How EVIL is liberalism anyway?

Typical nonsense of voluntary taxation. It does not work...never has

If you support war...why don't you volunteer
If you want schools for it yourself
Want a new more in taxes for it

Of course, at no point did I suggest a "voluntary tax system" for America. But when a liberals repulsive hypocrisy is on display for all to see, they immediately have to revert to a straw man.
Typical nonsense of voluntary taxation. It does not work...never has

If you support war...why don't you volunteer
If you want schools for it yourself
Want a new more in taxes for it
Wait a second...I never said a "voluntary" tax system. I simply said under the current tax structure, why don't you boost your own tax rate up to 70%? The rest of America will still be paying the exact same taxes that we do now. But you liberals who are so supportive of 70% - 90% tax rates - why don't you start paying those taxes? Think about what that would do for the national debt.


I am talking about the tax structure of the entire nation. Your childish ...if you want higher taxes, pay them yourself does nothing for overall revenue

As a nation, our record low tax rates on the wealthy have left the nation in perpetual austerity
Typical nonsense of voluntary taxation. It does not work...never has

If you support war...why don't you volunteer
If you want schools for it yourself
Want a new more in taxes for it

Of course, at no point did I suggest a "voluntary tax system" for America. But when a liberals repulsive hypocrisy is on display for all to see, they immediately have to revert to a straw man.
Wealthy liberals are willing to raise their own tax rates
Wealthy conservatives want to cut benefits to the poor

That is the difference
Typical nonsense of voluntary taxation. It does not work...never has

If you support war...why don't you volunteer
If you want schools for it yourself
Want a new more in taxes for it

Of course, at no point did I suggest a "voluntary tax system" for America. But when a liberals repulsive hypocrisy is on display for all to see, they immediately have to revert to a straw man.
Wealthy liberals are willing to raise their own tax rates
Wealthy conservatives want to cut benefits to the poor

That is the difference
If liberals were wiling to to raise their own taxes, they would. You're a prime example. You could pay 70% - you selfishly choose not to.
Wealthy liberals are willing to raise their own tax rates
Wealthy conservatives want to cut benefits to the poor

Why is that a problem? All of you caring, bleeding-heart liberals will form foundations to make sure the poor have everything they need. So what are you crying about? We could (and should) completely cut all "benefits" (which are 100% unconstitutional) to the poor and they would all be taken care of by you selfless and altruistic liberals. So again I ask - what is the problem? And don't come back with some snarky nonsensical response. Articulate the problem. I don't see one because you liberals are there to save the day.
Typical nonsense of voluntary taxation. It does not work...never has

If you support war...why don't you volunteer
If you want schools for it yourself
Want a new more in taxes for it
Wait a second...I never said a "voluntary" tax system. I simply said under the current tax structure, why don't you boost your own tax rate up to 70%? The rest of America will still be paying the exact same taxes that we do now. But you liberals who are so supportive of 70% - 90% tax rates - why don't you start paying those taxes? Think about what that would do for the national debt.


I am talking about the tax structure of the entire nation. Your childish ...if you want higher taxes, pay them yourself does nothing for overall revenue

As a nation, our record low tax rates on the wealthy have left the nation in perpetual austerity
"Record low". Complete and total lie as usual. For starters, we have the highest corporate tax rate in the world. Second, tax revenues in the government have been the highest in history over the Obama reign of terror. Over $4 trillion per year. $4 trillion. I could run the entire federal government off of $1 trillion and still have enough left over to significantly pay down the national debt. Those are the facts - and they are indisputable.
I am talking about the tax structure of the entire nation. Your childish ...if you want higher taxes, pay them yourself does nothing for overall revenue

As a nation, our record low tax rates on the wealthy have left the nation in perpetual austerity
Exactly. You claim to want 70% taxes but you refuse to pay that when you can. Set the precedence left-winger. Start paying that rate today. Change starts when someone gets up out of the stands, gets in the game, and inspires people. You claim to want things, but then you refuse to do them yourself.

