How EVIL is liberalism anyway?

Typical nonsense of voluntary taxation. It does not work...never has

If you support war...why don't you volunteer
If you want schools for it yourself
Want a new more in taxes for it
Wait a second...I never said a "voluntary" tax system. I simply said under the current tax structure, why don't you boost your own tax rate up to 70%? The rest of America will still be paying the exact same taxes that we do now. But you liberals who are so supportive of 70% - 90% tax rates - why don't you start paying those taxes? Think about what that would do for the national debt.


I am talking about the tax structure of the entire nation. Your childish ...if you want higher taxes, pay them yourself does nothing for overall revenue

As a nation, our record low tax rates on the wealthy have left the nation in perpetual austerity
"Record low". Complete and total lie as usual. For starters, we have the highest corporate tax rate in the world. Second, tax revenues in the government have been the highest in history over the Obama reign of terror. Over $4 trillion per year. $4 trillion. I could run the entire federal government off of $1 trillion and still have enough left over to significantly pay down the national debt. Those are the facts - and they are indisputable.

Highest corporate tax rates in the bullshit

They pay around 13%

Less than I pay
Top Ten Countries With Highest Tax Rates
Dec 13, 2013 Julia Trello

While tax day is still many months off, the burden of taxes represents a constant concern for many Americans. But in many cases, the burden is much greater for people living elsewhere. How much greater? We’ve collected the Top Ten Highest Top Tax Rates, which start at a hefty 48% and just go up from there. If you hate taxes, here’s a list of places to avoid–but if you’d love the healthcare, education, and pensions that those taxes pay for, then here’s a set of states for you to consider!

#10 Ireland: 48% on income over $40,696
Ireland is known as a corporate tax haven, with corporations like Apple, Google, and Microsoft incorporating local companies to take advantage of the low corporate income tax rate (12.5%). Of course, the Irish government still must fund itself somehow, and aid from the European Union has meant that they need to raise taxes on residents. And they have: the tax rate is up to 48% for income beyond $40,696. This is admittedly above the Irish average of about $30,000 per worker, but still represents a good fraction of individuals giving up almost half their income!

#9 Finland: 49.2% on income over $87,222
Finland is well-known for having made enormous improvements in the quality of its educational system, and being at the top of many rankings. Finland has made a concerted effort to praise teachers in hopes that this would attract them–but they’ve also made an effort to pay them more, and this doesn’t come cheap. The almost 50% tax rate only applies to a small fraction of earners as Finland’s median income is around $31,000 but for those high earners it certainly stings.

#8 United Kingdom: 50% on income over $234,484
On the one hand, those earning less than about $14,000 pay no taxes, but on the other–the rich have quite a bill to foot. Fortunately (or unfortunately) for those rich, even in a country as wealthy the UK, very few earners are making enough to get hit by this rate–the median income in the UK is only $25,000. Nevertheless, with London’s role as a global financial center, there are many high-earners paying this rate and even accounting software big companies use can still generate surprising costs. But rest easy, wealthy Brits: your tax rate will drop to 45% next April.


#7 Japan: 50% on income over $228,880

Coming in just ahead of the United Kingdom due to the slightly lower cutoff, Japan is another country featuring a global city (Tokyo) and a high tax rate on ultra-high earners. While not chiefly a financial center (though there is plenty of finance), the supremacy of Japanese firms from Toyota to Nintendo means that there are plenty of high incomes to tap. And a good thing, as the Japanese government’s total debt is over twice the country’s annual income–so that’s a heck of a lot of taxes if they ever want to pay it off. With a median income of about $27,000 most won’t have to hand over this much but for those who do, the tax check of over $100,000 must be daunting.

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Read more: Top Gadgets & Tech Of 2013: Best Smartphone, Tablet, Laptop, App, Console, OS And More

#6 Austria: 50% on income over $74,442
Now we’re talking: 50% on a much larger fraction of the population places puts Austria ahead of the UK and Japan. And if you’re earning a paycheck (rather than capital gains or interest), then you can expect a bill for a further 18% in payroll taxes. This puts the tax bill for a worker earning $75,000 at just over $50,000–meaning you’d better be getting some fancy healthcare, a nice pension, and a whole lot more if it’s going to be worth it. Oh, and don’t think about stashing your cash next door in Switzerland: money held there is taxed through a special agreement with the famously reclusive Swiss government.

