How do you think they got Obama to last an hour at his dinner?


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2015
I always thought that they used some kind of electric shock treatment on him to coordinate his pre-recorded audio and his lips moving. That can be done on a small scale of time but how did they get him to speak for an hour. I thought there were laws against making the mentally defective work for so long in this country. It is cute how they manage to get that cadaver like body of his to move like they do. It is almost like watching one of the mechanical dummies at a ride at disneyland working. I believe they call it animatronics or something.
He's always had incredible endurance and energy. Loved his remarks last night. He was funny, self-deprecating and really nailed the Repubs, silly Trumpery, nutty Cruz. And the First Lady was, as always, stunning.

The Trump boys took time out from their busy schedule of blasting the life out of endangered species. If only they had been born with balls they might be able to spend their time doing something worthwhile. But, that would be against their family traditions.
He's always had incredible endurance and energy. Loved his remarks last night. He was funny, self-deprecating and really nailed the Repubs, silly Trumpery, nutty Cruz. And the First Lady was, as always, stunning.

The Trump boys took time out from their busy schedule of blasting the life out of endangered species. If only they had been born with balls they might be able to spend their time doing something worthwhile. But, that would be against their family traditions.

I want to know how they got sounds to come out of his mouth. It is a pretty damn good trick and it looks so life-like. I think Hollywood showed up because they want to know the secret of the Obama robot. How do they get it to look real and to sound semi-intelligent as if it actually coming up with the answers on its own.
The meat puppet faggot is animated when Valerie Jarret's hand is up his ass.

I really think the fascination that people has had with this president is the same fascination that people have is the same fascination people have with animal tricks at the circus. People who have pets tend to treat them like people sometimes especially if they are lonely. They give them rights just like they would do with a person and think of them as an intelligent sentient being. I kind of think that is what is going on with this president. Obviously we have something that shouldn't be considered a person in that it is not intelligent enough to do so but people think of him as some kind of einstein. That is what I hear all the time as in "that guy is a real einstein". Anyways, People are just projecting qualities of humaness onto him such as thought or feelings that it clearly can't have. It is kind of cute in some ways but we just elected a pet who we think is a person as president of the United States. I don't know how much longer this illusion can last in the minds of the people of this country.
Only 8 more months, nutbags. Then you can spend the next eight whining about Hillary or Bernie. Something for you to look forward to.
Only 8 more months, nutbags. Then you can spend the next eight whining about Hillary or Bernie. Something for you to look forward to.

It is not whining. It is just the truth. He is not really a person any more than a family pet is an acual member of a family. It is an illusion and if you think that Obama is a human being then you may need some kind of therapy or something. A lot of people have an unhealthy attachment to inanimate objects such as pets, cars, and other things.
Only 8 more months, nutbags. Then you can spend the next eight whining about Hillary or Bernie. Something for you to look forward to.

It is not whining. It is just the truth. He is not really a person any more than a family pet is an acual member of a family. It is an illusion and if you think that Obama is a human being then you may need some kind of therapy or something. A lot of people have an unhealthy attachment to inanimate objects such as pets, cars, and other things.

Well then. Aren't you special.
Only 8 more months, nutbags. Then you can spend the next eight whining about Hillary or Bernie. Something for you to look forward to.

It is not whining. It is just the truth. He is not really a person any more than a family pet is an acual member of a family. It is an illusion and if you think that Obama is a human being then you may need some kind of therapy or something. A lot of people have an unhealthy attachment to inanimate objects such as pets, cars, and other things.

Well then. Aren't you special.

I really don't know if Obama is a real sentient person because computers can simulate an intelligent person so how do we know Obama isn't the same thing? Would we be able to know if he was just some kind of animatronic?
I really don't know if Obama is a real sentient person because computers can simulate an intelligent person so how do we know Obama isn't the same thing? Would we be able to know if he was just some kind of animatronic?

The meat puppet faggot is a real person. Not one of quality or usefulness. He's just a worthless piece of shit basically who's handlers convinced the dumbest mother fuckers in the world to vote for him twice.

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