How does a patriot see America today?

White nationalists generally don’t vote unless David Duke is on the ballot; this year, however, with the ascendancy of Donald Trump, many white nationalists have finally found a political candidate they can stand behind.

B-b-b-b...but KKK is Democrats!
Have to love them socialists!
Odd thing for you to say as you and the op believe in the same dogma.

Nope! Far left drones like you want to connect dots where they do no exist and do not understand sarcasm..

Yet you far left drones believe socialism is right wing!

Remember the Socialist Bernie Sanders is running for president as a Democrat!
define patriot

KGB supporters
Hitler supporters
Chickenshit Right wingers
Redneck white boys

This is exactly why people like Kosh have been conditioned. Exactly. They have been brainwashed into bleeving Nazis are left wing so that when a real Nazi-type guy like Trump comes along, their conditioning kicks in and they tell themselves, "We can't be going Nazi, because Nazis are left wing!"

Never mind that Nazis are loving Trump. Reality does not impinge on the deluded. Ever.
The Nazi world concept says we must separate cultures. They believe all the world's cultures would be more happy if they were separate from each other.

This is from what all the whining by the Gnu Right about "multiculturalism" is sourced.

This is exactly what Trump is trying to do. Separate out the Mexicans, separate out the Muslims, etc..

It's as plain as the nose on your face. That's why White Nationalists (Nazis) are warming to him.

The Nazis get it. Too bad the rubes like Kosh don't. Kosh is a useful idiot, making is easier for the Nazification of America to creep in.

Heil Trump!
This is exactly why people like Kosh have been conditioned. Exactly. They have been brainwashed into bleeving Nazis are left wing so that when a real Nazi-type guy like Trump comes along, their conditioning kicks in and they tell themselves, "We can't be going Nazi, because Nazis are left wing!"

Never mind that Nazis are loving Trump. Reality does not impinge on the deluded. Ever.

See how the far left automatically associates Socialism with Nazism and thinks they are one and the same..

More proof that the far left is the most dangerous religion on the planet!

And they continue to run their narratives without hesitation or question..
define patriot

KGB supporters
Hitler supporters
Chickenshit Right wingers
Redneck white boys


See the far left narrative being run without question or hesitation?

see the question mark ? notice how you hesitate then refuse to answer the question ?

I'll have a cheeseburger all the way, fries, and large DP.

now get back behind the counter and do your job koshie.
define patriot

KGB supporters
Hitler supporters
Chickenshit Right wingers
Redneck white boys


See the far left narrative being run without question or hesitation?

see the question mark ? notice how you hesitate then refuse to answer the question ?

I'll have a cheeseburger all the way, fries, and large DP.

now get back behind the counter and do your job koshie.

See how the far left comes in and attacks in numbers while still running their narratives..

I knew this would be the prefect thread to mock the far left drones..

The only difference between the far left drones in this thread and the OP, is the OP is open about being a racist.
It's interesting that the OP equates the term "Patriot" with "White Supremacist".
It's interesting that the OP equates the term "Patriot" with "White Supremacist".

No not really the OP is an admitted racist socialist!

The only thing that separates the OP from you is they admit to be a racist..

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