How EVIL is liberalism anyway?

The blaze was founded by Glen beck .

Very good little Bobby! But....the "b" in Beck is capitalized. Because it was founded by Beck with a complete and total commitment to real journalism focusing on the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, that is exactly why it is widely considered around the globe as the most trustworthy news site.
Somebody's pitching a fit and it ain't me!
How embarrassing that you have to claim a Rabbi knows nothing about the Jewish faith because it proves you wrong...

Didn't say that !
Desperate much.
JFK would be proud of today's Democrats...they actually passed universal healthcare which he was unable to do

As always, facts, history, and video prove you wrong:

Amazing how conservatives manage to corrupt one of JFKs most famous lines from a call for public service into a condemnation of social programs

And yet none of you liberals answer that call to public service. Nearly none of you serve in the military. Absolutely none of you share your wealth (but demand that others do). None of you volunteer to help others. All you do is demand that your country do for you. The parasite class. JFK was appalled by the parasite class.

Liberals by the thousands signed up for JFKs Peace Corps

Of course liberals serve their country, always have. They also volunteer in their communities and contribute to charities

Oh I know. Back when liberals were liberals and believed in serving instead of taking - just like JFK. But this isn't 1967. What are liberals doing today RW?
The blaze was founded by Glen beck .

Very good little Bobby! But....the "b" in Beck is capitalized. Because it was founded by Beck with a complete and total commitment to real journalism focusing on the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, that is exactly why it is widely considered around the globe as the most trustworthy news site.
Somebody's pitching a fit and it ain't me!
How embarrassing that you have to claim a Rabbi knows nothing about the Jewish faith because it proves you wrong...

Didn't say that !
Desperate much.
Uh....yes you did! You said he had "no credibility". :lmao:

And why are you getting off of the subject? There is Sephardic Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem, Rabbi Shlomo Amar mentioning satan when your arrogant (and apparently ignorant) ass claimed that Jews don't believe in satan.
The blaze was founded by Glen beck .

Very good little Bobby! But....the "b" in Beck is capitalized. Because it was founded by Beck with a complete and total commitment to real journalism focusing on the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, that is exactly why it is widely considered around the globe as the most trustworthy news site.
Somebody's pitching a fit and it ain't me!
This one isn't The Blaze. Now what chief???

Sephardic Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem, Rabbi Shlomo Amar: "WoW is satan incarnate"

Jerusalem Chief Rabbi: WoW is 'satan incarnate'
The blaze was founded by Glen beck .

Very good little Bobby! But....the "b" in Beck is capitalized. Because it was founded by Beck with a complete and total commitment to real journalism focusing on the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, that is exactly why it is widely considered around the globe as the most trustworthy news site.
Somebody's pitching a fit and it ain't me!
How embarrassing that you have to claim a Rabbi knows nothing about the Jewish faith because it proves you wrong...

ah no the rabbi is complaining about the presence of women at the wall.
Besides I've posted a link twice explaining the Jewish view on satan.
Refuting your bullshit.
The blaze was founded by Glen beck .

Very good little Bobby! But....the "b" in Beck is capitalized. Because it was founded by Beck with a complete and total commitment to real journalism focusing on the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, that is exactly why it is widely considered around the globe as the most trustworthy news site.
Somebody's pitching a fit and it ain't me!
How embarrassing that you have to claim a Rabbi knows nothing about the Jewish faith because it proves you wrong...

Didn't say that !
Desperate much.
Uh....yes you did! You said he had "no credibility". :lmao:

And why are you getting off of the subject? There is Sephardic Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem, Rabbi Shlomo Amar mentioning satan when your arrogant (and apparently ignorant) ass claimed that Jews don't believe in satan.
Wrong again !I said your source ( the blaze) was not credible. The rest is you rationalizing .
The blaze was founded by Glen beck .

Very good little Bobby! But....the "b" in Beck is capitalized. Because it was founded by Beck with a complete and total commitment to real journalism focusing on the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, that is exactly why it is widely considered around the globe as the most trustworthy news site.
Somebody's pitching a fit and it ain't me!
This one isn't The Blaze. Now what chief???

Sephardic Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem, Rabbi Shlomo Amar: "WoW is satan incarnate"

Jerusalem Chief Rabbi: WoW is 'satan incarnate'
Asked and answered.

"Yes, liberals did create this country. Today we are called libertarians."

The stupidity of this is exceeded only by its ignorance.

Liberals today are the same liberals who founded this country: pragmatists who created a Constitutional Republic whose citizens are subject solely to the rule of law, safeguarding the rights of all citizens from government excess, where the people are at liberty to express themselves in a free and democratic society absent unwarranted government interference.

Conservatism and libertarianism are the reactionary remnants of the fear, ignorance, and hate that the Founding Generation sought to remove themselves from – the baseless fear of change, diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty the Old World subjected to oppression and disadvantage.

