How Does A Snowflake Answer The Question:"What Is An Assault Weapon" ??

An AR is the exact same rifle as my ranch rifle except that it has plastic components

And it matters not if a rifle has a detachable magazine

It's all that matters. It's the difference between a tool and a weapon.


The difference between a tool and a weapon is the intent of the person wielding the tool

More people are killed knives than rifles so which is deadlier?

Intent can change. Everyone is a good guy with a gun until they aren't.

Vegas wasn't done with a car, a truck, a knife, an axe, or a brick. Stupid argument. It was only possible with the availability of the capable weaponry.

So then we should take everything away from you that can be used to kill because you are just a murderer in waiting right?

Why don't we start by amputating your hands and feet because hands and feet are used to kill more than rifles

I've said nothing about taking anything away from anyone. I've suggested it shouldn't be available.

So the millions of rifles that are already out there just what happens to them exactly?

A well maintained firearm has a lifespan of many many decades
Triple A doesn't actively promote more drunk drivers.
And the NRA actively promoted murderers?
They actively obstruct efforts to stop them. Same thing in my book.

No they do not.

There are laws already on the books that could have prevented the shooting in Florida, so the failure to protect those kids fall on LEO and the FBI and not the NRA!

If the government fails to do it job do you believe more laws will get them to do it!?!
I'm not saying it is ALL the big old bad NRA's fault. That's a stupid argument. They are to blame, however, for getting in the way of legislation that might have helped.

Again love the Florida school shooting and even the Pulse Nightclub shooting could have been prevented had local LEO and the FBI were doing their job, so what new law will make them do their job?
Good question, especially the FBI, Bruce. They seem to be either (1) overwhelmed/swamped to the point they can't handle it all or (2) have their hands tied with rules and regs that give more rights to the criminals than to those of us who prefer to live.
>>>Question to snowflakes:
"What Is An Assault Weapon" ??
Answer they will never reveal:
An assault weapon is that weapon your enemies use to take over your country, when you don't have those weapons to defend yourself with.

^The damaged thinking that comes with gun culture. What good are the guns without an imaginary enemy,(your fellow citizens),you can dream of killing. Weapons of war need a war after all.
I've had guns since I was 8 years old and never once dreamed of killing another person

The question is what is wrong with you that you project that desire onto kill on others?

I projected nothing.Try reading what I responded to rather than my just my post.

You equate a ownership of a gun with the "dream of killing" did you not?

No, dope. I equated the comments of the poster I responded to.

Yeah OK
They actively obstruct efforts to stop them. Same thing in my book.

No they do not.

There are laws already on the books that could have prevented the shooting in Florida, so the failure to protect those kids fall on LEO and the FBI and not the NRA!

If the government fails to do it job do you believe more laws will get them to do it!?!
I'm not saying it is ALL the big old bad NRA's fault. That's a stupid argument. They are to blame, however, for getting in the way of legislation that might have helped.
That is like saying the ACLU is to blame for getting in the way of legislation reinstating slavery.

The NRA is exercising the exact same rights as all of the other National Advocacy groups.

You are essentially saying that I want to take away a right from a segment of the population and the NRA is stopping me from doing that so they are responsible for the deaths because I am right.

The problem is, you, and those who are for restricting guns, are NOT right.
The problem is, you, and those who are for restricting guns, are NOT right
How did they ask the question about assault weapons? Did they explain that an AR-15 is NOT an assault weapon?

BTW....That does NOT make them right.
Not to be rude, but I think everyone but you knows what they mean by "assault weapon."
No they do not.

There are laws already on the books that could have prevented the shooting in Florida, so the failure to protect those kids fall on LEO and the FBI and not the NRA!

If the government fails to do it job do you believe more laws will get them to do it!?!
I'm not saying it is ALL the big old bad NRA's fault. That's a stupid argument. They are to blame, however, for getting in the way of legislation that might have helped.
That is like saying the ACLU is to blame for getting in the way of legislation reinstating slavery.

The NRA is exercising the exact same rights as all of the other National Advocacy groups.

You are essentially saying that I want to take away a right from a segment of the population and the NRA is stopping me from doing that so they are responsible for the deaths because I am right.

The problem is, you, and those who are for restricting guns, are NOT right.
The problem is, you, and those who are for restricting guns, are NOT right
How did they ask the question about assault weapons? Did they explain that an AR-15 is NOT an assault weapon?