#5 Belgium: 50% on income over $45,037
Rounding out the 50% crowd is Belgium, home to waffles, chocolate, and the European Union. A quite diverse country, in part owing to Brussels’s status as the “capital of Europe”, Belgium is nevertheless not shy about taxing away your income. And tax it away they do: between income, payroll, and local taxes, you’re lucky there’s anything leftover for you!

#4 Netherlands: 52% on income over $70,090
In Belgium’s neighbor to the north, Netherlands, the tax rate is just a shade higher–at least for high earners. While average income for a worker is $29,000, a fair portion of the Dutch are paying over half their income in taxes. And it’s not just the footballers! Major brewers, banks, and industrial conglomerates dot the Dutch landscape, and even though they are using skilled accountants and high-end accounting software many paying large salaries that are taxed at the high rate. On the other hand, marijuana is legal, meaning that the mix of taxes and regulations that one would face in Netherlands–as elsewhere–are a matter of “you win some, you lose some”.

#3 Denmark: 55.38% on income over $70,633
This high rate is, in fact, down from the 62.3% it was a few years ago. In population a bit smaller than the state of Massachusetts, Denmark tries to get a lot of government bang from its small population’s bucks, funding a universal healthcare system, a top-notch school system, and generous unemployment benefits. Following the so-called Nordic Model, Denmark nevertheless has a very free market and the fourth-highest median wage in the world at almost $40,000 per earner, as well as generally quite low unemployment. A good thing, too, if you want to justify such a high tax rate.

#2 Sweden: 56.6% on income over $85,841
Unsurprisingly, Sweden has the highest tax rate in Europe and the second-highest in the world. Commonly referred to as an almost stereotypical socialist state, Sweden follows–or perhaps, invented–the Nordic Model that characterizes Norway, Finland, Denmark, and Iceland as well as Sweden. As in Denmark, the high tax rates subsidize a broad social safety net including free education, subsidized healthcare, and even a guaranteed personal pension. Sweden is also a prime example of the benefits of a free market even alongside a high tax rate, as the nation has more billionaires per capita than the United States, including the founder and owners of Ikea, H&M, and Tetra-Pak. Despite the high income tax rate, there are no taxes on residential property sales nor on inheritance–a fact that the children of the Ikea, H&M, and Tetra-Pak owners are no doubt keenly aware of.
Top Ten Countries With Highest Tax Rates -
Rather than describing the logic behind the "demand-side" policies of postwar Keynesianism, the OP - as usual - parakeets the oversimplified slogans of talk radio.
Classical liberals are essentially todays [sic] libertarians. Liberal stems from the word liberate, in other words, freedom. Modern liberals like personal freedom, but not free markets. In that sense, their use of liberal is a misnomer.
Conservatives believe in free markets, but tend to oppose personal freedoms such as homosexuality and drug use.
hope that helps

It's rather telling that the two prominent examples you bring up of “personal freedom” are drug abuse and immoral sexual perversion. Nothing about the right to control one's own property, or the right to keep and bear arms,or the right to express beliefs that others find disagreeable. Nothing about any genuine, important personal freedoms, including any of those explicitly affirmed in the Bill of Rights.

Drug abuse and sexual perversion. That's what “personal freedom” is about, to wrong-wing degenerates.
Boom! Blaylock ends the entire "fight" with a knockout blow that sends liberals sprawling to the matt.
Classical liberals are essentially todays [sic] libertarians. Liberal stems from the word liberate, in other words, freedom. Modern liberals like personal freedom, but not free markets. In that sense, their use of liberal is a misnomer.
Conservatives believe in free markets, but tend to oppose personal freedoms such as homosexuality and drug use.
hope that helps

It's rather telling that the two prominent examples you bring up of “personal freedom” are drug abuse and immoral sexual perversion. Nothing about the right to control one's own property, or the right to keep and bear arms,or the right to express beliefs that others find disagreeable. Nothing about any genuine, important personal freedoms, including any of those explicitly affirmed in the Bill of Rights.

Drug abuse and sexual perversion. That's what “personal freedom” is about, to wrong-wing degenerates.
Boom! Blaylock ends the entire "fight" with a knockout blow that sends liberals sprawling to the matt.
Blaylock drew a collective yawn
Classical liberals are essentially todays [sic] libertarians. Liberal stems from the word liberate, in other words, freedom. Modern liberals like personal freedom, but not free markets. In that sense, their use of liberal is a misnomer.
Conservatives believe in free markets, but tend to oppose personal freedoms such as homosexuality and drug use.
hope that helps

It's rather telling that the two prominent examples you bring up of “personal freedom” are drug abuse and immoral sexual perversion. Nothing about the right to control one's own property, or the right to keep and bear arms,or the right to express beliefs that others find disagreeable. Nothing about any genuine, important personal freedoms, including any of those explicitly affirmed in the Bill of Rights.