Today we see conservatives and libertarians hostile to diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty, making efforts to disadvantage classes of citizens whom they fear and oppose, conservatives by force of law, libertarians by denying citizens their Constitutional protections – both equally wrong and in conflict with the principles which founded this Nation.
JFK would be proud of today's Democrats...they actually passed universal healthcare which he was unable to do

As always, facts, history, and video prove you wrong:

Do you realize that helping the poor, providing Americans Medicare and Medicaid, etc.,

was the kind of thing JFK was talking about when he was admonishing Americans to do what they could do for the country?
Today we see conservatives and libertarians hostile to diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty, making efforts to disadvantage classes of citizens whom they fear and oppose, conservatives by force of law, libertarians by denying citizens their Constitutional protections – both equally wrong and in conflict with the principles which founded this Nation.

Libertarians want to deny citizens their Constitutional protections? What protections?
Patton did pretty well

he was okay. Just not great. I mean, his story makes for a great movie etc, but if you really look at it, there were a lot better generals - and men - than him fighting in that war.

Okay? Please. He inspired his mean to go in and win the ugliest battles of WWII in Europe. Guys like Eisenhower and Bradly while serving a more diplomatic role would have struggled in conflicts like the Battle of the Bulge where troops had to go in knowing there wasn't just a chance they would die like other battles, but a strong likelyhood. You need generals like Eisenhower and Patton. But that Patton was just "okay" is ridiculous. He saved a lot of lives
JFK's "Ask not what your country can do for you" speech is always misquoted by conservatives. He was asking the youth of his country to give public service to their country, rather than to exploit their university degrees for money. He created the Peace Corps, where the best and the brightest worked for peanuts in Third World Countries.

Don't try to pretend that JFK was any kind of conservative, just because he wanted to lower taxes. Don't forget that the Civil Rights Act, which LBJ pushed through and signed, was originally proposed by JFK.

John Fitzgerald Kennedy inspired young liberals all over the world. I was one of them. His speeches on fairness and justice inspired a whole generation of young people. I can understand conservatives want to claim him, but everything you hate about America today, started with JFK.

What they keep conveniently "forgetting" to mention about those taxes is that it was simply TIME to lower them, the tax rate having been sky-high in the late '40s and '50s in order to pay for the cleanup of World War Two. Europe did the same thing at the same time. Had nothing to do with being "liberal" or "conservative".
I would gladly go back to JFKs 70% upper tax rate.

So the question becomes left-winger - why don't you? It is not illegal to increase your own tax rate. You are absolutely permitted by law to write a check to the IRS for more than you owe. So why don't you start making your own tax rate 70%? Talk is cheap. Walk the walk. Show some real leadership. Maybe the rest of us will follow your lead if you get up out of the stands and get in the game.
JFK would be proud of today's Democrats...they actually passed universal healthcare which he was unable to do

As always, facts, history, and video prove you wrong:

No, once again you’re proven wrong.

‘It was cold in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 20, 1961 — a day that would change the lives of many young Americans.

Bruce Birch woke to find the city at a near-standstill. Blanketed by eight inches of snow, the nation's capital reacted to the weather in much the same way it does a half-century later — by pretty much shutting down.

Birch was a student from Midwestern College in Kansas who was studying at American University in D.C. for a semester. And for him, waiting out the weather wasn't an option.
Kennedy's speech…touched on inspiration in many ways — "the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans.… Now the trumpet summons us again.… I do not shrink from this responsibility — I welcome it."

But none were as direct or memorable as the "Ask Not" line. That was the one that made service an American imperative.

Birch was one of the many listeners who took it to heart. He went on to become a teacher, a professor and, later, dean of Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, D.C. — positions he held for 38 years before retiring.’

'Ask Not...': JFK's Words Still Inspire 50 Years Later

Kennedy’s Inaugural was a masterful expression of liberal pragmatism, a call to reject partisanism and failed conservative dogma, and to participate in government service to indeed serve the American Nation, where government can play a positive role by facilitating change through public service, not government mandate.

The right’s failed attempts to misrepresent Kennedy’s vision for America and to misappropriate what he stood for is among the more reprehensible manifestations of conservatism.

"Yes, liberals did create this country. Today we are called libertarians."

The stupidity of this is exceeded only by its ignorance.

Liberals today are the same liberals who founded this country: pragmatists who created a Constitutional Republic whose citizens are subject solely to the rule of law, safeguarding the rights of all citizens from government excess, where the people are at liberty to express themselves in a free and democratic society absent unwarranted government interference.

Conservatism and libertarianism are the reactionary remnants of the fear, ignorance, and hate that the Founding Generation sought to remove themselves from – the baseless fear of change, diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty the Old World subjected to oppression and disadvantage.