BTW....That does NOT make them right.
Not to be rude, but I think everyone but you knows what they mean by "assault weapon."
No, they don't. Most gun murders are with hand guns.
Tea that's all it is.

It's how the rifle is advertised and in fact most people buy it for the same reasons anyone on a ranch buys a .223 caliber rifle

Ruger® Mini-14® Ranch Rifle Autoloading Rifle Models

Great. ARs are advertised as "sporting rifles" as well. Anything that can accept a thirty round magazine is not simply a ranch tool.

Any practical purpose for a rifle can be accomplished with an internal magazine.

An AR is the exact same rifle as my ranch rifle except that it has plastic components

And it matters not if a rifle has a detachable magazine
Then WHY do mass shooters choose it over and over as the weapon of choice, and WHY are people so upset about this one insignificant model of gun coming off the shelves?
Thank you.
If it's exactly the same, then who cares if it goes away.

If it's exactly the same as other rifles that will not be banned (and it is) why do you care if it stays ?

The functional capability of the weapon that makes it suitable for attacks will be banned.
Not just any particular platform.

What practical purpose is there for a thirty round magazine? Why is it necessary today more than in the past? What work requires a tool with a thirty round magazine rather than five or six rounds in an internal magazine?

The work of imaginary fears and fantasy.
It's all that matters. It's the difference between a tool and a weapon.


The difference between a tool and a weapon is the intent of the person wielding the tool

More people are killed knives than rifles so which is deadlier?

Intent can change. Everyone is a good guy with a gun until they aren't.

Vegas wasn't done with a car, a truck, a knife, an axe, or a brick. Stupid argument. It was only possible with the availability of the capable weaponry.

So then we should take everything away from you that can be used to kill because you are just a murderer in waiting right?

Why don't we start by amputating your hands and feet because hands and feet are used to kill more than rifles

I've said nothing about taking anything away from anyone. I've suggested it shouldn't be available.

So the millions of rifles that are already out there just what happens to them exactly?

A well maintained firearm has a lifespan of many many decades
No they do not.

There are laws already on the books that could have prevented the shooting in Florida, so the failure to protect those kids fall on LEO and the FBI and not the NRA!

If the government fails to do it job do you believe more laws will get them to do it!?!
I'm not saying it is ALL the big old bad NRA's fault. That's a stupid argument. They are to blame, however, for getting in the way of legislation that might have helped.
That is like saying the ACLU is to blame for getting in the way of legislation reinstating slavery.

The NRA is exercising the exact same rights as all of the other National Advocacy groups.

You are essentially saying that I want to take away a right from a segment of the population and the NRA is stopping me from doing that so they are responsible for the deaths because I am right.

The problem is, you, and those who are for restricting guns, are NOT right.
The problem is, you, and those who are for restricting guns, are NOT right
How did they ask the question about assault weapons? Did they explain that an AR-15 is NOT an assault weapon?

BTW....That does NOT make them right.
Not to be rude, but I think everyone but you knows what they mean by "assault weapon."
No, what everyone thinks they know is what has been clearly redefined for a specific political agenda.

There is only one definition of 'assault weapon' and the left needs to stop lying about that definition.
No they do not.

There are laws already on the books that could have prevented the shooting in Florida, so the failure to protect those kids fall on LEO and the FBI and not the NRA!

If the government fails to do it job do you believe more laws will get them to do it!?!
I'm not saying it is ALL the big old bad NRA's fault. That's a stupid argument. They are to blame, however, for getting in the way of legislation that might have helped.
That is like saying the ACLU is to blame for getting in the way of legislation reinstating slavery.

The NRA is exercising the exact same rights as all of the other National Advocacy groups.

You are essentially saying that I want to take away a right from a segment of the population and the NRA is stopping me from doing that so they are responsible for the deaths because I am right.

The problem is, you, and those who are for restricting guns, are NOT right.
The problem is, you, and those who are for restricting guns, are NOT right
How did they ask the question about assault weapons? Did they explain that an AR-15 is NOT an assault weapon?

BTW....That does NOT make them right.
Not to be rude, but I think everyone but you knows what they mean by "assault weapon."

They believe they're being slick and smart by parsing when in reality they're just dumb.

None of them will answer honestly.
You'll have to ask the snowflakes at the nRA who made their convention a gun-free zone for safety. From their own gullible followers.

The snow drifts in the hall were 8 feet deep.
Oh my! Lower casing the N. That'll teach us. I'd say an assault weapon is what ever is used to assault someone.