And then when I simply point out your deplorable hypocrisy, you resort to anger and name calling.

"Yes, liberals did create this country. Today we are called libertarians."

The stupidity of this is exceeded only by its ignorance.

Liberals today are the same liberals who founded this country: pragmatists who created a Constitutional Republic whose citizens are subject solely to the rule of law, safeguarding the rights of all citizens from government excess, where the people are at liberty to express themselves in a free and democratic society absent unwarranted government interference.

Conservatism and libertarianism are the reactionary remnants of the fear, ignorance, and hate that the Founding Generation sought to remove themselves from – the baseless fear of change, diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty the Old World subjected to oppression and disadvantage.

Today we see conservatives and libertarians hostile to diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty, making efforts to disadvantage classes of citizens whom they fear and oppose, conservatives by force of law, libertarians by denying citizens their Constitutional protections – both equally wrong and in conflict with the principles which founded this Nation.

Care to make up anything more.

Classical liberals are thinkers and problem solvers who understand how society functions.

The far left is the product of the elitist class (and is often mistakenly called liberal.....Obama is not a liberal).

True conservatives are no more reactionary than liberals are the far left.

You are so full of crap your eyes must be dark brown.
BullShit !
Classical liberals are essentially todays libertarians. Liberal stems from the word liberate, in other words, freedom. Modern liberals like personal freedom, but not free markets. In that sense, their use of liberal is a misnomer.
Conservatives believe in free markets, but tend to oppose personal freedoms such as homosexuality and drug use.
hope that helps
Amazing how conservatives manage to corrupt one of JFKs most famous lines from a call for public service into a condemnation of social programs
And yet none of you liberals answer that call to public service. Nearly none of you serve in the military. Absolutely none of you share your wealth (but demand that others do). None of you volunteer to help others. All you do is demand that your country do for you. The parasite class. JFK was appalled by the parasite class.
Liberals by the thousands signed up for JFKs Peace Corps

Of course liberals serve their country, always have. They also volunteer in their communities and contribute to charities
Oh I know. Back when liberals were liberals and believed in serving instead of taking - just like JFK. But this isn't 1967. What are liberals doing today RW?
Glad you asked....liberals today volunteer to support charities that help the poor, the handicapped, education, welfare

The spirit of JFK is alive and well in today's liberals

And conservatives do none of these things ?
only when it profits them personally .
Today we see conservatives and libertarians hostile to diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty, making efforts to disadvantage classes of citizens whom they fear and oppose, conservatives by force of law, libertarians by denying citizens their Constitutional protections – both equally wrong and in conflict with the principles which founded this Nation.

Libertarians want to deny citizens their Constitutional protections? What protections?

To begin with…
  • Freedom of speech—the right to hold and express opinions and beliefs, no matter how disagreeable someone else may find them.
  • Freedom of religion.
  • The right to keep and bear arms.
  • The right to not be deprived of live, liberty or property without due process of law.
  • The right not to have private property taken for pubic use without just compensation

It's libertarians that are actively attacking these rights, and several others, right?

Or is it possible that Mr. Jones is confusing libertarians with modern-day “liberals”?
Kennedy’s Inaugural also illustrates how liberals embrace and celebrate change, unlike most conservatives and libertarians who fear change.

America has always been about change, facing the challenges of the future, not looking back wishing to return to an idealized American past that never actually existed to begin with.

"Yes, liberals did create this country. Today we are called libertarians."

The stupidity of this is exceeded only by its ignorance.

Liberals today are the same liberals who founded this country: pragmatists who created a Constitutional Republic whose citizens are subject solely to the rule of law, safeguarding the rights of all citizens from government excess, where the people are at liberty to express themselves in a free and democratic society absent unwarranted government interference.

Conservatism and libertarianism are the reactionary remnants of the fear, ignorance, and hate that the Founding Generation sought to remove themselves from – the baseless fear of change, diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty the Old World subjected to oppression and disadvantage.

