How EVIL is liberalism anyway?

Another Crapspiracy nut sack shoots his wad!

First of all, you lost all credibility when you declared yourself the ultimate power in the universe. From this point on, you're just like a small child. We'll either laugh at the adorable things you say or cringe at your ignorance.

Second - anyone who calls the Holocaust a "conspiracy" is the ultimate tin foil hat conspiracy loon.
1.your opinion on what's credible is meaningless.
2. I never have and never will claim to be the ultimate power in the universe.
3.I never said , implyed, etc.
That the Holocaust was conspiracy of the kind you wish I did, however it was a conspiracy to destroy the jews perpetrated by the Nazis
4. Who the fuck is we?
Your bogus reference to we is either the appeal to the masses fallacy or

Definition of NOSISM.
Do you have to practice at being an ignorant pretentious fuck or does it come naturally?
funny.... there's no such thing as satan.

and if there is, he loves pretend christians with their butt backward pretend morality.

Wait....what? Did you really just say there is no such thing as satan?:booze:

yes. because there isn't.
Just so you know - God vehemently disagrees with you on this one. It's hard to cast out something that doesn't exist. :eusa_eh:

not according to jews. you know that, right?
Are you sure about that J? Here are the highest leaders of the Jewish faith talking about SATAN this morning...

‘Satan Incarnate’ — Rabbi Condemns Jewish Women’s Group Praying at Jerusalem Holy Site
‘Satan Incarnate’ — Rabbi Condemns Jewish Women’s Group Praying at Jerusalem Holy Site
Ah yes....another smug liberal who believes he is the ultimate authority in the universe. Nothing could possibly be above Dr. Grump.

Well hey....good luck with that. Let me know how it works out for you. Oh wait - where you're going we most certainly will not be able to speak. Well, at least you made a good trade. A giant ego...which....gets you nothing in this life eternity of suffering. Yikes. Hope that ego was worth it.

On the contrary. I wouldn't dream of calling myself the ultimate authority on anything - well except for the EPL maybe. Unlike the being at the core of the superstitious nonsense you espouse..
Ole Dr. Grump is so smart - nothing could be above him. Nothing. Pride comes before the fall. The ego has consumed grump here. Completely consumed him.
Ah yes....another smug liberal who believes he is the ultimate authority in the universe. Nothing could possibly be above Dr. Grump.

Well hey....good luck with that. Let me know how it works out for you. Oh wait - where you're going we most certainly will not be able to speak. Well, at least you made a good trade. A giant ego...which....gets you nothing in this life eternity of suffering. Yikes. Hope that ego was worth it.

On the contrary. I wouldn't dream of calling myself the ultimate authority on anything - well except for the EPL maybe. Unlike the being at the core of the superstitious nonsense you espouse..
Ole Dr. Grump is so smart - nothing could be above him. Nothing. Pride comes before the fall. The ego has consumed grump here. Completely consumed him.
Odd, that'a spot on discription of you.
Another Crapspiracy nut sack shoots his wad!

First of all, you lost all credibility when you declared yourself the ultimate power in the universe. From this point on, you're just like a small child. We'll either laugh at the adorable things you say or cringe at your ignorance.

Second - anyone who calls the Holocaust a "conspiracy" is the ultimate tin foil hat conspiracy loon.
1.your opinion on what's credible is meaningless.
2. I never have and never will claim to be the ultimate power in the universe.
3.I never said , implyed, etc.
That the Holocaust was conspiracy of the kind you wish I did, however it was a conspiracy to destroy the jews perpetrated by the Nazis
4. Who the fuck is we?
Your bogus reference to we is either the appeal to the masses fallacy or

Definition of NOSISM.
Do you have to practice at being an ignorant pretentious fuck or does it come naturally?
Uh-oh....someone is now throwing a tantrum like a child (proving me right). Use your words little Daws. Use your words. :lmao:

