How dumb does the MSM have to be.... 215,126,394 COVID tests... and the MSM still uses "SPIKE" to describe it?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
When will most of us comprehend the simple fact: THE MSM is making money off COVID news!
Why else would there be in just this latest Google search for "COVID cases spike" 104,000 NEWS articles!
Duh!!! When 215 million COVID tests are done as of 12/11/20 geez don't you think there would be more cases found?
And the dumb ass comments by ignorant MSM average 3,000 deaths per day and 200,000 cases per day!
WHERE do they get those totally erroneous numbers?
FACTS! From this source:Coronavirus Update (Live): 71,064,142 Cases and 1,594,628 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
AVERAGE new cases per day for since 9/1/20 6,601... NOT 200,000 a day! And deaths per day since 9/1/20 not 3,000 but 1,142!
As US average of daily cases nears 200,000, experts say ‘behavior and cold weather’ are behind Covid-19 surge

FACTS: Average NEW cases 6,601 per day Average deaths per day 1,142!
BUT the MSM needs to pay their bills with advertising and advertising is sold based on viewers and LYING to viewers supposedly gets advertising $!
Well MSM!!! WAKE UP! More and more Americans are becoming aware of your totally exaggerated statements!
FACT:Media Use and Evaluation
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