I'm not saying it is ALL the big old bad NRA's fault. That's a stupid argument. They are to blame, however, for getting in the way of legislation that might have helped.
That is like saying the ACLU is to blame for getting in the way of legislation reinstating slavery.

The NRA is exercising the exact same rights as all of the other National Advocacy groups.

You are essentially saying that I want to take away a right from a segment of the population and the NRA is stopping me from doing that so they are responsible for the deaths because I am right.

The problem is, you, and those who are for restricting guns, are NOT right.
The problem is, you, and those who are for restricting guns, are NOT right
How did they ask the question about assault weapons? Did they explain that an AR-15 is NOT an assault weapon?

BTW....That does NOT make them right.
Not to be rude, but I think everyone but you knows what they mean by "assault weapon."
No, they don't. Most gun murders are with hand guns.
We seem to be focusing on mass murders right now. They are not mostly done with hand guns.
Great. ARs are advertised as "sporting rifles" as well. Anything that can accept a thirty round magazine is not simply a ranch tool.

Any practical purpose for a rifle can be accomplished with an internal magazine.

An AR is the exact same rifle as my ranch rifle except that it has plastic components

And it matters not if a rifle has a detachable magazine
Then WHY do mass shooters choose it over and over as the weapon of choice, and WHY are people so upset about this one insignificant model of gun coming off the shelves?
Thank you.
If it's exactly the same, then who cares if it goes away.

If it's exactly the same as other rifles that will not be banned (and it is) why do you care if it stays ?

The functional capability of the weapon that makes it suitable for attacks will be banned.
Not just any particular platform.

What practical purpose is there for a thirty round magazine? Why is it necessary today more than in the past? What work requires a tool with a thirty round magazine rather than five or six rounds in an internal magazine?

The work of imaginary fears and fantasy.
You're standing on a position that the Bill of Rights is a limit on people and not the government. However, it is called the Bill of Rights, not the Bill of Needs, nor the Bill of practical purpose.
An AR is the exact same rifle as my ranch rifle except that it has plastic components

And it matters not if a rifle has a detachable magazine

It's all that matters. It's the difference between a tool and a weapon.


The difference between a tool and a weapon is the intent of the person wielding the tool

More people are killed knives than rifles so which is deadlier?

Intent can change. Everyone is a good guy with a gun until they aren't.

Vegas wasn't done with a car, a truck, a knife, an axe, or a brick. Stupid argument. It was only possible with the availability of the capable weaponry.

So then we should take everything away from you that can be used to kill because you are just a murderer in waiting right?

Why don't we start by amputating your hands and feet because hands and feet are used to kill more than rifles

I've said nothing about taking anything away from anyone. I've suggested it shouldn't be available.
Then where does it stop?
I had a neighbor who lost his wife to a robbery where a BRICK was used as the weapon.
Are you suggesting bricks should not be available? An ill raised kid bent on vengeance without a gun will just use poison or bombs instead. Where does your suggestion end?
I give you a path to righteousness, but you reject it to blame mere tools in the hands of the wicked, which you help create through lack of righteousness.-Go Figure!
A scalpel in the hands of a Dr helps saves lives, but that same scalpel in the hands of a destructive personality can be used to harm people and even take a life. You suggest a scalpel should not exist, until you need that scalpel to save your own life.-food for thought.
I'm not saying it is ALL the big old bad NRA's fault. That's a stupid argument. They are to blame, however, for getting in the way of legislation that might have helped.
That is like saying the ACLU is to blame for getting in the way of legislation reinstating slavery.

The NRA is exercising the exact same rights as all of the other National Advocacy groups.

You are essentially saying that I want to take away a right from a segment of the population and the NRA is stopping me from doing that so they are responsible for the deaths because I am right.

The problem is, you, and those who are for restricting guns, are NOT right.
The problem is, you, and those who are for restricting guns, are NOT right
How did they ask the question about assault weapons? Did they explain that an AR-15 is NOT an assault weapon?

BTW....That does NOT make them right.
Not to be rude, but I think everyone but you knows what they mean by "assault weapon."
No, what everyone thinks they know is what has been clearly redefined for a specific political agenda.

There is only one definition of 'assault weapon' and the left needs to stop lying about that definition.
The "definition" was from legislation that expired in 2004. It was not written on rock. It can be redefined in new legislation.
That is like saying the ACLU is to blame for getting in the way of legislation reinstating slavery.