You even structured your entire post like a small child (again, provide me right). For instance the "your" after number one should be capitalized. And then in numbers three and four you randomly entered paragraphs and capitalizations were none belonged and ended four with "or" :lmao:

I think my accuracy above touched a nerve in a big way. And understandably so. I mean, you believe you're God (major mental disorder) and you believe the Holocaust was a "conspiracy" perpetrated by the "evil" Jews. I can see why you're a liberal. Someone like you is forced to be a parasite off of society for survival. You're completely unemployable in every way with your mess of mental disorders (not to mention the way you resort to swearing the moment you get frustrated - again, like a small child).
funny.... there's no such thing as satan.

and if there is, he loves pretend christians with their butt backward pretend morality.

Wait....what? Did you really just say there is no such thing as satan?:booze:

yes. because there isn't.
Just so you know - God vehemently disagrees with you on this one. It's hard to cast out something that doesn't exist. :eusa_eh:

not according to jews. you know that, right?
Are you sure about that J? Here are the highest leaders of the Jewish faith talking about SATAN this morning...

‘Satan Incarnate’ — Rabbi Condemns Jewish Women’s Group Praying at Jerusalem Holy Site
‘Satan Incarnate’ — Rabbi Condemns Jewish Women’s Group Praying at Jerusalem Holy Site
Is the phrase credible source a foreign concept to you?
Ah yes....another smug liberal who believes he is the ultimate authority in the universe. Nothing could possibly be above Dr. Grump.

Well hey....good luck with that. Let me know how it works out for you. Oh wait - where you're going we most certainly will not be able to speak. Well, at least you made a good trade. A giant ego...which....gets you nothing in this life eternity of suffering. Yikes. Hope that ego was worth it.

On the contrary. I wouldn't dream of calling myself the ultimate authority on anything - well except for the EPL maybe. Unlike the being at the core of the superstitious nonsense you espouse..
Ole Dr. Grump is so smart - nothing could be above him. Nothing. Pride comes before the fall. The ego has consumed grump here. Completely consumed him.
Odd, that'a spot on discription of you.
I'm not the one denying the existence of God or declaring myself the ultimate authority of the universe like you and Dr. Ego.
By any reasonable measure of evil,

what is evil about liberalism? Be specific.
The fact that they violate the U.S. Constitution and other laws is evil. The fact they desire power and control over other is evil. The fact that they bear false witness and will ruin the reputation, career, and life of an individual by falsely calling them "racist" or "bigot" or "homophobic" is pure evil. The fact that they were never taught by their mommy and daddy (probably because liberal parents are absent parents who don't take care of their children) that stealing is wrong is evil. The fact that liberals believe it's ok to be a parasite on society and never produce anything in return for society is evil.

Is that enough for you NY or will you just pretend like none of that counts and then move the goal posts again?
You've provided no credible evidence constitutional violation by Liberals.
So then, all your claims that AGW is true are bogus?
Could you be any less ignorant?

You just said that it's not possible to prove that AGW is a farce. If that's the case, then it's also not possible to prove that it's not a farce.
really where?
Besides you are wrong there is more than enough evidence to prove climate change is real.
There is no evidence to prove it's not .
For your "logic" and assumption to be valid there would have to be equivalent amounts of evidence for both arguments.
You said "it's not possible to prove," not "there is not enough evidence to prove." The former indicates a non-falsifiable statement, such as the claim "chocolate tastes better than vanilla." It can't be proven false, and it can't be proven true. That's the kind of claim you made with regard to AGW, "it can't be proven false."

However, I don't want to over tax your minute brain. I realize you will never get the point.
Another blatantly false comparison.

It wasn't a comparison, moron.
Wait....what? Did you really just say there is no such thing as satan?:booze:

yes. because there isn't.
Just so you know - God vehemently disagrees with you on this one. It's hard to cast out something that doesn't exist. :eusa_eh:

not according to jews. you know that, right?
Are you sure about that J? Here are the highest leaders of the Jewish faith talking about SATAN this morning...