Today we see conservatives and libertarians hostile to diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty, making efforts to disadvantage classes of citizens whom they fear and oppose, conservatives by force of law, libertarians by denying citizens their Constitutional protections – both equally wrong and in conflict with the principles which founded this Nation.

Care to make up anything more.

Classical liberals are thinkers and problem solvers who understand how society functions.

The far left is the product of the elitist class (and is often mistakenly called liberal.....Obama is not a liberal).

True conservatives are no more reactionary than liberals are the far left.

You are so full of crap your eyes must be dark brown.
BullShit !
Classical liberals are essentially todays libertarians. Liberal stems from the word liberate, in other words, freedom. Modern liberals like personal freedom, but not free markets. In that sense, their use of liberal is a misnomer.
Conservatives believe in free markets, but tend to oppose personal freedoms such as homosexuality and drug use.
hope that helps
I don't know of any conservative that opposes people's freedoms to engage in homosexuality. You're lying and you know it. What conservatives oppose is the sexual deviance that turns you on - like a cross-dressing pedophile being allowed into the girls bathroom to watch 8 year old girls change.

And I don't even play the "freedom" game from a bunch of people who work day and night to deny America their 1st Amendment rights, their 2nd Amendment rights, their 4th Amendment rights, and want to force everyone to accept sexual deviance. There is nobody who opposes freedom more than the left. If you truly embraced freedom, you would celebrate the freedom to be hateful, bigoted, racist, or homophobic. Because that is TRUE freedom. You hate freedom and everything about it. You want to force people to believe what you believe, think what you think, say what you say, and accept what you accept. The left is just a bunch of little Saddam Hussein's.

"Yes, liberals did create this country. Today we are called libertarians."

The stupidity of this is exceeded only by its ignorance.

Liberals today are the same liberals who founded this country: pragmatists who created a Constitutional Republic whose citizens are subject solely to the rule of law, safeguarding the rights of all citizens from government excess, where the people are at liberty to express themselves in a free and democratic society absent unwarranted government interference.

Conservatism and libertarianism are the reactionary remnants of the fear, ignorance, and hate that the Founding Generation sought to remove themselves from – the baseless fear of change, diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty the Old World subjected to oppression and disadvantage.

Today we see conservatives and libertarians hostile to diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty, making efforts to disadvantage classes of citizens whom they fear and oppose, conservatives by force of law, libertarians by denying citizens their Constitutional protections – both equally wrong and in conflict with the principles which founded this Nation.

Care to make up anything more.

Classical liberals are thinkers and problem solvers who understand how society functions.

The far left is the product of the elitist class (and is often mistakenly called liberal.....Obama is not a liberal).

True conservatives are no more reactionary than liberals are the far left.

You are so full of crap your eyes must be dark brown.
BullShit !
Classical liberals are essentially todays libertarians. Liberal stems from the word liberate, in other words, freedom. Modern liberals like personal freedom, but not free markets. In that sense, their use of liberal is a misnomer.
Conservatives believe in free markets, but tend to oppose personal freedoms such as homosexuality and drug use.
hope that helps
I don't know of any conservative that opposes people's freedoms to engage in homosexuality. You're lying and you know it. What conservatives oppose is the sexual deviance that turns you on - like a cross-dressing pedophile being allowed into the girls bathroom to watch 8 year old girls change.