The NRA is exercising the exact same rights as all of the other National Advocacy groups.

You are essentially saying that I want to take away a right from a segment of the population and the NRA is stopping me from doing that so they are responsible for the deaths because I am right.

The problem is, you, and those who are for restricting guns, are NOT right.
The problem is, you, and those who are for restricting guns, are NOT right
How did they ask the question about assault weapons? Did they explain that an AR-15 is NOT an assault weapon?

BTW....That does NOT make them right.
Not to be rude, but I think everyone but you knows what they mean by "assault weapon."
No, they don't. Most gun murders are with hand guns.
We seem to be focusing on mass murders right now. They are not mostly done with hand guns.
Mass murders (a sketchy term) is the tiniest of a fraction of a percent of the deaths caused by guns in general.
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It's all that matters. It's the difference between a tool and a weapon.


The difference between a tool and a weapon is the intent of the person wielding the tool

More people are killed knives than rifles so which is deadlier?

Intent can change. Everyone is a good guy with a gun until they aren't.

Vegas wasn't done with a car, a truck, a knife, an axe, or a brick. Stupid argument. It was only possible with the availability of the capable weaponry.

So then we should take everything away from you that can be used to kill because you are just a murderer in waiting right?

Why don't we start by amputating your hands and feet because hands and feet are used to kill more than rifles

I've said nothing about taking anything away from anyone. I've suggested it shouldn't be available.

So the millions of rifles that are already out there just what happens to them exactly?

A well maintained firearm has a lifespan of many many decades

Buy back. As an example, there are just under 2 million ARs. Pay above retail for turn in. Let's say $2k. That would be the best $4b ever spent. Do the same w/handguns. Even illegal ones. Maybe those kids on the street would find it more lucrative to turn them in rather than use them or sell them on. It would also kill the black market trade.
One of my radical LIB anti-gun snowflake relatives wanted to look at my AR15.
I unlocked my gun safe, removed the AR and set it on the table. The fucking MORON picked it up by the BARREL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is like saying the ACLU is to blame for getting in the way of legislation reinstating slavery.

The NRA is exercising the exact same rights as all of the other National Advocacy groups.

You are essentially saying that I want to take away a right from a segment of the population and the NRA is stopping me from doing that so they are responsible for the deaths because I am right.

The problem is, you, and those who are for restricting guns, are NOT right.
The problem is, you, and those who are for restricting guns, are NOT right
How did they ask the question about assault weapons? Did they explain that an AR-15 is NOT an assault weapon?

BTW....That does NOT make them right.
Not to be rude, but I think everyone but you knows what they mean by "assault weapon."
No, what everyone thinks they know is what has been clearly redefined for a specific political agenda.

There is only one definition of 'assault weapon' and the left needs to stop lying about that definition.
The "definition" was from legislation that expired in 2004. It was not written on rock. It can be redefined in new legislation.
Wow, do you realize how unstable you sound saying things like that?

Let's just redefine what a human is. It can be done in legislation. Let us say that we decide that Asian's do not qualify as human. Human is defined as everyone but Asian and then write a law banning Asian's from our society.

That is effectively and exactly what you are saying.

Words matter. How words are used and defined matter.

The difference between a tool and a weapon is the intent of the person wielding the tool

More people are killed knives than rifles so which is deadlier?

Intent can change. Everyone is a good guy with a gun until they aren't.

Vegas wasn't done with a car, a truck, a knife, an axe, or a brick. Stupid argument. It was only possible with the availability of the capable weaponry.

So then we should take everything away from you that can be used to kill because you are just a murderer in waiting right?

Why don't we start by amputating your hands and feet because hands and feet are used to kill more than rifles

I've said nothing about taking anything away from anyone. I've suggested it shouldn't be available.

So the millions of rifles that are already out there just what happens to them exactly?

A well maintained firearm has a lifespan of many many decades

Buy back. As an example, there are just under 2 million ARs. Pay above retail for turn in. Let's say $2k. That would be the best $4b ever spent. Do the same w/handguns. Even illegal ones. Maybe those kids on the street would find it more lucrative to turn them in rather than use them or sell them on. It would also kill the black market trade.
You could buy back every fucking illegal handgun in every inner city shithole in the country. Within a couple of months there would be the same number of illegal handguns in every inner city shithole. The illegal guns arrive with the illegal drugs.

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