‘Satan Incarnate’ — Rabbi Condemns Jewish Women’s Group Praying at Jerusalem Holy Site
‘Satan Incarnate’ — Rabbi Condemns Jewish Women’s Group Praying at Jerusalem Holy Site
Is the phrase credible source a foreign concept to you?
And now Daws wants to proclaim that a Rabbi is not a credible source for the Jewish faith. just can't make this stuff up. :lmao:
Another Crapspiracy nut sack shoots his wad!

First of all, you lost all credibility when you declared yourself the ultimate power in the universe. From this point on, you're just like a small child. We'll either laugh at the adorable things you say or cringe at your ignorance.

Second - anyone who calls the Holocaust a "conspiracy" is the ultimate tin foil hat conspiracy loon.
1.your opinion on what's credible is meaningless.
2. I never have and never will claim to be the ultimate power in the universe.
3.I never said , implyed, etc.
That the Holocaust was conspiracy of the kind you wish I did, however it was a conspiracy to destroy the jews perpetrated by the Nazis
4. Who the fuck is we?
Your bogus reference to we is either the appeal to the masses fallacy or

Definition of NOSISM.
Do you have to practice at being an ignorant pretentious fuck or does it come naturally?
Uh-oh....someone is now throwing a tantrum like a child (proving me right). Use your words little Daws. Use your words. :lmao:

You even structured your entire post like a small child (again, provide me right). For instance the "your" after number one should be capitalized. And then in numbers three and four you randomly entered paragraphs and capitalizations were none belonged and ended four with "or" :lmao:

I think my accuracy above touched a nerve in a big way. And understandably so. I mean, you believe you're God (major mental disorder) and you believe the Holocaust was a "conspiracy" perpetrated by the "evil" Jews. I can see why you're a liberal. Someone like you is forced to be a parasite off of society for survival. You're completely unemployable in every way with your mess of mental disorders (not to mention the way you resort to swearing the moment you get frustrated - again, like a small child).
Ohhhh no not the tantrum ploy again!
Spell Nazism the ultimate sign of desperation!
I have long been acquainted with liberalism and use to find them kind of adorable in a naive, idealistic, immature, yapping lapdog kind of way, bitching about freedom, hating the U.S. Constitution, and insisting that whatever anyone else had they somehow deserved at least half of, if not more.

Well, now we have a blend of liberalism and communism that many people confuse with 'true' liberalism, but it is NOT liberalism. For instance, John F. Kennedy was adamant that lowering taxes was the only way to get a stagnant economy back on track. In addition, he famously stated in a speech "ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country". However, anybody today who express those John F. Kennedy liberal views is labeled by the left as "radical". Radical. It is "radical" in the minds of the modern day unhinged lefties to lower taxes or ask people to sacrifice for their country, rather than the country sacrificing everything for them. It is the putrid ideology from the mind of an evil avowed atheist escapee from the Soviet Union who had no use for love or charity or God. All modern day liberals want is rampant sexual deviance, the total destruction of a civilized society, and the permanent destruction of God. The deepest thought they are capable of producing is simpleton and irrational arguments for why they don't have to produce but have every right to be a parasite to society.

Modern day liberals have been completely exposed for the loveless and evil bitches that they are deep in their dark and disturbing souls. None of them will share what they have. None. Place a liberal on a polygraph and ask if they ever paid for the health insurance policy for an uninsured child and the answer will unequivocally be a resounding "no" each and every time. Likewise, ask them if they ever went without a meal to ensure that their fellow man had a hot meal, and once again the answer will unequivocally be a resounding "no" each and every time. Yet they will sit all day in a forum (such as USMB), refusing to work, refusing to hold a job and be a productive member of society, pretending to care sooo deeply about their fellow man. But as history has already proven and many have pointed out - the modern day liberal is quite generous with someone else's money. When it comes to their own, they won't share a damn thing.

