. With any luck it will be live-streamed.

What makes you think republican [sic] state legislatures wont choose different electors?

The two party system has no real power under law

They can't. So says existing state laws.

It ain't a question of "the two party system". It's how the states handle the election, by their state's OWN LAW.
You're actually suggesting they're going to convene next week and try to change those laws?? :laughing0301:

Oh yeah that'll go over bigly.
The supreme court can overturn any law deemed not lawful or that interfered with constitutional rights.

The Constitution (of the US) doesn't even *REQUIRE* an election, Dumbass.
the 12th amendment requires election for president.

also citizens are guaranteed right to vote by 15th amendment, 19th amendment,. 24th and 26th.


Article 2, QUOTE:

>> Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress; but no Senator or Representative, or person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States shall be appointed an Elector. <<​

"Such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct" is currently holding an election day and then translating that to the EC. But it could be throwing darts at pictures of candidates, drawing names from a hat, rolling dice, whatever. It could be, and has been, state legs appointing electors but that hasn't been done since before the Civil War.
It has often been claimed that a state legislature can chose electors in any manner it choses. That is true but it's
only true if the manner of selecting electors is set by the state law prior to the election. The state legislature can not change the manner of selection after the vote. Congress’s enactment of a Uniform National Election Day Act that prohibits the choice of electors from being made based on elections held or laws passed after Election Day. In other words, a state legislature that isn't happy with the election results can't appoint it's own slate of electors to override the vote of the people. If a state legislature wants to do this, it must be specified in state law before the election.

There is no reason to think that's constitutional.

Certainly no reason to think a 2020 court would agree. Constiution is very brief and clear on this issue. Congress have very specifically mandated powers, mostly to set dates for things. Not overly broad powers about setting dates for the end of election law changes. That wasn't in there.

It's only a few paragraphs....WHy you think congress can just willy nilly interject itself legally I don't know. That won't be the opinion of hte highest court in the land.
E - none of the above.

The several states will certify their results in the next few weeks and name their electors, those electors will vote on December 14, and that will be that. Same as any other election.

Rump of course will fire off petulant twits about how the Electoral College is "a disaster for a democracy" and they're all "losers" and proceed to melt into a corner sucking his thumb, rocking and making moaning noises for the next month. With any luck it will be live-streamed.

What makes you think republican [sic] state legislatures wont choose different electors?

The two party system has no real power under law

They can't. So says existing state laws.

It ain't a question of "the two party system". It's how the states handle the election, by their state's OWN LAW.
You're actually suggesting they're going to convene next week and try to change those laws?? :laughing0301:

Oh yeah that'll go over bigly.
The supreme court can overturn any law deemed not lawful or that interfered with constitutional rights.

The Constitution (of the US) doesn't even *REQUIRE* an election, Dumbass.
the 12th amendment requires election for president.

also citizens are guaranteed right to vote by 15th amendment, 19th amendment,. 24th and 26th.


Article 2, QUOTE:

>> Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress; but no Senator or Representative, or person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States shall be appointed an Elector. <<​

"Such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct" is currently holding an election day and then translating that to the EC. But it could be throwing darts at pictures of candidates, drawing names from a hat, rolling dice, whatever. It could be, and has been, state legs appointing electors but that hasn't been done since before the Civil War.
It has often been claimed that a state legislature can chose electors in any manner it choses. That is true but it's
only true if the manner of selecting electors is set by the state law prior to the election. The state legislature can not change the manner of selection after the vote. Congress’s enactment of a Uniform National Election Day Act that prohibits the choice of electors from being made based on elections held or laws passed after Election Day. In other words, a state legislature that isn't happy with the election results can't appoint it's own slate of electors to override the vote of the people. If a state legislature wants to do this, it must be specified in state law before the election.

Basically, state law is already written. If state legs wanted to do their thing a different way they would have had to do so BEFORE the election. That ship sailed.

>> We've done this once before, but it looks like it's time to take another careful look at the alleged chink in the United States' electoral armor, namely that state legislatures have the power to decide how electors are awarded. Once the vote counting and lawsuits have stopped—and especially if Joe Biden clearly wins Nevada, Arizona, Georgia, and the three "Midwest" states—Donald Trump's only remaining move would be to get a court to order the secretaries of state in those states to refrain from certifying the votes and the governors to refrain from issuing certificates of ascertainment. Then, the idea would be to get the state legislatures to directly appoint slates of Trump electors. According to Axios, this route is apparently under consideration by the Trump campaign. As one lawyer who spoke to Axios observed, "It's basically hijacking the democracy."​
And now, let us talk about eight sizable problems this scheme would run into:​
  1. Timing, Part I: It is true that state legislatures are empowered to decide how electoral votes are awarded. It is also true that each of the state legislatures has already made a decision, enshrining into state law a decree that their state's EVs will be awarded by popular vote. Two months ago, assuming cooperation from a friendly governor, any given state legislature could have changed the rules and been on solid legal ground (if shaky political ground). But starting from the moment that ballots were first cast, and certainly once the last ballots were in, that privilege disappeared. That is to say, the EVs of all 50 states (and D.C.) have already been awarded. The only question, one answered by counting the ballots, is to whom. The legislatures cannot change course now, a position supported by federal law and existing precedent (including Bush v. Gore).
Getting a court to order the secretaries of state in those states to refrain from certifying the votes and the governors to refrain from issuing certificates of ascertainment would require proof that the counts were wrong to the extent that it would change the results of the election. In doing the above, the true vote would have to be determined and the legislatures would have select electors in accordance with that vote because they can not change the manner of selection after the election. Thus, it would all boil down to Trump proving that enough votes were invalid to change the election results. Since his results in all states he is contesting are failing, the only real hope is for somehow the recounts would change the outcome.

There is of course one other possible outcome, a state is not able to select electors or certify the vote. Then the president would be selected without the votes from that state.

All of this is so incredibly unlikely that it is hardly worth the time discussing but it is interesting.
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It is a simple question, and I see several plausible outcomes:

1) Biden wins by winning the recounts

2) Trump wins enough recounts to win the EC

3) It goes to the House for the final vote and the House gives it to Trump
5) With your soiled pantiez tied in a knot in you sore ass hole.

It's over. Do Trumpers get that yet?

Its just don’t seem to get that.
The grieving process takes time, and people handle it differently.

Grieving? The grieving will start when they realize that America is no longer America....

Not over yet....I'm no longer saying that Trump will be successful in all of the states he needs to overturn it, but, Biden certainly doesn't have a mandate either....I'm thinking he's closer to 276

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