How does "prosecutorial discretion" justify giving work permits to illegals?


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
I understand, though not accept, Obama's claim that he can't deport every illegal so he has to look the other way for some of these criminal invaders. But giving them permits to work here is another story entirely. That is a brazen case of the president writing laws and as such unconstitutional.
Just because they're here illegally, doesn't make them criminals. Crossing an imaginary line doesn't equate with real crimes like robbery, assault and murder.
Just because they're here illegally, doesn't make them criminals. Crossing an imaginary line doesn't equate with real crimes like robbery, assault and murder.
You cross that imaginary line into my house and I shoot you for it you'll know (for a short time at least) that you're a criminal.
Breaking and entering is a crime. Trespassing is a crime.
Just because they're here illegally, doesn't make them criminals. Crossing an imaginary line doesn't equate with real crimes like robbery, assault and murder.
So your argument is committing crimes does not make someone a criminal? If so, what does make someone a criminal?
You cross that imaginary line into my house and I shoot you for it you'll know (for a short time at least) that you're a criminal. Breaking and entering is a crime. Trespassing is a crime.

Your house is a physical thing, NOT an imaginary line. Try a little harder next time.
They are in the country illegally. They came across the border illegally. They didn't check with border parol or anyone else. They entered the country illegally.

What part of that does some moron not get. ILLEGAL is ILLEGAL. Crime enough in my book.
Just because they're here illegally, doesn't make them criminals. Crossing an imaginary line doesn't equate with real crimes like robbery, assault and murder.
So your argument is committing crimes does not make someone a criminal? If so, what does make someone a criminal?
I'm saying that wanting a better life for your family is not a crime, like robbery, assault and murder. Is it really that hard to understand? I made that perfectly clear in my initial post. Trying to equate the two "crimes" is just rhetorical bullshit.
Just because they're here illegally, doesn't make them criminals. Crossing an imaginary line doesn't equate with real crimes like robbery, assault and murder.
So your argument is committing crimes does not make someone a criminal? If so, what does make someone a criminal?
I'm saying that wanting a better life for your family is not a crime, like robbery, assault and murder. Is it really that hard to understand? I made that perfectly clear in my initial post. Trying to equate the two "crimes" is just rhetorical bullshit.
So if I want a better life for my family and that involves breaking the law, that makes it OK? Or are you saying the only real crimes are robbery, assault and murder?
You cross that imaginary line into my house and I shoot you for it you'll know (for a short time at least) that you're a criminal. Breaking and entering is a crime. Trespassing is a crime.

Your house is a physical thing, NOT an imaginary line. Try a little harder next time.
I don't have a fence. The line into my yard is imaginary. I can shoot you for that.
They are in the country illegally. They came across the border illegally. They didn't check with border parol or anyone else. They entered the country illegally.What part of that does some moron not get. ILLEGAL is ILLEGAL. Crime enough in my book.
So is jay walking. You could arrest 99% of the country on that one. The morons are the people that equate all legal infractions as equal "crimes".
So if I want a better life for my family and that involves breaking the law, that makes it OK? Or are you saying the only real crimes are robbery, assault and murder?

I'm saying that your equating the two is bullshit.
They are in the country illegally. They came across the border illegally. They didn't check with border parol or anyone else. They entered the country illegally.What part of that does some moron not get. ILLEGAL is ILLEGAL. Crime enough in my book.
So is jay walking. You could arrest 99% of the country on that one. The morons are the people that equate all legal infractions as equal "crimes".
Breaking into a country is not a traffic violation. It is trespassing bordering on invasion. Crimes.
They are in the country illegally. They came across the border illegally. They didn't check with border parol or anyone else. They entered the country illegally.What part of that does some moron not get. ILLEGAL is ILLEGAL. Crime enough in my book.
So is jay walking. You could arrest 99% of the country on that one. The morons are the people that equate all legal infractions as equal "crimes".
SO I am trying to understand your position here. Is intent the yardstick by which we judge whether someone is a criminal or not? If I want to better my family and that involves defrauding an insurance company, do I get a pass?
Or is it commonality? Many people speed so speeding is not a crime. Or many people cheat on their taxes so that isnt a crime either.
I am trying to understand your argument here.
I don't have a fence. The line into my yard is imaginary. I can shoot you for that.

Not without a sign saying so. That would be murder and you'd be more of a criminal than someone who's merely an undocumented alien.
So if I want a better life for my family and that involves breaking the law, that makes it OK? Or are you saying the only real crimes are robbery, assault and murder?

I'm saying that your equating the two is bullshit.
I am trying to understand your delineations here. Are there some crimes that are "real serious" and need punishment and others that are OK to commit? What crimes are OK to commit?
I understand, though not accept, Obama's claim that he can't deport every illegal so he has to look the other way for some of these criminal invaders. But giving them permits to work here is another story entirely. That is a brazen case of the president writing laws and as such unconstitutional.
you'll have to examine the eo for the wording. my question would be what prohibits the permits?
SO I am trying to understand your position here. Is intent the yardstick by which we judge whether someone is a criminal or not? If I want to better my family and that involves defrauding an insurance company, do I get a pass?Or is it commonality? Many people speed so speeding is not a crime. Or many people cheat on their taxes so that isnt a crime either.I am trying to understand your argument here.
No you're not trying to understand my argument. You're throwing in red-herrings to cloud the issue. Simply crossing a border and not hurting anyone or stealing from anyone is not of the same order as those who do rob, maim and murder.

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