Today we see conservatives and libertarians hostile to diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty, making efforts to disadvantage classes of citizens whom they fear and oppose, conservatives by force of law, libertarians by denying citizens their Constitutional protections – both equally wrong and in conflict with the principles which founded this Nation.

Care to make up anything more.

Classical liberals are thinkers and problem solvers who understand how society functions.

The far left is the product of the elitist class (and is often mistakenly called liberal.....Obama is not a liberal).

True conservatives are no more reactionary than liberals are the far left.

You are so full of crap your eyes must be dark brown.
Unless we get past labelling as "liberal" or "conservative" there is no hope. Low ability thinkers get stuck on labels.​
JFK would be proud of today's Democrats...they actually passed universal healthcare which he was unable to do

As always, facts, history, and video prove you wrong:

Amazing how conservatives manage to corrupt one of JFKs most famous lines from a call for public service into a condemnation of social programs

And yet none of you liberals answer that call to public service. Nearly none of you serve in the military. Absolutely none of you share your wealth (but demand that others do). None of you volunteer to help others. All you do is demand that your country do for you. The parasite class. JFK was appalled by the parasite class.

Liberals by the thousands signed up for JFKs Peace Corps

Of course liberals serve their country, always have. They also volunteer in their communities and contribute to charities

Oh I know. Back when liberals were liberals and believed in serving instead of taking - just like JFK. But this isn't 1967. What are liberals doing today RW?

Glad you asked....liberals today volunteer to support charities that help the poor, the handicapped, education, welfare

The spirit of JFK is alive and well in today's liberals
JFK's "Ask not what your country can do for you" speech is always misquoted by conservatives. He was asking the youth of his country to give public service to their country, rather than to exploit their university degrees for money. He created the Peace Corps, where the best and the brightest worked for peanuts in Third World Countries.

Don't try to pretend that JFK was any kind of conservative, just because he wanted to lower taxes. Don't forget that the Civil Rights Act, which LBJ pushed through and signed, was originally proposed by JFK.

John Fitzgerald Kennedy inspired young liberals all over the world. I was one of them. His speeches on fairness and justice inspired a whole generation of young people. I can understand conservatives want to claim him, but everything you hate about America today, started with JFK.

What they keep conveniently "forgetting" to mention about those taxes is that it was simply TIME to lower them, the tax rate having been sky-high in the late '40s and '50s in order to pay for the cleanup of World War Two. Europe did the same thing at the same time. Had nothing to do with being "liberal" or "conservative".
I would gladly go back to JFKs 70% upper tax rate.

So the question becomes left-winger - why don't you? It is not illegal to increase your own tax rate. You are absolutely permitted by law to write a check to the IRS for more than you owe. So why don't you start making your own tax rate 70%? Talk is cheap. Walk the walk. Show some real leadership. Maybe the rest of us will follow your lead if you get up out of the stands and get in the game.

Typical nonsense of voluntary taxation. It does not work...never has

If you support war...why don't you volunteer
If you want schools for it yourself
Want a new more in taxes for it
Typical nonsense of voluntary taxation. It does not work...never has

If you support war...why don't you volunteer
If you want schools for it yourself
Want a new more in taxes for it
Wait a second...I never said a "voluntary" tax system. I simply said under the current tax structure, why don't you boost your own tax rate up to 70%? The rest of America will still be paying the exact same taxes that we do now. But you liberals who are so supportive of 70% - 90% tax rates - why don't you start paying those taxes? Think about what that would do for the national debt.

Typical nonsense of voluntary taxation. It does not work...never has

If you support war...why don't you volunteer
If you want schools for it yourself
Want a new more in taxes for it
Wait a second...I never said a "voluntary" tax system. I simply said under the current tax structure, why don't you boost your own tax rate up to 70%? The rest of America will still be paying the exact same taxes that we do now. But you liberals who are so supportive of 70% - 90% tax rates - why don't you start paying those taxes? Think about what that would do for the national debt.


That is why RightWinger is not a liberal.

He makes stuff up and acts as if it is O.K. to do so.

A true liberal would have thought out their post before typing it out.
As always, facts, history, and video prove you wrong:

Amazing how conservatives manage to corrupt one of JFKs most famous lines from a call for public service into a condemnation of social programs

And yet none of you liberals answer that call to public service. Nearly none of you serve in the military. Absolutely none of you share your wealth (but demand that others do). None of you volunteer to help others. All you do is demand that your country do for you. The parasite class. JFK was appalled by the parasite class.

Liberals by the thousands signed up for JFKs Peace Corps

Of course liberals serve their country, always have. They also volunteer in their communities and contribute to charities

Oh I know. Back when liberals were liberals and believed in serving instead of taking - just like JFK. But this isn't 1967. What are liberals doing today RW?

Glad you asked....liberals today volunteer to support charities that help the poor, the handicapped, education, welfare

The spirit of JFK is alive and well in today's liberals

And conservatives do none of these things ?

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