And I don't even play the "freedom" game from a bunch of people who work day and night to deny America their 1st Amendment rights, their 2nd Amendment rights, their 4th Amendment rights, and want to force everyone to accept sexual deviance. There is nobody who opposes freedom more than the left. If you truly embraced freedom, you would celebrate the freedom to be hateful, bigoted, racist, or homophobic. Because that is TRUE freedom. You hate freedom and everything about it. You want to force people to believe what you believe, think what you think, say what you say, and accept what you accept. The left is just a bunch of little Saddam Hussein's.
" I don't know" that's the first and only intelligent thing you've said in this thread.
Classical liberals are essentially todays [sic] libertarians. Liberal stems from the word liberate, in other words, freedom. Modern liberals like personal freedom, but not free markets. In that sense, their use of liberal is a misnomer.
Conservatives believe in free markets, but tend to oppose personal freedoms such as homosexuality and drug use.
hope that helps

It's rather telling that the two prominent examples you bring up of “personal freedom” are drug abuse and immoral sexual perversion. Nothing about the right to control one's own property, or the right to keep and bear arms,or the right to express beliefs that others find disagreeable. Nothing about any genuine, important personal freedoms, including any of those explicitly affirmed in the Bill of Rights.

Drug abuse and sexual perversion. That's what “personal freedom” is about, to wrong-wing degenerates.
the only telling thing about it is, you need to be spoon fed the obvious ,
the three you are whining about being the most obvious of all.
Kennedy’s Inaugural also illustrates how liberals embrace and celebrate change, unlike most conservatives and libertarians who fear change.

America has always been about change, facing the challenges of the future, not looking back wishing to return to an idealized American past that never actually existed to begin with.

illustrates how liberals embrace and celebrate change, unlike most conservatives and libertarians who fear change.

Lmfao if that was the case they wouldn't be running around like a chicken with it's head cut off always crying about climate change.

If that was the case, they wouldn't always want to try to drag us back to the year 1950 with high taxes and less automation .

Kennedy’s Inaugural also illustrates how liberals embrace and celebrate change, unlike most conservatives and libertarians who fear change.

America has always been about change, facing the challenges of the future, not looking back wishing to return to an idealized American past that never actually existed to begin with.

illustrates how liberals embrace and celebrate change, unlike most conservatives and libertarians who fear change.

Lmfao if that was the case they wouldn't be running around like a chicken with it's head cut off always crying about climate change.

If that was the case, they wouldn't always want to try to drag us back to the year 1950 with high taxes and less automation .

major false comparison !
What is the difference between Conservatism and Liberalism?
• Beliefs of Conservatism and Liberalism:
• Conservatism believes in preserving the traditional values. They oppose changes that can disrupt the way things are now.

• Liberalism believes in liberty and equality. They believe everyone should have the right to live freely, and the government should make sure that equal rights are given to everyone.

• Government:
• Conservatism likes government intervention, but it expects the government to be small in scale so that there is more individual responsibility for citizens.

• Liberalism does not like government intervention. However, it expects the government to make sure the rights of people are protected.

• Types:
• Types of conservatism are liberal conservatism, libertarian conservatism, fiscal conservatism, green conservatism, cultural conservatism, social conservatism and religious conservatism.

• Types of liberalism are classical liberalism and social liberalism.

Images Courtesy: Edmund Burke and John Locke via Wikicommons (Public Domain)

Difference Between Conservatism and Liberalism
Typical nonsense of voluntary taxation. It does not work...never has

If you support war...why don't you volunteer
If you want schools for it yourself
Want a new more in taxes for it
Wait a second...I never said a "voluntary" tax system. I simply said under the current tax structure, why don't you boost your own tax rate up to 70%? The rest of America will still be paying the exact same taxes that we do now. But you liberals who are so supportive of 70% - 90% tax rates - why don't you start paying those taxes? Think about what that would do for the national debt.


I am talking about the tax structure of the entire nation. Your childish ...if you want higher taxes, pay them yourself does nothing for overall revenue

As a nation, our record low tax rates on the wealthy have left the nation in perpetual austerity
"Record low". Complete and total lie as usual. For starters, we have the highest corporate tax rate in the world. Second, tax revenues in the government have been the highest in history over the Obama reign of terror. Over $4 trillion per year. $4 trillion. I could run the entire federal government off of $1 trillion and still have enough left over to significantly pay down the national debt. Those are the facts - and they are indisputable.

Highest corporate tax rates in the bullshit

They pay around 13%

Less than I pay

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