Today's modern day liberal sells communism under the guise of liberalism - and it is not only rotting liberalism from the inside, like a cancer, but it's doing the same thing to America. $19 trillion in debt (on the verge of collapse). More people on food stamps than any time in U.S. history. Detroit - under total Democrat rule (both mayor and city council) for 60 years and now bankrupt. Just like the U.S.S.R. before, ignorant left-wing policy is collapsing the country, creating decay, dilapidation, poverty, and misery.

The take over of the Democrat Party movement by socialists/marxists/communists is a real disaster for the America as we enter a new age of technology in which jobs can easily and quickly be moved overseas because of ignorant liberal policies creating taxes and regulations too costly to keep the jobs here in America. Liberals pretend to care for other Americans, but at the end of the day, focus on brining everyone down into poverty because they are envious of anyone who has more than they do or does better than they do. It has never been about others for them - it has always been envy driving them to undermine and harm their fellow man.

America, if she is to survive, must find a way to shed itself of these useless evil parasites that are a pimple on America's ass or the America will die the well deserved death of wicked heresies ($19 trillion in debt and massive loss of freedoms because of communist liberalism has proven as much).

JFK was the most liberal president we've had since FDR, your mythology notwithstanding.
What "mythology"? Are you going to deny what I said about JFK was true? I dare you. Please? I mean, the one quote is just from his most famous speech ever that even your average third grader knows and the other one there are tons of audio on that I can post.

JFK would be completely and totally ashamed of the modern Democrat Party. All you people ever do is selfishly ask what this nation can do for you (give me food, give me housing, give me healthcare). There was no government healthcare during JFK's presidency. Not even Medicare or Medicaid. Did he stand up and say "we need to give people healthcare" like the idiot Obama did? Nope. He said "stop being a bunch of sniveling babies demanding shit and start making sacrifices for the U.S.". And therein is the glaring proof of how radicalized and unhinged liberals have become. They won't sacrifice shit for their country. They are a bunch of selfish, self-absorbed parasites always demanding that everyone else provide for them not matter what it costs or what it does to the country.
JFK would be proud of today's Democrats...they actually passed universal healthcare which he was unable to do
JFK's "Ask not what your country can do for you" speech is always misquoted by conservatives. He was asking the youth of his country to give public service to their country, rather than to exploit their university degrees for money. He created the Peace Corps, where the best and the brightest worked for peanuts in Third World Countries.

Don't try to pretend that JFK was any kind of conservative, just because he wanted to lower taxes. Don't forget that the Civil Rights Act, which LBJ pushed through and signed, was originally proposed by JFK.

John Fitzgerald Kennedy inspired young liberals all over the world. I was one of them. His speeches on fairness and justice inspired a whole generation of young people. I can understand conservatives want to claim him, but everything you hate about America today, started with JFK.

What they keep conveniently "forgetting" to mention about those taxes is that it was simply TIME to lower them, the tax rate having been sky-high in the late '40s and '50s in order to pay for the cleanup of World War Two. Europe did the same thing at the same time. Had nothing to do with being "liberal" or "conservative".
I would gladly go back to JFKs 70% upper tax rate

By any reasonable measure of evil,

what is evil about liberalism? Be specific.
The fact that they violate the U.S. Constitution and other laws is evil. The fact they desire power and control over other is evil. The fact that they bear false witness and will ruin the reputation, career, and life of an individual by falsely calling them "racist" or "bigot" or "homophobic" is pure evil. The fact that they were never taught by their mommy and daddy (probably because liberal parents are absent parents who don't take care of their children) that stealing is wrong is evil. The fact that liberals believe it's ok to be a parasite on society and never produce anything in return for society is evil.

Is that enough for you NY or will you just pretend like none of that counts and then move the goal posts again?
You've provided no credible evidence constitutional violation by Liberals.
Could you be any less ignorant?