Drug abuse and sexual perversion. That's what “personal freedom” is about, to wrong-wing degenerates.
Boom! Blaylock ends the entire "fight" with a knockout blow that sends liberals sprawling to the matt.
Wake up Dorothy you're having that dream again!
Highest corporate tax rates in the bullshit

They pay around 13%

Less than I pay

It is bizarre how you attempt to deny reality over and over (as if your denial of it stops it from being real).

It is well known that the United States has the highest corporate income tax rate among the 34 industrialized nations of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

  • The United States has the third highest general top marginal corporate income tax rate in the world at 39 percent, which is the same as Puerto Rico and is exceeded only by Chad and the United Arab Emirates.
Corporate Income Tax Rates around the World, 2015

The U.S. federal government is bringing in more money in taxes than ever before.

U.S. tax revenues at record high. Who's paying?
Wealthy liberals are willing to raise their own tax rates
Wealthy conservatives want to cut benefits to the poor

Why is that a problem? All of you caring, bleeding-heart liberals will form foundations to make sure the poor have everything they need. So what are you crying about? We could (and should) completely cut all "benefits" (which are 100% unconstitutional) to the poor and they would all be taken care of by you selfless and altruistic liberals. So again I ask - what is the problem? And don't come back with some snarky nonsensical response. Articulate the problem. I don't see one because you liberals are there to save the day.

Mmmmm....rightwinger you are conspicuously quiet over there. Can we assume your silence means you acquiesce?
Highest corporate tax rates in the bullshit

They pay around 13%

Less than I pay

It is bizarre how you attempt to deny reality over and over (as if your denial of it stops it from being real).

It is well known that the United States has the highest corporate income tax rate among the 34 industrialized nations of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

    • The United States has the third highest general top marginal corporate income tax rate in the world at 39 percent, which is the same as Puerto Rico and is exceeded only by Chad and the United Arab Emirates.
Corporate Income Tax Rates around the World, 2015

The U.S. federal government is bringing in more money in taxes than ever before.

U.S. tax revenues at record high. Who's paying?
Somehow you are deceiving people
Is it intentional or just stupidity on your part?

We have a 39% statutory rate....that is before you take your deductions
After corporate deductions the EFFECTIVE tax rate is around 13%
Among the lowest rates in industrialized nations
Wealthy liberals are willing to raise their own tax rates
Wealthy conservatives want to cut benefits to the poor

Why is that a problem? All of you caring, bleeding-heart liberals will form foundations to make sure the poor have everything they need. So what are you crying about? We could (and should) completely cut all "benefits" (which are 100% unconstitutional) to the poor and they would all be taken care of by you selfless and altruistic liberals. So again I ask - what is the problem? And don't come back with some snarky nonsensical response. Articulate the problem. I don't see one because you liberals are there to save the day.

Mmmmm....rightwinger you are conspicuously quiet over there. Can we assume your silence means you acquiesce?[/QUOTE]
That wouldn't be the first or last false assumption you've made today.
How can I deny something that doesn't exist?

Psalms 53:1
A work of fiction doesn't prove another fiction to be fact.
And in Daws infinite arrogance, he can of course, prove that this is fiction. I mean, we have a slew of documentation and witnesses that can support the existence of God. I would love to see her provide even one single shred of evidence that He doesn't exist.

Daws can't. But his ego doesn't let facts get in the way of her arrogance.
How can I deny something that doesn't exist?

Psalms 53:1
A work of fiction doesn't prove another fiction to be fact.
And in Daws infinite arrogance, he can of course, prove that this is fiction. I mean, we have a slew of documentation and witnesses that can support the existence of God. I would love to provide even one single shred of evidence that He doesn't exist.

Daws can't. But his ego doesn't let facts get in the way of his arrogance.
a slew of un corroboratetable second or third hand accounts complied is some cases hundreds of years after the fact.
Eye witness testimony is invalid when there is no emperical
Definition of EMPIRICAL
Evidence to support it.
The only arrogance being displayed here is yours.

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