How EVIL is liberalism anyway?

None of those were great generals/admirals. Eisenhower and Bradley were mostly politicians. As for Nimitz, It's easy to beat the Japanese fleet when you outnumber them 20 to 1.

Most historians agree with my POV. They are a lot more learned than you....

Most historians are just gas bags full of hot air.

People who understand war and the military know that Patton was a much better general than those to ass-kissing politicians Eisenhower and Bradley.

German generals thought Patton was America's best general, and the German army and its leadership was the best in the world at the time, by far.
funny.... there's no such thing as satan.

and if there is, he loves pretend christians with their butt backward pretend morality.

Wait....what? Did you really just say there is no such thing as satan?:booze:

yes. because there isn't.
Just so you know - God vehemently disagrees with you on this one. It's hard to cast out something that doesn't exist. :eusa_eh:

not according to jews. you know that, right?
None of those were great generals/admirals. Eisenhower and Bradley were mostly politicians. As for Nimitz, It's easy to beat the Japanese fleet when you outnumber them 20 to 1.

Most historians agree with my POV. They are a lot more learned than you....

This site says Patton was the best, but it's wrong. Most of the German generals were far better than Patton. They were far more experienced, for one thing.

Here is what Yahoo says on the matter:

[who was the best U.S. General during WW II]​

Best Answer:Without a doubt it was Patton. Eisenhower was a politician and planner, not a combat leader or strategist, Bradley was good, but plodding and relied on massive firepower before he would commit troops. Marshall was army chief of staff and really a strategic planner. MacArthur was definitely a leader, very brave, but he enjoyed a tremendous military power advantage over the Japanese.

Patton was aggressive, intelligent, and led by example. He almost single handledly forced the army to adopt the tank as a weapon. He actually paid for the army's first tank out of his own pocket, and when army officer's were afraid to drive the tank, his own wife Bea drove the tank in her dress!
Just so you know - God vehemently disagrees with you on this one. It's hard to cast out something that doesn't exist. :eusa_eh:

How can a being that is a figment of peoples' imaginations disagree with anything?
Ah yes....another smug liberal who believes he is the ultimate authority in the universe. Nothing could possibly be above Dr. Grump.

Well hey....good luck with that. Let me know how it works out for you. Oh wait - where you're going we most certainly will not be able to speak. Well, at least you made a good trade. A giant ego...which....gets you nothing in this life eternity of suffering. Yikes. Hope that ego was worth it.
funny.... there's no such thing as satan.

and if there is, he loves pretend christians with their butt backward pretend morality.

Wait....what? Did you really just say there is no such thing as satan?:booze:

yes. because there isn't.
Just so you know - God vehemently disagrees with you on this one. It's hard to cast out something that doesn't exist. :eusa_eh:

not according to jews. you know that, right?
Actually - no. And so I immediately went and looked it up and this site disagrees with you (not to say it's accurate as I have no idea - but it was the first thing I found). It mentions Satan over and over...

Does Judaism Believe in Satan?
funny.... there's no such thing as satan.

and if there is, he loves pretend christians with their butt backward pretend morality.
Wait....what? Did you really just say there is no such thing as satan?:booze:

yes. because there isn't.
Just so you know - God vehemently disagrees with you on this one. It's hard to cast out something that doesn't exist. :eusa_eh:

not according to jews. you know that, right?
Just curious - how does a Jew become a liberal? I mean, for one, if there is any group of people who should be terrified of handing power over to a dictator or oligarchy, it's Jews. And yet liberalism is the desire to usurp the U.S. Constitution and hand over power to a president. Secondly, the idiot liberals all over this country viciously attack the Jewish faith in support of Palestinian terrorists. How in the world do you reconcile that?!?

You are a paradox in every way...
Ah yes....another smug liberal who believes he is the ultimate authority in the universe. Nothing could possibly be above Dr. Grump.

Well hey....good luck with that. Let me know how it works out for you. Oh wait - where you're going we most certainly will not be able to speak. Well, at least you made a good trade. A giant ego...which....gets you nothing in this life eternity of suffering. Yikes. Hope that ego was worth it.

On the contrary. I wouldn't dream of calling myself the ultimate authority on anything - well except for the EPL maybe. Unlike the being at the core of the superstitious nonsense you espouse..
"How EVIL is liberalism anyway?"

Well it must be pretty evil because America voted for Obama which is confusing because how could that be? If America is the best country on the planet how could the evil liberals take over like that? It's a good thing a handful of Christian Fascists brought the gubmint to a screeching halt against the wishes of the evil lib majority.

Thank GAAAAWWWD! for the conservatives.

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