You just said that it's not possible to prove that AGW is a farce. If that's the case, then it's also not possible to prove that it's not a farce.
really where?
Besides you are wrong there is more than enough evidence to prove climate change is real.
There is no evidence to prove it's not .
For your "logic" and assumption to be valid there would have to be equivalent amounts of evidence for both arguments.
You said "it's not possible to prove," not "there is not enough evidence to prove." The former indicates a non-falsifiable statement, such as the claim "chocolate tastes better than vanilla." It can't be proven false, and it can't be proven true. That's the kind of claim you made with regard to AGW, "it can't be proven false."

However, I don't want to over tax your minute brain. I realize you will never get the point.
Another blatantly false comparison.

It wasn't a comparison, moron.
Really what was it then ?
It was no statement of fact.
It was a clear a comparison as apples and oranges.
yes. because there isn't.
Just so you know - God vehemently disagrees with you on this one. It's hard to cast out something that doesn't exist. :eusa_eh:

not according to jews. you know that, right?
Are you sure about that J? Here are the highest leaders of the Jewish faith talking about SATAN this morning...

‘Satan Incarnate’ — Rabbi Condemns Jewish Women’s Group Praying at Jerusalem Holy Site
‘Satan Incarnate’ — Rabbi Condemns Jewish Women’s Group Praying at Jerusalem Holy Site
Is the phrase credible source a foreign concept to you?
And now Daws wants to proclaim that a Rabbi is not a credible source for the Jewish faith. just can't make this stuff up. :lmao:
Another false assumption! your source the blaze in not credible.
By definition anything presented in it is also not credible.
The fact that they violate the U.S. Constitution and other laws is evil. The fact they desire power and control over other is evil. The fact that they bear false witness and will ruin the reputation, career, and life of an individual by falsely calling them "racist" or "bigot" or "homophobic" is pure evil. The fact that they were never taught by their mommy and daddy (probably because liberal parents are absent parents who don't take care of their children) that stealing is wrong is evil. The fact that liberals believe it's ok to be a parasite on society and never produce anything in return for society is evil.

Is that enough for you NY or will you just pretend like none of that counts and then move the goal posts again?
You've provided no credible evidence constitutional violation by Liberals.
You just said that it's not possible to prove that AGW is a farce. If that's the case, then it's also not possible to prove that it's not a farce.
really where?
Besides you are wrong there is more than enough evidence to prove climate change is real.
There is no evidence to prove it's not .
For your "logic" and assumption to be valid there would have to be equivalent amounts of evidence for both arguments.
You said "it's not possible to prove," not "there is not enough evidence to prove." The former indicates a non-falsifiable statement, such as the claim "chocolate tastes better than vanilla." It can't be proven false, and it can't be proven true. That's the kind of claim you made with regard to AGW, "it can't be proven false."

However, I don't want to over tax your minute brain. I realize you will never get the point.
Another blatantly false comparison.

It wasn't a comparison, moron.
Really what was it then ?
It was no statement of fact.
It was a clear a comparison as apples and oranges.

The words you used were the exact same words used in the invalid argument, dumbass.
Just so you know - God vehemently disagrees with you on this one. It's hard to cast out something that doesn't exist. :eusa_eh:

not according to jews. you know that, right?
Are you sure about that J? Here are the highest leaders of the Jewish faith talking about SATAN this morning...

‘Satan Incarnate’ — Rabbi Condemns Jewish Women’s Group Praying at Jerusalem Holy Site
‘Satan Incarnate’ — Rabbi Condemns Jewish Women’s Group Praying at Jerusalem Holy Site
Is the phrase credible source a foreign concept to you?
And now Daws wants to proclaim that a Rabbi is not a credible source for the Jewish faith. just can't make this stuff up. :lmao:
Another false assumption! your source the blaze in not credible.
By definition anything presented in it is also not credible.
The Blaze is widely considered the most credible news source in the world today (which is exactly why you fear it so much). But that aside junior, if you can get a parent or adult to help you, you can Google the story and see that it is being reported by all news outlets.

So why won't you get a parent to help you? Because a Rabbi mentioning Satan proves that you were wrong. But then again I've been proving that for two days right here on USMB.

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